F< - Oregon State Universityippc2.orst.edu/coopl/sched3/clncombined/1981-04-24...1981/04/24  ·...

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Transcript of F< - Oregon State Universityippc2.orst.edu/coopl/sched3/clncombined/1981-04-24...1981/04/24  ·...


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Music Rtaying DowntownDowntown \azzlCabaret

ABING DO N SQUARE! »77 Hudaon St., tfS-nS8. HiuUc from 10pm. Apr 15*11: Junior M ince, Marty R iven . Apr H : Nina Sheldon. Apr 23*9: Dave FVIaliberg. Apr 20; Sue M iakafais* Apr » M « y 2} Mike .

A NG RY S q U n tE i SIS Seventh Ave, So., S4M0SS, Music from 10pm. Apr 17*U: Danny MUon Trio. Apr I f 2S; Barry Harris.

B O TTO M U N E t »W .4U iS t,22S * SSOO. Shows at 8:30 & U:30pm. Apr 17*18: Genya Ravan, Otto and George. Apr 20-21; Billy Cobham's Glass Menagerie. Apr 23: J. J.Cale, Big Sky Mndflaps. Apr’ 25: Joola Holland and hla MUUonalrea. Apr 30: H any Jamel and hlsSfflngln'Band.

B R A D LE Y 'S :‘70 University P I., 225S440. Music train 0:45pm. Apr IS­IS: Fred Hersch, Buster Williams. Apr 20-25: Rufus Reid, K irk Uchtaey.

COOKERY: 21 University P1.,S74- 4450. Singer La Elliott. Shows Tues- Thura, Son at 0 A 11pm, F r I, Sst at 8:30.10:30 and 12;lSpm.

DUPLEX: 55 Grove St., 2555438. Shows weeknlghts at 8 ft 10pm, w kndi a t 8 ft 11pm. Apr 15: Samantha Samuels, M a r t Katz. Apr 10-17: Samantha Samnels. Apr 18 f t 25: Semina de Laurentla, Karen Maaoa w /Edan Lasser. Apr 20ft 27: Holly Woodlawn, Pascal Bourrier. Apr 21 ft 18: BeUeO Jeate, Herb ft Potato. Apr 22 f t 20: DebUe Lesser, Mark Katz. Apr 23 ft 30: Nancy La M ott, Rochelle Seldln. Apr 24: Marlon G allo , Karen Mason w/Brlan Lasaer. Apr 28: Teri Lynn Paul.

EAR INN: 328 Spring SL, 2284060. Music Sundays a t 2pm. Apr 10: Nancy Chuaid, Tim Ruscoe, Daniel Chasid. Apr 28: Mike Kolodny-Davld DsonTrio.

FAT TUESDAYS: 17th S t ft lU r d Ave., 533-7902. Shows weeknlghts at 8:30 ft 11:30pm. wknds at 8:30,11:30

NEW YO RK L IG H T O PERA; Jacques Offent»cb’s "The Cat Who Turned Into a Woman," and "Hooray for Herbert," based on the songs of Victor Herbert. Thru Msy 3, Courtyard Pla)d)0UBe, 30 Grove St., 801-1830.

GRACE CHURCH CHORAL SO CIETY: F ran k Cedric Smith, cond. Bach's St. Msttbew Passion. F rl Apr 17, 8pm, Grace Church B d w a y ftE .lO th a ,254-2000.

RHYS CHATHAM : Original music for electric guitars. F rl Apr 17,8;3(pfn, The Kitchen, 484 Broome 8t.,825-M15.

EDGARD V a r e s e t r i b u t e : Works of Val-eae performed by Ordwstri of Our Time, Joel Thome, cond. F r l Apr 17, 8pm, The PaUadlum, 14 St. bet. 3rd and 4th Avei. 140-6870.

VISTAR: North Indian classical music. Sat Apr 18,6pm, Alternative Museum, 17 White S t., 068*4444.

vntGlNU M . SCHULZE: Works

ft 1:18, Thru A iv 10; Art Pepper. Apr 21-26: Steve Kuhn Quartet Apr 38- H ay 3: Chet Baker.

14 C H R ISTO PH ER : 14Christopher S t., 820-0504. Music from 8:30pin-. Thunday«,'Frldain: Danny Apolllnalr. Tuesdays, Wednesday and Satunlsys; Hickey Havana. . ' t*

H A L FR E E D M A N Q U IN T E T : Wed Apr 15. |pm , LoebStudent C tr, 660 U G uardla PI., 5052027.

GREENE SPACE: 108 Greene St., 025*3775. Shows Saturdays at 8 ft 0:30pm, Sundays at 4:30 ft 8pm. Apr 18: Arthur Bbames. Apr 25: Heiuy Threadglll. Sundays: Apei.

G R E E N E STREET; 101 Greene SL, 025-2415. Shows at 11 ft 12:30pm. Apr 18*10; Raw Sugar. Apr 2M 2; Susannah HcCorkle. Apr 23*25: H arry W hlU ker w /M arllyn Redfield. Apr2520: Joey Lee Wilson ft Joy of Jazz. Sundays: Jorge Dalto w /tbe B razilian Magic Band. Mondays: Bob Cunningham and Brois Townsend.

JAZZ G A L1£R Y: 55 W. 10th St., 0244025. Apr 24, 8 ft 10pm: EUen Seeling/Jean FIneberg Quintet.

K N IC K ER B O C K ER : 8tb St. ft Uolveralty PL, 228-8408. F m n 10pm,

DAVm LOPATO QUINTET: Thes Apr 21, 8pm, N Y U Loeb Student Center. 868 LMIuardla PI., 506-2027.

MOSTLY MAGIC:’ 65 Carmine St., 024rl472. Shows Friday at 0:20pm, Saturday at.O ft ll:S0pm. Thru Apr 25: Peter Maloney. Apr 24: Slydlnl. Apr36.^TonyKardyro.

NEW JAZZ AT TH E PU B LIC : Public T h u tre , 425 Lafayette St., 508-7150. Apr 17: Amina Claudlne

OTHER END: 140 Bleecker St.. 875-7030, ^o w s at 8pm ft midnight, i'uw 15-18: David Frleaen and John StoweT, Margaret Taylor, Apr 17-18: w m ie Dlzon. A p r' 24-25: Jim Dawson, Christine Lavln.


Downtown Folk/Rock

TIM Dtad KtiMBihrt eoiM tp Irvififl M u s April 11-21

Apr 24, 8pm7 N YU 'Loeb Student 18: Hoy Boy and the Doys. Apr 2^23;Ckntet, 886 LaOuardla PL, 685-2027. J. B. Hutto ft the New Hawks. Apr

SEVENTH AVENUE SOUTH: 21 24*25: E arl K ing. Apr 28: ArlanSeventh Ave>So., 2416884. Sbowa . Roth^ Htmdays!. Sock Hop. Tues* w e e k n lg h U 'i t ' lO f t 'i l ; 3 0 p m ,iM a lra tis It ftA mnyl .1«m ' -Atiwt *woeknidfe at 18|Tli30 and lam : Apr 15-I0: Aatjnid &Uberlo, Apr.* 20; B r6 e lu i‘ B roA w ri Band. A p r i l : Denny Horouse. Apr 22: Robert Kraft Duo. Apr 2128: John Trapea/ David Splnozu Band. Apr 30: Sybil

STAR ft GARTER: 106 W. U tbSt., 2425188. Thru Apr 18: Teddy Wilson and M ajor BoUey. Apr 10-21: Johnny "Blue Boy" Perry. Apr 2125: PblUy Joe Jones QuirteL

SW EET BASIL: 88 Seventh Ave. So., 2411785. Moslc from 10]^ . Tlini Apr 18: B ennyC irter Apr 21-25: Ral mndlng: Apr 8Bftlsy 2; Ray foyant

TRAMPS: 125E.15th8t.,777-60n. Shows at 8:30 ft 11:30pm. Apr 15-18; Luther Allison. Apr 17-18: Eddie "Blg-Town Ptayboy" Taylor. Apr

dftyl; QplownHonn Jam.„ TdX A (U ^ VANGUARD: ll lh St.

ft Syvtntb Ave. So., 255-4037. Shows at 1:30,11:86, ft Jam. Thru Apr 10: HUnols Jacquet Quintet w/Slam Stewart Apr 11-28: Mel Lewis Jazz Orchestra, Apr 28-May 3: Dannie Richmond Quartet. Mondays: Mel Lewis Jazz Orchestra.

WEST BOONDOCKS: 17th St. ft Tenth Ave., 028-0345. Music from 8pm. Thursdays*Sundaya: Sadlk H a k im . Hondays-W ednesdsys: Hank Johnson.

WPAc 152 Spring S t., 226*3444. Music from 8pm. Tuesdays-Thurs- days: Andrew Tuck. Fridays, Saturdays: Judy Steele. Saturdays at noon: Hike Davis.

Downtown Classicsfor flute jy k eg er, K reutzer, Relnecke, Berio, Bach and Villa- Lobos. Hon Apr 20, 8pm, NYU University Theatre, 35 W. 4 St., 505-

N Y U C O N T E M P O R A R Y p L a YERS: Tue Apr 21,8pm, NYU University Theatre, S3 W. 4 St., 506- 3401.

M E E T E L L IO T T CARTER: Perfom unces by Ursula Oppens, Fred Sherry and Jan Williams, with commentary by the composer; plus the premiere of a film on Carter by Donn Pennebaker. Tue Apr 21,8pm, Composers' Forum, Cooper Union Great Hall, 41 Cooper Sq. 8725T84.

LOIS M A R T IN a id LOUIS K A R C H IN i W o r^ fqr ylola and piano, by Vaughan Williams, Rach, Drataua, and Karchln. Tue Apr 21, ipm, NYU Rm. 220,22 Waverly PI.

V IL U G E c h a m b e r ORCHES- TRAr Robert Grehan, cond. Tribute to the late Samuel D arter, featuring works by Barber, Bach and Hosart.

Wed Apr 22. ipm , St. John's In the JJUige, Wavely P I. ft W. l l St., 254*

DONALD PERONE: Plsno works by Beethoven, Chopin and others. Thu Apr 2 3 ,6pm, NYU University Theatre, 55 W. 4 St., 5054401.

T H E SAL-M AR CONSTRUC­TION: The world's first composing m achine, built by Salvatore H artlran o . Thu Apr 23, 8pm, Composers' Forum, Cooper Union, Cheat r ia ll, 41 Cooper Sq. 673-8704.

SYLVAN WIND QUINTET; With harpist Rachel van Voortees. Works 1^ Cambinl, JoUyet, Wilder. Carter and R avel. F r l Apr 24, 8pm, St. Joseph's Church, 871 SUth Ave. 741« 1274.

RICHARD T D Y T H A U t Original piano works. F r i Apr 24. 8pm, Cooper Union Great Hall, 41 Cooper 8 i 254 « 0 0 .

TANA DAWDENt Plano works by H oiart, Chopin and lis it . F r i Apr 24,8pm, TU rd Street Music School

Z E V FE LD M A N ft JOHN VARTAN: Folk music of Armenia and Azerbajlsn. Sat Apr 25, 8pm, Alternative Museum, 17 White St.,

VERNON K R O E N IN G CON­CERTS: Performances by Western Wind, New York Baroque Ensemble, and Badinage. Sst Apr 25, 8pm, St, Joseph's Church, 371 SlzthAve.,74M274.

GORDON GOrTLIED: Recent music for percuMon and ensemble. Hon Apr 27, Ipm, TU rd Street Music School Settlement, 233 E . 11 St.. 777- 2240.

TWO COMPOSERS: Music by W a lte r ' DoudLeau and Bruce MacComble. Tua Apr 28,, 8pm, Oompoaers' Forum, Cooper Union Great Hall, 41 Cooper 8q.87587M.

JOSEPH PO R R ELLO t Tenor, Songs by S carla tti, Respighi, Argento, Schubert and Poulenc. Tue Apr 28, 8pm, Church of the Aacenslon,12WllSt.

A N N IE O A K LE Y 'S : 275 F irs t 1 Ave., 8744429. Music from 9:30pm. i v . Apr 17*18; TafMtartley Act. Apr 24;

lig h tn ln ' H a rry -Dee. Apr 25: ' Jumbo String Bond, k BACK FENCE; 165 Bleecker St., I ' 475-9221. Mdslc from 8;30pm. Apr• 15; E a ^ Money, Dob Horan. Apr 18:^ ' SG8, Brad Donovan. Apr 17: Zorkl ft I Dnice, Easy Honey. Apr 18: Gent ft

Weiss, James Ttagls, SGS. Apr 10: Easy Honey, Arabesque. Apr 20 ft

. 21;DobHoran,SherTyftCo.Apr22: Eaay Hohey, James Tragis. Apr 23!

I SOS, James Tragis. Apr 24: Zorkl ft - Bruce, Easy Honey. Apr 25; SGS,

Gent ft Weiss. Apr 26: Easy Money, [ . James Tragis. Apr 27 ft 28: Bob

Horan, Sherry ft Co. Apr 29; Easy I Money. Apr 30: SGS, Brad Donovan.

BANANA STAND: 148 Bleecker St., 673-0468. Shows at 0:30 ft 11:30pm. Apr 15: HlUel Dolgenas, Roes Levinson, Kyoto Fujlwara. Apr 16: Adams ft McDowell. Apr 17-18: Long Toe, Dee Archer. Apr 20; Luciano Sabba. Apr 21-22; Wallin' Dave Robinson. Apr 23: Carol Wardaefa. Apr 24-25: Loog Toe, John Katz. ^ 27-28: Ray Lamblase. Apr 29: H illri Dolgenas. Roes Levinson, Kyoto Fujlw ara. Apr 50: Luciano Sabba.

CBGBi 313 Bowery. 082-4052. Music from 10:30pm. Apr 13; Realpolltlk, adneae Puzzle. Apr 18; Swollen Monkeys, The Heat. Aor 17; Jo HarshaU, Flicks, XYZ. Apr 16; D NA, XYZ. Arthur Monroe Zone. Apr 21: E ztrem es, James Allen Band, Media. Apr 22; Afrajd of the Dark, Abstracts, Berries. Apr 23: High Roller, Aadican Cats, Articles. Apr 24: Passions, Ashcan Cats. Howie And the Mutants. Apr 23; Deadline, People Falling. Apr 26; On The Run, Film. Apr 20: Von Trigger, NIkko Toy, Craig Devan. Apr 30; Junior Blrdmen, Worken.Chuuiel

COPY'S: lSthStftSlzthAve.,820- 0377. Music from 10pm. Apr 15; Horae Opera. Apr 18: Crals Chambers and the RloGrandeBand. Apr 17-18: Desperate Hen, Apr 10: Black Water. Apr 2D; Blue ^ r k s from Hell. Apr 21-22: Steve Warlner. Apr 23-23: Cimarron. Apr 28; Black Water. >^r 27: Outriders. Apr 2520; Big Sky Hudflaps, Apr 30: Craig Chambers and the Rio Grande Band.

DAN LYNCH: 221 Second Ave., 473-8807. Music from 0:30pm. Apr 15: Eddie K irkland 's Rhythm Section. Apr 18: Marty Flhk and the D ally Blues. Apr 17: Relentless Blues Band. Apr 18: Brooklyn Slim. Apr 20: W allin ' Dave and the Checkers. Apr 21: Uttle Hike. Apr 22: Uncle Boogie and theBooglemen. Apr 23: Robert Ross Band. 24: Holmes Drotbers. Apr25: Elelentless Blues Band. Apr 27:

J Bobby RadcUffe and the Hame- Wreckers. Apr 88: Jonathan Kalb Band. Apr 20: Relentless Blues

- Band. Apr 38: Blue Apple Band. E A G IE T A V E R N : 353W.14thSt.,

8250273. Music from 8:13pm. Apr 13: The Battlefield Band, The Derby R am . Apr 18: Provlncetown Jug Band, 18: Yankee Rebels. Apr 22: Spring Folk Festival w /lia m Og O Tlynn, Dave Sufman, The Derby

Ram. Apr 23; Changing Lanes. Apr. 23: A n ^ Statm an ft Very Good Company. Apr 20: X'Seamen's liutl* tute. Apr 30: F ly By Night String Band. I

FOLK C ITY t 130 W. 3rd St., 254- 8440. Shows at 0;30 ft 11:30pm. Apr 18: Stanlees. Apr 17: M ary HcCaslln, J im R inger. Apr 16: Robert Ross Blues Band, Teeu Beats. Apr 24: Townes van Zandt. Apr 25: Judy Gorman-Jacobs, Reverend K irkp a trick . Apr 28; Robin Flower, Nancy Vogl.

IR V IN G PLAZA: 17 Irv ing PI., 0654863. Music from IQpm. Apr 16: The Drains. Apr 24-25; The Dead Kennedys.

KEN N Y'S CASTAWAYS: 157 Bleecker S t., 473-0870. Shows at 0;3Clpm ft midnight. Apr 16: Eliot Simon. Apr 17: Double Dynamite, E lio t Simon. Apr 18; Double Dynamite, P atty Smythe and the Burglars. A pr 10: Conley-Story Band. Apr 21; ZRS, Cormac McCarthy. Apr 22; Blue Sparks From Hell. Apr 24-25: Dan Daley, Rhythm Method. Apr 2520: Paul Slebel. Apr 30; Dee Archer, The Smithereens..

LONE STAR CAFE; 81 Fifth Ave., 2451664. Shows at 0 ft 11:30pm. Apr 1516: Michael Murphy. Apr 17*16: Snuff, Cammle Harper. Apr 10; Kinky Friedm an. Apr 2521: Comnuinder Cody. Apr 22: Jonathan Edwards. A pr 23: Bellam yDrottKrs. Apr 24-23; R.D. 1, Inside Straight. Apr 26: Kinky Friedman. Apr 27: Papa John Q'each. Apr 28: Kate Alez ft Hugh Taylor, The SklnUgUs. Apr 20: Buddy Miles. Apr 30: Orleans.

M A T S KANSAS d T Y : 213 Park Ave. So., 777-7870, Music from 11pm. Apr 15: 4 /4 , U sa and the Lost, Karnlval. Apr 18; Outsets, Black *n' Blue, Necktie P arty . Apr 17; Senders, Offs, Vectors. Apr 18; Lenny Kaye, Ozone, Kleran Uscoe and the Attitude. Apr 10: BHTs, Brooklyn S lim . Apr 20; Heros, Delancey Sfreet Hswallans, Knots, ^ r 21; Cheap Perfume, Dlfferents, Groceries. Apr 22:.Buzz and the Filers, Zantees, Eddie Dlzon. Apr 23: Lost Patr\d, John King and the Cats, Zaln Grey. Apr 24: Stimulators, Nasty Facts, False Prophets, Apr 25: Von Lmo, Science, The Heat. Apr 28; BHTs, Chasers. Apr 27: Wayz, Tribe, The Feel. Apr 28: Troupe D i Coupe, SUeitt T y p a , Tot Rocket and the Twins. Apr 20; Delphoblcs, Pencils, Guitar Avenger Band. Apt 30: Jlml LaLumla and the Psychotic Frogs, Superior Beings, Mode IQ.

R ITZ: n o E . l ltb St., 2258688. Music from 11pm. Apr 15; Parlla- ment/Funkadelftl. Apr 18: Robert E llis Aural. Apr 1^18: Classly Nouveaux, The L nft. Apr 10: Bits Bunny Hop. Apr 30: Kleran Uscoe and the Attitude. Apr 21: Startoon. Apr 2 2 :1060'a Psychedelic Night. Apr 23; Human Sexual Response, Suicide, Our Daughter's Wedding. Apr 24-25: John Cue. Apr 37; Ricky Qean and the Inner City Facelifts. Apr 20; R ichard H ell. Apr 30; GarlandJeffriea.



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