Extradición de Inocente Montano Morales.

Post on 21-Jul-2016

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Petición de extradición del Coronel Inocente Orlando Montano Morales.

Transcript of Extradición de Inocente Montano Morales.




*, 7 '. lr' rytJ' lDZl



I, Eric D. Goulian, being duly sworn, state on information and belief thatthe foltowing is

true and correct:

l. I am an Assistant United States Attorney in the Eastern District of Norlh Carolina. I

am acting in this matter on behalf of the United States and the Government of Spain.

2. The extradition provisions in force between the United States and Spain are found in

the 2004 U.S.-Spain Extradition Instrument between the United States of America and Spain,

signed on December 17,2004 ("the Treaty").

3. Pursuant to the Treaty, the Government of Spain has submitted a request through

diplomatic channels for the extradition of NOCENTE ORLANDO MONTANO MORALES

('MONTANO MORALES " or "the fugitive").

4. Foreign Charges. MONTANO MORALES is wanted by Spanish authorities so that

he can be prosecuted for terrorist acts involving the murder of five Spanish Jesuit priests under

Articles 174 bis and 406 of the Spanish Penal Code of 1973 (now codified at Articl es 572.1 and

139, respectively, of the Spanish Penal Code of 1995).

Article II of the Treaty defines extraditable offenses, in part, as those punishable

underthe laws of both Spain and the United States, where the term of imprisonment exceeds one

year. In Spain, terorism resulting in murder is punishable by imprisonment in excess of one


year' The corresponding United States statute for terrorism resulting in murder is found at Title

18, United States Code, Section 2332. Conviction for this offense also is punishable by a term of

imprisonment exceeding one year.

5. Foreign Arrest Warrant. A warrant for the arrest of MONTANO MoRALES was

issued in Spain on March 31,2011. This warrant, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit A-1 to

this Complaint, remains outstanding. An English translation of the warrant is attached as Exhibit


6' Facts underl)'ine foreign charges. Between 1980 anct 1991, El Salvador was engulfed

in a civil conflict between the military-led government of EI Salvador and the Farabundo Marti

National Liberation Front ("FMLN"). In the early morning hours of November 16, 19g9,

towards the end of this conflict, members of the Salvadoran military murdered six Jesuit priests

(Ignacio Ellacuria Beascoechea; Ignacio Martin-Baro; Segundo MontesMozo; Armando Lopez

Quintana; Juan Ramon Moreno; and Joaquin Lopez y Lopez),their housekeeper (Julia Elba), and

the housekeeper's 16-year-old dar-rghter (celina Mariceth Ramos) at the Universidad

Centroamericana in El Salvador' Five of the Jesuit priests were Spanish nationals; the remaining

victims were born in El Salvador.

Father Ellacuria and his brother Jesuits consistently had called for discussions between

the FMLN and the military-led government to end the strife. MONTANO MORALES, who at

the time of the murders held the rank of colonel in the Salvadoran army and also served as Vice

Minister of Defense and Public Safety, shared oversight responsibility over a government radio

station which days before the murders issued threats urging the killing of Father Ellacuria and his

fellow priests. The day before the murders, MoNTANO MoRALES participated in a series of

meetings, at the last of which one of his fellow officers, in MONTANO MORALES,s presence,

gave the order to kill Father Ellacuria and leave no witnesses. The following day, members of

the Salvadoran army executed Father Ellacuria and five other priests, their housekeeper, and the

housekeeper's daughter.

7. Request for Anest. By Diplomatic Note No. 2ll2 dated January 4, 2072, as

supplemented by Diplomatic Note 59/14 dated August2l,2014, and the Declaration of Maria

Teresa Sandoval dated March 18, 2015, Spain requested the extradition of Inocente Orlando

Montano Morales so that he can be prosecuted for the terrorist murders of Father Ignacio Martin

Baro, Father Segundo Montes Mozo, Father Armando Lopez Quintana, Father Juan Ramon

Moreno, and Father Ignacio Ellacuria Beascoechea.

8. Fugitive's presence in the United States. MONTANO MORALES is located in the

jurisdiction of this Court. He is currently an inmate at Rivers Correctional Institute in Winton,

North Carolina, in the Eastern District of North Carolina. His Register Number is 94081-038.

His scheduled release date is April 15, 2015.

9. Fugitive's description. MONTANO MORALES was born on July 4, 1943, in El

Salvador. Two photographs of MONTANO MORALES are attached to this complaint at Exhibit


10. Title 18, United States Code, Section 3184 provides:

Whenever there is a treaty or convention for extradition between the United Statesand any foreign government, or in cases arising under section 3l8l(b), any justiceor judge of the United States, or any magistrate judge authorized so to do by acourt of the United States, or any judge of a court of record of general jurisdictionof any State, may, upon complaint made under oath, charging any person foundwithin his jurisdiction, with having committed within the jurisdiction of any suchforeign government any of the crimes provided for by such treaty or convention,or provided for under section 3l8l(b), issue his warrant for the apprehension ofthe person so charged, that he may be brought before such justice, judge, ormagistrate judge, to the end that the evidence of criminality may be heard andconsidered. Such complaint may be filed before and such warrant may be issuedby a judge or magistrate judge of the United States District Court for the District

of Columbia if the whereabouts within the United States of the person charged arenot known or, if there is reason to believe the person will shortly enterthe UnitedStates. If, on such hearing, he deems the evidence sufficient to sustain the chargeunder the provisions ofthe proper treaty or convention, or under section 3l8l(b),he shall certify the same, together with a copy of all the testimony taken beforehim, to the Secretary of State, that a warrant may issue upon the requisition of theproper authorities of such foreign government, for the surrender of such person,according to the stipulations of the treaty or convention; and he shall issue hiswarrant for the commitment of the person so charged to the proper jail, there toremain until such surrender shall be made.

Accordingly, the undersigned respectfully requests pursuant to the Treaty and l8 U.S,C.

$ 3184 that a warrant be issued for the arrest of INOCENTE ORLANDO MONTANO


Sworn to and subscribed before me thisAND A WARRANT SHALL ISSUE.

day of April, 2015, at Raleigh, North Carolina,

ERIC D. GOULIANAssistant United States Attorney

JA E.GMagistrate Judge


JUZGADO 'CENTRAI, DEDCADRIDc/ GENOVA N" 2?rfno i e13973366 / 9L397OL71


lflcr 28079 27 2 2o0g 0005556


su!,rARro (PRoc.oRDrNARrO) 0000097 lzOLO


La presente orden ha sido dictada pot una autoridad judicial compotente. Solicito,la detenci6n y

entrega a las autoridades judiciales do Ia persona menciouada a continuaci6tr, a efectos' de

enjuiciamiento penal o dc ejecucidn dc una pena o de una medida dc se guridad privalivas de libertad,

prssenle orden deber{ redeclerse o trBduclrfe eo una de las lenguas oficlales del Estado


(_a) Informaci6n relativa a la identidad de la persona buscada:

Apellido(s): MONTANO MOMLDS,Norrrbre(s): INOCENTE OfuLANDO.Apellldo(s) de solterr (eIr su easo)r NO APLICABLE.

Alias (eu su caso)!Sexot trIASCULINO.Nacionalidad I SALVA DOREfrAFecha de nacimiento: 04,07.1943

el 3l lrvingSt. Aparlametto I Evetelt,

Encas<ir|econocerse:irIioma(s)quoentieltiIelapersonabuscada:espafiol'Rurgos flsioos parliculares/desoripci6n de la persona busoada: ' .

FotJgrafia e. impresiones daotilares de la persona buscada, si estSn disponibles y pubden transmltirso, o

seRas"de la persona a la que dirigirse a fin do obtenerlas o de obtener una caracterizaci6n del ADN (si

no se ha incluido tal inforrnaci6n y se dispono dp "lla

pqtu sU ttuntriti6n)

c) In{icaciones sobre Ia duracl6n de Ia pela:l, Duraci6n ri6x!ma de la pena o medida_de seguridad privativas de libertad que puede dietarse

por Ia infracci6u o ias infracciones: 30 ANOS DE PRISION. ,

2, Duraci6rr de la pena o medi(lr dc srguridad prlvatlvas de llbcrtad impucstal No APLICABLE.

Pena quc resla por cumpllrl NO APLICABLE.

porSona do quo se trat8 firc ci(ada perSOnalmente o infomtada por otros mcdlos dc la fecha y

1ci6n en rcbeld{a

b) Decisi6n sobro la que se basa la orden de detenci6nl

1. Orden do tletencl6n o resolrrcl6n judicial ejecutiva de igual l\rqrza:l. Urden do Oelencron o resoluctotr Juulutat EJssuuYa uts rE,uar LucrLA'

Tipot Auto de brcca y ctplura nacloTrul e luternacionol cbn ingreso en prlsidn de 3I de n srzo de

20112. Sdntencia rjecutiva! No APLICABLE.

Referrnclo : NO APLICABLE,

dlcho Eslarlo, o en cuolquier otra lengua sccptad! P0l tstq




. La persona de quo so tra(a no fue citada personalmente ni infonnada por otros medlos. de la fccha y lugar do la. vlsta en que.sc dict6 la

resoluoi6n on rebeldt4 p.ro Oirpon" arios-ilgui"nrrr Burantrasjurldicas iras lacnlroga a lEs autorldadesjudioioles (si talcs garanllas pueden

presOntarso anlacipadamente):

Pre clsar las garanttas jurldicas: NO APLICABLtt.'

infracci6n/infracciones. Ases irrato, terrorismo y

ieron la iufracci6n o irrfracciones,

rr y grado de parlicipaci6n en la(s) ruism-a(s) de la

persona busbada; INOCENTR ORLANDO MONTANO MORALES, db nacionalidad salvadorefla,

bo.or.t y yiceministro de Seguridad Pfblim de Ia Repriblica.de El Salvador el 16 tlo noviembre

de 19891 uno de los lideies de La Tutdoqa (asoclacirin de 20 oliciales, reconocida

intgrnaclonalmente por ser un gl'upo cerrado de militares que ocupaban todas las poslclones

n ambiciones comules, y temida pol'atrtepouer

LIP.EZQIINTANA, Juan Ram6n MoRBNo_ PAJulia BLBA RAMO$ y gglslgCii-esta, uorrna rYIAnr\-Dr n

'RAMos'ffialyadorefia), Responsable de amenazas do mugrte. contra

Igracio Ellacuria y otros jesuitas-tle Ia uc-A, emitiilas dlas antes d.,1:._:Y11^13:-l::* ]:."ffi;;fi;irt ;; it s"t"u.lor, uarlio Cuscatldn, emisora oficial en aqttellas fechas. Participa e1r

las reuniones, celebrarlas e[ d(a antes de los ssesinatos, tlond I se decide el asesiuato Ignaclo

Elacur[a, estando prescute cuando Colouel Emilio POCE da la orden al'Cot'orel Cuillermo

eiii.Oo e'ENeVlogb de asesinar al padre Ellacutla y

Naturaleza y ti inftacci6n o infraccio 6digo aplicable:

Ios tipos penal arts, l39 del cildigo 406 del c'digo

Penai espaiiol I uomento de los hec l.l" del Cddi4o

penat ipaflot de 1995 y art. 174 bis del Cdcligo. Penal espaftol de 197)3 y de crlrye!,!4tfua

hullmnliad, o detito cltn{ra el Derech-o de senles 1mt. t sl bis det Cddigo Penal espafiol de 1973) ',

I. M6rquenso las casillas corresporr<lientos si sb trata de una o varias de las infraociones siglientes

oastigadas en el Estado miembio emisor con una pena o una medida de segUridad privatiVas de

libert-ad de un m6ximo de al menos tres aiios, segfn "itdn

,Jefinidas on ol Derecho del Estado miembro


(X) pertenencia a una organizacl6n rlelictiva,(X) terrorismo,( ) trata de seres humanos,( ) explotaci6n sexual do los niflos y pornografia infantil,


i i trdhco llicito de estupefacientes ysustancias psicotr6picas,( I trifico illcito de armas, municiones y explosivos,( ) corrupciriu,i , fraud'e, inciuirlo el que afecte alos intereses financieros de las Comunidades Europeas

con arreglo al Conyenlo ae ZO ae jutio de 1995 relatlvo a la proteccirin de los intereses

financieros do las Colrtuuldades Europeas'( ) blanqueo de los productos de-[ delito'( I fatsificacl6n de moneda, incluida Ia falsificaci6n del euro'( i delitos de alta tecnotrogia, en particular delito informitico,/ \ r^r:+^- ^^-+-- ^r .-artln o-lrian*o innlnidn ct frfficn ;ticito-.rIlidbecies animales( , delitos contra el medlo ambiente, incluido el trdfico

protegidas y de especies y_variedades vegelales protegidas' ..V( -l

uyrAu " li entrada y resideucia €n situacidn ilegal, '

iXl homlcidio voluntarlo, agresidu con lesiones graves,


,1]/(X) homlcidio voluntarlo' agresiOu con lesiones graves,

( )'racismoyxenofobia,robos organizados o E mauo I

] IilTll[:i:-:ffi-"'iiff"1i"l]'"lixx]iiilh, r\1\ "N8'81$







) trdlico iltcito de bienes culturitles') cstafa,

las autigliedadcs y las obras de alte,

) ahaotaje y exlotsi6rt de fondos,j violact6n de ttercchos rle propicdad industllal y falsifrcaci6n de nercanclas,

i fahincaci6n de documentos administrativos y tr6fico de documeutos falsos,

) falsilicai trilico i onales y otros factores de crecimiento'

) trAfico i clivos osustancias nucleares, .

) trdfico de vehlculos robados,

) violaci6n,) incendio volunlario,

tlelitos incluidos en Ia jurisdiccidn de la Corte Penal Intetnacional,

) secuestrode aeronaves Y buques,

) sabotaje.

II. Dcscrlpci6n detallada de Ia iufracci6n o infracclones distiEta(s) ds tas enumeradas er el punto


delltos de terro snto, sl hnbieren carcndo h riuefle de ,orgM!!!g:

(N.8.: Pueden incluilse observaciones sobre exratenitorialidad, suspenqi6n de plazos de prescripci6n

de limitaci6l t€mporal y otras consecuenoias do la infiacci6n)Este tino de rlelitos. seclin el art. 131 C6digo Peuat espaiol no prescribeu " (. .,) Los delilos de

Lesa hinrcnldady tle g-enoctdlo(,'.) io Preicribirdn en nhryin coso, Taupoco prescriblrdn los

f) Otras cirounstancias rolacionadas con el caso (infonnaci6n facultativa):

g) La plesente Orden so refiero igttrltnento a la lntervetrci6n y ntrega de los obiotos que puedan

servir de pfueba.

La presento Orden sc refiere igualmento a Ia intewenci6n y enhoga de objetos en poder de la persona

buscada dri resultas do la infracci6n:

Descripci6n y localizaci6n de los obietos (en caso de conocerce):

h) tn inlraccidn o infraoriones por ls,(3) quc sc hs cmi(ido la Pros.nl otded €Json punihl.G)40(n) dado lugar i una Pent o medida dc

seguridsd privaliv.tde libertrd de aardct€I Pe+ctuo; NOAPLICABI,E.

- El ordenlnl€nto ,urldlco dct Ertsdo mlembro emlsor dislone r.vlsar l, pen! Inpuarla, preYla PDlicl6n o cuan(o hayrr

treoscurrido rl !no! 20anir, o cfector tle oo elccucidn dcla panao medidr'

- El ordellemlcnto lurtdlco de: Eshdo nlcmbro emhor dhpone spllcar les m€didas de clemench s que li.nc d€recho h !truonc en

o pr,tblica dtl E3tsdo mlenbro emlsor, r .fcclor de flosj.cucldndcla Pens o mcdlda-

i) Autoridad jud icial etnisora de la presente Orden:

Derrornlnaci6n oficialz rtugado Central de lhs*ucci,n n" 6, Audicncia Nacionat,' Madrtd (Espaia) '

No.bro do ,, *"pre*entanie !: EL?Y YELASC) NUNET


>cci6m C/ Garcia Gutldffez n" l, Madfid (EsPafia)

auioi, inr"nio o" oals) (plefrjo de ciudadi (...): (34) (9- t) 3 973366.v (34)

;; i;;: i;;;iil; d;;;rr'; iiretio ae ciuoa aii..i ioi) (ci) ttos$t ' llD electr6nicoide Ia Dersona de cotrtacto Para los


I S! inchri16, en l0s difcrentts vtr3lonca lingttstlcI e' unr re[€rencls n1(tllrlrt) dt la autorldrd Judlclal'









hTA-DRIDTtl.; g4 st 392 gg 66 I 9l tgt Ot ttX'axi 34 91 910 SS 8l



This wanant has been issued by a co rity. I.rcquest that theperson. mentionsd below be artestconducring r;;1"^t ;rosecution or for the purposes oforder,

/.vvvvsrv' vr gentonce or detention

I rhio *'tant must be wltton Jn, qr translatod into, one oftha officia] languegos of the exocrrtingMcdbor stato, whan that Stat6 i5 Lnow,r, *;t;Iil1. h"guog" a.o"prcd by that State.



Distiuotive marks/description of the requested person: . . ,

:."."..".'." .." ""', r " "'

Photo and fingerprints of tho requested pe$on, if they arg available and cau be

transmitted, or contact dotalls of ths ffrsotr to bc contactcd in order to obtaln suchinformatlon or a DNA profilc (where this evidence oan be supplied but has not

.bees [nq1u4.6;


(a) Iuformation regarding the ldorrtity qf the rcquested pereon:


Maiden fiime, where spplicable: NOT AIPLICABLE

Aliases, rvhere appiicnble:


Nationalityr SALYADQRIAN

Date of birth: 1943,07,04

Plaoe of birth: San Yiconte, EL SALVADOR

Rcsidence and/or known address: 31 lrring St Apartmont I EvcrcttlM*swchusspts 02149-4898 USA

Language(s) which tlte requcsted porsotr understands (if known): SPAMSH. . , . .


2. Enforceable judgeroent: NQT APPLICABLE. . . . . . .


(c) Indications or the leogth oith.Git'ilr

l, Maximum length of ttre custodiar sen,etrc' or detesfies order wrrrch may beimposed for the offence(s):

l;*:r*f,fjhe.cusUodial senrencs or derpntion order imposed:

Rernaining sen,tence to bo served:NOTAPPLICABLE.

(d) Decision rendered in absentia andt

Speciil the legal guarantces




Refetencer NOT Ap

e) Offences:

wamant relates to in total: offences.

of the circumstances in whioh ttrc offence(s) wa.s (wor6) committerl,uding the tfune, place snd degreo of participation in the.offence (s) by the

November 16rr, 1989, the Salvadorian cltlzen INOCENTE ORLANDOANO MQRALES, Colonsl and Deputy Minister of Publio Seaurity of the

of El Salvador, plottcd the MURDER oftlre Central Amorican Unlyerslty (r,

Iguacio BLLACURIA BEASCOECHEA, Ignacio MAR$egundo MOIITES MOZO, Amando L'PEZ QUINTANA, [rrs RarMORENO PARDOI of lhe Salvsdorlrn nritst Joaquin t-bpez y LdfEZ,

Julia ELBA RAMOS and lhe deusbter of this woruan,RTCET}I RAMOS

MONTANO MORALBS, oua of ths ofLaTassociation of 20 trfficers irrtomationally known a.s a closed group of mili

who occupicd all key poslc of the Salvadorian anny and govcrnmcnt ,

ambitions that insplted feu by putting their interests and thois ofmsmbers beibre tle interests of the govommont or the own mlliury instirution)

ble for denth tt-reats" against lgnaclo Ellacur{r sud other Jesuit priests

UCA, lssucd days before the murrders from Radio Cuscatldn, theion of Bl Salvgdor at that tlme. He participated in the nreetlngB,, held the

dte murders, whore lt was decided thc mwdel of Ignacio Ellacurla, boingpresent when Colonel Emilio POCE ordered Colonel Guillermo AlfredoBENAVIDES to kill Ignacio Ellacuria and make sue to leavo no wlrnesses,

anil legal classification of the offence(s) and the applicabl+provlsion/codo: The oft'ences listed in tho ptevlous paragraph

icle 139 of Sre $paulsh Psnal Codc of 1995 and Artiole 406 of thenish Penal Codo of 1973, in force when tho facts occuncd)

Tcrrorlsm. (Articlc 512.1.10 of the Spanish Penal Code of 1995 and ArLicle l?4ofthe Spanish Penal Code of 1973).

hu 137 bisSparrish Penal Code of 1973).,



.9 :.:1r1ut exploitstion of chiidrsn and child pornography;

9 il]irit trafficking in aariotic drugs and pry.frofr"pi" .rUrt*."r;0 illicit traflicking in weapons. *uuition, and explosives;0 cormpflon;0 fraud' including that affecting rhe fr::anciar. interests of the EuropeanCommunitigs within thc meanine-of the Couventinn of )O iify ippi on rheptotectiorr of Ewope*n Cornmunitics' finaucial irtersstsi0 laundering ofthe proceeds of crime;0 counlerfeitlng of currercy, incJrrding tho ewo;0 computer-relafed orirne;

0 organised or armed robberyi0 illicit eafficking in oulturat goods, including antlquqs and works of arr;0 swindling;0 raoketoering and extottlonl

L If applicablc, tick one or more of thc following offenoes punibhable in theissuing Member Statg by a custgdial $entence Or de,tention order of a maxinum ofat least 3 j,ears as defiued by trre raws of tre issuing prrru.rbirt ; " -'"'

X partlcipation in s criminal orgenieation;X tenorism;0 trafficking in hun:an belngs;

0 counterfeiting and piracy ofproducts;

ng therelu;0 forgery of meatrs of payment; # "- '

I lll*j:lfl:filq p honnonal ,eubstauoes and other growth promoters;0 illlcit traffrckingin uuclear or radioactive matsrialsJ0 traflicking in stoleu vehicles;0 rape;0 arson;'X crimes within the jurisdiotion ofthe Intemetional Cdmlnal Cout.0 unlawful seizure of aircraft/ships;0 sabotage.

II, Full dcscriptions ofoffence(s) not.covered by seotion I ebover



{Dl{rNtstRtctoNDE ruSTICIA

basis of which this wanaflt has bcen issued is(arc)d to a custodial life sentcnco or m"time actcntion

Mrmber State allows for a rcvlew of the,oquegt or f,t lea$ aftcr 20 yerin - eiming alT measEe,


- the issuing Mcmbcr ofy to which tho pfison

ceber Stote, alruing at or


(g) Ihiswa$afltpe,tffimay be required as cvidenoer

selzure and nunaioc ouer oJ;;;;t;;t

This warrant pertaini also ro the eeizure and handing ovcr of propcrty acqulred bythe rcquested pgrson as a Esult of thc ottence:

Description ofrhe property (aud looation) (ifknown):


^{: ir


authority which isi,u"dEJwffinam-e:



to Articlc l3l of thc Spanisb pcnal Code lhcsc rypestpse "(.,,.) Crimes of penart,b dhr, n6-i--,

Nameofirsru@Post l:eld (titfe/grade): JUDGE.

File reference : COMMITAL pROCEEDINGS 978010 .

Addres s ; clc,rnci a' c ririiiliniii ni; i NiAdffi '


Tel: (counrrv code) (area/citv code) (-) (34) 9I g973J66 and (34) grrg7rrr4., ,

F;; ioot,nt.l'..a.i f*..1.,rr'*u.l f-f 64;ei !ib!ssr. . , .. . . :

E-mail: ,r,,,!! I . '

I I t r r, | , , I

conract detairs of the oer$on to contact to make.flecessary practicar arangcm.ntsfor rhe swrendcr: ELdy fryr,esEo-litiffi,


Where a contradministratir,e

st wgrran6:


NainE of the ccntral authority:

Contact person, ifappticable (tttleigadc and narna):


Tel: (country code) (arealcity code) (-)

Fax (count'y code) (areaioity code) (-)

\6e, HW&Jif e-

S&?,, ^eVio,"H

languago vcrulons s referenca to the ,hord*ru of the.ludioiar aulhdrity wlil ba



S i gnature of flre issuing j udi oial euthority andior its representatlvo I

Name: ELOY YELAsco NUftEz,, , ...

Date:MARCHJTST z0ll..,,,,,:offisial stamp fir availrbi;i

sEOHEIA HIA l,)H r,icll:rrnnll{,t


' r'

EXHrBIT ts (1 0f 2)

ffiXft{rErT B (2 of 2)