Ewrt 1 a fall 2014

Post on 02-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Ewrt 1 a fall 2014


EWRT 1A: Green Sheet

Kim Palmore, PhD Cell Phone: 408-674-3005 Email: Palmorekim@fhda.edu Office: F1-11

Goals: English 1A is a transfer level course in reading and composition that prepares students to analyze college texts and to write college papers. In particular, you should learn to

1. Read and analyze a wide variety of types of writing. 2. Examine texts that are rhetorically and culturally diverse. 3. Generate ideas and topics for essays. 4. Formulate and support theses. 5. Integrate and organize ideas. 6. Develop a personal style and voice appropriate to purpose and audience. 7. Practice writing as a multi-step process. 8. Compose essays with varying purposes, audiences, and rhetorical strategies.


1. Active participation in class discussions and regular attendance. 2. Keeping up-to-date on the assignments and reading. 3. Four formal papers, one of which will be written in class. 4. A series of posts to the class website = journal/ blog. 5. Multiple tests, quizzes, or in-class assignments.

Texts and Required Materials/Tools:

v Rise B. Axelrod and Charles R. Cooper, The St. Martin’s Guide to Writing 8th Edition v Suzanne Collins, The Hunger Games. v A Gmail account that you will be willing to share via Wordpress, Kaizena, and Google Drive

Website: Our class website is http://ewrt1ahungergames.wordpress.com. In order to do the homework, you must establish an account. To make your own FREE Word Press account, go to wordpress.com. The system will walk you through the steps to signup for a username or to set up your own user-friendly Word Press blog. Alternatively, you can sign into our website through Facebook. If you prefer not to use your own name, you may use a pseudonym. Just make sure you sign in with YOUR Word Press username before you post on our class page so you get credit for your work. Please email me your username once you have established which account you shall use for the quarter. If you cannot establish your website and username, please come to my office hours as soon as possible, and I will help you with the process. Much of our work will take place online, so establishing this connection is mandatory.

Please bring the St Martin’s Guide (SMG) to every class meeting; bring The Hunger Games on the days we will discuss it. Bring your laptop and draft copies on the days we write in class. STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES: Students will be assessed on their ability to

1) Practice writing as a multi-step process including planning and revising with attention to varying purposes, audiences, and rhetorical strategies.

2) Read and analyze rhetorically and culturally diverse narrative and expository texts from a variety of perspectives.

3) Write cogent, well-developed arguments that clearly articulate a thesis supported by textual evidence. 4) Document sources (print, electronic, and other) in MLA style.

2 GRADING: Grades for this course will be based on a 1000-point scale divided as follows: Assignment My Score Point

Value Assignment My

Score Point Value

Essay #1 (in-class) 2-3 pages 75 Website Posts 125 Essay #2 (out of class) 3-5 pages 125 Tests 5x25 125 Essay #3 (out of class) 3-5 pages 125 Participation/Quizzes/Activities/

writing workshops 150

Essay # 4 (out of class) 4-6 pages 175 Essay #5 Speech (3 pages) 5-6 minutes

100 Total 1000 points

I will assign traditional + and - grades Grade Points Required Grade Points Required A 900-1000 D 600-699 B 800-899 F 599 and below C 700-799 CLASS POLICIES: Essay Submission: All out of class essays are to be submitted to me electronically before the class period in which they are due.

1. Before you submit your essay, please save your file as your last name and the number 2, like this: Smith 2. That will help me keep your essays organized.

2. Submit your essay through Kaizena, a Google Drive add-on, at https://kaizena.com/palmoreessaysubmissiongmail. Or simply use the link on our class website home page. This system allows me to respond to your essay with both voice and written comments and to insert helpful links.

3. Sign in to your Google Account and allow Kaizena access to your Google Drive. 4. Click on the “Ask Dr. Kim Palmore for feedback” link. 5. Choose your document from your Google Drive. You will be directed to a new page to choose a delivery box from

a drop down menu. 6. Add your essay to the appropriate EWRT 1A box (Essay #2, #3, or #4). Then, click the “Ask for feedback” button

again. 7. Once I have graded your paper, Kaizena will automatically share with you the link to the Google document in the

comments section — located on the top-right corner of the Google document. 8. Click on the highlighted sections of the paper to find both audio and written comments concerning your essay or

links to materials that will help you improve your writing. Academic Dishonesty: Plagiarism includes quoting or paraphrasing material without documentation and copying from other students or professionals. Intentional plagiarism is a grave offense; the resulting response will be distasteful. Depending upon the severity, instances of plagiarism may result in a failing grade for the paper or the course and possible administrative action. All assignments will be scanned and scrutinized for academic dishonesty. Please refer to your handbook for more information regarding plagiarism. Attendance: Attendance is a significant part of this course, and success in this course depends on regular attendance and active participation. Participation points will be part of our daily activities. If you are not in class, you cannot earn these points. You should save absences for emergencies. It is your responsibility to talk to me your absences or other conflicts. Work done in class cannot be made up. Also, please arrive on time, as you will not be able to make up work completed before you arrive, including quizzes and vocabulary exams.

3 Conduct, Courtesy, and Electronic Devices: In this class, we will regularly engage in the discussion of topics that may stir passionate debates. Please speak freely and candidly; however, while your thoughts and ideas are important to me and to the dynamics of the class, you must also respect others and their opinions. Courtesy will allow each person to have the opportunity to express his or her ideas in a comfortable environment. Courtesy includes but is not limited to politely listening to others when they contribute to class discussions or while they give presentations, not slamming the classroom door or walking in front of classmates giving presentations if you do arrive late, and maintaining a positive learning environment for your fellow classmates. To help maintain a positive learning environment, please focus on the work assigned, and do not text-message in class. If your behavior becomes disruptive to the learning environment of the class, you may be asked to leave and/or be marked absent. Participation: Participation includes doing all work asked of you inside and outside of class, maintaining a positive learning environment for your classmates, and contributing to class discussion. Participation points are accrued based on your in class participation. Workshops: In this class, we will have workshops in conjunction with each take-home essay assignment. Please be prepared by bringing the appropriate number of copies of your rough draft (see course outline) on workshop days. All drafts for out-of-class essays must be typed and printed though using recycled paper is acceptable. If you come to class without the proper number of copies required for that day’s lesson, I will excuse you from class to either make copies or work on your essay. You will not receive participation points for the workshop. Quizzes: I may decide to include pop quizzes from time to time to ensure you are completing all readings in a timely fashion. There are no make up opportunities for quizzes. Tests: We will have five vocabulary tests during the quarter. There are no make-ups. One day, near the end of the quarter, I will offer every student the opportunity to take or re-take one test. Late Work: I do not accept late work. I do, however, extend an opportunity to revise one essay for a better grade. If you miss an essay due date, you may submit that essay when the revisions are due. This does disqualify you from revising another essay. Revised essays receive no feedback. Appointments: You can schedule an office visit with me by using the appointment finder on the class website. Alternatively, you can just drop by to see if I have a vacancy. Or, you can email me if you need to make an appointment outside of my formal office hours. Adding and Dropping: Adding and dropping this class is the responsibility of the student. Please observe all deadlines regarding the same should you wish to add or drop this class. Educational Use of Student Papers: Occasionally, I retain copies of written work to share with this class or future sections of the course; selections of student work used in these ways will be anonymous. However, if you absolutely object to the use of your work in these ways, please let me know now, so that I can respect your preference.