Exposing Their Evil - goodnewsaboutgod.com · has now unleashed a viral campaign to guilt whites...

Post on 14-Aug-2020

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Transcript of Exposing Their Evil - goodnewsaboutgod.com · has now unleashed a viral campaign to guilt whites...

Exposing Their Evil

Communist Jews say: “We shall erase from the memory of men all facts of previous centuries which are undesirable to us.”—Protocols of Zion, 16:4.

And he is a Jew!

A few notes from

the (Jewish) Frankfurt School

They Really Believe this Flowery Version of Communism!!!!

"The war wasn't only about abolishing fascism, but to conquer sales markets. We could have, if we had intended so, prevented this war from breaking out without doing one shot, but we didn't want to." -- Winston Churchill to Truman (Fultun, USA March 1946)

No sooner did the covidhoax run out of steam, they launched another psyop, almost as outrageous. They are trying to foment a race war. Connect the dots folks: *People riot and loot with impunity. *National guard and police "take the knee" in solidarity with protesters. *Porn star and crackhead Floyd George is being beautified. *The media, having terrorized us with the common cold, has now unleashed a viral campaign to guilt whites into thinking they are terrible racists and must yield position to Blacks. *More affirmative action programs for Blacks. *Corporate director fired for saying Canada is "not systemically racist."

*CEOs are expressing sympathy with looters. *Criminals are being let out of jail. *Minneapolis City Council talking about replacing the police force with something more community responsive, i.e. unresponsive to minority crime. *Racist Black attacks on whites go unreported. *Reports Antifa plans to attack whites in suburbs or rural areas. This is all about white dispossession and civil war. And who wants that? Who regards the white race with its vestiges of Christian civility as the greatest obstacle to its

satanic world domination? This repost may answer that question. 1. The goal of Judaism is to destroy, dispossess and enslave non-Jews. 2. There is nothing religious, moral or spiritual about Judaism. The Jewish 'Covenant with God' consists of an exchange of MATERIAL POWER for meaningless observance. 3. Judaism is typical of a satanic cult in that it coerces observance and murders genuine men of God (apostates.) Communism, a proxy for the political goals of Judaism, OPERATES THE SAME WAY. The US and Europe are now the major vehicles of this agenda. (See Note below article) 4. Most Jews are ignorant or in denial about the true nature of Judaism and the jeopardy in which it places them. Henry Makow’s “Deuteronomy, White Dispossession and Civil War” June 5, 2020