Extortion and The D.C. Madam

Post on 14-Jun-2015

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How To Get Politicians to Do What You Want.

Transcript of Extortion and The D.C. Madam

How To Get Politicians To Do Things They Really Don’t Want To Do.

Just Don’t Call It Extortion~!

Lets Pretend…. That You want to get a reasonably

good person to do something he doesn’t want to do.

For Example: Vote To Take Away Our

Constitutional Rights and Freedoms.

And Replace Them With… One World Dictatorship.

That Worships Evil. And Wants You Dead.

You Could Try To Buy Them

But, What if There’s a Higher Bidder?

Or, They get all the Money They Could Ever Need.

You Could Just Kill Them.

But Assassination Destroys Trust.

You Could Discredit Them…

OR: You Could Control Them!

Step 1: Make Them Feel Wealthy and Important. “Pride Goeth Before a Fall.”

Step 2: Make Them Feel Protected/Invulnerable!

Step 3: Get Them To Put Their Guard Down. Bohemian Grove

Step 4: Lay The Moral Trap Bribery, Prostitution, Narcotics,

Pedophilia, Pornography, Homosexuality, Gambling, etc.

Step 5: Take Lots of Pictures and Keep Detailed Records! Document, Document, Document!

Step 6: Leak “Rumors” to your Media Buddies.

Miz Julia was the pseudonym for Deborah Jeane Palfrey, the woman at the center of a sex scandal that has caused a deputy secretary of state to resign and has lawyers calling around town trying to keep their clients' names out of public view. A one-time law student, Palfrey ran for 13 years what she insists was a legal escort service. Federal prosecutors allege she was providing $300-an-hour prostitutes, and a grand jury indicted her in February on federal racketeering charges.

Step 7: Wait For the Cover-up!

Document! Document! Document!

Threaten Them With Exposure!

Alleged D.C. madam might expose 10,000(MSNBC)

Sacrifice a Few “Expendables”

And Everybody Else Falls in Line.

So, What Price Did They Pay To Stay Out of the News?

How Many of Your Freedoms Did They Give Away Today?

No Wonder They Call Vice “The Chains of Hell”

Feeling a Little Insecure?