Evidence for the Jumping Jet Hypothesis of abrupt climate Change

Post on 07-Jan-2016

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Evidence for the Jumping Jet Hypothesis of abrupt climate Change. Evidence of Abrupt Climate Change- DO Events from GISP 2. Warmer. At least 20 DO (Dansgaard-Oeschger) events recorded in the last 120 Kyears (Rahmstorf, 2003) Rapid warming followed by slow cooling then rapid cooling. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Evidence for the Jumping Jet Hypothesis of abrupt climate Change

  • Evidence for the Jumping Jet Hypothesis of abrupt climateChange

  • Evidence of Abrupt Climate Change- DO Events from GISP 2At least 20 DO (Dansgaard-Oeschger) events recorded in the last 120 Kyears (Rahmstorf, 2003) Rapid warming followed by slow cooling then rapid cooling

    (Stuiver and Grooves, 2000)(Stuiver and Grooves, 2001)TIMEWarmer

  • Dust In Greenland During AbruptClimate ChangeMoreDustWarmerTimeCold times in Greenland are dustier (order of magnitude) Courtesy of Stephen Barker

  • High resolution abrupt warmingTemperatureDustTimeWarmColdMoreDustLessDust50 yearsDust changes are more abrupt and precede temperature changesFuhrer, 1999

  • Scatter Plot of ice core oxygen isotope and calcium concentrationStadial (Cold)Data PointsInterstadial (Warm) DataTemperature (oxygen isotopes) overlap between regimes but calcium does notCLIMATE REGIME IS BEST CHARACTERIZED BY ATMOSPHERC DUST LOAD FACTOR OF 10 change[Fuhrer,1999]WarmerMoreDust

  • Ideas that do NOT explain dust changesStrength of Deposition- Wet deposition is dominant [Steffenson, 1997]Change in source area- all dust is from Asia [Svenson, 2000]Change in size of source area- Greenland change is too quick [Fuhrer, 1999]Stronger winds- sea salts in core change moderately [Mogenson, 2002]

  • Could the Laurentide Ice Sheet Cause the Jet Stream to Jump?Jet flows to the south of the topography- similar to the Modern day circulationJet flows to the north ofthe topography

  • Force A General Circulation Model with glacial conditions and two different ice sheetsCourtesy Camille Li

  • How does the atmospheric circulation change- Stationary waves

  • How does the Atlantic JetAnd storm track change?Small IceBig IceK m/sContours =Jet speed (m/s)At 300 hPa

    Colors =Storm activity(VT at 700 hPa)

  • Back Trajectories from GreenlandSmall IceBig IceBackTrajectoriesFrom SummitOrigin(15 daysAt 500 hPa)

  • How sensitive is the transitionin atmospheric circulation to theice sheet topography?Courtesy Joe Barsugli

  • ConclusionsThe dust changes in Greenland during abrupt climate change are more rapid and precede the temperature changesWe speculate these changes indicate a change in the atmospheric circulation regimeA general circulation model shows that the Jet Stream may jump during the glacial in a way which may be consistent with the change in dust loading

  • Courtesy Stephen Barker