Exam Review Questions Textbook pages25-28 Q 4-7,9,12- 22,29,35,36 Page 106 Q 5-7.

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Transcript of Exam Review Questions Textbook pages25-28 Q 4-7,9,12- 22,29,35,36 Page 106 Q 5-7.

Exam Review Questions

Textbook pages25-28 Q 4-7,9,12-22,29,35,36

Page 106 Q 5-7

4. What is the longest bone in the body?

• femur

5. What are the functions of the skeletal system?

Axial Skeleton protection, attachment, movement, support

Appendicular Skeleton attachment, movement, support, blood cell formation & mineral reservoir.

(calcium & phosphorus)

6. What are the functions of the vertebral column?

• Support and protect spinal cord

7. Name the types of bones. Which type is important for movement?

• Long (movement- muscle attachment)• Short• Flat• Irregular

9. How do the axial and appendicular skeletons differ in terms of their main function?

Axial Skeleton protection, attachment, movement, support

Appendicular Skeleton attachment, movement, support, blood cell formation & mineral reservoir.

(calcium & phosphorus)

12. What are the end and the shafts of a long bone called?

13. What would you find in the medullary cavity of a long bone?

• Yellow bone marrow

14. What factory affect the stability of a joint?

• Shape of bones• Area over which the bones are in contact• Flexibility of the ligaments• Other soft tissue (muscles, tendons, joint

capsule) how strong , loose they are…• The more mobility the less stability.

Name and describe the types of synovial joints in the body. Which type of joint has the most movement?

• Gliding- btwn tarsals/carpals• Hinge- elbow joint• Pivot- radioulnar joint• Condyloid- radius and carpals• Saddle- carpal-metacarpal joint• Ball & socket- shoulder,hip (most movement)

16. How do fibrous, cartilagenous & synovial joints differ?

• Fibrous- no movement (skull)• Cartilagenous- limited movement (vertebral

column)• Synovial- freely moving.

17. What type of joint is the elbow?

• hinge

18. Where is articular cartilage found and what is its function?

• Ends of long bones• Protect the ends of bones, reduce friction

19. Where is synovial fluid found and what is its function?

• In a synovial joint• Lubricates, reduces friction and provides

nutrients to joint

20. Where are the bursae commonly found?

• Found where two structures rub together• Reduce friction

21. A tendon connects ______to _____.

• muscle to bone

22. A ligament connects _____ to _____.

• bone to bone

29. Name the layers of fascia in a muscle and identify where they are found.

• Epimysoium- around the whole muscle• Perimysium- around a muscle bundle• Endomysium- around each muscle fiber (cell)

35. Label the long bone

36. Label synovial joint

5. What are the opposites of these joint movements: flexion, abduction, medial rotation?

• Extension• Adduction• Lateral (external rotation)

6. Describe pronation of the forearm.

• Medial rotation of the radioulnar joint, not the wrist.

7. How do concentric, eccentric and isometric muscle contractions differ?

• Concentric- muscle shortens during contraction

• Eccentric – muscle lengthens during contraction

• Isometric- muscle does not move during contraction