Explain How Your Newspaper Conforms to News Values

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  • 8/2/2019 Explain How Your Newspaper Conforms to News Values


    Explain how your newspaper

    conforms to News Values

    Tracie Claire Woodall ODriscoll 13GT

  • 8/2/2019 Explain How Your Newspaper Conforms to News Values


  • 8/2/2019 Explain How Your Newspaper Conforms to News Values


    How does your newspaper conform to Galtung and Rouges News


    Immediacy: Newspapers only want to lead on eventsthat have just happened. For example my lead story

    Boy,16, murdered in Wembley was designed in

    order to make the audience believe the event

    happened yesterday. Recent activities are more likely

    to sell as the audience may not be interested in

    something they have seen before that is old. But oftenthe media take an old situation and try present it

    differently to the public and give it a today angle.

  • 8/2/2019 Explain How Your Newspaper Conforms to News Values


    Familiarity: Because of the

    geographic area that my paper is

    serving it will be representing the

    local area to an audience rangingthrough social class categories

    from B-E. The audience can relate

    to the stories in my paper as it is

    presenting local news. This offers

    them a sense of stability and

    comfort as they are reading newson a area they are familiar with.

  • 8/2/2019 Explain How Your Newspaper Conforms to News Values


    Amplitude: The stories shown to

    the left are example of amplitude

    also known as big stories. A

    murder is usually a big story whenassociated in a popular area such

    as Wembley. Also events that

    include celebrities are likely to

    draw in the readers especially

    seeing as its local.

  • 8/2/2019 Explain How Your Newspaper Conforms to News Values


    Frequency: This tends to

    include something that usually

    happens fast e.g. a murder.

    Unambiguity: This strictly

    means are the stories easy to

    explain and are they clear

    enough for the audience tounderstand. All the stories I

    have included are straight to

    the point and are easy to

    understand, such as the

    example shown on the left.

    Newspaper often avoid storiesthat are difficult to explain as

    they want to draw in their

    readers not confuse them.

  • 8/2/2019 Explain How Your Newspaper Conforms to News Values


    Predictability: The stories are often

    repeatable but conveyed differently

    each time as the audience expect it

    to happen. Although predictable canbe boring the editors present each

    story in a different way in order to

    keep the audience intrigued.

    Murder stories are often predictable

    but due to the media presentingthem differently it is still interesting

    to read.

  • 8/2/2019 Explain How Your Newspaper Conforms to News Values


    Surprise: This often includes

    rare events as the audiences

    sometimes like surprises even if

    they are unusual.

    As shown to the right > Tinie

    Tempah makes fans PASS OUT.

    This may surprise/excite the

    readers as its not often you

    hear about celebrities in yourlocal area so this may interest

    them in some way as it is


  • 8/2/2019 Explain How Your Newspaper Conforms to News Values


    Continuity: This can also relate to predictability as it is a running story that may

    have been in the news before but is being continued as a different issue.Newspapers are always looking for new angles on on-going news stories.

    Stories such a murder is often repeated. This puts a strain on the area as it is going

    to be represented as dangerous. Murder is always defined as news but due to the

    editors and the features within the story this helps to present it differently.

  • 8/2/2019 Explain How Your Newspaper Conforms to News Values


    Elite nations or people: The events

    have occurred in a well known

    area as Wembley which is

    ironically known for the Arena and


    Events that are likely to take part in

    these 2 iconic buildings will often

    create good reading material as it

    is something that will definitely

    interest people.

    On the right shows my example of

    Elite people such as Tinie Tempah

    as he is likely to interest Wembley

    as its readers vary between classes

    so the categories between B-E

    which my paper is serving are

    likely to be familiar with the likes

    of this celebrity.

  • 8/2/2019 Explain How Your Newspaper Conforms to News Values


    Negativity: Negativity within a newspaper often requires bad

    news . Bad news always seems to get more press and public


    < 3 examples: All these examples demonstrate bad press that

    most likely interests the readers.

  • 8/2/2019 Explain How Your Newspaper Conforms to News Values


    Visual Impact: Often really strong

    stories are presented with a image to

    further engage their readers.

    Occasionally newspapers will lead witha story based on the strength of the

    images that go with it.

    Tinie Tempah makes fans PASS OUT

    I have used a picture of Tinie Tempah

    in action of his Wembley Arena gig in

    order to intrigue the readers.

    Boy, 16, murdered in Wembley I

    included the image of the Victim and

    the Villain the provide the audience

    with a sense of understanding as its a

    local newspaper they may be able to

    recognise the two youths.