Evidence of my work!

Post on 26-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Evidence of my work!

Evidence of my workIn the class we got to doodle around on InDesign to get used to it. We had a complete image which we had to create from scratch using the tools on the software. These are some screenshots of the process.





I then learnt how to create the grids and columns, on here I placed a random image and used place holder text just so I could get an outline of the layout and perhaps get some ideas for mine.

For my magazine I created three pages with the grids and columns two of which would be as a double page spread. However not all my magazine articles/pages would be three pages


This was an edited image from the original I thought if I increase the exposure I can use this as the background and place another image smaller and over this. But this didn’t look well.

This image seemed to unrealistic and its dull.

The expression on my female models face didn’t seem serious.

This image seemed to unrealistic.

My male model has his middle finger up which could appear to be inappropriate.

The expression on my female models face didn’t seem serious.

This is the image I chose. I chose this because the expression on both their face is very powerful and supports the purpose

From the image I chose I put it onto Photoshop and cut around so I could add it onto a plain white background. I also edited the image

My male models face is hidden therefore facial expressions are not shown clearly.

My male models face is hidden therefore facial expressions are not shown clearly, and image is way to bright

This image seemed to unrealistic and its dull.

Ankits right hand is blurry

Image is too stretched

End of the guitar is blurry

One of the images I was going to choose however, End of the guitar is slightly blurry

I used this image for the top of my interview page it’s a unique image

I used this image on my double page for my interview, the picture is perfectly taken with a great angle

Hand is blurry

I used this image for the front cover of my magazine. It was perfectly taken and placed and correct use on camera focus

Top of guitar is cropped outTop of guitar is blurry and facial expression isn't great

When creating this page I knew I wanted the picture to be very large and cover most of the page so that’s exactly what I did. I enlarged the picture and placed it in the centre so it would be the main focus and the writing would be around it. In the bottom left hand corner I created a black text box and wrote the title of my feature article in white writing so it would stand out. The title of my feature article is a question because I feel that this creates more of a discussion and can get people more interested in it. In addition to this I added my headline in the top left hand corner it a very large size font so it will stand out and catch attention. It is important for it to catch attention because then people will be more interested and want to read.

These are the steps I took in order to create my feature article which is about the correlation between rock music and violence. Photo number 1 is a photo I took of my friends hand. With a black pen I wrote ‘HATE’ in thick writing then I created the blood effect using different shades of red lipstick and even a little bit of fake blood. I then transferred the image onto photoshop and darkened it to give it a slightly haunting effect. Image number 2 shows me creating the pull quotes I included in the article. Keeping to the black and white theme of my magazine, I created a black text box and added white italic writing to contrast. In addition to this I included who the quote is by. Image number 3 shows the first part of my article. As you can see there are more black text boxes with white writing, there are paragraphs, quotes, margins, gutters and also a by line, these are all conventions of a typical magazine. At the bottom of every page I made sure to include the page number, date of issue and the name of the magazine. Image 4 is the rest of my article, which is similar to image 3.

1 2



These are the steps I took to create my contents page. I started off by adding my magazine title, then in the same font but larger writing I wrote ‘CONTENTS’ to ensure it is clear that this is the contents page. Next I started adding my images. From looking at layouts of similar magazines to mine, I decided to place all my images on the right hand side, with the editors letter underneath. Then I added all the content of my magazine on the left. I used titles and subtitles to separate each article and I added the page number of each article.

This is for my interview. The very first thing I did was create the double spread introduction page which included a large picture which took over 2 pages. I then started to add some writing introducing the articles and who and what the article is about. On the next page I inserted my picture which is a photo of an amp along with the bottom half of my interviewee carrying a guitar. I then added my text right underneath that including a pull quote within a black box and many other questions and answers.