Every Breath by Ellie Marney

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Transcript of Every Breath by Ellie Marney

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Friday, September 20, 2013

Release  Date:  Out  now!

Publisher:  Allen  &  Unwin

Pages:  352pgs

The  Story

Rachel  Watts  is  an  unwilling  new  arrival  to  Melbourne  from  the  country.  James  Mycroft  is

her   neighbour,   an   intriguingly   troubled   seventeen-­year-­old   genius   with   a   passion   for

forensics.  Despite  her  misgivings,  Rachel   finds  herself  unable   to  resist  Mycroft  when  he

wants  her  help   investigating  a  murder.  And  when  Watts  and  Mycroft   follow  a   trail   to   the

cold-­blooded  killer,  they  find  themselves  in  the  lion's  den  -­  literally.

Every Breath by Ellie Marney Erin  W.

My  name  is  Erin.  I'm  a  22-­

year-­old-­something  girl

from  Brisbane,  Australia

who  is  a  book  reviewer,  a

classic  book  enthusiast,  an  aspiring

writer,  a  lover  of  Edgar  Allan  Poe,  Jane

Austen  &  Charles  Dickens's  works  &  an

anime  /  manga  /  graphic  novel  /  K-­pop  /

K-­Drama  addict.

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Top  10  FavouriteBooks  of  2013

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The  Review

A  big  thanks  to  the  publisher  for  sending  me  a  review  copy  of  this  book!

Okay,  so  the  publicist  asked  me  did  I  want  of  copy  of  this  book  prior  to  its  release  and  Iactually  declined  because  I  was  really  busy  at  uni  and  I  also  didn't  think  this  book  was  forme  at  the  time  as  well.  But  the  publisher  ended  up  sending  me  a  copy  anyway  and  I  waslucky  enough  to  have  some  quiet  time  to  spare,  so  I  ended  up  reading  this  book  despitewhat  I  thought  and  boy  am  I  kicking  myself  right  now  and  THANK  GOD  for  the  publishersending  me  a  copy  of  this  book  because  MY  GOD  this  book  was  just  SO  GOOD  and  I'mSO  HAPPY   I   got   a   chance   to   read   this   one,   even  when   I   initially   declined  a   request   toread  it.  Ah,  it's  just  so  good!

EVERY  BREATH  is  probably  one  of  my  favourite  books  coming  from  this  year  (literally!)and  I  think  that's  because,  one,  it  is  based  on  Sherlock  Holmes,  and  two,  because  it  hasan  Australian  background  setting,  which  we  don't  see  very  often   in  YA  books  or   rather   Ipersonally   don't   across   too  many  great  Australian   titles   lately   and   that's   a   shame   reallybecause  I  should  be  reading  more  Australian  books.  But  yeah,  this  book  went  beyond  myown  expectations  and  even   though   it's  not  amazing  on  epic,   full-­blown  action   levels,  butthe  book   is   just   so  enjoyable   to  a  point  where   you   finish   the  book  and  not  even   realizethat  you've   just   finished   the  book   .   .   .  you  know?   It's   that  kind  of  amazing  so   I'm  prettyimpressed  with  this  book  right  now.

In  regards  to  the  main  characters,  Rachel  Watts  and  James  Mycroft,  I   just  adored  thesetwo  characters  and  loved  everything  about  them.  They  not  only  had  great  sense  of  humorand  meshed  so  well  together  as  a  duo  team,  but  their  personalities  and  their  mannerismsalone  are  so  like  Sherlock  Holmes  and  Watson's  characters  and  that's  -­  to  put  it  simply  -­truly   awesome   because   I   love   the  whole   Holmes   and  Watson   relationship.   So   just   youwait  readers,  because  Rachel  and  James  are  perfect  together  -­  whether  they're  in  friend  orcheeky-­romantic  mode   .   .   .   they're   just   lovely  and   the  chemistry  between   these   two  areseriously  too  awesome  to  even  explain  in  this  book.  They  just  make  the  perfect  team  youguys!

Overall,  EVERY  BREATH  went  beyond  my  own  expectations  and   I   love   it  when  a  bookproves  me  wrong  on  so  many  accounts.   It   just  makes  a  book  even  greater   through  myeyes   and   I   love   it   for  making  me   have   all   of   these   'feels'   right   now.   So   this   book   wasfantastic  and  I  can't  bloody  wait  for  the  sequel  because  if   it's  anything  like  this  book  .  .  .then  I'm  going  to  be  crazy  by  the  time  I  get  my  hands  on  the  sequel!  Crazy  I  tell  you!

The  Rating

5/5  stars

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Posted  by  Erin  W.  at  12:00  AM  

Labels:  2013,  book  review,  ellie  marney,  every  breath,  young  adult

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4 comments:Novels  On  The  Run September  20,  2013  at  8:37  AM

Great   review!   Yes,   there   is   something   special   about   Watts   and   Mycroft...orMycroft  and  Watts  :D



Erin  W. September  20,  2013  at  1:20  PM

Thanks.  I  just  LOVED  those  two  so  much!  :D

Rebecca September  20,  2013  at  1:41  PM

I   haven't   heard   much   about   this   but   ths   is   the   second   rave   review   I've   comeacross   in  minutes.   I   hadn't   planned  on   reading   this  but   now   I'd   love   to  give   it   achance.  Hopefully   I   will   eventually   because   it   sounds   so   fun!   Love   unexpectedreads  that  surprise  you!


Erin  W. September  20,  2013  at  11:09  PM

This  book  rocked!  I  can  tell  you  that  much.  Hehe.  :D































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