Exalate intro - features and concepts

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Exalate intro - features and concepts

Cross company issue tracking


Raise issues on one issue tracker, Resolve them on the next

Link external facing JIRA with multiple internal trackers

Consolidate issue data from multiple team JIRA’s onto the master JIRA

Connect with your customers, suppliers and partners.

Enable cross company issue tracking processes

Benefits of connected Issues

Business Orchestration requires Issue Orchestration

Unified Workflow

Cross-system issue integrity

Unified View

Identify bottlenecksMeasure & Improve

Managed Security

Each party defines what is private

or shared

Straight-forward connection based licensing


Full non-blocking bi-directional JIRA 2 JIRA SynchronisationSupport any field, comments, attachments, work logs …

Flexible groovy based script mapping

Robust synchronisation engine ensures all changes are synchronized

Know that the synchronisation succeeded

Build real business orchestration solutions

Synchronise work logs - Keep track of outsourced budgets

Easy migration allowing to connect existing issues

Implement complex mappings

Map multiple projects and issue types on the fly

Map status changes to comments (and the way around)

JQL Functions to find all issues ‘under sync’

Get notified in case of synchronisation errors

Error resolution subsystem allows to resume synchronisation from where it stopped.

Top notch support from iDalko

Review taken from the table grid editor