Exhibit 024 - Notice... ...of Kol Nidre

Post on 08-Oct-2015

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Transcript of Exhibit 024 - Notice... ...of Kol Nidre

Point 024. Affiant has no record or evidence that any judge, prosecutor, or any/all public officials who have taken/administered the Oath of Kol Nidre at any time in their past are not un-biased and impartial and must not be recused, disqualified, and otherwise removed from any action against Affiant, as per EXHIBIT 024 - NOTICE OF UNFAIR TRADE PRACTICES BY WAY OF KOL NIDRE.ADMIT - Libellees listed in this document admit to the truth and guilt of lying before the court and other deceptive trade practices of any office-holder who is required to swear any Oath and has taken the "Kol Nidre".


Definition: KOL NIDRE: The opening prayer recited on the eve of Yom Kippur, declaring the annulment of all personal vows made to God in the preceding year.THIS IS THE OATH that many (did I say many) lawyers, judges, doctors, etc. take every year to disavow the oaths they have taken in the previous year (365 days). This vow, or oath, is a vial of serpents venom when applied as remedy against Affiant to Affiant's disadvantage. The Kol Nidre Oath is an oath that is worthy of special attention. This oath is required of Masonic Judges, who make up about 82% of the American Judiciary ( and 31% of all judges that have sat upon the supreme court in the U. S.), by the Masonic Lodge. The oath originates with the Jews, being performed at the Evening Service for the Day of Atonement each year. The oath states that: All vows, bonds, devotions, promises, obligations, penalties and oaths: wherewith we have vowed, sworn, devoted and bound ourselves: from this Day of Atonement unto the next Day of Atonement, may it come unto us for good: lo all these, we repent us in them. They shall be absolved, released, annulled, made void, and of none effect: they shall not be binding nor shall they have any power. Our vow shall not be vows; our bonds shall not be bonds: and our oaths shall not be oaths.

A judge who has taken the Kol Nidre oath has no constitutional oath, and is merely an actor on the bench, since the judge has nullified his statutory oath.Affiant cares not what they swear to, or swear not to, except for one thing, - - they have taken the oath to uphold the Constitution, or to give me proper medical treatment, or represent me in my best interests. That makes it personal. That makes it deception. That makes it fraud and a many other nasty things.Therefore, a "NO" answer is paramount and mandatory before any proceeding can commence against Affiant;1) Did Public Official/Public Servant at any time in the past year recite the rite, or oath known as the "Kol Nidre"?, 2) Did Public Official/Public Servant ever recite, or otherwise participate in the rite, or oath known as "Kol Nidre"?, 3) Has Public Official/Public Servant ever been in the presence of the rite, or oath known as "Kol Nidre" being spoken?, 4) Does Public Official/Public Servant now hold, or has Public Official/Public Servant ever held the festival known as "Yom Kippur" as a religious holiday or day of observance?If the answer is "yes" to any of these, or if proven that it should have been "yes", then everything the Public Official/Public Servant said is disqualified as Public Official/Public Servant has no sworn statement of truth. [Many judges and attorneys have taken this oath.]The term "jurisdiction" means Oath Spoken. Anyone who has recited the "Kol Nidre" has no jurisdiction over Affiant as they have no "truth" to hold. Their oath of office is disavowed by their performance of the "Kol Nidre".

"We believe one who has knowingly given his loyalties to such a program and belief for six to seven years during a period of responsible adulthood is a person of questionable character." 60 N. M. 304, 319, 339, 291 P.2d 607, 617, 630. (Kol Nidre)