Evita XL Modes

Post on 03-Mar-2015

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Transcript of Evita XL Modes

Evita XL modes

Evita XL Mode Chatburn Mode


Volume controlled vent with PLV

VC-CMV Evita XL can prevent pressure peaks, while maintaining the set tidal volume VT, by means of the pressure limit Pmax. The tidal volume VT

remains constant as long as a pressure plateau Pplat is still detectable and the flow waveform shows a brief period of zero flow between inspiration and expiration. Evita XL performs this function by reducing inspiratory flow upon reaching the set Pmax. If the tidal volume VT can no longer be applied with the selected pressure Pmax, due to reduced compliance, the alarm message Vol. not const., pressure limited !! is automatically generated.

SIMV VC-IMV SIMV enables the patient to breathe spontaneously during predefined, regular ventilation pause intervals, while mandatory mechanical breathsprovide a minimum ventilation during the remaining cycle time. This minimum ventilation is controlled by the two set values of tidal volume VT and respiratory rate f as a result of the product VT x f.

SIMV/ PR Support

VC-IMV Combines mechanical (volume-controlled) ventilation with spontaneous breathing. The patient can breathe spontaneously between the mandatory ventilator breaths, contributing to the total minutevolume. Spontaneous inspiratory efforts can be supported with PSupp. The mandatory breaths ensure minimum ventilation. This minimumventilation is controlled by the two set values of tidal volume VT and respiratory rate f as a result of theproduct VT x f.

MMV DC-CSV The MMV ventilation mode provides mandatory breathing only if spontaneous breathing is not yet sufficient and has fallen below a preselected minimum minute ventilation. The respiratory rate of mandatory breaths is determined by the level of spontaneous breathing:– If spontaneous breathing is sufficient, mandatory breaths are not applied at all.– If spontaneous breathing is not sufficient, intermittent mandatory breaths of the set tidal volume VT are applied.– If there is no spontaneous breathing at all, the mandatory breaths are applied at the set respiratory rate f. Evita XL continuously balances the difference between spontaneous breathing and the set minimum ventilation.

PCV+ PC-CSV The PCV+ ventilation mode is a pressure/timecycled ventilation mode in which the patient can always breathe spontaneously. PCV+ is therefore often described as a time-cycled alternation between two CPAP levels

PCV+ PR Support PC-IMV Pressure-controlled ventilation combined with free spontaneous breathing during the complete breathing cycle and adjustable pressure assist on CPAP level.

PCV+ Assist PC-IMV The inspiratory breaths are equivalent to those of PCV+, however, the switch from Pinsp to PEEP is not synchronized with patient expiration. The duration of Pinsp is determined by Tinsp. Spontaneous breathing is possible at any time during ventilation.

APRV PC-CSV Spontaneous breathing under continuous positive airway pressure with brief pressure release. The patient breathes spontaneously at a high pressure level Phigh for an adjustable length of time Thigh. For very short expiratory times Tlow, Evita XL switches to a low pressure level Plow. The normal lung areas are emptied, but the "slow" lung areas only change volume to a lesser extent. In this way, the ventilation/perfusion ratio can be improved for patients with a poor gas exchange.

PR Support PC-CSV The ventilator function for assisting insufficient spontaneous breathing is similar to that of a clinician manually assisting and monitoring apatient's spontaneous breathing by feeling the breathing bag.

CPAP/PR Support PC-CSV Spontaneous breathing at a raised pressure level in order to increase the functional residual capacity (FRC). Spontaneous breathing can be pressure supported with PSupp.

ILV Master VC-CMV Synchronized, independent ventilation of the two lung sides with two Evita ventilators that are connected via analog interfaces. The two devices are operated in master/slave mode. The master device controls the ventilation. For independent lung ventilation of patients with nospontaneous breathing. Volume-controlled ventilation with fixed, mandatory minute volume MV, set with tidal volume VT and respiratory rate f of the master device.

ILV Slave VC-CMV See ILV Master