Explicit Negative Feedback in Information Retrieval

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Transcript of Explicit Negative Feedback in Information Retrieval

Explicit Negative Feedback inInformation Retrieval

Dhruv Tripathi

Master of Science

Artificial Intelligence

School of Informatics

University of Edinburgh



Relevance feedback has always been a popular topic of discussion in

the field of information retrieval. This project explores the possibilities

of explicit negative feedback as it is fundamental when using machine

learning algorithms to design better information retrieval systems.

We conducted an experimental study to investigate differences in user

behaviour towards positive and negative relevance feedback. The study also

helped in assessing people’s perception towards giving explicit negative

feedback. In the study, participants were asked to flag scholarly literature

articles in the two feedback conditions. We found no significant difference

in the number of articles retrieved as relevant in both conditions. However,

on analysing the questionnaires and interview data we found that factors

like knowledge and comfort levels play a key role in assisting retrieval

tasks. Additionally, we observed a difference in flagging of ambiguous

documents in the two feedback tasks.

The results discussed in this thesis will help in designing better in-

formation retrieval systems.

Keywords: explicit negative feedback, information retrieval, percep-

tion, relevance feedback, user behaviour



First and foremost, I would like to thank my supervisor Dr. Dorota

Glowacka for giving me this opportunity, and continuously supporting me

throughout the project with her expertise. I would also like to thank Dr.

Alan Medlar for constantly assisting me with his valuable insight and dis-

cussions. Thanks to them this project was a wonderful learning experience.

I would also like to thank all the participants who volunteered to be a part of

this study. Last but not least, an immense gratitude to my parents, for being

supportive throughout my life.



I declare that this thesis was composed by myself, that the work contained

herein is my own except where explicitly stated otherwise in the text, and

that this work has not been submitted for any other degree or professional

qualification except as specified.

(Dhruv Tripathi)


Table of Contents

1 Introduction 1

1.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

1.2 Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

1.3 Dissertation Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

2 Background 5

2.1 Relevance Feedback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

2.2 Positive Relevance Feedback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

2.3 Negative Relevance Feedback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

2.3.1 Methods for Negative Relevance Feedback . . . . . 9

2.3.2 Perception of Negative Relevance Feedback . . . . . 10

2.4 Search Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

2.4.1 Information Forging theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

2.4.2 Berry-Picking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

2.4.3 Faceted Search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

3 Study Design 14

3.1 Participants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

3.2 System Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

3.3 Experimental Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

3.4 Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

3.5 Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18


3.5.1 Pre-test questionnaire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

3.5.2 Intermediate questionnaire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

3.5.3 Post-test questionnaire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

3.5.4 Interview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

4 Results and Analysis 22

4.1 User Interaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

4.2 Questionnaire Feedback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

4.3 Interview Feedback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

5 Discussion 28

6 Conclusion and Future Work 31

6.1 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

6.2 Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

A Participant Information Sheet 33

B Consent Form 35

C Questionnaires 36

C.1 Intermediate questionnaire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

C.2 Post-test Questionnaire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

C.3 Interview questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

References 38


List of Figures

2.1 Faceted search on an online shopping site (Retrieved from

https://i.stack.imgur.com/tULdB.jpg, August 2018) . . . . . 12

3.1 System interface: Users can flag documents by clicking the

flag icon on the right hand side of each document . . . . . . 16

3.2 Pre-test questionnaire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

3.3 Intermediate questionnaire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

3.4 Post-test questionnaire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

4.1 Boxplots showing articles receiving positive feedback un-

der both treatments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

4.2 Comparison in the time taken by expert and novice users on

the basis of the feedback treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

4.3 Comparison of types of feedback on the basis of comfort,

speed and cognitive load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25


List of Tables

3.1 Participants Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

3.2 Queries searched and displayed to the participants . . . . . . 17

3.3 Intermediate questionnaire - Likert Scale options . . . . . . 20

4.1 Participant flagging trends for ambiguous articles . . . . . . 25


Chapter 1


Information retrieval (IR) is the act of retrieving information related to

a user need from a collection of resources. IR allows users to satisfy

their information needs by searching for a document, information within

a document or exploring a variety of databases. IR is a comprehensive

field comprised of recommender or recommendation systems, text mining,

question answering (Larson, 2010). Van Rijsbergen (1979) described

the core concept of IR as the retrieval of all relevant sources along with

minimising the retrieval of irrelevant sources at the same time. Additionally,

IR also covers assisting users in browsing or filtering documents to further

produce a collection of retrieved documents (Frakes and Baeza-Yates,

1992). Moreover, the task which is used mainly for grouping documents on

the basis of their content is known as clustering.

The two key assumptions on which IR systems are based on (Belkin

et al., 1993), are:

(i) an existence of some need for information connected with the user,

which can be identified

(ii) a proper way to deal with that need of information, by searching and

selecting documents or texts which can solve that need

Furthermore, users search the web to extract information. This infor-

mation can be obtained by using search tasks categorised as look-up and

exploratory (Athukorala et al., 2016). Exploratory search is a general


Chapter 1. Introduction 2

search performed without a specific target and is likely to change with time,

whereas look-up searches are goal-oriented and often quicker (Athukorala

et al., 2016).

The main concept of IR which this project explores is that of relevancefeedback.

1.1 Motivation

Traditionally, relevance feedback was used as a form of feedback mecha-

nism where the user points out the type of documents or results that they

would prefer in response to a search query (Jung et al., 2007). This is be-

lieved to improve the results for users as they would get their desired out-


As seen above, the relevance feedback approach depends on the users ca-

pability to flag the documents as relevant, in turn leading to query reformu-

lation. Initial interactive IR systems used relevance feedback mechanism

(Kelly and Fu, 2006). However, the sole use of relevance feedback has be-

come rare in recent times, firstly, because it might lead to context traps

meaning that obtained results may cycle between comparable searches de-

pending on previously acquired results (Medlar et al., 2016), and secondly,

because providing relevance feedback is considered cognitively challenging

(Kelly and Fu, 2006). All this shows the inability of this feedback mecha-

nism alone to improve the retrieval results which are considered unsatisfac-

tory when the top-ranked outcomes are not relevant to the query in context

(Wang et al., 2007).

The main research questions that will be investigated in this project are the


• Whether people use relevance feedback and if there is a difference in

user behaviour when comparing positive and negative feedback.

• Exploring whether negative relevance feedback is truly disapproved

when compared to positive relevance feedback

• Analysing how people’s perception is towards using negative relevan-

ce feedback

Chapter 1. Introduction 3

We care about this because machine learning algorithms need positive and

negative examples, of one kind or the other in order to function. In recent

times, these machine learning algorithms are being used to design IR sys-

tems (Le and Mikolov, 2014; Lam et al., 2015; Joachims et al., 2017). Ad-

ditionally, we aim to explore whether users will be able to adapt to a new

system if designed in a way that expects them to use this form of feedback.

An important area of research is why systems do not usually use negative


This project proposes a new approach on the relevance feedback mecha-

nism by using explicit negative feedback in order to evaluate retrieval re-

sults. Wang et al. (2007) described negative feedback as a method to use

irrelevant documents and information to improve search results. The pur-

pose of the project is, therefore, to find answers and explanations for the

above discussed questions. Furthermore, the results of the research will be

used for developing more effective feedback systems.

1.2 Contributions

As discussed in the section above, we were motivated to investigate areas

related to negative relevance feedback in order to assist future studies on

machine learning algorithms to build more effective IR systems. Machine

learning algorithms require negative feedback in some form or the other.

Our study was aimed at understanding whether the case that negative

feedback is not as likely to be used for retrieval, is true or not. Moreover,

we aimed to explore the possible reasons for it. In this experimental study,

we observe the different aspects of negative feedback and user behaviour.

We propose an experimental study seeking to compare positive and negative

feedback mechanisms on the basis of retrieved results and user perception.

Our study shows how people use negative feedback and how comfortable

they are using it in comparison to its positive counterpart.

Since our study dealt only with scientific literature, we found that knowl-

edge level was an important factor for determining what was found to

be relevant. Furthermore, our analysis shows how different factors like

Chapter 1. Introduction 4

knowledge levels, time and comfort levels of users have an affect on their

retrieval results.

With the help of the interviews conducted, we could understand the

user’s behaviour and their line of thought. This helped us comprehend

the perception people have towards providing explicit negative relevance


1.3 Dissertation Structure

This thesis is divided into 6 chapters. The first chapter serves as an intro-

ductory chapter and discusses the motivation and objective of the project.

It also lists the contributions that were made by the study conducted along

with the structure of the thesis. Chapter 2 provides a background to the

field of research and drawbacks faced by conventional techniques in the

past. Furthermore, it provides an overview of negative relevance feedback.

Chapter 3 describes the experimental study undertaken in the project along

with all the different aspects of it. Chapter 4 provides an overview of the

results obtained from the study. Chapter 5 provides a discussion to the ob-

tained results along with their relation to the main research questions.

Finally, chapter 6 presents a conclusion to the thesis along with possible

future work.

Chapter 2


This chapter gives a background of topics required to better comprehend

different types of relevance feedback. It introduces the concept of nega-

tive relevance feedback which is important for understanding the rest of the

project. Furthermore, it discusses drawbacks and methods of studies inves-

tigating the topic. It also describes previously developed search models and

how this study stands out from the ideas used in the past.

2.1 Relevance Feedback

A core concept in the field of IR is that of relevance feedback. Relevance

feedback was initially introduced in the 1960s (Rocchio, 1966), it is done by

involving the users, by taking appropriate information from them regarding

their requirements to answer their queries better (Zhou and Huang, 2003).

Relevance feedback can be seen as a way to involve the users and make

the IR system more interactive. A search system that takes into account

user cognition and knowledge levels can give rise to a better search system

(Kelly and Sugimoto, 2013). Human intervention can at times help improve

results, as a machine might not always relate words and phrases correctly

due to the presence of synonyms. Karlgren and Sahlgren (2001) argued that

words have several meanings and they cannot solely be used as matching

indicators to concepts and topics.

A study by Rocchio (1971) showed that in the case of text retrieval

relevance feedback could improve results. Furthermore, the idea behind


Chapter 2. Background 6

relevance feedback is to select terms and expressions which are acknowl-

edged by the users as relevant from the previously retrieved documents

and use them to formulate a new query (Salton and Buckley, 1990). This

process is called query reformulation. Conversely, terms that are comprised

in previously retrieved irrelevant documents are given reduced importance

in future query reformulation (Salton and Buckley, 1990). The aim of this

is to move towards relevant results and away from non-relevant ones for

future searches. Relevance feedback is found to be useful as it modifies the

query on the basis of the actions of the user. This guards the user from the

reconstruction process of the query. Moreover, users are not expected to

have intimate knowledge of the search environment(Salton and Buckley,


Relevance feedback can be classified into three main categories of

feedback: explicit, implicit and pseudo feedback.

Explicit feedback is acquired when users indicate the relevancy of a docu-

ment obtained for a query explicitly by either a binary or a graded relevance

system (Gay et al., 2009). Binary relevance system is based on categorising

documents as relevant or non-relevant for a given query (Boolean), whereas

graded relevance is the ranking of the retrieval results on a scale to indicate

their relevancy. In contrast, implicit feedback is indirectly inferred from

the users behaviour such as time spent on viewing a document, scrolling

or clicking (Jansen and McNeese, 2005). In most cases the user is unaware

that their behaviour will be used as a form of relevance feedback (Kelly and

Teevan, 2003). In comparison, explicit feedback is considered to give better

results than implicit feedback and requires users to carry out added tasks

(Balakrishnan et al., 2016). Finally, the pseudo-relevance feedback adopts

the fact that the most frequent terms in the pseudo-feedback documents are

beneficial for the retrieval (Cao et al., 2008).

Rocchio (1971) developed an algorithm based on relevance feedback which

in vector space, during query reformulation moves the query vector farther

from non-relevant vectors and closer to the relevant ones (Singhal et al.,


Chapter 2. Background 7

A search query in vector space could be written as:

Qo = (q1,q2, .....qt)

where qi represents the weight of the term i in query Qo. On numerous oc-

casions the term weights are confined to a range from 0 to 1, where 0 repre-

sents the absence of term from the vector and 1 represents a fully weighted

term (Salton and Buckley, 1990). The relevance feedback process generates

a new query vector by adding and removing weights to various terms:

Q0 = (q01,q02, .....q


where q0i represents the altered weight of the term for t indexes in query Q0

(Salton and Buckley, 1990).

2.2 Positive Relevance Feedback

Positive relevance feedback can help improve results as it boosts weights

of specific terms related to the search query and gets the user closer to the

target (Zhou and Huang, 2003). An advantage of positive feedback is that

the user can easily see the type of documents retrieved and can deduce the

change(s) made by the system (Belkin et al., 1998).

Muller et al. (2000) conducted a study for image retrieval which showed that

positive feedback when used alone is limited to the initial images provided

and is used to weigh the images on the basis of their features. It was demon-

strated that most of the highly ranked relevant images had many shared fea-

tures with non-relevant images that led to misleading results (Muller et al.,

2000). However, using a combination of both positive and negative feedback

showed to improve the image retrieval results significantly, as the inclusion

of negative feedback helped remove various results which were completely

irrelevant as a whole but still managed to possess features similar to relevant

images (Muller et al., 2000).

This study demonstrated that a query from a user using only positive feed-

back can be enhanced by applying a negative feedback to images which

Chapter 2. Background 8

were not selected. However, they argued that too much negative feedback

could potentially destroy the query. Muller et al. (2000) believed that auto-

matically feeding back neutral images as negative, if they remained unse-

lected, could give better results to novice users.

2.3 Negative Relevance Feedback

Generally, IR systems allocate a numeric score corresponding to each

document. This score is in turn used for ranking these documents (Singhal

et al., 2001). There are two types of irrelevant documents - first, the

documents which explicitly receive a negative feedback i.e. are judged to

contain no relevant information (Ruthven and Lalmas, 2003), and second,

the documents which might be retrieved but not assessed explicitly, or they

are implicitly rejected (Ruthven and Lalmas, 2003). Moreover, the type

of feedback in which documents are explicitly termed as non-relevant is

known as negative relevance feedback.

In some cases a search query can fail to return relevant results; these

queries are called difficult queries. When dealing with difficult queries

a user is either expected to reformulate the query or explore the ranked

list far beyond usual to find any relevant results. In most cases, most

of the top-ten results are irrelevant to the query (Peltonen et al., 2017).

Moreover, when a query is difficult, it is very challenging to find positive

documents for feedback and hence, it is best to use negative documents to

perform negative feedback (Wang et al., 2008). However, a query may be

termed as difficult due to reasons like poor formulation of search phrases,

or because it is hard to describe, or because it describes a wide range of

related documents which cannot be distinguished easily by a simple query

(Buckley, 2004, 2009). In such cases, feedback offered by users whether

implicit or explicit, is completely negative.

Peltonen et al. (2017) showed that retrieval results could not be improved

with positive feedback alone and required the use of negative feedback.

The aim of the study was to yield results which were more relevant than the

Chapter 2. Background 9

ones obtained by a baseline, positive feedback only systems. Furthermore,

it assured to enhance the user experience. The study made use of intent

model which allow users to direct their search represented as interactive

visualisations, the system used probabilistic scoring (machine learning

solutions) for the retrieval of documents. Moreover, studies have shown

that results were more diverse when using negative relevance feedback as

compared to positive relevance feedback in the case of difficult queries

(Karimzadehgan, 2012; Karimzadehgan and Zhai, 2011). The logic behind

this is that when giving explicit negative feedback a user removes the

chances of having any unwanted terms, and documents having those terms

are penalised and the results are more varied since the search is not trapped

in only limited relevant subtopics. The intent model system discussed in the

study comprised of both discrete and continuous-valued feedback which

was used substantially by users. In other words, discrete-valued feedback

was obtained by placing articles in either positive (+1) or negative (-1)

regions of the model whereas, continuous-valued feedback was achieved

by using intermediate positions (Peltonen et al., 2017).

2.3.1 Methods for Negative Relevance Feedback

The two main methods used for calculating negative relevance feedback are

query modification and score combination.

In query modification, more weights are assigned to relevant documents

and less or negative weight is assigned to documents with more occur-

rences in non-relevant documents (Wang et al., 2008). Furthermore, feed-

back methods such as Rocchio, already have this component of negative

information, hence can be used directly to obtain negative feedback (Wang

et al., 2008). Using such feedback allows a system to develop a modified

query to get better results for future searches (Singhal et al., 2001). In scorecombination, unlike the query modification method which uses both pos-

itive and negative information in a single query model, score combination

allows maintaining positive and negative query representation separately

(Kuhn and Eickhoff, 2016). Negative query representation can signify neg-

ative examples with a score based on the likelihood of documents being

irrelevant. For instance, a document with a higher relevance score to a neg-

Chapter 2. Background 10

ative query is considered to be less relevant.

The above discussed are general strategies for negative relevance feedback.

However, Wang et al. (2008) discussed variations in these strategies as

shown in a study by Hearst and Pedersen (1996) that negative documents

tend not to cluster together. Therefore, they concluded that it was more ef-

fective to use numerous negative models, as negative documents had more

chances of getting separated (Wang et al., 2008).

2.3.2 Perception of Negative Relevance Feedback

User perception is a key when dealing with negative relevance feedback.

Past studies with negative relevance feedback have shown bad feedback

from users, due to the apprehension of losing relevant information (Belkin

et al., 1998; Ruthven and Lalmas, 2003). However, in the study by Peltonen

et al. (2017), the negative relevance feedback was given to keywords rather

than documents, preventing the risk of losing crucial information. Once the

user gave negative relevance feedback to a keyword, the system would auto-

matically build a negative language model to add a penalty to the documents

and display these with the lowest lower-confidence bound (Peltonen et al.,


2.4 Search Models

This section describes conventional search models and shows how in the

past, models were designed on an idea revolving around positive relevance

feedback. Contrary to popular belief, our study explores the concept of neg-

ative feedback.

2.4.1 Information Forging theory

Information seeking can be defined as a task of attempting to find some-

thing with the consequence of satisfying a goal (Wilson, 2000). Humans are

considered to be a species which are associated with gathering and storing

information in order to adapt to the world (Pirolli, 2007). It is believed that

Chapter 2. Background 11

humans process information in different ways, to develop various adaptive

techniques and hence ensuring their survival (Cole, 2011).

Pirolli and Card (1999) proposed a theory called information foraging,

describing the information retrieval behaviour of internet searching.

Information Foraging Theory is a perspective used for interpreting how

techniques and technologies for information gathering and seeking are

adapting to the continuous change in the world (Pirolli and Card, 1999).

Moreover, the theory assumes that people, when feasible, mould or evolve

their strategies or restructure the environment to maximise their rate of

gaining useful information (Anderson and Milson, 1989). It can be used to

predict and improve human information interaction.

Technological innovation has led to an explosive growth of recorded

information. Information Foraging Theory can provide a scientific foun-

dation that can lead to newer innovations that improve the quality of

information that people process (Pirolli and Card, 1999).

2.4.2 Berry-Picking

Berry picking, is a form of nonlinear online searching which provides

results depending on the needs of the user (Bates, 1989). These changes

can be made to search techniques or even the search database. This model

is considered to be very close to real human behaviour whilst searching

for information when compared to conventional models of information re-

trieval. Bates (1989) believes retrieval effectiveness and efficiency depends

on the variations in strategies. Furthermore, this model is expected to guide

human thinking better when designing effective interfaces. Past research

by Line (1969); Stone (1982); Hogeweg-de Haart (1984) have shown the

popularity of this way of thinking for finding results, instead of leading to

a single best retrieved set. At each stage, the user identifies information

useful to their search query. In other words, the query is satisfied by a series

of selections of distinct references and fragments of information built over

the ever-modifying search. This is analogous to picking berries in a forest

as berries do not come in a bunch and are required to be selected one at a

time. A bit-at-a-time retrieval of this sort is called berry-picking. Similarly,

Chapter 2. Background 12

it is believed that while searching for information people tend to pick from

a variety of sources and ultimately gather them together into a single group

(Hassan, 2017).

The model by Bates (1989) suggests that information needs of users

can be satisfied by a number of sources along the information search

process. According to this model, the user, modifies the query when

observing the given results, but retains the original information required

(Cole, 2011). Moreover, berry-picking of information can be completed

with either the search query continuously evolving or staying the same.

2.4.3 Faceted Search

Faceted search or browsing refers to extracting information from an organ-

ised collection of data, providing users with an ability to use filters to refine

their search and analyse each aspect of the content. The use of facets al-

lows users to remove any objects which don't match the search criteria. Yee

et al. (2003) discussed that faceted search aimed at avoiding context traps

by using global filters.

Figure 2.1: Faceted search on an online shopping site (Retrieved from

https://i.stack.imgur.com/tULdB.jpg, August 2018)

Chapter 2. Background 13

A facet can have one or more than one levels. When a label under a facet is

selected and modified, all the items allotted to that are displayed. Therefore,

a change in the labels under a hierarchy is equivalent to modifying over all

labels beneath it (Hearst, 2006). Faceted navigation is believed to be very

flexible and highly effective for large data sets (Hearst, 2006). However, the

search can quickly become highly demanding, as users have a wide variety

of options to choose from (Yee et al., 2003).

Chapter 3

Study Design

This chapter describes the experimental study conducted as a part of this

project. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the hypothesis that explicit

negative relevance feedback can be equivalent in terms of what is selected

by the users along with their preferences when compared to explicit positive

feedback. It also evaluates the perception people have towards providing

negative feedback and if that seems to affect their thought process during

the study.

We divided this chapter into five main sections namely: Participants, Sys-

tem Overview, Experimental Design, Procedure and Measurements. Each

section gives an overview of the different aspects of the study.

3.1 Participants

Twenty-four participants (8 females and 16 males) aged 18 to 35 (M =

25.00; SD = 2.37) with a proficient knowledge of the English language

were recruited to participate in the study (Table 3.1). The female to male

ratio of 1:2 reflects the gender distribution in the field of Informatics. All

of the participants were students at the University of Edinburgh with a de-

gree in either Artificial Intelligence (AI), Informatics, Computer Science or

similar. Two of the participants were PhD students whilst 22 were finishing

their Masters degree. Moreover, all participants were required to be from an

AI and machine learning domain as the system data set used in this study

covered only this domain.


Chapter 3. Study Design 15

Table 3.1: Participants Statistics

Before exclusionParticipants (M/F) 24 (16/8)

Age M(SD) 25.00(2.37)

After exclusionParticipants (M/F) 20 (14/6)

Age M(SD) 25.20 (2.50)

Primary literature search tool Google Scholar (20)

Out of 24 participants, two of them participated in the pilot study. Data

from two participants were excluded as after the study they admitted to have

flagged the documents incorrectly. Therefore, data from 20 participants (6

females and 14 males; age M = 25.20; SD = 2.50) was included in the


Participants were informed about the study (see Appendix A) and their rights

such as the right to terminate their participation at any point and right to

have their data erased. After answering to participants questions, they gave

their written consent by signing a consent form (see Appendix B).

3.2 System Overview

The system in the experimental study is based on relevance feedback. The

five queries used in the study display their top 10 results (articles) (Figure

3.1), ranked on the basis of the Okapi BM25 algorithm (Jones et al., 2000).

The system is comprised of a database of 170,367 articles which were all

extracted from ArXiv. This is a pre-print server which means that it con-

tains documents yet to be reviewed and published (Hu et al., 2010). The

documents belong to different branches of computer science. Furthermore,

the system consists of a collection of journal, research and technical papers

familiar to researchers in the field. However, the articles displayed during

the study were associated with machine learning, wireless systems and AI.

Chapter 3. Study Design 16

Figure 3.1: System interface: Users can flag documents by clicking the

flag icon on the right hand side of each document

The system is based on the Representational State Transfer (REST) API

(Application Programming Interface) which allows the user to give a query

and accordingly returns the documents (Lai and Chan, 2013). The feedback

given is binary relevance feedback. The front-end framework is based on

AngularJS (https://angularjs.org/).

3.3 Experimental Design

We designed a within-subject study, where each participant was asked to

flag documents as either relevant or irrelevant based on the task. The rea-

son we chose this design was that it does not require as many participants

as in case of between-subject design. Furthermore, it reduces error caused

individual differences. In order to avoid order effects, we counter-balanced

the tasks by randomising the tasks and further by randomising whether one

does relevant or irrelevant flagging first.

The topics that were to be reviewed by the participants were picked on the

basis of the top ten results displayed when searched on ArXiv. We inspected

the 10 documents each topic displayed and then decided the ones which

Chapter 3. Study Design 17

would have a good mix of relevant, irrelevant and ambiguous articles. Fi-

nally, five main topics were selected from the machine learning domain on

the basis of their availability in ArXiv.

Table 3.2: Queries searched and displayed to the participants

True query Stated queryGender recognition Face recognition

Sentiment analysis Twitter sentiment analysis

Wireless sensor networks Wireless network energy efficiency

Fake news twitter Fake news detection

Deep learning medicine Clinical applications of deep learning

The selected topics were gender recognition, sentiment analysis, wireless

sensor networks, twitter fake news and deep learning in medicine. The main

criteria to select these topics was that they served as a broader topic for the

queries that were displayed to the participants. For instance, we selected

gender recognition as our search query to display the results. However, we

asked the participants to mark documents on the topic of face recognition

for the same results. This was done because the top ten results that gender

recognition returned had a mix of documents which were related to the field

of face recognition as well. This created a sense of ambiguity while flagging

the documents which would be used later to evaluate the task. Table 3.2

shows the true query which was searched along with what was stated in the


The participants had two main tasks whether to mark the documents as rel-

evant or irrelevant. All the documents, as well as the queries, were ran-

domised. Each of the questions was reversed and repeated after a gap of

five questions as this ensured the longest period between them. This was

done to prevent participants from memorising the feedback they provided

to the documents in the first phase of the study. Furthermore, the partici-

pants were asked to answer three distinct questionnaires through the course

of the study followed by an interview.

Chapter 3. Study Design 18

3.4 Procedure

Prior to the study, the participants were provided with information about the

study via an instructional video. The video gave an overview of the system

design and how to use it to complete the tasks. The participants were not

informed about the structure of the study i.e. they were not aware that they

will be repeating the task for the opposite type of feedback. After the first

five queries, the participants were shown the same queries in the same order

but this time asked to provide the opposite feedback. For instance, if the

first-time participants were asked to mark relevant articles for a topic, the

next time around they were asked to mark irrelevant articles for the same

topic. However, the participants were unaware about this structure of the


All the studies were conducted in a soundproof room preventing any ex-

ternal intervention or distractions. The system was presented on a 13-inch

MacBook Air laptop. At the start of the study, the participants were asked

to fill in their basic information in a pre-test questionnaire. Every partici-

pant performed the flagging task to provide explicit feedback, based on the

instructions given in the task. The flagging was followed by filling of the

intermediate questionnaire at the end of each task. After the fifth task, all

the query topics were repeated, however, the type of feedback required was

reversed. At the end of the ten tasks, the participant was asked to answer a

final questionnaire. On completion of the post-test questionnaire, the system

automatically terminated.

To conclude the study, we conducted a semi-structured interview enquiring

about the participant’s personal experience with the system and their views

on the nature of the task. Each study lasted approximately 50 minutes and

each participant was compensated £10 for their time.

3.5 Measurements

Data collected throughout the study was both qualitative and quantitative in

nature. The questionnaires were classified as pre-test, intermediate and post-

test. Finally, the study was concluded by an interview by the researcher. The

Chapter 3. Study Design 19

data collected was used to measure different factors that might affect user

behaviour and perception.

Figure 3.2: Pre-test questionnaire

3.5.1 Pre-test questionnaire

The aim of this questionnaire was to collect basic participant information,

such as gender, age and other demographics along with their educational

background. Similarly, it also gathered information about the participant’s

experience with scientific literature search engine systems. This informa-

tion was also used to clarify results when outliers were detected in the final

data set. The form of response used in this questionnaire was structured to

provide quantitative data used to observe the characteristics of the sample

(O’Cathain and Thomas, 2004). The questionnaire comprised of ten ques-

Chapter 3. Study Design 20

tions (Figure 3.2). Furthermore, all the questions used were close-ended

questions (Reja et al., 2003).

3.5.2 Intermediate questionnaire

A set of three questions was used during the course of the study, at the

end of each task. The main aim of this questionnaire was to evaluate the

knowledge level of the participant for each of the topics in the study along

with how often they searched articles on that topic in past academic year.

Additionally, it also assessed their comfort level for the type of feedback

they were providing.

Figure 3.3: Intermediate questionnaire

The questionnaire was presented in a dropdown style (Figure 3.3). However,

questions were in the form of a Likert scale. Furthermore, the end of each

task was time stamped, to compare the time taken by participants to com-

plete each task. Table 3.3 shows the options displayed to the participants for

each of the categories.

Table 3.3: Intermediate questionnaire - Likert Scale options

Knowledge level No knowledge Limited understanding Familiar Good understanding Expert

Search frequency (past year) Never Occassionally Frequently

Comfort level while flagging articles Very uncomfortable Uncomfortable Not sure Comfortable Very comfortable

Likert scales are useful as they provide participants with the freedom to

express their views by indicating the strength of their response. If required,

they can even give neutral opinions (Nemoto and Beglar, 2014).

Chapter 3. Study Design 21

3.5.3 Post-test questionnaire

The questions were regarding the participant’s experience and provided

dropdowns for selections. A selection of ten questions were presented to the

participants (Figure 3.4). The aim of this questionnaire was to investigate

whether giving negative relevance feedback was any different from giving

positive feedback. Moreover, it used factors like comfort, speed, cognitive

load and ambiguous articles to assess these differences.

Figure 3.4: Post-test questionnaire

3.5.4 Interview

The final part of the study was the interview. This was done to collect qual-

itative feedback on the experiment along with the participants’ views on

providing explicit negative feedback. This helped in investigating the partic-

ipants’ perception about negative feedback and the search techniques used

for flagging. Furthermore, it helped in analysing whether people had differ-

ent approaches while marking relevant and irrelevant documents.

Chapter 4

Results and Analysis

We analysed the data acquired from the task, questionnaires and the inter-

view. The primary interest of the analysis was to examine the difference

in user behaviour between positive and negative relevance feedback. More-

over, it was investigated how this performance can be explained by user

perception and various other factors.

4.1 User Interaction

Participants flagged an average of 6 (SD = 1.552) articles positively during

negative feedback and 6 (SD = 1.488) articles during positive feedback. We

performed a repeated measures ANOVA on the number of articles that re-

ceived positive feedback in two types of flagging. The difference was shown

to be insignificant (F(1,179) = 0.602; p = 0.439; Figure 4.1).

For both positive and negative feedback tasks, participants were asked to

mark their comfort levels when performing the task along with their knowl-

edge in that field. The relation between the participants’ comfort level while

flagging articles to their knowledge level was shown to be significant (c2 =

72.626; df = 16; p < 0.001). Experts and people with good understanding

of the topics were more likely to find flagging tasks comfortable. Average

time taken by experts (139.833 seconds) per task was lower than by novice

users (293.541 seconds).


Chapter 4. Results and Analysis 23

Figure 4.1: Boxplots showing articles receiving positive feedback under

both treatments

Figure 4.2: Comparison in the time taken by expert and novice users on

the basis of the feedback treatment

Furthermore, as shown in Figure 4.2, experts were found to be faster when

using negative relevance feedback (100.333 seconds) on comparison to

when they used positive feedback (179.333 seconds). Novices in the field

did not show much difference in speed, while using the two methods. How-

Chapter 4. Results and Analysis 24

ever, in both cases experts were faster at flagging tasks compared to novice


4.2 Questionnaire Feedback

The data was collected from 3 questionnaires during the study. The first

questionnaire gave demographic details. However, we analysed the data

collected from the other two questionnaires namely: intermediate and

post-test questionnaire.

The data used from the intermediate questionnaire (see Appendix C.1) was

the participants’ self-reported knowledge levels and their comfort levels

while performing a the two feedback tasks on the given topics.

The post-test questionnaire (see Appendix C.2) was longer (10 questions)

and provided an overview of the user experience after all the tasks were

completed. The topics covered by the questionnaire included: comfort,

speed, and cognitive load. These categories were selected to answer our

research question (Section 1.1) related to user perception towards negative

feedback and the differences it has when compared to positive relevance


We investigated the difference in comfort, speed, and self-reported

cognitive demand between providing positive and negative feedback.

Participants were asked to mark their experience comparing the two

feedback assessments. The results of the questionnaire were solely based

on the participant’s perception about the tasks.

70% of participants reported positive flagging tasks to be more comfort-

able than negative and 10% reported both tasks were of equal comfort.

Concerning the speed, 60% reported they perceived marking relevant

articles to be faster than marking irrelevant ones. 3 participants did not

perceive a difference in the speed between the two tasks. Moreover, 60% of

participants identified irrelevant flagging to be more cognitively demanding

than relevant flagging tasks. Only 1 participant reported no difference in

perceived cognitive demand between tasks. Figure 4.3 shows the different

categories investigated during the study for the two types of feedback

tasks. These categories were obtained from specific questions in the final

Chapter 4. Results and Analysis 25

questionnaire (see Appendix C.2).

Figure 4.3: Comparison of types of feedback on the basis of comfort,

speed and cognitive load

Participants seemed to be stricter in flagging when looking for relevant ar-

ticles using negative feedback as in comparison to positive feedback, there

was a 20% decrease in the number participants who marked ambiguous ar-

ticles as relevant during negative feedback. Table 4.1 shows the flagging

choice for ambiguous documents under the two feedback tasks for the par-

ticipants (20).

Table 4.1: Participant flagging trends for ambiguous articles

Ambiguous articles duringFlag Positive feedback Negative feedback

Relevant 10 6

Irrelevant 10 14

In the final questionnaire, participants were asked what was the best de-

scription of the unflagged articles in their opinion. During the relevant doc-

ument marking phase, half of the participants believed that unflagged ar-

ticles were probably not relevant to the topic. On the other hand, during

Chapter 4. Results and Analysis 26

the irrelevant marking phase, little more than half (11 participants) believed

that unflagged articles were probably relevant. These two questions helped

in comparing the change in user behaviour as well as the level of strictness

with which the participants flagged articles in the two tasks.

4.3 Interview Feedback

The interview (see Appendix C.3) allowed us to evaluate the user perception

aspect of our research. Four out of 20 participants believed that knowledge

level could influence the speed and ease of doing the task. Majority of the

participants claimed to have had difficulties when marking ambiguous ar-

ticles. Surprisingly, when it came to marking these ambiguous articles it

was evenly split with 10 participants marking them as relevant and the other

half (10) as irrelevant. “I usually marked them as irrelevant because if it

does not directly answer your query it will be of no use and might waste

time” [Participant 11]. 40% of the participants reported that they used the

same strategy when flagging relevant and irrelevant articles. When dealing

with ambiguous articles, 75% of the participants claimed to have made their

decision entirely based on the keywords used.

Three participants stated that the way the question was framed influenced

their response. Twelve participants reported that they preferred giving posi-

tive feedback and said they felt more natural doing so.

When asked about their views on giving negative feedback, two partici-

pants said: “It is a bit weird and unnatural. The idea of flagging is to get

things which are relevant because when you search for something you want

relevant results” [P11], “Negative feedback was more taxable because it re-

quired a deeper understanding of the topics” [P8]. However, almost half of

the participants confirmed that they felt more comfortable to using it once

they got used to it. Concerning their previous experience, only two par-

ticipants stated that they have conducted searches using negative feedback

often, either knowingly or unknowingly.

“No problems in providing negative feedback. I would not mind using it

again. We can save time by removing documents which are completely non-

relevant. ”[P9].

Chapter 4. Results and Analysis 27

In general, participants stated that after the experiment they were more open

to using negative feedback, contrary to their initial perception of it.

Chapter 5


The study presented in this thesis was aimed at answering our three main

research questions - the first dealing with the difference in user behaviour

between positive and negative feedback, second examining whether it is ac-

tually the case that people prefer using positive feedback over negative, and

the final question aimed to understand people’s perception towards using

negative relevance feedback.

A study by Ruthven and Lalmas (2003) stated that people usually do not use

negative feedback due to the fear of losing important information. However,

our study showed that there was no such loss of information as the num-

ber of articles receiving positive feedback remained the same, i.e. the same

number of articles were retrieved in both the scenarios. According to the

analysis conducted on the user interaction data, we concluded that there was

no significant difference in the results obtained from positive and negative

feedback tasks. Contrary to this result, majority of the participants claimed

to have felt more natural while using positive relevance feedback. The ex-

planation for this can be found in a study by Belkin et al. (1997), where they

reported that users’ familiarity determined the success of a feedback type -

“the more familiar a user is with this option, the more comfortable they are

with using it.”

We found that flagging articles was considered more cognitively demanding

during negative feedback tasks. This can be associated with the effect of

negative feedback not being evident, as we cannot see the articles which get

concealed by the task (Belkin et al., 1998).


Chapter 5. Discussion 29

During the interview participants explained that irrelevant flagging was per-

ceived to be harder than relevant. However, their results in the tasks show

the opposite. Despite users being unaware of the potential adversities linked

to negative assessment, such as information loss, they tend to give positive

feedback to the same articles whether asked to give positive or negative


Although the two feedback tasks are interpreted differently, our study sug-

gests that relevance and non-relevance assessments are in fact the same in

terms of retrieval results.

The correlation of comfort with knowledge level found in our experiment

is not surprising as a more knowledgeable person is more clear about their

expected results (Ruthven et al., 2007). Moreover, they know what they

are looking for and can filter out the important articles based on their vast

domain knowledge. This can be linked to a lookup search which is much

faster when compared to an exploratory search as the target is well defined

(Athukorala et al., 2016).

The same argument can be used in regards to the time taken between experts

and novices, in this case meaning that novices do not have as clear idea on

what kind of result they expect to find.

Although during the interview some participants reported that an expert

might take longer to flag documents because of their broad knowledge of

the topic which might make it more difficult to select only the ones directly

and obviously related to the topic (Ruthven and Lalmas, 2003), our results

show the contrary as experts overall needed less time to complete the tasks.

This is in line with research showing that expertise is associated with faster

task completion (Dillon and Song, 1997).

Generally, the participants perceived the two flagging tasks as different and

stated to have encountered trouble while flagging ambiguous articles. This

was considered cognitively challenging as the title and abstract did not di-

rectly indicate anything specifically related to the topic. Interviews further

confirmed that users perceive the two tasks differently and not just opposite

of one another.

A general search technique described by participants was using keywords

to determine the relevance of an article, especially for the ambiguous ones.

Chapter 5. Discussion 30

Keywords play an important role in linking user queries and retrieval results

(Palomino et al., 2009). People with a stricter approach of flagging articles

leaned towards marking ambiguous articles as irrelevant, since their strategy

was to find articles precisely relevant to the topic. In other words, documents

that satisfy the entire information need of a query are categorised as strictly

relevant documents (Jung et al., 2007).

Some participants explained that their experience using explicit negative

feedback was initially difficult, but that towards the end of the task they got

used to it and did not find that much of a difference as in the beginning.

All things considered, it seems reasonable to point out that people can pro-

vide negative feedback with ease and effectiveness comparable to positive

feedback after getting used to the task.

Chapter 6

Conclusion and Future Work

This chapter helps us summarise the main findings of our work with their

contribution to the field of relevance feedback. It also includes the short-

comings of our study along with the suggestions for future research.

6.1 Conclusion

We can now revisit the questions posed at the start of this thesis. Our study

allowed us to find the difference in user behaviour and retrieved documents

between positive and negative relevance feedback. Generally, people were

seen to be familiar with using relevance feedback. From our experiments

with the two types of relevance feedback approaches, we can conclude that,

although people prefer giving positive to negative feedback, we found no

significant difference between the number of documents retrieved as rel-

evant in both feedback techniques. We have successfully shown that peo-

ple, when unaware about the outcome, flag documents similarly for both

the tasks. However, when they are asked about their experience, they report

giving negative feedback to be harder than giving positive one. Surprisingly,

many people did not find a difference in the two tasks thus showing that neg-

ative feedback is not completely disapproved.

As we have shown in this study, a person’s knowledge level of the search

topic relates to the evaluation they make on the retrieved articles. We ob-

served a similar trend in search techniques. These search techniques also

seemed to differ when people were encountered with ambiguous articles.


Chapter 6. Conclusion and Future Work 32

Our study helped us understand the perception people have when dealing

with negative relevance feedback. Initially, people were apprehensive about

using explicit negative feedback, however, by the end of the study many

stated that they got used to the feedback technique. In short, the evidence

from our study strongly suggests that explicit negative feedback can be used

without information loss and further research in this field is promising.

6.2 Future Work

We see several opportunities in the future to improve this experimental

study. We observed that participants with higher knowledge of the included

topics found giving relevance feedback in both tasks as more comfortable

and required less time to complete the tasks compared to the novices in the

field. Since determining the expertise was based on self-report, in the future

we can conduct the experiment by recruiting the experts who have studied

the topics included in the study for several years to investigate whether the

difference observed in this study will be present in a bigger sample. Another

way to determine the knowledge level could be by using the grades achieved

by participants.

Next point concerns the difference in time between the experts and novices.

Our results show that novices took more time to complete the tasks. Even

though this is not a surprising finding, the observed difference between the

groups might have been made bigger because of the participants’ language

skills. For example, it is possible that more novices than experts were not

fluent in English which would then further increase the time needed to com-

plete the tasks. Therefore, it could be worthwhile to conduct this study with

only native speakers.

An important question to be explored further is how people can get accus-

tomed to using negative relevance feedback and in which situations it can

provide better retrieval results. The answer to this can help us generate better

IR systems using machine learning algorithms as negative feedback plays

an important role in their functioning.

Appendix A

Participant Information Sheet

TITLE OF STUDYRelevance Feedback in Information Retrieval

INVITATIONYou are being asked to take part in a research study on the Relevance Feed-

back in Information Retrieval’. The aim of the study is to test a new in-

formation retrieval system for scientific literature. I am a MSc Artificial

Intelligence student at the University of Edinburgh and this study is a part

of my Masters Thesis supervised by Dr Dorota Glowacka.

WHAT WILL HAPPENIn this study, you will be asked to mark scholarly literature articles on vari-

ous topics as relevant or non-relevant depending on the question. It will be

followed by asking you to provide a brief feedback on the topics. At the

end of the study, you will be asked to fill in a questionnaire about the same.

Finally, I will be taking a small interview with you about how you felt about

the system and the study in general.

TIME COMMITMENTThe study typically takes 50-60 minutes which includes testing the system,

followed by filling a questionnaire and a small interview.

PARTICIPANTS RIGHTS1. You may decide to stop your participation at any time.

2. You have the right to ask that any data supplied to that point be with-


3. Feel free to ask questions at any point. If you have any questions as a re-


Appendix A. Participant Information Sheet 34

sult of reading this information sheet, you should ask the researcher before

the study begins.

BENEFITS AND RISKSThere are no known benefits or risks for you in this study.

COST, REIMBURSEMENT AND COMPENSATIONYour participation in this study is voluntary. However, we will reimburse

you with a compensation of 10 for your time, at the end of the study.

CONFIDENTIALITY/ANONYMITYThe data and information about you will be treated confidentially. Your

name or any other information which could identify you will not be made

public. The results of the study will be published in an anonymised form,

preventing the identification of any particular person.

When your role with this project is complete, your data will be anonymised.

From that time, there will be no record that links the data collected from

you with any personal data from which you could be identified (e.g., your

name, address, email, etc.). Up until the point at which your data have been

anonymised, you can decide not to consent to having your data included

in further analyses. Once anonymised, these data may be made available

to researchers via accessible data repositories and possibly used for novel


FURTHER INFORMATIONFurthermore, Dr. Dorota Glowacka (supervisor) will be glad to answer your

questions about this study at any time, and can inform you about the re-

sults of the study once data collection is complete. You may contact her at:


Researcher: Dhruv Tripathi (s1756548@ed.ac.uk)

Supervisor: Dr. Dorota Glowacka (dglowack@staffmail.ed.ac.uk)

Appendix B

Consent Form

TITLE OF STUDYRelevance Feedback in Information Retrieval

By signing below, you are agreeing that:

(1) you have read and understood the Participant Information Sheet,

(2) questions about your participation in this study have been answered


(3) anonymised data only may be shared in public data repositories, and

(4) you are willing for to take part in this voluntary research study


Name (Printed):



Name of the person obtaining consent:

Signature of the person obtaining consent:


Appendix C


C.1 Intermediate questionnaire

TOPICFace detection

Twitter sentiment analysis

Wireless network energy efficiency,

Fake news detection and

Clinical applications of deep learning.

For relevant flagging:

1. How would you rate your knowledge on TOPIC?

2. How frequently have you searched articles about TOPIC in the last

academic year?

3. How natural/comfortable did you ind flagging relevant documents for


For irrelevant flagging:

1. How would you rate your knowledge on TOPIC?

2. How frequently have you searched articles about TOPIC in the last

academic year?

3. How natural/comfortable did you ind flagging irrelevant documents for



Appendix C. Questionnaires 37

C.2 Post-test Questionnaire

1. Did it feel more natural/comfortable to flag documents as relevant or not


2. Did you think it was faster to flag documents as relevant or not relevant?

3. When flagging relevant documents, did you tend to flag ambiguous

documents as relevant or not relevant?

4. When flagging not relevant documents, did you tend to flag ambiguous

documents as relevant or not relevant?

5. In your opinion, which option communicated more information: flagging

documents as relevant or not relevant?

6. Did you feel it was more cognitively demanding to flag documents as

relevant or not relevant?

7. Do you think a novice user would prefer flagging documents as relevant

or not relevant?

8. Do you think an expert user would prefer flagging documents as relevant

or not relevant?

9. When you were asked to flag relevant documents, what best describes

the set of unflagged documents?

10. When you were asked to flag not relevant documents, what best

describes the set of unflagged documents?

C.3 Interview questions

1. What are your thoughts about this experiment and search strategy

did you apply?

2. What are your thoughts on providing negative feedback?

3. What difference did you feel between the two flagging tasks?


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