Examples of green screening in drama’s

Post on 19-May-2015

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Transcript of Examples of green screening in drama’s

Examples of Green Screening in Drama’s

About Green Screen- Green Screen can be used for many reasons, its main reason is to build a scene allowing them to put special effects in front of the screen. They can also be used to enlarge building, people, props etc. It can be for simple or much more complex reasons.

Sweeny Todd

This green screen has been used to create the movement from the boat.

This green screen has been used so Sweeny Todd has the background of the boat and the dark dreary road, whilst he walks towards the camera.

This green screen has been used so that they have added more detail to the sitting allowing us to see the background and the steps.

This green screen has been used so that they can either add more detail, enlarge the set size or add a whole new building to the scene.

This green screen has been used so that you can see the man walking down the steps as he is so far away.