Extracting Data Standards Metadata and Controlled ...

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PharmaSUG 2021 - Paper AD-168

Extracting Data Standards Metadata and Controlled Terminology from the CDISC Library using SAS© with PROC LUA

Lex Jansen, SAS Institute Inc.

ABSTRACT The CDISC Library is the single, trusted, authoritative source of CDISC Data Standards metadata and Controlled Terminology. It uses linked data and a REST API to deliver CDISC Data Standards metadata and Controlled Terminology in a machine-readable format to software applications that automate standards-based processes.

This paper shows how metadata can be extracted in SAS through the CDISC Library API using a REST API request with PROC HTTP. PROC LUA will be used in SAS to manage the PROC HTTP requests. PROC LUA will also be used to parse JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) response strings with a JSON library to extract data before storing them in SAS data sets.

The last part of the paper will focus on loading the extracted data sets into the Data Standards and Controlled Terminology areas of the Clinical Management module of SAS Life Science Analytics Framework.

WHAT IS THE CDISC LIBRARY The CDISC Library is a single, trusted, authoritative source of CDISC Data Standards metadata and Controlled Terminology. It is a cloud-based metadata repository (MDR) on the Microsoft Azure platform. The CDISC Library uses linked data and a REST API to deliver CDISC Data Standards metadata and Controlled Terminology in a machine-readable format to software applications that automate standards-based processes. It also provides access to new relationships between standards

The CDISC Library is available to CDISC Members and Open Source Developers. An account can be requested at https://www.cdisc.org/cdisc-library

You will need a separate CDISC Library account, which is different from the CDISC account to access the Members Only Area on the CDISC website.

The CDISC Library has many uses cases. In a recent CDISC webinar Sam Hume and Anthony Chow mentioned the use cases as mentioned in Figure 1 [1].

Figure 1. Common use case for the CDISC Library


There are 3 different ways of accessing the CDISC Library:

• Manual downloads from the CDISC Library Archives

• Data Standards Browser – including downloads

• Programmatically through the CDISC Library REST API All of these require a CDISC account which can be created at cdisc.org. For the Data Standards Browser and the CDISC Library REST API you will need a separate CDISC Library account.

CDISC Library Archives Formerly known as CDISC SHARE Exports, the CDISC Library Archives allow you to download:

• Machine-readable metadata published from the CDISC Library. (Excel, CSV, ODM XML, Define-XML, RDF)

• PDF documents (a standard’s specifications, implementation guides (IG), or user guides (UG))

• Diff (Difference) files that summarize changes between standards

The CDISC Library Archives can be access at https://www.cdisc.org/members-only/cdisc-library-archives

Figure 2 shows an example of files that can be downloaded.

Figure 2. Downloading Files from the CDISC Library Archives


Data Standards Browser Data Standards Browser: https://library.cdisc.org/browser. Here you can browse Data Standards and Controlled Terminology and see relations between them. The Data Standards Browser also allows you to manually download Data Standards and Controlled Terminology as Comma Separated Values (CSV) and Microsoft Excel (XLSX).

Recently a capability was added to download difference reports between versions of Data Standards or Controlled Terminology. These difference reports can be downloaded as Microsoft Excel files (XLSX).

Figure 3. Data Standards Browser - Dashboard

Figure 4 show an example of browsing the SDTM-IG version 3.3 and Figure 5 show the use of the search capability..


Figure 4. Data Standards Browser – Browsing SDTM-IG 3.3

Figure 5. Data Standards Browser – Searching

CDISC Library REST API The CDISC Library API is REST-based and by default returns JSON content. Before you can use the CDISC Library API you will need to create API keys at the API Management Developer Portal: https://api.developer.library.cdisc.org


Figure 6. CDISC Library API Management Developer Portal

The CDISC Library API documentation describes how to request each API endpoint and what to expect as a response: https://www.cdisc.org/cdisc-library/api-documentation

Figure 7. CDISC Library REST API Documentation


CDISC Library REST API - Media Types The CDISC Library API supports various media types, which are the supported formats for the responses that the API returns. Every API call supports the JSON format, which is the most common format in REST APIs nowadays. Formats like CSV and Excel are only returned when requesting complete Data Standards (E.g. SDTM-IG 3.3, SDTM 1.7) or complete Controlled Terminology packages (E.g. ADaM 2020-11-06).

Figure 8. CDISC Library REST API - Media Types


WHAT IS AN API API (Application Programming Interface) simplifies programming by abstracting the underlying implementation and only exposing objects or actions the developer needs. An API defines the kinds of calls or requests that can be made, how to make them, the data formats that should be used, the conventions to follow, etc. Through information hiding, APIs enable modular programming, allowing users to use the interface independently of the implementation. [2]

REST REST (REpresentational State Transfer) is an architectural style for providing data exchange standards between computer systems on the web - over HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) - making it easier for systems to communicate with each other [3].

RESTful systems, are characterized by how they use a uniform and predefined set of stateless operations and separate the concerns of client and server.


First presented by Roy Fielding in 2000 [4] in a famous dissertation REST has become the standard for interacting with independent systems across the web.

Figure 9. REST

REST Guiding Principles Six guiding constraints define a RESTful system. These constraints restrict the ways that the server can process and respond to client requests so that, by operating within these constraints, the system gains desirable non-functional properties, such as performance, scalability, simplicity, modifiability, visibility, portability, and reliability. If a system violates any of the required constraints, it cannot be considered RESTful [3].

The formal REST constraints are as follows:

• Client-Server – separation of concerns

• Stateless Server - Each request from client to server must contain all of the information necessary to understand the request

• Cacheable - If a response is cacheable, then a client cache is given the right to reuse that response data for later, equivalent requests. This can improve efficiency.

• Uniform Interface - REST is defined by four interface constraints: identification of resources; manipulation of resources through representations; self-descriptive messages; and, hypermedia as the engine of application state (HATEOAS).

• Layered System - components are grouped, i.e., layered, in a hierarchical arrangement

• Code on Demand - REST allows client functionality to be extended on the client

REST Anatomy REST uses a resource identifier (URIs) to identify particular resources

Figure 10. The Anatomy of a REST URI

The GET method is used for retrieving the information

HATEOAS HATEOAS (Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State) is a constraint of REST that distinguishes it from other network applications [5].


With HATEOAS a REST client enters a REST application through a simple fixed URL. All future actions the client may take are discovered within resource representations returned from the server. Thus, the response message returned from the first request contains links to create further requests.

Figure 11 shows an example. The first request for the products gets a response in JSON that contains links to the individual products. A subsequent request for a product (SDTM 1.2) then gives a response with a link to, for example, the general observation classes in this specific product.

Figure 11. HATEOAS in REST

Request and Response Figure 12. Request and Response Headers

Headers define the operating parameters of an HTTP transaction. Header fields are colon-separated key-value pairs in text format.


Request examples: Accept: application/json

Accept-Charset: utf-8

Accept-Language: en-US

Host: library.cdisc.org

User-Agent: SAS/9

Connection: Keep-Alive

Response examples: Status: 200 OK

Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2021 02:04:04 GMT

Content-Type: application/json

Content-Length: 300

Connection: Keep-Alive

Status Codes Status codes are issued by a server in response to a client's request made to the server. [6]

• 1xx informational response – the request was received, continuing process

• 2xx successful – the request was successfully received, understood, and accepted Example: 200 OK

• 3xx redirection – further action needs to be taken in order to complete the request Example: 301 Moved Permanently

• 4xx client error – the request contains bad syntax or cannot be fulfilled Examples: 400 Bad Request, 401 Unauthorized, 404 Not Found, 408 Request Timeout

• 5xx server error – the server failed to fulfil an apparently valid request Example: 500 Internal Server Error, 502 Bad Gateway, 503 Service Unavailable

It is important to check the response code and determine further action based on the value.


PROC HTTP IN SAS PROC HTTP is a powerful SAS procedure to issues Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) requests [7] [8] [9]. The procedure includes a DEBUG statement, response status macro variables, and the ability to specify a time-out period for requests.

Below are examples of requesting the CDISC Library Products with requests in JSON, XML and Microsoft Excel (XLSX).

It is expected that the macro variable &ApiKey contains your personal API key that you created at the CDISC Library API Management Developer Portal.


JSON Response filename response temp; proc http url="https://api.library.cdisc.org/api/mdr/products" out=response; headers "api-key" = "&ApiKey" "Accept" = "application/json"; run;

%put %sysfunc(jsonpp(response, log)); filename map temp; libname response json map=map automap=create fileref=response; proc copy in=response out=work; run;

This would result in 16 data sets, some of which need to be merged to get the expected SAS data set.


XML Response filename response temp; proc http url="https://api.library.cdisc.org/api/mdr/products" out=response; headers "api-key" = "&ApiKey" "Accept" = "application/xml"; run;

filename map temp; libname response xmlv2 xmlmap=map automap=replace fileref=response;

proc copy in=response out=work; run;

This would result in 28 data sets, some of which need to be merged to get the expected SAS data set.


Excel Spreadsheet response

Beginning with SAS 9.4M5, PROC HTTP sets up macro variables after execution:

SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE stores the status code of the HTTP request

SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_PHRASE stores the descriptive phrase that is associated with the status code

These macro variables can be used to determine the action based on the value of the status code in the response. An example of the use of these macro variables is in the prochttp_check_return macro below.

%macro prochttp_check_return(code);

%if %symexist(SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE) ne 1 %then %do;

%put ERROR: Expected &code., but no response received from the HTTP Procedure;



%else %do;

%if &SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE. ne &code. %then %do;





%mend prochttp_check_return;


As we saw, the JSON and XML responses can result in a large number of SAS data sets that need to be merged. The table below shows some numbers for specific endpoints.

endpoint # SAS data sets (JSON) # SAS data sets (XML)

mdr/products 16 18

mdr/ct/packages/sdtmct-2021-03-26 8 7

mdr/sdtmig/3-3 28 32

mdr/sdtm/1-7 39 46

The need to merge many SAS data sets can be avoided by requesting the response in Excel (XLSX) format. However, this would limit the SAS programmer to requests for full data Standards and Control Terminology Packages.

Also, nowadays the default response format when using a REST API as the data exchange standard between computer systems on the web is JSON.

This means that it is important to have a good framework for parsing REST API responses in JSON when using SAS.

Although one can use a JSON Map there are several challenges to this approach. Many of these challenges are the same as with XML [10].

The rest of this papers describes how SAS with PROC LUA provides for an efficient way to manage and interface with a REST API and to parse JSON responses.

All code used in this paper is available at GitHub: https://github.com/lexjansen/sas-papers

USING PROC LUA IN SAS TO MANAGE HTTP REQUESTS Base SAS® 9.4 introduced the LUA procedure which embeds Lua 5.2. Lua was created in 1993 by Roberto Ierusalimschy (Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro) [11][12].

Lua is a modern programming language with a very simple syntax and supports highly flexible data structures and modules. Tables are the only data structure available in Lua which can be used to create different types like arrays and dictionaries. Lua is known for excellent performance, both in speed and memory.

Lua does not replace the SAS DATA step or procedures but enhances the ability to drive SAS. PROC LUA has direct access to the vast majority of SAS functions

Lua makes parsing JSON very easy with one of the available modules for encoding and decoding JSON.


PROC LUA runs the Lua virtual machine inside the SAS process.

Lua code is executed within a SUBMIT / ENDSUBMIT block in PROC LUA.

Lua is a dynamically typed language – variables do not have types; only values do

Basic types in Lua are: nil, boolean, number, string, function, userdata, thread, and table

Tables are the sole data-structuring mechanism in Lua

They can be used to represent ordinary arrays, associative arrays, lists, symbol tables, sets, records, graphs, trees, etc.

Some examples of the use of Lua tables are below.


PROC LUA creates a special global Lua table called sas. The sas table contains functions: sas.scan, sas.symget, sas.symput, ...

PROC LUA can also submit SAS code with the sas.submit function. An optional table parameter with key-value pairs can be made available for resolution in the block of SAS code.

PROC LUA can read SAS datasets by opening the SAS data set with the sas.open function and using the sas.get_value function to get observation values.

For example, if we have the following data set:

the following code shows how to read this data set in Lua.


PROC LUA can also write to SAS datasets. Use the sas.new_table function to create a new (empty) data set template. The following Lua function (cdisclibrary.products) creates a 0-observation SAS data set:

A typical scenario would be to open a new 0-observation data set and write out observations in some sort of loop over a Lua table by using the sas.put_value function:


PARSING THE JSON RESPONSES WITH A LUA JSON LIBRARY The code at GitHub (https://github.com/lexjansen/sas-papers) contains several Lua modules to support extraction from the CDISC Library:

rest.lua a Lua module to easily interface with a REST API from SAS [13] json.lua a Lua module for simple JSON encoding and decoding in pure Lua [14] cdisclibrary.lua a Lua module for converting CDISC Library JSON responses into SAS data sets

fileutils.lua, utils.lua, stringutils.lua Lua modules with support functions

rest.lua - The heart of this module is a function: rest.request

An example of using the rest.request function is to get information from the CDISC Library about the dates when products were last updated and create a Lua table from that information. We can use this table then to determine whether we should do a new REST API request.


The JSON response look like this:

The resulting Lua table:

We can use the resulting Lua table to determine whether we should do a new extraction:


The cdisclibrary.lua module contains functions to create SAS data sets from JSON responses from CDISC Library requests for:

products catalog

Controlled Terminology packages

Tabulation products: - Foundational Models (sdtm) - Implementation Guides (sdtmig, sendig)

All code can be found at GitHub: https://github.com/lexjansen/sas-papers

Figures 13-16 show some SAS data sets that are created by the code.

Figure 13. SDTM 1.7 Class Tables


Figure 14. SDTM 1.7 Class Columns

Figure 15. SDTM-IG 3.3 Tables

Figure 16. SDTM-IG 3.3 Columns

LOADING DATA STANDARDS INTO SAS LIFE SCIENCE ANALYTICS FRAMEWORK The last part of the paper focusses on loading data sets extracted from the CDISC Library into the Data Standards and Controlled Terminology areas of the Clinical Management module of SAS© Life Science Analytics Framework (LSAF) [15].


Standards metadata and Controlled Terminology metadata can be loaded into SAS© Life Science Analytics Framework (LSAF). Before this can happen some model customizations in LSAF may need to take place:

• To support newer versions

• To support Tabulation Class Structures and Analysis Data Structures

Some issues in the metadata may need to be resolved, for example:

• Missing metadata example: in SDTM-IG 3.2 the required LSAF submissiondatatype is missing for TR.TRMETHOD

• Various SDTM-IG variables have multiple codelist references example: in SDTM-IG 3.3 the DS.DSDECOD variable has C114118 and C66727

Variable names need to be mapped to the names that LSAF requires. The example in GitHub (https://github.com/lexjansen/sas-papers) has a simple Excel based mapping framework for this.

A macro can use this mapping table to convert extracted data sets to the required format.


Figure 17. Data Standards in SAS© Life Science Analytics Framework

CONCLUSION • SAS fully supports extraction from the CDISC Library with PROC HTTP

• PROC LUA greatly enhances SAS/Base capabilities to manage REST API requests and to parse JSON files.

REFERENCES [1] CDISC Webinar April 2021: Ideas for using the CDISC Library and a Look at What’s Coming Next

(Anthony Chow, Sam Hume) https://www.cdisc.org/events/webinar/cdisc-library-ideas-using-cdisc-library-and-look-whats-coming-next

[2] Wikipedia, “API”, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/API

[3] Wikipedia, “Representational state transfer”, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Representational_state_transfer

[4] Architectural Styles and the Design of Network-based Software Architectures Roy Thomas Fielding, 2000

[5] Wikipedia, “HATEOAS”, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HATEOAS

[6] Wikipedia, “List of HTTP status codes”, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_status_codes

[7] Base SAS Procedures Guide: HTTP Procedure

[8] REST Just Got Easy with SAS® and PROC HTTP Joseph Henry, SAS Global Forum 2020

[9] The ABCs of the HTTP Procedure Joseph Henry, SAS Global Forum 2019

[10] Accessing the Metadata from Define-XML Lex Jansen, PharmaSUG 2018


[11] The Programming Language Lua (http://www.lua.org) Lua.org (2013)

[12] Driving SAS® with Lua Paul Tomas, SAS Global Forum 2015

[13] REST Easier with SAS®: Using the LUA Procedure to Simplify REST API Interactions Steven Major, SAS Global Forum 2019 (code on GitHub)

[14] A Lua module for simple JSON encoding and decoding in pure Lua Jeffrey Friedl, 2010-2017 http://regex.info/blog/lua/json

[15] SAS© Life Science Analytics Framework, https://www.sas.com/en_us/software/life-science-analytics-framework.html

CONTACT INFORMATION Your comments and questions are valued and encouraged. Contact the author at:

Lex Jansen SAS Institute Inc. Email: lex.jansen@sas.com

SAS and all other SAS Institute Inc. product or service names are registered trademarks or trademarks of SAS Institute Inc. in the USA and other countries. ® indicates USA registration.

Lua software: Copyright © 2020–2021 Lua.org, PUC-Rio.