Exds 2001 global mathematics

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Transcript of Exds 2001 global mathematics

EXDS 2001 Global


Professor Traci Welch MoritzPublic Services Librarian


What we’ll do today

• Resources for research• Primary, secondary, tertiary

resources• Hints, tips and tricks for the

assignment• Citing in powerpoints


Research Guide



Primary resources in the sciences most often consists or original research.• the work

researchers do in the laboratory and then write up and publish in formal lab reports and/or research articles .

• Primary sources provide

• A detailed description of experiments

• References to other experiments and scientists in the field

• Source material for latest findings



Secondary sources in the sciences are those that discuss the original research of others. • Summarize• Interpret• analyze material found

in primary source research. 

Secondary Sources provide context for the Primary Source material, giving readers

• Summaries of scientific work

• Perspective• Facts



• A tertiary source discuses or summarizes material published in Primary and Secondary sources.


• Examples:– Almanacs,

dictionaries, encyclopedias

– Indexes, bibliographies

– Text books– Trade

publications– Newspaper,

magazine articles


How to conduct research

• Consider the information sought

• Who cares?Who would write about it?Who would read what they

wrote?Where would you expect

this information to be published?

www.brainybetty.com 8

What about the web?

Wikipedia, Google, web based resources need to be used at the proper time for the proper reasons.

www.brainybetty.com 9

Sherlock Holmes in Babylon

• Cuneiform tablet

• Babylonia• Babylonian

numerals• Otto

Neugebauer• Abraham Sachs


BiographicalWiki + Biography Reference Bank + Oxford Reference


Search• POLAR• Article-level searching for all

EBSCO databases• Article-level searching for a

variety of other databases: JSTOR, Hoover’s, AccessPharmacy, etc.

• Title-level searching for most other databases: IEEE, CIAO, Proquest Nursing & Allied Health

• OhioLink central catalog

Research Ethics• Plagiarism - “...the wrongful

appropriation or purloining, and publication as one’s own, the ideas or the expression of the ideas (literary, artistic, musical, mechanical, etc.) of an other.” – see Heterick Help Page, Also Student Code of Conduct

• Copyright - intended to promote the arts and the sciences. It does this by providing authors of original literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, and certain other intellectual works the ability to control how their work is used by others.

Research Ethics• In other words, to plagiarize

is to copy someone else’s work without giving him/her credit.

• Plagiarism is not always intentional. You can do it by accident, but it is still against the law. If you ever have a question about whether something is plagiarized, please ask!


1. How not to plagiarize your report -- Shannon Hosier Mersand


Research Ethics

• Identify any information that would not be considered common knowledge

• Unless in direct quotes, make sure you paraphrase what the original author said

• Use a quote if you can’t think of a way to paraphrase the information

• always, Always, ALWAYS cite the source of any information in your paper which is not considered common knowledge. If you are unsure if something is common knowledge, cite it!

2 How not to plagiarize your report -- Shannon Hosier Mersand

How may I avoid plagiarizing?2

Research Ethics

Things that are found in a number of places, and are likely to be known by a large number of people.

Examples:– The sky is blue– Grass is usually green– George Washington was the 1st president of

the United States

So what is common knowledge

3 How not to plagiarize your report -- Shannon Hosier Mersand


Research Ethics

Main Entry: para·phrase 1 : a restatement of a text, passage, or work giving the meaning in another form

What does paraphrase mean?

Research Ethics

When you paraphrase something, it is different than putting it in your own words. When you put something in your own words, you are making a statement about the information you have found, rather than just restating the information. Usually there is an opinion of some sort in something “in your own words”

What does it mean to put something in my own words?

4 How not to plagiarize your report -- Shannon Hosier Mersand



Research Ethics

• Main Entry: quote 1 a : to speak or write (a passage) from another usually with credit acknowledgment b : to repeat a passage from, especially in substantiation or illustration

What is a quote?

Research Ethics

• A citation is how you indicate where your information came from.

• There are four citation styles that are in frequent use at the college level. They are:

• MLA (Modern Language Association)• APA (American Psychological Association)• CMS (Chicago Manual of Style)• Turabian (Kate Turabian's A Manual for

Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, 6th ed., 1996 )

• Each style has a way to do in-text citations, a way to do a bibliography, and a way to do footnotes and endnotes.

• Always confirm with each instructor the style required.

• You need to learn how to do citations, etc., but there is a citation software management tool available to all ONU students, faculty and staff…

What is a citation?


Research Ethics

• Whenever you use information that is not common knowledge

• Whenever you use information that you did not know before doing the research

• Whenever you quote another person’s ideas or word, whether they are written or spoken

• Whenever you paraphrase another person’s written or spoken words or ideas

When should I cite my sources?

5 How not to plagiarize your report -- Shannon Hosier Mersand



How to cite in a ppt• Commonly accepted practices

include– A citation within a slide– A citation in the notes field of

each slide for which you need to note others’ work

– A slide at the end with appropriate citations

• Always ask the instructor if preferences are not noted in the syllabus


Questions?• Communications Skills Center• reference@onu.edu


121 Research Consultations

with the

Librarians of Heterick Memorial Library

Need a little extra help with your research?Finding plenty of resources, but not exactly what you are looking for?

Has it been suggested by instructor to meet with a librarian?

· An in-depth research consultation with the librarian of your choice is available by appointment.

· Sessions may run for 30-60 minutes and are designed to assist students with finding and evaluating resources

· Schedule an appointment by visiting
