Exploring digital literacies with the access to HE student

Post on 15-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Exploring digital literacies with the access to HE student

Exploring Digital Literacies with the Access to HE Student(Access to HE Quality Development Network Event)

Scott Hibberson



Aims of this session

• Examine theories relating to digital literacies and how you might apply them in the classroom

• Explore resources developed by Jisc and partners to support you in this area

• Identify a range of activities you can do with your students

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How much do we know about our students?




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Early concepts of digital literacy

Concepts of digital literacy were introduced as it became necessary to consider the skills and competencies of those on the receiving end of the products of the ICT industries. An early attempt at defining digital literacy (Gilster, 1997) identified four key competencies:-

• Assembling knowledge

• Evaluating information

• Searching

• Navigating in non-linear routes

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© jisc_infonet - Licenced under Creative Commons

Early concepts of digital literacy (cont)

Gilster also recommended that learners communicate with the author of a website by email.

If they don’t respond - don’t use the information!

• Did not foresee Wikipedia

• Did not foresee social media

• Only mention related to e-safety is inappropriate websites

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Digital Natives and Immigrants (prensky, 2001)

“…today’s students think and process information fundamentally differently from their predecessors.” (Prensky, 2001)

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YEAR: 2000 1995 1990 1985

Visitors and Residents

http://zapt.io/tj5emhfm (White, 2015)

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Are you a digital resident or visitor?

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I check my social media profile every day I check my social media profile when I get a notification / need to

I regularly explore new websites and set up digital profiles to access services

I explore some websites that are relevant to me

I am happy to post my opinions on blogs / social media

I rarely post my opinions on blogs / socialmedia

I bank online and regularly shop for goods and services online

I don’t like to enter my personal details on too many sites

I spend time online for a variety of different reasons

I spend time online to perform a specific task

Understanding digital literacies

Beetham and Sharpe’s framework (2010) describes digital literacy as a developmentprocess from access and functional skills to higher level capabilities and identity.

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Beetham and Sharpe ‘pyramid model’ of digital literacy development model (2010)

Observations on the theories

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Image available from Bing under a free to share and use search.

Current News

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Children should be taught "digital literacy" as a core skill alongside maths and English, a report by a House of Lords committee says.

A digital divide persists in the UK, with some six million citizens never having used the internet and 9.5 million lacking adequate digital skills, partly because they have been "poorly served at school", the report warns.

"At the higher education level, there is an urgent need for industry input, so that graduates are learning job-relevant digital skills.“ – Lady Morgan.

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-31501917 -dated 17 Feb 2015.

Developing digital literacies programme

The developing digital literacies programme (2011-2013) set out to explore institutional approaches to digital literacy development in universities and colleges:

» 12 institutional projects

» 10 professional associations

» a range of stakeholder groups (students, academic staff, teachers, researchers, librarians, administrators, technical staff, support staff and senior managers).

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Developing professional practice & identity

University of Exeter’s CASCADE project explores the role of digital technologies in scholarly research in HE by exploring the digital capabilities of students via the following iTest.30/04/2015 Exploring Digital Literacies with the Access to HE Student 13

Image available on Puntogeek [Accessed Feb 2015]

Starting the conversation…

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Download your own ‘Digital students are different’ posters direct from our blog at: http://digitalstudent.jiscinvolve.org/wp/outcomes/listen-to-students-posters/

Exemplar: Students as digital pioneers

Go to http://padlet.com/scotthibbo/whatonething

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50 exemplars of effective practice available at: http://digitalstudent.jiscinvolve.org/wp/exemplars/


» Jisc (2015). Digital Student blog. [online]. Available at http://digitalstudent.jiscinvolve.org/wp/outcomes/enhancing-the-digital-experience-for-students-cards/ [Accessed April 2015].

» Jisc (2015). Developing students’ digital literacy. [online]. Available at http://www.jisc.ac.uk/guides/developing-students-digital-literacy [Accessed April 2015].

» Prensky, Marc (2001). Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants [online]. Available at http://www.marcprensky.com/writing/Prensky%20-%20Digital%20Natives,%20Digital%20Immigrants%20-%20Part1.pdf [Accessed April 2015].

» Jisc (2014). Developing digital literacies infokit. [online]. Available at http://www.jiscinfonet.ac.uk/infokits/digital-literacies/ [Accessed April 2015].

» White, David et al (2012). Digital Visitors and Residents – Progress report. [online]. Available at http://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/20140702233839/http://www.jisc.ac.uk/media/documents/projects/visitorsandresidentsinterim%20report.pdf [Accessed Feb 2015].

» White, David (2015). Visitors and Residents. [Online]. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPOG3iThmRI [Accessed 28 Apr. 2015].

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Scott HibbersonSubject Specialist (Online learning and the digital student experience)



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