Post on 13-Apr-2017

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about us

core benefits

the dean why us?


value proposition


program portfolio


campus location

note from the dean





open enrollment signature



04 07








a message from the dean

At Prince Mohammad Bin Salman College of Business and En-

trepreneurship, we are proud to have inherited the Babson

DNA, with a strong emphasis on “Entrepreneurial Thought and

Action™” (ETA), to help educate decision makers from private

businesses, philanthropic organisations or government entities,

who can think and act as entrepreneurs, in line with the transi-

tion of the Kingdom towards a Knowledge Economy.

The Executive Education division at MBSC provides a broader

platform to address the themes of Vision 2030 by designing and

delivering executive programs for corporations, public sector

organizations, family businesses, new ventures, growing busi-

nesses, social sector organizations, educational institutions,

and individuals across the region.

We encourage you to visit our website and its many resources

or schedule a meeting with our world-class faculty for one-on-

one meeting and tour of our state-of-the-art campus in King

Abdullah Economic City.

Please feel free to contact us to explore how we can provide

solutions to the challenges and issues faced by you or your

company. We are looking forward to designing and developing

tailor-made solutions for your capacity building needs.

Sincerely yours,

Dr. Muhammad Azam Roomi

Dr Muhammad Azam Roomi is Professor of Entrepreneurship and

Business Growth and Dean of Executive Education at Prince Muham-

mad Bin Salman College of Business and Entrepreneurship (MBSC).

Prior to this, he held an academic faculty position at the Cranfield

School of Management, where he was Director of the Executive MBA

and the MSc in Management and Entrepreneurship Programmes. Dr

Roomi is a passionate ‘entrepreneurial mindset activator’ and has

successfully conducted training and development programmes for

entrepreneurship and business growth for over 50 global clients.

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welcome to the prince mohammad bin salman college

The mission of the College is to educate entrepreneurial lead-ers who can recognize and shape opportunities. Graduates of the College will be capable of producing economic and social value wherever they work - as employees in large or small businesses; as leaders of government, social, or philanthropic organizations; as founders of new businesses; or as leaders of family-owned and operated enterprises.

about us

Prince Mohammad Bin Salman College (MBSC) of Business & Entrepreneurship is a new private, higher education institution for both men and women. MBSC will feature Babson College’s unique approach to entrepreneurial education which does not rely on passively listening to classroom lectures but will focus on hands-on participant centric experiential learning that is practical and pragmatic.

campus location

MBSC is located in King Abdullah Economic City, a world class city on the pristine shores of the Red Sea. The college in located at the heart of KAEC’s Coastal Community, a truly nat-ural environment with stunning homes, world-class amenities, first rate educational facilities and friendly community.



unique pedagogy

EXED @ MBSC brings an amalgamation of Babson pro-prietary pedagogy “Entrepre-neurial Thought and Action™” (ETA) and Entrepreneurship of All Kinds™” (EAK) based on participant centered analogi-cal approach, complimenting Vision 2030 in the Kingdom, resulting in an enriching and holistic learning experience.

world-class faculty

Our key strength is our highly accomplished and renowned faculty, who are celebrated leaders in their fields and are based in KAEC. They are dedicated to provide an opti-mal learning environment for business professionals of every industry.

the campus networking

Our State of the art, custom built campus, set in a natural environment on the pristine coastline of the Red Sea in KAEC, has fully equipped modern classrooms, which would not only pique the interest of our students but also have a positive effect on the time they spend here.

Our delegates will stand to gain immensely from each other through group discussions,exercises and simulations that will also aid exchange of ideas, innovation and invaluable networking with the choicest peer.

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The Executive Education at MBSC offers open-enrollment as well as bespoke/customized programs designed through highly collaborative partnerships and personalized focus resulting in an integrated learning experience that is effective and efficient.

We have a comprehensive range of courses for executives at all career stages. Our broad portfolio of Open enrollment programs cover all business disciplines. The fusion of our globally diverse faculty, thought leadership, organization-specific content and participant centric approach, make our programs and bootcamps a unique learning experience.

Our expert faculty team delivers customized Programs tailored to the objectives of every organization to meet its unique needs. The result is an integrated solution that allows the organizations to cascade the learning from top executives to middle manage-ment, facilitating harmonized transfor-mation across geographical regions and business functions.

why mbsc?

value proposition



The Executive Education(EXED) at MBSC, is the blend of Babson proprietary pedagogy “Entrepreneurial Thought and Action™” (ETA) and Entrepreneurship of All Kinds™” (EAK) with the new entrepre-neurship landscape, in the backdrop of Vision 2030 in the Kingdom.

We believe in kindling the entrepre-neurial spirit empowered by effective tools, state of the art facility and our highly-accomplished faculty to help individuals and organizations develop cross-functional skills, strategic vision and superior management expertise to stay abreast of industry trends and leverage upon emerging opportunities.

We truly believe that Entrepreneur-ial mindset is not only for startups or business incubators, but also the most successful organizations of all types and sizes use entrepreneurship to creatively solve problems and adapt to change, and people from all different backgrounds and perspectives can use it within their organizations to creative-ly add to their businesses’ bottom line.

Our unique value proposition is built on the duality of helping to create more entrepreneurs who can create jobs, thus contributing to the economic and social development and empowering more entrepreneurial leaders who can think and act like entrepreneurs to make all organizations – business, social, philanthropic or government – more responsive to the progressive needs of the Kingdom and its citizens.

Our programs are designed to develop leaders at every level.


strategy under uncertainty

summary profile key benefits

The two-day program gives top managers a set of

frontier-of-knowledge tools to adapt their strategy

to the new economic reality of the Kingdom of Sau-

di Arabia. It has been designed to help top manag-

ers and their teams (TMTs) to implement success-

ful and profitable strategies that allow managers

and organizations to become more agile when re-

acting to uncertainty.

Suitable for senior manag-

ers, Top Management Team

members. C-level and se-

nior executives in-charge of

strategy design and imple-

mentation. Board members

and Directors. Seasoned

and Influential Executives.

Understand how to strategize effectively under

uncertainty. Develop the ability to act decisive-

ly, maximizing potential benefits while reducing


identifying customers hidden needs

summary profile key benefits

The program consists of select education tools &

techniques for understanding customers’ hidden

needs. The approach is built on real life situations

and group exercises. It especially helps organiza-

tions that want to develop innovative products and

services, hence the need to develop deeper cus-

tomer insights.

Its best suited for Marketing

Directors, Chief strategy of-

ficers, Innovation managers,

R&D managers and R&D proj-

ect managers, Directors and

senior managers from all func-

tions and especially new prod-

uct development core teams.

It equips the delegates to design communica-

tion around the changing customer’s profiles

and paradigm shift in their needs. It helps

them understand the philosophy behind and

techniques to identify ethical issues in data to

develop an innovative market research method-

ology to capture hidden needs.


building better boards

summary profile key benefits

The program focuses on establishing more effective Boards in

enterprises and is designed to help Board members achieve

excellence in Corporate Governance. This workshop has been

designed by GCC Board Directors Institute for MBSC and

consists of two interactive days including discussion groups,

case studies and interactive assessments. It is based on a

set of fundamental concepts and values which is important in

achieving corporate excellence and long term success.

Ideal for Board Directors,

Board Secretaries or C

Suite Executives, Sea-

soned Chairpersons, Board

Committee Members, and

Individual Directors.

Learn from one of the top international “prac-

ademics” the latest trends, effective corporate

governance, KSA regulations, your liabilities as a

board director and review your approach to risk.

executive education

Our signature series of tailor-made as well as open-enrollment programs equip our learners to leverage the knowledge in meeting the challenges of fast paced, evolving dynamic econo-my and attain leadership roles.


women’s leadership program

summary profile key benefits

The leadership development program for women, helps

them embrace the role as a strategic and entrepreneurial

thinker and leader. The participants will bring back to

your organisation, the invaluable new tools, concepts,

resources, and approaches for driving innovation and

growth. It will assist in their initiating self-awareness

and critical reflection in identifying their competencies,

strengths and unravelling potential areas.

Best for women executives

with management respon-

sibilities, especially mid- and

senior-level managers who

lead teams or have direct

reports as well as entrepre-

neurs and business owners

Blend your instincts and experience to navigate

in uncertain as well as structured environments.

Learn to actively manage your professional de-

velopment and secure managerial support for

innovative ideas and strategic opportunities.

leading digital transformation 

summary profile key benefits

New digital technologies and media, along with chang-

ing consumer demand, are changing the dynamics of

competition across industries. This program helps de-

velop strong leadership, rooted in a thorough theoret-

ical foundation. Study and analyze business models,

to understand how digital transformation is enabling

competition, creating opportunities and threats.

Designed for business heads

and Senior Managers who

are responsible to devel-

op a strategic, organiza-

tional wisdom and innova-

tion-based capabilities to

lead digital transformation

Acquire the basic principles of how your teams

work and collaborate, how the business pro-

cesses are executed, how data flows within and

across the organization, or how the company

interacts with customers to lead digital trans-


from idea to market: new venture creation

summary profile key benefits

The program will focus on developing an Entrepreneurial

mindset. It will help in understanding skills necessary for

success, building the right team, evaluating the viability of

the new venture within a current organization or a new

organization, as well as creating a business model that is

consistent with values while exploring the ethical, social

and environmental impacts of building a profitable new


The program is suitable for po-

tential entrepreneurs who want

to create their own business,

business-unit leaders, function-

al heads, managers and future

decision makers, who need to

develop a broader perspective

on company operations, or who

will soon become business-unit,

divisional, or regional leaders.

Acquire functional knowledge of entrepreneur-

ship when responding to business challenges

and opportunities. Assess the difference be-

tween ideas and viable business opportunities.


leading family business

summary profile key benefits

The program addresses some important aspects

of leading an established family business, explor-

ing the issues of conflict management, planning

for succession, and recognizing the opportunities

for good governance mechanisms and cultural

change. Participants will learn how to leverage

the strengths of different members to achieve

high performance and healthy family relation-


It is designed for Fami-

ly business owners and

members of their ex-

tended family with Exec-

utive or Non-Executive

roles. Also, for Investors,

Founders, leaders, and

professionals associated

with family businesses.

This program is designed to raise awareness

about opportunities, characteristics and chal-

lenges unique to family businesses and devel-

op capabilities for organization, strategies, and

succession in family businesses at different

stages of their growth and evolutionary trajec-


corporate entrepreneurship program

summary profile key benefits

This program is about shaping or changing large

organisations so that they continue to be or be-

come entrepreneurial. It comprises of practical

case studies and delivered through, hands-on

participant approach, including visits from guest

speakers and mentoring sessions.

For middle to Top Tier Mangers,

General Managers, Managing Di-

rectors, Board Members and Se-

nior Executives of medium to large

organizations interested in growth

and development through innova-

tion and creativity at all levels

Gain a set of comprehensive, actionable tools

to evaluate and analyze what is required to be-

come an entrepreneurial leader and propose

how this can be made possible in larger orga-


being an equity investor

summary profile key benefits

A practical and interactive programme that will

examine the critical aspects of making equity

investments across the life cycle of a business

including start-up, growth, and distressed firms.

Develop an understanding on equity investments

both from an entrepreneur’s and investor’s per-

spective. Learn how to evaluate business oppor-

tunities (quantitative and qualitative), conduct

due diligence, and prepare a term sheet

Individuals who are looking

to become Business Angels

and/or operate in private

equity and venture capital.

Entrepreneurs who are look-

ing for equity investment

Enhance the knowledge of the underlying busi-

ness model of venture capital and private eq-

uity and evaluate and structure equity invest-

ments across the entrepreneurial life cycle


mbsc general management program

summary profile key benefits

This four-module program of 2 days each is de-

livered over 3 months. It will focus on develop-

ing cross functional skills giving you cross-orga-

nizational exposure. It will equip you with tools

and techniques to enhance your leadership skills,

mindset, and performance.

It is suitable for Business-unit Lead-

ers, functional Heads, Managers

and future decision makers, who

need to develop a broader perspec-

tive on company operations, or who

will soon become business-unit, di-

visional, or regional leaders.

Acquire knowledge of comprehensive, integrated

perspective and sharpen your strategic as well

as innovative leadership skills. Imbibe a global

perspective for effective decision making.

entrepreneurial growth bootcamp

summary profile key benefits

This training program is a practical and experien-

tial in its orientation, and enables the participants

to clarify their concepts about growing entrepre-

neurial ventures, alone or in a larger organization

as corporate projects by three world-renowned, in-

ternationally acclaimed entrepreneurship experts

at MBSC’s state-of-the-art purpose-built educa-

tional facilities

Customized for growth-

oriented entrepreneurial


It aims to make delegates understand the con-

cept of Entrepreneurship of all kinds, the dif-

ferent ways on acting entrepreneurially (from

start-ups to corporate ventures) and to have a

deeper knowledge of the resources, tools and

skills needed in the process and learn the impli-

cations of designing a winning business model

or innovating over existent ones as a key ven-

turing success factor

saudi enterprise growth program

summary profile key benefits

This unique four-module program is delivered over

4 months. This program is designed specifically for

growth-oriented businesses striving to transform

and achieve sustainable levels of growth for long-

term success. It enables you to make decisions

based on insights to meet challenges, and harness

opportunities for growth.

It is ideal for entrepre-

neurs, Business Owners,

CEOs, Managing Directors,

and General Managers

to learn the strategies

to grow their businesses

while working on it.

The program will help you define important stra-

tegic and tactical actions you can take leading to

the creation of a powerful, ready to implement,

“Enterprise Accelerator Plan” that positively im-

pacts your revenue and profitability.


contact us

Receive our quarterly email newsletter and news of upcoming events. We're happy to answer your questions and to provide information.

Please write into: inquiry.eced@mbsc.edu.sa

7082-BayLaSun-JumanSt. Unit No. 1King Abdullah Economic City23964-2522Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


we look forward to receiving you at the mbsc campus soon