Exploring National...

Post on 03-Aug-2020

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Transcript of Exploring National...




Dr. Aminath Shafiya Adam

Assistant Professor, Maldives National University

(Contact number 7937227 & Email aminath.Shafiya@mnu.edu.mv)

Curriculum and Advanced Pedagogy- 2019

• History, organization, and operation of Maldivian schools

• Curriculum trends• Recent curriculum practices of Key stage 1-3• Case Study from Maldivian Schools

Important areas to discuss:

A brief overview of the history of education in the Maldives

Traditionally, education was the responsibility of religious leaders and institutions. Most learning catered on individual tutorials in religious teachings. The traditional system of education that has evolved for centuries composed of three types of institution: Kiyavaage, Makthab, and Madharsaa

Your task

• Show a timeline of your own education starting from your very first day of schooling up to this point.

• Compare how your education could be different from your grand parents’ education in the Maldives.

• Share your thoughts with the class



Your task

• The national curriculum document has been sent to your viber group

• Explore the reading document and prepare discussion points on important areas.

• Arrange the class into circle, share your thoughts on curriculum areas, trend, and other areas that are important.

• Please make sure take notes as the discussion going on.

How to assess the key competencies?

• Draw visual map explaining on how to assess the key competencies in relation to specific lesson (s) using the steps given.

• You may work in pairs or individually as preferred.

Participants in Curriculum Development

❑You are assigned as ambassadors and participants

– Ambassadors are given Q & As, they are the expert of the areas

– Participants are given just Qs, seek answers for the question while discussing with others, please write answers.

❑ Discussion time, the participants will share the answers with the audience and the ambassador add thoughts and ideas to correct or modify/ and to provide feedback on the right answers.

Let’s find out how much we know about our curriculum

Why should we assess the key competencies?

Do the schools need to asses all the eight key competencies in each


When teachers focus on some key competencies they will miss the other key competencies . Isn’t

this a problem?

Do teachers need to cover all the focus areas that are specified in the key competency guide

How can we incorporate the key competencies in

our lessons

How can we assess the key competencies?

Can we assess a key competency based on

one learning task?

Who should assess the key competencies

Why should we report the progress of the key

competencies to parents?

How can teachers collect evidence of the

development of the key competencies?

Can the development of the key competencies be assessed based on classroom observation


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Bring a conclusion

to the session

2 minutes