Evolution of the Pharmaceutical Industry towards .... Evolution of Pharma Industry T… · Clinical...

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Transcript of Evolution of the Pharmaceutical Industry towards .... Evolution of Pharma Industry T… · Clinical...

Evolution of the Pharmaceutical Industry towards Personalised HealthcareHow are companies leveraging digital technology to improve decision making?

Thomas Brookland

International Regulatory Policy Lead

Hoffmann La Roche

There is growing consensus that, across

the healthcare ecosystem, Personalised

Healthcare is the future

• We are at a pivotal moment in healthcare history

• Unprecedented convergence of medical knowledge, tech and data

science is revolutionising patient care

• These advances enable us to arrive at a deeper understanding of

how to treat an individual

• Digital revolution provides new ways to collect high-quality data and

connect it to data from large pools of other patients

• RWD/RWE, Molecular information generated from NGS, Data from

wearable devices/mobile apps, Novel clinical trials

We are at a Transformational Moment for Healthcare

The challenge: increased complexity in all facets of healthcare

Knowledge acceleration Information management

Medical knowledge

doubled every 50 years in


Today, it doubles every 72


Disease complexity

There are 200 tumour

types, which can have

up to 1.2 million


Diagnostic complexity

Only 2% of US cancer patients are exposed to comprehensive diagnostics

90% of patients exposed to comprehensive diagnostics have a treatment option

Processing patient

information from disparate

sources in multi-

disciplinary teams are

highly complex

The greatest challenges healthcare systems face –unsustainable costs, persistent inefficiencies,

uneven progress in improving patient outcomes –will require us to harness the power of data to

drive improvement

The New Data and Technology Environment is

Creating this Opportunity





2012 20162014 2018 2020




1. International Data Corporation, US only; 2. Big data analytics in healthcare: promise and potential (Raghupathi and Raghupathi); 3. ONC/American Hospital Association

(AHA), AHA Annual Survey Information Technology Supplement; 4. Statista.com

Kaiser Permanente, … is believed to have between 26.5

and 44 petabytes of […] rich data from EHRs,

including images and annotations2

In the US, EHR adoption in

oncology clinics has increased

from ~10% to >95%3

The number of health & fitness

tracker sold worldwide has more

than tripled from 26m in 2014 to

87 million in 20174

Pharma are Therefore Investing in

Data and Technology














2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017


, P





, In




Digital Health

Advanced Analytics


Genomic Data

Comprehensive Diagnostics



, P




ips, In





(Top 20 Pharma)

The generation and analysis of MDAS means we can

develop truly Personalised Healthcare

Digital Technology and Advanced Analytics can Impact on

Decision-making across the Healthcare Pathway


• Safety

• Convenience

• Clinical


• Costs


• Treatment choice

• Disease


• Diagnosis


• Licensing

• Outcomes of



• eLabelling


• Investment

• Reimbursement


• Biomarker


• Target selection

• Assessment of

trial success

• Patient


Decision-making in Personalised Healthcare requires input from

stakeholders at every level

ECHAlliance, European Connected Health Alliance; ICPerMed, International Consortium for Personalised Medicine; IMI EAPM,

Innovative Medicines Initiative European Alliance for Personalised Medicine.

Clinical practice, medical services,

academia and patient organisations

Individual companies

Industry/professional associations (e.g.

Pharma, Dia, IT, medical, data processing etc.)

Multilateral Consortia & Alliances (e.g.

ICPerMed, IMI EAPM, ECHAlliance, etc.)

Payers/HTA decision makers

Medicines and devices regulators

Healthcare data, infrastructure policy


Data sharing policy makers

Influencers Decision-makers

Personalised Medicine will involve:

• Data from Digital Wearables

• Use of External Controls from RWD/RWE

• E-labeling

Personal mobile device apps

and wearables

• The development of digital technology, including

personal mobile device apps and wearables, is

providing new sources of data

• Objective measurement of data that otherwise would

not have been possible or would have been subject to

patient-reporting bias

• Complement more traditional clinical trial and registry


Clinical decision-making: monitoring disease progression

through smartphone apps

Clinical decision-making: monitoring disease progression

through smartphone apps

Clinical decision-making: monitoring disease progression

through smartphone apps


• Active tests of hand, motor

function and cognition

• Passive monitoring of gait

and mobility

• Combining active and

passive data provides a

unique signature for

Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

progression and prognosis










Smartphone technology may be used to track patient activity and disease progression and help identify novel digital endpoints for use in clinical trials

Availability of e-Labeling

Decision-making for regulators: e-Labelling

• AI-supported regulatory decision making will play an important part in the e-labelling process in the future

– simplify decision-making in the process of label updates

– enabling medical insights to rapidly impact patient care

• Current global efforts towards e-Labelling are at different stages:

e-Labelling is the process of making the approved product labelling available in a digital format and is of importance for ensuring the most current prescribing

information is available for the safe and effective use of prescription drugs

Draft principles on ePI were

published for comment in

January 2019. EU survey

(2017-18) identified 14

established ePI-related


2014 FDA proposed

requiring electronic

prescribing information

Product e-labels are

available on Health Authority

websites in Japan, Korea,

Singapore, Taiwan and



The Use of Real World

Data (RWD) in External

Control Arms

RWD Definitions • FDA definition*:

• “Data relating to patient health status and/or the delivery of health care routinely

collected from a variety of sources.

• “Examples of RWD include data derived from electronic health records (EHRs);

medical claims and billing data; data from product and disease registries; patient-

generated data, including from in-home-use settings; and data gathered from other

sources that can inform on health status, such as mobile devices”

• EMA definition**

• “Routinely collected data relating to a patient's health status or the delivery of health

care from a variety of sources other than traditional clinical trials”

• “We specifically exclude traditional clinical trials even if single arm but would

incorporate data from pragmatic clinical trials if data were collected remotely through

an electronic health record or other observational data source and solely under

conditions of normal clinical care”

*FDA RWE Framework December 2018

**EMA publication “Real-World Data for Regulatory Decision Making: Challenges and Possible Solutions for Europe” April 2019 Publication in Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics

Why has RWD become of interest to stakeholders in

the Healthcare space?


• 1) RWD as a concept is not new , nor are methodologies!

• 2) What is new

– A) Newer sources RWD

– B) Availability of highly sophisticated and advanced electronic tools to analyze, integrate and link data


– C) Awareness of RCT limitations:

• Only ~4% of all patients take part in clinical trials

• RCT populations rarely reflect “real world” populations

– Occur within a limited time frame

– Not large enough to detect rare treatment effects

– RCTs may not be generating evidence on endpoints useful to patients, providers, or payers

• Not always ethical to have patients on placebo or not enough patients to sufficiently power a trial

• Multitude of questions remain unanswered at the time of Regulatory approval

Tom Brookland RWD Training 2019


These shortcomings of RCTs highlight

the need to:

- Complement (or even replace) RCT data

with sources of data outside RCT

- Evolve/redefine trials where appropriate

and conduct “pragmatic” trials

Why has RWD become of interest to stakeholders in

the Healthcare space?

Q: Where could we use RWD?

A: Across Entire Product Life Cycle


Ref: IMI GetReal

High Interest in Use of External Controls

→ For discussion and consideration throughout today’s session!

Data from concurrent RCT

Data from Completed RCT

RWD: Individual patient data

RWD: Aggregated patient data












“Gold” Standard




al C


trols Clinical Trial Data


= control group consists of patients not part of the same clinical study

Potential Use of External Controls

• External controls could be considered to demonstrate:

– Natural history of disease

– Established efficacy from prior trials (e.g. establishing the null hypothesis for a

single arm trial)

– Comparing efficacy across treatment arms by supplementing or replacing

concurrent controls in a prospective trial

– Contribution of components to treatment effect

• Source of data for controls would determine potential use:

– FDA states: “If we want to compare efficacy endpoints, then high-quality and

complete patient-level data is required”

Where Have Regulators Accepted RWD?

“RWE is currently used extensively for evaluation of safety of marketed

products, but there is very little historical use of RW experience in drug

regulatory decisions about effectiveness”

Janet Woodcock, director of CDER

The use of RWD to support regulatory decision making is not new

Decades worth of regulator experience with RWE:

➢ Post Approval

➢ For safety signal evaluation / Pharmacovigilance

What about Efficacy and Effectiveness?

There is lower acceptability of RWD where the

interest is efficacy and effectiveness… but

there are some examples

FDA Approval History using RWD External Controls to

Support Efficacy


= Breakthrough


= RWE came from data collected under

treatment IND or expanded access protocol

2010 20122014 (AA)

2017 (AA)2016 2015 2015 2014

2017 20182018 2019

These Approvals have things in Common• Cases involved single-arm trial + benchmark against aggregated external data

• Approvals limited to:

➢ Rare/Orphan settings

➢ High unmet medical needs

➢ RCTs not feasible/ethical

➢ No satisfactory treatment

➢ Single arm effect substantial

“The FDA on a scale of 1 to 10 may be at a 9 or 10 for RWD use in rare

diseases but may only at a 1 for RWE use in common diseases, especially if a

traditional clinical trial could be done to show efficacy”

Rajeshwari Sridhara, director of the CDER Office of Biostatistics

Division of Biometrics V

For the FDA, this rare space has provided an

“early testing ground” for FDA’s use of RWE in

effectiveness decisions

What does the FDA RWE Framework Say

about External RWD Controls?

• Typically external control arms use data from past traditional clinical

trials but in some cases uses RWD

• Limitations of external controls:

– Selection of a comparable population

– Lack of standardized diagnostic criteria or equivalent outcome measures

– Variability in follow-up procedures

• Collection of RWD on patients currently receiving other treatments,

together with proper statistical methods, could improve the

quality of the external control data, provided the relevant covariates

are captured

• FDA may issue guidance on the use of RWD for external controls

Tomas Salmonson

(former chair of


DIA interview 2019

“I would prefer to see a RCT with small numbers and not with

same aim of P<0.05, than single arm trials vs. contemporary or

historical controls….”

“…but if we do single arm trials I think we can do better

when it comes to creating the controls - we need to have

the methodological discussions around how to generate

robust data to come to robust conclusions….”

“Randomisation of RWD within registry studies is perhaps

a way forward…”

Ex-Regulator Recent Comments on External Controls

EMA RWD Article Published April 2019

Key Challenges to Broader Acceptance of RWD

• Data Quality

• Lack of Randomisation and introduction of bias

• Consistent statistical methodologies to develop RWE

• Definition and comparability of RWD Endpoints

• Validated methods to aggregate and link RWD sources

• Transferability of RWD across regions

Next steps

Making Personalised Healthcare a reality

• We must take a holistic approach to adapt the entire drug

development and healthcare system

• No one actor in healthcare can do this alone

• Realising the vision of Personalised Healthcare requires

strategic partnerships on several fronts:

• Patients and patient organisations

• Clinicians, healthcare providers and research partners

• Government and payers

• Regulators

Doing now what patients need next