External visibility and impact for researchers

Post on 13-Aug-2015

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Transcript of External visibility and impact for researchers

Steps to external visibility and impact

Research and Social Media Symposium23 June 2015

Social Media – Research, Reputation and Impact

Tuesday, 23rd

June 2015

Dr. Mike MimirinisCentre for Academic Practice Enhancement

Middlesex University

academic legitimacy and public impact

digital hermits

• voluntary and involuntary hermits

• establishing a digital profile

• scholar, twitter, linkedin

• mimicking a digital leader of your field/community of practice

• producing video and audio assets

• managing online identities

moderate middle• synchronise presence across several


• bookmarking tools

• publishing and sharing content ( e.g. Mendeley, scribd, academia.edu, Research Gate, Github)

• managing digital footprint

• curated spaces

digital avant-garde

• central presence though own web space

• collective platforms (editorship of)

• mash-ups (compile content from academic collections, broadcast media, data repositories, museums and private collections or produce timeline of events)

• automate content

• utilise analytics, open data, OERs, MOOCs

digital avant-garde (cont.)

• contribution channels for student contributions - encourages students to work harder

• social networks visualisations

Analysing social network visualisations


a Mary Beard or a Terry Eagleton?

One to three months impact challenge: raising the digital profile of your research

Contact: M.Mimirinis@mdx.ac.uk