Extraordinary minister of holy communion instruction 2011

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Transcript of Extraordinary minister of holy communion instruction 2011

Extraordinary MinisterFor Holy Communion


St. Joseph Catholic ChurchConway Springs, Kansas

What is a Eucharistic Minister?•1973, diocesan bishops were authorized to commission Catholic laity to distribute communion at Mass and take communion to the sick or dying.

•As a Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist -

•You serve the faith community in a way that is a great privilege and a form of humble service.

Eucharistic Ministers should:

•Be practicing confirmed Catholics that are dedicated to growing in holiness

•Set an example for the assembly at liturgy

•Be an example of Christ in the community

•Be observant of the Lord’s command to love your neighbor.  “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you” (John 15:12)

The Mystery of the Eucharist•From John 6:54-57 Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him on the last day. For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him. Just as the living Father sent me and I have life because of the Father, so also the one who feeds on me will have life because of me.

•Bread and wine become the body and blood of Christ

•Christ is fully present in both species.  Body and blood, soul and divinity.

•Handling, serving, consuming, and cleansing should be done with the respect that this is the true body and blood of Christ.

Roles of an Eucharistic Minister

    A sign of HospitalitySpeak to everyone

Introduce yourself to visitors

Look for people with special needs for communion

Finds ways to be of service to others

A sign of Faith -   God lives in you

The perfect transformation of ordinary bread and wine into the whole person of the risen Christ.

Don’t be afraid to ask questions when in doubt.

Pray before the Eucharist

A sign of Hope - We share hope

We nourish hope

We all have our crosses to carry

Make the extra effort to convey the hope and peace of Christ when you serve Communion to each individual

A sign of Charity/Love  (1st Corinthians 13:13)We are called to love as Jesus loves

Being an Eucharistic Minister is a way to love our neighbor

Love is not primarily an emotion but an act of will

You can’t love others if you don’t love yourself

Preparation to serve (some suggestions)•Take some time for quiet prayer.

•Read the scripture readings for Mass prior to Mass.

•Take time to reflect on the scripture(s)

•Be prepared to participate fully in the liturgy with the worshiping community.

•Arrive 10-15 minutes early

•If unable to serve, find a replacement or let your coordinator know

Your Appearance•Dress Properly.  This does not have to be expensive or fancy.  It simply means clothing that is neat, clean, and reasonably modest.  Preferably shirts should have collars.  Shoes are preferred over sandals.

•Observe good habits of personal hygiene including neatly trimmed and clean fingernails.

•Avoid tee shirts, particularly those with slogans, noisy jewelry, glittery nail polish, novelty ties, and anything else that could draw undo attention to yourself

Notes for Ministers of the Eucharist•Pick up one piece and hold it in the line of sight between your eyes and the person to whom you are speaking.

•Do not raise the Eucharistic bread above the two of you

•Look into the person’s eyes and in a clear, gentle, audible but not too loud a voice say, “The Body of Christ”.

•The person receiving will reply with, “Amen”.

•Either gently place the Eucharistic bread in their hand or on their tongue.

•Always smile

What if a piece of the Eucharistic bread is dropped?•Don’t panic or draw attention to the situation.

•Stop serving and pick it up.

•Either consume the host or place on the altar and continue to serve.

•If the person you are serving is responsible for dropping the Eucharist, ensure them it is okay.  Accidents do happen, serve them again.

Notes for Ministers of the Cup•Before distributing, open up your purificator.•Elevate the cup to about the chin level of the person receiving.•  Look into the person’s eyes and in a clear, gentle, audible but not too loud a voice say, “The Blood of Christ”.•The person receiving will reply with, “Amen”.•Slowly hand the cup over.  Be sure the person has hold of the cup before releasing.  Note: Children, some elderly and disabled my not be able to hold the cup and may need partial assistance.•After the person has consumed from the cup, take the cup back and wipe the area, inside and out, with a clean area of the purificator.•Turn the cup ¼ turn•Always smile

What if some of the precious blood is spilt?•Don’t panic or draw attention to the situation.

•If it is a small spill, cover it with your purificator.

•Retrieve another purificator and continue serving.

•If the person you are serving is responsible for the spill, ensure them it is okay. Accidents do happen.

•If it is a large spill, got to the sacristy and get a large towel or additional purificators to soak up the spill. 

•After Mass, the floor must be properly cleaned with water and all items used to clean the spill must be placed with the purificators to be rinsed out with the other sacred linen.

Cleansing the ciborium – The celebrant does this at St. Joseph•The remaining Eucharistic bread should be placed on the altar.

Cleansing the cup – The celebrant does this at St. Joseph • Consume the remainder of the precious blood and place communion cup on altar.

Thank You for Your Stewardship

to the ministry of

Extraordinary Minister of

Holy Communion