Exercise programming for weight management

Post on 18-Dec-2014

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Exercise programming for-weight-management

Transcript of Exercise programming for weight management

Exercise Programming for Exercise Programming for Weight Management Weight Management

Joshua La Reaux, M.S., CSCSJoshua La Reaux, M.S., CSCSClinical Exercise Instructor, PEAK Academy Clinical Exercise Instructor, PEAK Academy Department of Exercise and Sport ScienceDepartment of Exercise and Sport Science

The University of UtahThe University of Utah

Physical Activity RecommendationsPhysical Activity Recommendations

Surgeon General: 30 minutes of light to moderate activity most if not all days of the week.

ACSM: Overweight adults should engage in “approximately 45 minutes” of exercise per day to lose weight or prevent weight regain.

Institute of Medicine: 60 minutes a day of moderate physical activity to prevent weight gain.

International Association for the Study of Obesity: 45 to 90 minutes of moderate physical activity per day.

Getting StartedGetting Started

• Where are you psychologically?

• Where are you physically?

• What are your barriers?

• What do you enjoy doing?

Psychological ReadinessPsychological Readiness(Transtheoretical Model)(Transtheoretical Model)

• Precontemplation – lack of interest in making a change.

• Contemplation – thinking about making a change.

• Preparation – taking steps to make a change or have already made small changes.

• Action – actively engaged in the behavior but for less than six months.

• Maintenance – have maintained the behavior for more than six months.

Physical ReadinessPhysical Readiness

Step 1 - Self administered questionnaire (PAR-Q, AHA/ACSM Health/Fitness

Facility Preparticipation Questionnaire)

Step 2 – If necessary, obtain physician’s clearance (may include stress testing).

Step 3 – If necessary, professional guidance/supervision.

Identifying BarriersIdentifying Barriers

Identifying and overcoming barriers is a critical step in successful exercise programming!

Common barriers include:• Lack of time

• Lack of support• Lack of skill

• Access • Cost

• Fear of injury

What do you enjoy doing?What do you enjoy doing?

To achieve the highest levels of adherence choose activities you enjoy. However,

every program should address the main components of physical fitness:

• Body Composition

• Cardiorespiratory or Aerobic Fitness

• Muscular Strength and Endurance

• Flexibility

Cardiovascular FitnessCardiovascular Fitness

“Cardiorespiratory fitness is related to the ability to perform large muscle, dynamic, moderate- to high-intensity exercise for

prolonged periods” (ACSM, 2000, p.68).

Cornerstone of healthy weight management!

Cardiovascular FitnessCardiovascular FitnessProgram Stage

Weeks Frequency Intensity Duration

Initial Stage 1 to 6 3 to 4 days per week

40% to 60% of HRR

15 to 30 minutes

Improvement Stage

5 to 24 3 to 5 days per week

60% to 85% of HRR

25 to 40 minutes

Maintenance Stage

24+ 3 to 5 days per week

70% to 85% of HRR

20 to 60 minutes

Heart Rate ReserveHeart Rate Reserve

A way to measure exercise intensity using resting and maximal heart rate. Also

known as the Karvonen formula.

Cardiovascular Fitness WorksheetCardiovascular Fitness Worksheet

Moderate Heart Rate Range (40%) =

([Heart Rate Max* _____ - Resting Heart Rate _____] x .40) + Resting Heart Rate

Vigorous Heart Rate Range (60%) =

([Heart Rate Max* _____ - Resting Heart Rate _____] x .60) + Resting Heart Rate

* Heart Rate Max = 220 – age in years (+/- 12).

Muscular Strength and EnduranceMuscular Strength and Endurance

To write an effective program there are a multitude of variables to consider:

• Training goal• Training experience• Appropriate volume (V = Reps x Load)• Appropriate intensity (% of 1RM)• Rest/work ratios• Exercise selection (large muscle groups followed

by smaller ones)• Proper warm-up/cool-down

Muscular Strength Muscular Strength Program Stage

Weeks Frequency Intensity

(reps/sets/ % 1RM


Beginning 6 to 8 2 to 3 days/week

8-12 reps

1-2 sets

60% to 70%

< 1 hour

Intermediate 2 to 4 3 to 4 days/week

8-12 reps


60% to 85%


Advanced 2 to 4 ≤ 6 days/week

1-12 reps Variable 80% to 100%


Flexibility Flexibility

Flexibility is defined as the “ability to move a joint through its complete range of motion” (ACSM, 2000, p.85.).

Including flexibility training into a program may

reduce injury, facilitate activities of daily living and improve performance. Unfortunately,

flexibility training is often misunderstood and neglected.

Flexibility TrainingFlexibility Training

Mode Frequency Intensity Duration

Static Variable ≥ 1 set to mild discomfort

30 to 60 seconds.

Sample Program Sample Program Week OneWeek One

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Cadio - (bike)


Cardio (walk)

Resistance Training 1

Flexibility Training

Cardio (EFX)

Flexibility Training

Cardio (walk)

Resistance Training 2



Flexibility Training

Recreationactivity: hiking,visit the zoo,skiing, water ski,basketball, ect.



Day Mode Intensity Duration

Monday Bike 121-144 bpm 30 min

Tuesday Walk 121-144 bpm 20 min

Wednesday EFX 121-144 bpm 35 min

Thursday Walk 121-144 bpm 20 min

Friday Walk/jog 121-144 bpm 30 min

Saturday Variable N/A N/A

Resistance TrainingResistance TrainingResistance Training 1 Resistance Training 2

Exercise Load (lbs) Sets Reps Exercise Load Sets Reps

Leg Press 100 2 15 Back Squat 65 2 12

DB Chest Press 20 2 15 Incline Chest Press 45 2 12

Lat Pull Down 55 2 15 Seated Row 65 2 12

DB Shoulder Press 15 2 15 DB Lat Raise 10 2 12

Machine Hamstring Curls 35 2 15 Straight Leg Deadlift 50 2 12

Cable Triceps Extension 20 2 15 Assisted Dips 50 2 12

Cable Curls 20 2 15 Hammer Curls 15 2 12

Seated Back Extension 40 2 15 Cable Twist 15 2 12 ea

Stability Ball Crunch BW 2 20 Front Elbow Bridge BW 2 30 sec


Exercise Sets Duration Supine Glute Stretch 2 30 sec

Doorway Chest Stress 2 30 sec

Standing Quad Stretch 2 30 sec

Standing Hamstring Stretch 2 30 sec

Seated Front Deltoid Stretch 2 30 sec

Childs Pose (yoga) 2 30 sec

Step Calf Stretch 2 30 sec


The purpose of this workshop is to provide a general understanding of exercise programming for healthy weight

management. The examples provided may not be appropriate for everyone. Those

interested in starting an exercise program are strongly encouraged to meet with their

physician or a certified exercise professional.


Contact Information:

Josh La Reaux

(801) 585-7325


ReferencesReferences• 1. ACSM. (2000). ACSM’s Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams.• 2. United States Department of Health and Human Services. Physical activity and health: a report of the Surgeon

General. Atlanta, GA: US Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, 1996.