Expressing Symphathy - Basic English for Communication

Post on 06-May-2015

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Những câu giao tiếp thường dùng giúp bạn tự tin giao tiếp tiếng Anh thường ngày - Tiếng Anh dùng để che sẻ cảm thông. xem thêm những tình huống giao tiếp khác tại.

Transcript of Expressing Symphathy - Basic English for Communication

CHIA SẺ CẢM THÔNGTiếng Anh giao tiếp cơ bản

Don’t worry.

Don’t panic

Cheer up

It happens!

Tough luck

Bless you!

Let it be

There is no need to worry at all

Don’t lose heart. Try

again!Come on! I know you

can make it

I believe you canDon’t worry

about it. You’re an able man

Do your best, and you‘ll get it

Don’t cry. Everything will be OK

You’ve done the best. I’m proud of


Keep trying and

you’ll make it!

I’m sure there’s nothing wrong

about it

I understand

the way you feel

I really sympathize with you

I know how upset you must be

I know how you must feel

This must be a difficult time for


You have our deepest


You were just


I’m sure you’ll do


I have no doubt that

things will go well for you

I know that you will do

the right thing

I’m sorry to hear


That’s a shame

How terrible for him!

I feel sorry for


What a dreadful thing to happen!

Oh no. That’s too


Just relaxIt will be all right

Try to look on the bright side

Everything will turn out okay

It’s not as bad as that