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Evangelism Training Ministry: Evangelism Training Packet for Fall 2006 (Eta Class)


Evangelism Training Packet

Evangelism Training Ministry: Evangelism Training Packet for Fall 2006 (Eta Class)


Table of Contents Table of Contents .............................................................................................................................. 2 E.T. Syllabus ......................................................................................................................................... 3 Gospel Presentation: Outline Skeleton........................................................................................... 5 Gospel Presentation: Outline........................................................................................................... 6 Illustrations for Gospel Presentation .............................................................................................. 10 Additional Section Illustrations ....................................................................................................... 12 Other Illustrations.............................................................................................................................. 14 Creator/Creation............................................................................................................................. 15 Gospel Presentation: Logical Flow Outline.................................................................................. 16 Gospel Presentation: Logical Flow................................................................................................ 18 Joe Jhung’s Sample Presentation................................................................................................. 22 Sample Presentation ....................................................................................................................... 27 Sample Presentation for Professing Christians............................................................................. 30 Dos and Don'ts ................................................................................................................................. 33 The Two Questions ........................................................................................................................... 34 Tips on How to Use “Four Ways” .................................................................................................... 35 Personal Testimony .......................................................................................................................... 36 Sample Personal Testimony............................................................................................................ 37 Personal Testimony Worksheet ...................................................................................................... 38 How to Memorize Scripture............................................................................................................ 39 Ways to Effectively Communicate the Gospel .......................................................................... 40 Street Evangelism ............................................................................................................................ 41 Listening and Questioning Checklist............................................................................................. 43 Prescription for Good Questions ................................................................................................... 44 Excerpts on Sin ................................................................................................................................. 46 The Deity of Jesus Christ.................................................................................................................. 47 The Deity of the Holy Spirit .............................................................................................................. 48 ET for Christians................................................................................................................................. 49 What’s Your Worldview?................................................................................................................. 52

Evangelism Training Ministry: Evangelism Training Packet for Fall 2006 (Eta Class)


E.T. Syllabus(A ministry for Aliens and Strangers in this world) HAVE DONE BEFORE FIRST MEETING Assignments (due by first meeting): 1) Read handout – “Sample Presentation” – to be

read out loud 2) Memorize entire outline and “Two Questions” WEEK 1 – 09/10/2006 Sunday Second Hour: - Introduction to Evangelism Training - Teaching: “The Right Motivation for Evangelism” - Explain use of “Introduction” and “Two

Questions” - Demonstration of entire presentation On-The-Job Training (for 09/23/2006): - Role Play and OTJ – Trainee does Introduction

with “Two Questions”; Trainer finishes Assignments (due by next meeting): 1) Invite 2 believers to be Prayer Partners 2) Memorize “Grace” section with verses and

illustration 3) Read handouts – “Two Questions,” “Tips,” and

“Dos and Don’ts” WEEK 2 – 10/1/2006 Sunday Second Hour: - Teaching: “Grace” section On-The-Job Training (for 10/07/2006): - Role Play and OTJ – Trainee does Introduction

with “Two Questions” and “Grace”; Trainer finishes

Assignments (due by next meeting): 1) Memorize “Man” section with verses and

illustrations WEEK 3 – 10/22/2006 Sunday Second Hour: - Review Gospel Outline - Teaching: “Man” Section - Debriefing from previous OTJ On-The-Job Training (10/28/2006): - Role Play - Trainee does Introduction through

“Man” section; Trainer finishes Assignments (due by next meeting): 1) Read handouts – “Personal Testimony,”

“Sample Personal Testimony,” and “Testimony Worksheet”

WEEK 4 – 10/29/2006 Sunday Second Hour: - Teaching: Presuppositional Apologetics On-The-Job Training (for 11/04/2006): - OTJ – Trainee does Introduction through Man

section; Trainer finishes Assignments (due by next meeting): 1) Memorize “God” section with verses and

illustrations 2) Read “What’s Your Worldview?” WEEK 5 – 11/05/2006 Sunday Second Hour: - Teaching: “God” section - Debriefing from previous OTJ On-The-Job Training (for 11/11/2006): - Role Play – Trainee does Introduction through

“God” section; Trainer finishes Assignments (due by next meeting): 1) Read handouts WEEK 6 – 11/12/2006 Sunday Second Hour: - Teaching: Shrewd as Serpents On-The-Job Training (11/18/2006): - OTJ – Trainee does Introduction through “God”

section; Trainer finishes Assignments (due by next meeting): 1) Memorize “Christ” section with verses and

illustrations WEEK 7 – 11/26/2006 Sunday Second Hour: - Teaching: “Christ” section - Debriefing from previous OTJ On-The-Job Training (12/02/2006): - Role Play and OTJ - Trainee does Introduction

through “Christ” section; Trainer finishes Assignments (due by next meeting): 1) Memorize “Faith” section with verses and

illustrations WEEK 8 – 12/03/2006 Sunday Second Hour: - Teaching: “Faith” section - Debriefing from previous OTJ On-The-Job Training (for 12/09/2006): - Role Play – Trainee does Introduction through

“Faith” section; Trainer finishes Assignments (due by next meeting): 1) Review 2) Catch up on memorization if needed

Evangelism Training Ministry: Evangelism Training Packet for Fall 2006 (Eta Class)


WEEK 9 – 12/10/2006 Sunday Second Hour: - Teaching: Gospel Walk and Talk - Debriefing from previous OTJ On-The-Job Training (for 12/16/2006): - OTJ - Trainee does Introduction through “Faith”

section; Trainer finishes Assignments (due by next meeting): 1) Read handouts 2) Memorize “Conclusion” section WEEK 10 – 12/31/2006 Sunday Second Hour: - Teaching: “Conclusion” section - Debriefing from previous OTJ On-The-Job Training (for 01/06/2006): - Role Play – Trainee does entire presentation Assignments (due by next meeting): 1) ET Final

WEEK 11 – 01/07/2006 Sunday Second Hour: - Teaching: “Running to Win” On-The-Job Training (Date TBD): - OTJ – Trainee does entire presentation

(tentatively, we will schedule a free car wash for this OTJ)

ET Dinner - Invite prayer partners Assignments (for the rest of your life): 1) Meditate on God’s Word day and night 2) Pray without ceasing 3) Go! Make disciples of all nations 4) Do nothing out of selfish ambition 5) Do not give up meeting together

Evangelism Training Ministry: Evangelism Training Packet for Fall 2006 (Eta Class)


Gospel Presentation: Outline Skeleton I. Introduction

A. Their secular life B. Their church background C. Our church D. Personal Testimony

“Do you mind if I ask you a question?”

1. “Have you come to a place in your life where you can say for certain that if you were to die today you would go to heaven?”

2. “Suppose you were to die today and stand before God and He were to say to you, ‘Why should I let you into My heaven?’ What would you say?”

II. The Gospel

A. Grace 1. Heaven is a free gift. 2. It is not earned or deserved.

B. Man

1. Man is a sinner. (“In your opinion, what is sin?”) 2. Man does not earn or deserve heaven.

C. God

1. God is loving and merciful. Therefore, He doesn’t want to punish us. 2. God is holy and just. Therefore, He will punish sinners.

D. Jesus Christ (“In your opinion, who is Jesus Christ?”)

1. Who He is: Both God and Man. 2. What He did: By His death, He paid for our sins and, by His physical resurrection, He defeated

death and so assured us of a place in heaven with Him.

E. Faith 1. It is not temporary, nor is it merely an intellectual belief. 2. It is turning from our sin and trusting in Jesus Christ alone for our salvation.

Evangelism Training Ministry: Evangelism Training Packet for Fall 2006 (Eta Class)


Gospel Presentation: Outline I. Introduction

A. Their secular life B. Their church background C. Our church D. Personal Testimony

“Do you mind if I ask you a question?”

1. “Have you come to a place in your life where you can say for certain that if you were to die today you would go to heaven?”

2. “Suppose you were to die today and stand before God and He were to say to you,

‘Why should I let you into My heaven?’ what would you say?” II. The Gospel

A. Grace

1. Heaven is a free gift. 2. It is not earned or deserved.


a. “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 6:23).

b. “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God – not by works, so that no one can boast” (Ephesians 2:8-9).

c. “He saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of His mercy…” (Titus 3:5).

d. “It does not, therefore, depend on man’s desire or effort, but on God’s mercy” (Romans 9:16).

Transition to Man: “We do not even have the means to pay for this gift. The Bible says that all our righteous deeds are like filthy rags to God (Isaiah 64:6). They are like filthy rags because of our sin.”

B. Man

1. Man is a sinner. (“In your opinion, what is sin?”) 2. Man does not earn or deserve heaven.


a. “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). b. “Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect” (Matthew 5:48). c. “Everyone who sins breaks the law; in fact, sin is lawlessness” (1 John 3:4). d. “For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is

guilty of breaking all of it” (James 2:10).

Evangelism Training Ministry: Evangelism Training Packet for Fall 2006 (Eta Class)


Transition to God: “Because of our sin, according to God’s Law, what we do earn and deserve is hell. Many people think to themselves, ‘Why would a loving God punish sinners for eternity in hell?’ but this question focuses on one of God’s attributes, while ignoring others.”

C. God

1. God is loving and merciful. Therefore, He doesn’t want to punish us. 2. God is holy and just. Therefore, He will punish sinners.


a. “But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8).

b. “He will by no means leave the guilty unpunished” (Exodus 34:7b - NASB). c. “Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather,

be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell” (Matthew 10:28).

d. “Your eyes are too pure to look on evil; You cannot tolerate wrong” (Habakkuk 1:13a).

Transition to Jesus Christ: “We know God is love. But what the Bible tells us is that God demonstrated His love in a very specific way: By sending His Son Jesus to die on the cross for us.”

D. Jesus Christ (“In your opinion, who is Jesus Christ?”)

1. Who He is: Both God and Man. 2. What He did: By His death, He paid for our sins and, by His physical resurrection, He

defeated death and so assured us of a place in heaven with Him.

Scriptures: a. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word

was God… The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us…” (John 1:1, 14).

b. “For to us a Child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on His shoulders. And He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6).

c. “We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the LORD has laid on Him the iniquity of us all” (Isaiah 53:6).

d. “God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God” (2 Corinthians 5:21).

e. “For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive by the Spirit” (1 Peter 3:18).

Transition to Faith: “The Bible tells us that the ONLY way we can have the forgiveness Jesus provided is to put our faith in Him.”

E. Faith

1. It is not temporary nor is it merely an intellectual belief. 2. It is turning from our sin and trusting in Jesus Christ alone for our salvation.


Evangelism Training Ministry: Evangelism Training Packet for Fall 2006 (Eta Class)


a. “You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that – and shudder” (James 2:19).

b. “Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him” (John 3:36 - ESV).

c. “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him” (Hebrews 11:6).

d. “In the past God overlooked such ignorance, but now He commands all people everywhere to repent” (Acts 17:30).

III. The Commitment

A. The Qualifying Question: “Does this make sense to you? Does it make sense to you now that God would not accept you into heaven based on those things?”

B. The Clarification of Commitment – Simply take this time to clarify and elaborate on any point of

confusion in the gospel message. C. The Commitment Question: “Can you think of any reason why you would NOT want to place

your trust in Jesus Christ for your salvation at this time? Would you like to receive this gift of eternal life now?”

D. Count the Cost

1. “Seek the Lord while He may be found; call on Him while He is near” (Isaiah 55:6). 2. “Just as man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment” (Hebrews

9:27). 3. "If anyone would come after Me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and

follow Me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for Me will find it. What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul” (Matthew 16:24-26)?

E. The Prayer of Commitment

1. Admission of sin 2. Repentance of sin 3. Confess Christ as Lord and trust in Him alone

F. Faith Without Works is Dead

1 John 2:3 – “We know that we have come to know Him if we obey His commands.”

G. The Assurance of Salvation

1. John 6:47 2. Psalm 103:12 3. 1 John 5:11-12 4. 2 Corinthians 5:17 5. Romans 6:17-18

Evangelism Training Ministry: Evangelism Training Packet for Fall 2006 (Eta Class)


IV. Immediate Follow-up

A. The Bible

1. Read the Bible

a. Start with 1 John and read a chapter each day b. 2 Timothy 2:15

2. Memorize Scripture

a. Joshua 1:8-9 b. Psalm 119:11, 105 c. Beginning with Christ

B. Prayer

1. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 2. Philippians 4:6-8

C. Witnessing

1. Sharing your faith

a. Romans 10:9-10 b. 2 Corinthians 5:20 c. 1 Peter 3:15

2. Baptism

a. Acts 2:41 b. Acts 8:36 c. Acts 10:47

D. Worship and Fellowship (Hebrews 10:25) E. Satan

1. Ephesians 6:11-12 2. 1 Peter 5:8

Evangelism Training Ministry: Evangelism Training Packet for Fall 2006 (Eta Class)


Illustrations for Gospel Presentation Illustration: Grace *Free Gift* (Memorize word-for-word) If I were to give you my watch (or any valuable object that is handy) as a gift and you paid me for it, would it still be a gift? No, it wouldn’t. That’s the nature of a gift – you can’t pay for it or it is not a gift anymore. It is the same way with God’s offer of the free gift of heaven – you can’t pay God for it. It is a free gift! Illustration: Man *Man Cannot Save Himself* (Jumping Across the Grand Canyon) Imagine that you, me, and Carl Lewis, an Olympic jumper, are lined up on the edge of the Grand Canyon (or use the couch and the coffee table assuming a 100 feet wide, 500 feet deep canyon). Due to a forest fire, we all have to jump across the canyon to save ourselves. I might jump 8 feet, you might jump 15 feet, and Carl Lewis might jump 30 feet. What would the result be? All of us would end up dead at the bottom of the canyon. There’s a similar gap between man and God. I was trying to jump across that gap by living a good life. I looked down on some people who weren’t living as good a life as I was in trying to cross over to God. Then I realized that they weren’t any worse off than I for the Bible says “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). So, you see, no one can cross the gap to God by their own good life. Man Cannot Save Himself (Omelet with Bad Eggs) We couldn’t scramble five good eggs with one rotten egg and serve it to company and expect it to be acceptable. Even less can we serve up our lives to God, which may have many things in them that men would call good, yet are filled with deeds and thoughts that are rotten, and expect them to be acceptable to God. Jesus said, “Therefore you

are to be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect” (Matthew 5:48). If we want to get to heaven by our good works, all we have to do is be perfect! Illustration: God The Judge and the Burglar Suppose someone were to burglarize your home of $5,000 worth of your possessions. The police caught him in the act and, together with other eyewitnesses, identified him as the culprit. When the burglar is brought before the court, the judge asks, “How do you plead?” The burglar is guilty and the evidence is undeniable, so he responds, “I am guilty, Your Honor.” The judge then sentences him to five years in prison for burglary. Suppose the burglar had said to him, “Judge, I am very sorry that I burglarized the home. You have the possessions back and no one was hurt. I promise that I will never rob another home if you will just let me go.” Would the judge be just if he let him go? He has a standard of justice that must be satisfied. If judges let burglars off simply because they said they were sorry and promised not to rob any more homes, there is not a home in the land that would be safe. God’s justice is perfect; therefore God is much more just than any human judge! *The Judge and Yo Momma* Let’s say that you are a judge: a good and just judge. A murderer is before you in your court and it is a certain fact that this person is guilty. The murderer confesses guilt and asks for mercy. Would you be a just judge if you were to give this person probation or a fine? (Look for response.) Of course not: you must punish the person appropriately according to the crime. However, let’s say that the person in your court is not a stranger but is someone you deeply care for. Without a doubt you love this person. But if you were to let him or her go with probation or a fine, would you be a just judge? No. Does that mean you do not love this person? No. It’s the same with God. Although God loves us, He is a righteous and just Judge, and His justice must be satisfied by punishing us according to our sins.

Evangelism Training Ministry: Evangelism Training Packet for Fall 2006 (Eta Class)


Illustrations: Jesus Christ *Record Book of Sin* (Memorize word-for-word) Imagine that this book contains the record of every sin and secret motive in our lives. My right hand represents us. All this, then, is on us (place the book on the right hand). It’s like a heavy burden that holds us down so that we cannot enter into a perfect relationship with God. Let my left hand represent Jesus Christ. The Bible says that “all of us like sheep have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; but the Lord has caused the iniquity [sin] of us all to fall on Him [Christ]” (Isaiah 53:6) (At this point transfer the book from the right hand to the left in one distinct motion and leave it there). God put our sins on His Son when He died on the cross. The Bible tells us God made Christ “who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him” (2 Corinthians 5:21). This makes it possible for us to be free from the load and the guilt of our sin. Viking King Illustration When the Vikings terrorized the seas, there arose a great leader. He was wise, strong, just, and cared for his people. Early in his reign someone began stealing from the treasury. The King made a decree throughout the nation that the person caught stealing would receive ten lashes. No one was caught, so the King put forth a second decree for twenty lashes. Again no one confessed, nor was anyone caught. Finally, the King put forth a decree of fifty lashes for the person responsible for the thefts. Fifty lashes was very harsh punishment that no one had ever been given, and there was considerable doubt whether anyone could survive such a punishment. They finally caught the guilty person, and do you know who it was? It was the Viking king’s mother. Now the king loved his mother very much and was deeply grieved over her actions. However, he was also a just king who knew evil must be punished. The king was faced with an apparently unsolvable contradiction. Would his love allow his mother to go free or would his justice allow the lashes which would mean almost certain death?

The entire nation came to see what their king would do. The king ordered his mother tied to the stake in front of everyone and, just before the first lash was given, the king stepped behind his mother and took the lashes on his own back. Therefore, he satisfied his love for his mother by protecting her from the punishment she deserved, and his justice, which demanded the sentence be carried out against the guilty party. In the same way God has satisfied His love for us personally, and His justice, by sending His Son Jesus Christ into the world to pay the price for our sins and to demonstrate God’s love for us. Illustration: Faith *Celebrity* In a sense you can think of faith in Jesus as a relationship with Him. For example, would you believe me if I were to tell you that I knew Michael Jordan? What if I said that I knew where he grew up, where he went to high school, who he’s married to, what team he plays for? I know all of his stats - how many points he averages, how many assists he gets. But, if you were to ask him if he knows me, what would he say? “Joe who?” That’s right. Because we have no relationship. Many people think they have a relationship with Jesus just because they know His “stats.” They know He was born in Bethlehem, two thousand years ago. They know He was born of a virgin, that He performed many miracles, that He healed the blind, that He died on a cross, even that He was raised from the dead. But, the Bible tells us that in the end there will be many who say to Him, “Lord, Lord, didn’t we do all these things in your name?” And He will say to them, “I never knew you” (Matthew 7:21-23). So, not everyone who thinks they have faith truly have a relationship with Jesus. If you truly believe IN Jesus – not just believe facts “about” Him, but believe IN Him and have a relationship with Him – then your faith will result in obedience to Him.

Evangelism Training Ministry: Evangelism Training Packet for Fall 2006 (Eta Class)


Additional Section Illustrations Illustrations: Man Three Sins a Day Suppose a person sinned only three times a day. The only bad things he did were to have unkind thoughts, lose his temper, and sometimes waste time while on the job – he would still be a pretty nice person, don’t you think? Even if the were this good, if you add it up, that’s at least 1,000 bad things every year. If he lived to be about 70 years old, that would be 70,000 violations of God’s law. Think about what would happen to a criminal in court if he had 70,000 transgressions on his record! Poisonous Water Let’s saw we have a pure glass of water and I put one drop of deadly poison in it. Even though the water is still 99.9% pure, would you drink it? No, because even though there is a lot more pure water than poison in the glass, the poison makes the whole glass poisonous water. In the same way, our sin contaminates our lives, and our good deeds cannot erase or outweigh our bad ones for us to be acceptable to God. Swimming to Hawaii (Isaiah 64:6, Matthew 5:48, Romans 3:10, Romans 3:23) Some people say they are better than others, that they don’t do bad things, but instead do a lot of good things. So, they believe they should be able to get to heaven. But, in reality that is like saying as an Olympic swimmer, I can swim farther than a 5 year old boy. While that may be true, what use is that if the standard to heaven is like swimming from here to Hawaii? Even though I can swim farther than other people, I still fall way short of what is needed. In the same way, while some of us may be better than others, we all fall way short of God’s standard and requirements (perfection) to get into heaven.

Illustrations: God There’s No Statute of Limitation for Any Sin (a twist on the Judge Illustration) Let’s say that you are a judge - a good and just judge. A murderer is before you in your court and it is a certain fact that this person is guilty. Assume that the murder was committed 20 years ago. Since then, the murderer has devoted his life to charity. He has not murdered again. The murderer confesses guilt and asks for mercy. Would you be a just judge if you were let this person go free? (Look for response.) Of course not - you must punish the person appropriately according to the crime. The murderer’s acts of charity do not free him from the lawful penalty for committing murder. Similarly, committing one sin, no matter how good the rest of your life is, makes you guilty of breaking God’s law. The punishment for breaking His law just once at any time is death. Illustrations: Christ Substitutionary Death Suppose I told you that I am going to die for you. I proceed to run in front of a moving truck, get hit, and die. Wouldn’t that seem pointless? Now, suppose that you were about to be hit by the truck and I ran, pushed you out of the way to save you, and then I was hit and killed by the truck. In this case I sacrificed my life for yours. We are all facing an imminent eternal death. All men face judgment from God because of their sins (Romans 6:23, Matthew 10:28). However, Jesus lived a perfectly righteous life and then died on the cross in our place (I Peter 3:18). Through Him, we have been offered salvation from this judgment that would send us to hell for eternity. There is no one else who can save us from judgment of our sins. Without salvation through Jesus Christ alone, you will be judged by God for your sins.

Evangelism Training Ministry: Evangelism Training Packet for Fall 2006 (Eta Class)


Tetelestai: “It is finished” When Jesus was hanging on the cross, paying the penalty for our sins, He said, “It is finished.” This phrase is one word in the original Greek, “Tetelestai.” It was a common commercial term in the first century, which means, “It is paid in full.” For example, when a fisherman needed a boat, he would come pay a little to the owner every month. When he made the last payment, he would say, “Tetelestai.” There was nothing left to pay. The transaction was complete. In the same way, the debt for our sins was fully paid by Christ as He paid the price with His very own life. Illustrations: Faith Blondine Back in the early 1900s, there was this French tightrope walker named Blondine whose famous act was to walk a tightrope across Niagara Falls. As part of his act, he would ask the audience, “Do you believe I can walk across this tightrope?” The audience would respond cheerfully, “Yes! We believe! We believe!” He would do it and then everyone would cheer. For the next part he asked, “Do you believe that I can walk across carrying this sack of rocks on my back.” “Yes! We believe! We believe!” He did it and everyone cheered. For his final act, he asked, “Do you believe I can walk across with a full grown man on my back?” “Yes, we believe! We believe!” And then he extended his hand to someone in the audience and asked, “Will you come with me?” That’s the kind of faith that Christ requires from us. We can say we believe, but when it comes down to putting our lives in His hands, do we really? “I Believe in You” (James 2:19) You see, I could say that in my mind I believe in [person’s name]. I believe you exist, you have 2 eyes, a mouth, 2 nostrils, etc. But it’s something completely different for me to say that I truly believe in [person’s name]. That would mean that I trust you with my car, my house, my kids, etc. That would say a lot about our relationship.

That’s exactly how the Bible describes faith: as a relationship with Christ. It says that knowing Christ is the same thing as believing in Christ. Delayed Compensation (Hebrews 11:6) Let’s say that you’re looking for a job and a potential employer would like to hire you. But instead of paying you your wages every week, he proposes that you work for him without pay for the next 5 years. He’ll provide your basic needs and he wants you to give up any other jobs or activities that will distract you from this job, but he will not pay you until the end of the 5 years. However, he promises you that instead of your ordinary wages he will multiply it by a thousand at the end of the period. So instead of, say, $150,000 you will be paid $150,000,000. Sounds good, right? Put in 5 years of your life without pay and you will be incredibly wealthy. But notice how the role faith plays here. First, you must believe in your boss. You’d have to trust that he has the ability to pay you what he says he will. You have to trust in your boss’s character: that he will keep his promises. You have to trust that the reward at the end of the 5 years is much better than what you would have earned someplace else. And if you truly believe in these things, what would you say to his offer? A: I’d say, “What an incredible opportunity! Yes, sign me up!” And then you would actually follow through and work without pay for the sure promise of earning much more at the end of the 5 years. In fact, the Bible records this very same thing happening in the Gospels. It tells of a rich, young nobleman who approaches Jesus and asks how he can go to heaven. Jesus tells the man that he had only one requirement: to sell everything he had and follow Him. When he heard this, the rich, young nobleman became sad and walked away. You see, he was sad because he knew and understood the implications of his choice. But he couldn’t give up his riches because he trusted in them more than Christ even though it makes complete sense intellectually that $1 in heaven is worth a great deal more than $1 million on earth. You see faith, is more than just an intellectual belief. It requires trust.

Evangelism Training Ministry: Evangelism Training Packet for Fall 2006 (Eta Class)


Thick Ice, Thin Ice (Proverbs 14:12, John 3:16, John 10:28-29) The important thing in faith is not how sincere your faith is or how much faith you have, but whether the object of your faith is worthy. It’s like two people going across a frozen lake. One has very little faith in the ice underneath him, and he is crawling slowly, terrified that the ice will break and he will die. But, the ice under him is

thick, so it holds him up. It doesn’t matter that he has little faith, because the object of his faith, the thick ice, is able to hold him up. On the other hand, the other person has perfect faith in the ice underneath him, so he walks confidently across the lake. But the ice under him is thin, so he falls through the ice and drowns. It didn’t matter that he had perfect, sincere faith, because his faith was in something that could not hold him up.

Other Illustrations

For people who deny God’s existence or lack spiritual beliefs… Hunger (Psalm 63:1, Psalm 145: 16, 19, Ecclesiastes 5:10) Suppose a person existed who was hungry but has never seen food. Just because he has never seen good doesn’t mean food doesn’t exist. On the other hand, why would he experience the sensation of hunger if there was nothing to satisfy that hunger, even if he’s never seen food before. In the same way, we see throughout history and culture there is a universal desire to worship something higher than ourselves. Why would human beings have this desire to worship if there was nothing to satisfy that desire? Man’s desire to worship points to the existence of God, the one who can satisfy that desire. We have desires that nothing in the world, not money, relationships, power, comfort, can satisfy. This points to the existence of something not seen in this world that can fulfill these desires. Gravity Do you believe gravity exists? Suppose I said that I do not believe in gravity. I believe that if I step off the edge of the Grand Canyon, I will not fall to my death. What would happen if I actually stepped off the edge though? I would fall about 1 mile to the bottom and die. I could say I do not believe in gravity, but does that mean gravity does not exist? Of course not. Similarly, one could say they do not believe in the God of the Bible, but that does not change the fact that God exists. That person may deny God so that they can live in sin without fear of the consequences. However, God is holy and just and He will judge that person for their sins, whether they believe in His existence or not. For people focused on life in this world… Hotel Room Renovation (I Peter 2:11, Matthew 6:19ff) If I am going on vacation for a couple weeks, would I sell my house, my car, and quit my job? Would I then use the money from selling all I owned to renovate and furnish my hotel room? Obviously I would never do that. It would be foolish to put everything I have into a hotel room that I will only be staying in for a week or two. Similarly, we are only on this earth for around 80 years - maybe 100 years at the most. That is like a short hotel stay relative to eternity. It would be foolish store up earthly wealth and seek temporary pleasures during our brief stay here, all the while giving up eternal life.

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A short introduction to an additional ET section… God is Sovereign Creator: Contemporary thinking says man is the product of evolution. But the Bible says we were created by a personal God to live, serve, and enjoy endless fellowship with Him. The New Testament reveals it was Jesus Himself who created everything (John 1:3, Colossians 1:16). Therefore, He also owns and rules everything (Psalm 103:19). That means He has authority over our lives and we owe Him absolute allegiance, obedience, and worship. Illustrations: Creator and Creation The Watch and the Watchmaker (Psalm 19:1, Romans 1:20, Genesis 1:27, Isaiah 43:7, Ephesians 2:8-10, Ephesians 4:24) Suppose we were out in the woods and we found a wristwatch. Would we think the watch formed from random processes of the wind, rain, and sunlight, or would we think someone with intelligence created the watch? If we put all the parts of a watch in a box and shook the box, even with as much time as we want, would a working watch ever form through the shaking? Obviously, we know something complex and with design like a watch was created by someone with intelligence, who had a purpose for the watch. Now, if the watch was created for a purpose, how would we know what its purpose was? We might be able to use the watch for something like a belt buckle, but it would probably break, and it wouldn’t be used to its full potential. To know the purpose of the watch, what the watch was made for, we would go to the watchmaker. In the same way, when we look at human beings, we see complexity and design, which points to an intelligent creator. To know our purpose, we would need to go to the One who created us. The Arrowhead (Psalms 19:1, Romans 1:20) Suppose we went to a remote island, came across a river, and found an arrowhead in the river. WE see that the arrowhead is symmetric and sharp on one end. Would we think that this arrowhead was formed through the random currents and erosion from the river, or that there are likely people on this island? We assume there are people on the island, because a rock formed with a purpose points to an intelligent creator. In the same way, when we see the world around us, when we look at the amazing complexities of a single cell, and when we think about the abilities of human beings, we see incredible design, which points to an incredibly intelligent Creator.

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Gospel Presentation: Logical Flow Outline INTRODUCTION Search for Common Interest Permission to get more personal Question #1 Assertion that assurance is available (if needed): Permission to get even more personal Question #2 Transition Permission to Explain Correct Answer to Question #2 THE GOSPEL: GRACE Point 1 – Big Picture Verse 1 Gift Illustration Point 2 Verse 2 Verse 3 (if needed) Transition to Man MAN Point 1 Verse 1 Define Sin Verse 2 Point 2 Transition to God GOD Point 1 Point 2 Verse 1 Verse 2 Judge Illustration Pause for Dramatic Effect – “What can you do about your sin?” Transition to Jesus Christ JESUS CHRIST Define Jesus Christ

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Point 1 Point 2 Record Book of Sin Illustration (Incorporates Verses 1 & 2) Verse 1 Verse 2 Transition to Faith Verse 1 – explanation of need for faith FAITH Define Faith Point 1 Verse 2 Point 2 Celebrity Illustration CONCLUSION The qualifying question The clarification of the gospel message The commitment question Count the cost The prayer of commitment Faith without works is dead

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Gospel Presentation: Logical Flow INTRODUCTION Search for Common Interest Permission to get more personal Suggestion – “Do you mind if I ask you a question?” Question #1 - “Have you come to a place in your life where you can say for certain that if you were to die today you would go to heaven?” Assertion that assurance is available (if needed): “You know, the Bible says we CAN know for certain that we are going to heaven. In fact, the Bible says, ‘I write these things to you…so that you may know that you have eternal life.’ So, the Bible was written so we can know for sure that we are going to heaven.” Permission to get even more personal Suggestion – “Let me ask you another question.” Question #2 – “Suppose you were to die today and stand before God and He were to say to you, ‘Why should I let you into My heaven?’ What would you say?” Transition – Restatement of their response to ensure you heard them correctly. Permission to Explain Correct Answer to Question #2 Suggestion – “I’ve talked to many people about this and most people respond just as you did. In fact, I used to think the very same way. However, after studying God’s Word, I discovered that the Bible says something quite different. Do you mind if I share with you what the Bible has to say about eternal life?” THE GOSPEL: GRACE Transition to the Gospel – The Big Picture Point 1 Suggestion: “Well, essentially what the Bible says is that Heaven is a free gift.” Verse 1 - “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 6:23). Transition: “You know what a gift is, don’t you? Suppose I were to give you this watch as a gift…” Gift Illustration Transition: “So we know that because heaven is God’s gift it cannot be earned or deserved…” Point 2 – It is not earned or deserved Verse 2 - “He saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of His mercy…” (Titus 3:5). Transition to Man:

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Suggestion: “We can see more clearly why heaven had to be a free gift when we understand what the Bible says about Man.” MAN Point 1 – Man is a sinner Verse 1 – “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). Define Sin - “You’ve heard of sin haven’t you? In your opinion, what is sin?” Transition: “So, we know that we are all sinners. But, the problem is that God’s standard is perfection.” Verse 2 – “Therefore you are to be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect” (Matthew 5:48). Point 2 – Man does not earn or deserve heaven. Transition to God Suggestion: “So, we know that we are all sinners. But God is the opposite. He is perfect in every way.” GOD Point 1 – God is loving and merciful. Therefore, He doesn’t want to punish us. Point 2 – God is holy and just. Therefore, He will punish sinners. Verse 1 – “He will by no means leave the guilty unpunished” (Exodus 34:7b - NASB). Verse 2 – “Your eyes are too pure to look on evil; You cannot tolerate wrong” (Habakkuk 1:13a). Judge Illustration Pause for Dramatic Effect Suggestion: “The Bible has more to say about this, but if this is all the Bible had to say, it would be pretty bad news. Heaven is a free gift that we cannot earn. And even if it could be earned, we wouldn’t earn it because we’re sinners. Furthermore, God is holy and just and must punish all of us who are sinners. If you were to stand before God, what do you think you could say or do that would convince God to let you into heaven?”

A) If there is any attempt to get out of it, re-explain the proper points of the gospel that were misunderstood.

B) If they are left speechless before God, give the great hope of the good news. Transition to Jesus Christ Suggestion: “That’s right, there is nothing any of us could say or do in that situation. But God did not leave us without hope. We already said that God is a loving God, right? Well, the Bible says that God demonstrated His love in a very specific way. It says, ‘God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only Son.’ So, Jesus Christ is God’s solution to our problem. JESUS CHRIST Define Jesus Christ – “You’ve heard of Jesus, haven’t you? In your opinion, who is Jesus Christ?” Point 1 – Who He is: Both God and Man. Point 2 – What He did: By His death, He paid for our sins and by His physical resurrection, He defeated death and so assured us of a place in heaven with Him. Record Book of Sin Illustration (Incorporates Verses 1 & 2)

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Verse 1 – “We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the LORD has laid on Him the iniquity of us all” (Isaiah 53:6). Verse 2 – “God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God” (2 Corinthians 5:21). Transition to Faith Suggestion: “The Bible tells us that the ONLY way we can appropriate the forgiveness Jesus provided is to put our Faith in Him.” Verse 1 – “Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on Him” (John 3:36 - ESV). FAITH Define Faith Point 1 – It is not temporary nor is it merely an intellectual belief. Verse 2 – “You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that – and shudder” (James 2:19). Point 2 – It is turning from our sin and trusting in Jesus Christ alone for our salvation. Celebrity Illustration – You may know about Kobe Bryant, but do you KNOW Kobe Bryant? CONCLUSION The qualifying question - “Does this make sense to you?... You mentioned earlier that you would tell God that was the reason He should let you into heaven. Does it make sense to you now that God would not accept you into heaven based on those things?” Take this time to clarify and elaborate on any point of confusion in the gospel message. The commitment question – “Can you think of any reason why you would NOT want to place your trust in Jesus Christ for your salvation at this time?”

A. If “yes,” because they have specific issues still, then address their questions.

B. If “no,” ask, “Then, would you like to receive this gift of eternal life right now?”

1) If the prospect cannot think of a reason, but will NOT put their faith in Jesus, then: a) Exhort them not to delay. b) Warn them of Hell. Inform them that Question #2 is not just a hypothetical question.

One day they WILL die and WILL stand before God. “Just as man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment” (Hebrews 9:27).

c) Call them to count the cost of refusing God’s call. d) Make clear that NOT placing their trust in Jesus right now IS rejecting Him today.

There is no middle ground. They are either for Him or against Him.

2) If “yes,” they would like to put their faith in Jesus Christ, then: a) Call them to deny themselves, take up the cross, and follow Him. b) Call them to count the cost. c) Assure them that what they gain in Christ is well worth the cost. d) If they are undeterred, then teach them how to pray:

The prayer of commitment – “If you truly believe and have faith in your heart, express your faith in prayer to God. Prayer is simply speaking to God.”

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A. Admission of sin B. Repentance of sin C. Confess Christ as Lord and trust in Him alone

Faith without works is dead. 1 John 2:3 – “We know that we have come to know Him if we obey His commands.”

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Joe Jhung’s Sample Presentation INTRODUCTION Search for Common Interest A. Their secular life B. Their church background C. Our church D. Personal testimony “Do you mind if I ask you a question?” 1. Have you come to a place in your life where you can say for certain that if you were to die today you

would go to heaven? [You know, the Bible says we CAN know for certain that we are going to heaven. In fact, the Bible says, “I write these things to you… so that you may know that you have eternal life” (1 John 5:13). The Bible was written so we can know for sure that we are going to heaven.] Let me ask you another question. 2. “Suppose you were to die today and stand before God and He were to say to you, ‘Why should I let

you into My heaven?’ What would you say?” THEIR RESPONSE: (Usually good works.) So, you would answer God by saying that He should let you into heaven because of… (your good works). I’ve talked to many people about this and most people respond just as you did. In fact, I used to think the very same way. However, after studying God’s Word, I discovered that the Bible says something very different. Do you mind if I share with you what the Bible has to say about eternal life? THE GOSPEL GRACE: Well, essentially what the Bible says is that heaven is a free gift. It states that, “the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life” (Romans 6:23). You know what a gift is, don’t you? Suppose I were to give you this watch as a gift. Then, I asked you to pay me forty dollars for it. Would it still be a gift? [Make sure the amount you ask is near the actual value of the item, for the sake of argument. If you ask someone, ‘If I gave you my car for $5, would that be a gift?” many people would say that it is a gift.] THEIR RESPONSE: “Not if I have to pay you for it.” That’s right, because that’s the nature of a gift. If you pay for it, it is not a gift. It is the same way with God’s offer of the free gift of heaven. You can’t pay God for it because it is a gift. People often think that God will allow them into heaven because of the good things they have done, but the Bible says that God “saves us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of His mercy…” (Titus 3:5). So, we know that because heaven is God’s gift it cannot be earned or deserved.

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TRANSITION TO MAN: We do not even have the means to pay for this gift. The Bible says that all our righteous deeds are like filthy rags to God (Isaiah 64:6). They are like filthy rags because of our sin. MAN: The Bible points out that Man is a sinner. It says, “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). You’ve heard of sin haven’t you? In your opinion, what is sin? THEIR RESPONSE: “Doing something wrong.” That’s right. And more specifically, doing what’s wrong before God. You see, God has rules or laws and, when we break them, that is sin. For example, God says, “do not murder or steal.” So, when we murder or steal, we sin. God also commands us to love our neighbor and honor our parents. So, when we withhold love from our neighbor or disrespect our parents we sin. God goes on to say that if we hate someone in our hearts it is as if we murdered them in our hearts. And that is sin as well. So, to be a sinner is to be a law-breaker. And we know that we are all sinners, but the problem is that God’s standard is perfection. The Bible says you are to “be perfect… as your heavenly Father is perfect” (Matthew 5:48). But, as sinners, we are not perfect and so we do not meet God’s standard of righteousness. You know, people often miss the implications of this. We all know we’re not perfect. That’s just a part of being human, right? The problem with being imperfect is that sin makes us that way. And sin offends God. Like we said, it’s breaking HIS Laws. So, we see that even if heaven could be earned, we don’t earn or deserve it because we are all sinners. All we really end up earning because of our sin is Hell. TRANSITION TO GOD: Again, because of our sin, according to God’s Law, what we do earn and deserve is hell. Many people ask themselves, ‘Why would a loving God punish sinners for eternity in hell?’ but this question focuses on one of God’s attributes, while ignoring others. GOD: God is loving and merciful and he does not want to punish sinners. That is a wonderful truth. But you know, that is only part of the truth… and when you present a half-truth as the whole truth, it becomes a lie. God is much more than a loving God. And interestingly the one attribute of God that is most forgotten today, is the very one that is most emphasized in the Bible. That is God’s holiness. You see, the Bible says that God is so holy and just that He will punish sinners. The Bible says that God “will by no means leave the guilty unpunished” (Exodus 34:7b - NASB). The Bible goes on to say that God’s “eyes are too pure to look on evil” (Habakkuk 1:13a). He is so pure that no sinner can enter into His presence in heaven. It’s like this: Suppose you were a just judge and a murderer came into your courtroom. He admitted he murdered someone in cold blood. He then said, “I’m sorry for what I did, I promise I won’t do it again, can you please let me go this one time?” Would you let him go? “No.” That’s right, because that wouldn’t be just, and a judge must be just. Well, God’s justice is perfect, much more than any human judge. So, if it would be unjust for a human judge to forsake the law in order to be “merciful,” how much more must God, whose justice is perfect, hold to His own standard and punish those who violate His Law? Now you probably know that the Bible has much more to say about all this, but if this is all that the Bible had to say, it would be pretty bad news wouldn’t it? I mean, heaven is a free gift that we cannot earn. And even if it could be earned, we wouldn’t earn it because we’re sinners. Furthermore, God is holy and just and must punish all of us who are sinners. Knowing this, based on what the Bible says, if you were to stand before God now, what do you think you could say or do that would convince God to let you into heaven?

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A) If there is any attempt to get out of it, re-explain the proper points of the

gospel that were misunderstood. B) If they say they would pleas for mercy, tell them God’s mercy is not arbitrary

and there is nothing we do that earns or deserves His mercy. C) If they are left speechless before God, give the great hope of the good news.

[People may still hold to their own beliefs, but do they honestly understand what the Bible clearly teaches?]

TRANSITION TO JESUS CHRIST: That’s right, there is nothing any of us could say or do in that situation. But God did not leave us without hope. We already said that God is a loving God, right? Well, the Bible says that God demonstrated His love in a very specific way. It says, “God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only Son” (John 3:16). So, Jesus Christ is God’s solution to our problem. JESUS CHRIST: You’ve heard of Jesus haven’t you? In your opinion, who is Jesus Christ? THEIR RESPONSE: “The Son of God.” That’s right. He is the Son of God. Many people have heard that, but what most people don’t know is that “Son of God” is a title. It means that Jesus is God. It’s like if you were to have a son, would you expect your son to be a giraffe or a camel? Hopefully not! He would be human just as you are. Your son would have your nature. In the same way, God’s Son has the same nature as God. So, Jesus is 100% God. I’m sure you’ve also heard that Jesus was born of a virgin, Mary. Well, because His mother was human he also has the nature of a human. So, Jesus is both 100% God and 100% Man. He’s not like Hercules. Half-god, half-man. He’s fully God and fully Man. You might have also heard that when Jesus came 2000 years ago, He died on a cross to pay for our sins and defeated death by raising from the dead. The question is, “how does Jesus’ death help our problem of sin?” Maybe I can illustrate it this way. Suppose all of my sins were written in this book. Well, my book would probably be much bigger, but this will have to do! Suppose my right hand represents me (place book on your right hand.) You see these sins are what separate me from God. This is the burden that weighs me down and keeps me from heaven. Remember, the Bible says that the “wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23). We “earn” our death because of our sin. So, our sin is like a debt we owe God – a debt we must pay with our life. Now, we are all in the same boat here. Suppose this was you, and I were to say to you that because I care about you I would pay your debt for you. Well, I can’t because I have my own “hands” full. I mean, if I owed my bank money would your bank let me pay off your debt? “No.” Right, the check would bounce. Insufficient funds. So, we see that only someone without this debt of sin, someone without sin, can pay for our sins (Show them an empty left hand). Who do you know that has no sin? “God.” That’s right. Only God is without sin. And like we just said, Jesus Christ is God. What the Bible tells us is that on the cross, God laid all our sins on Jesus when He died (Transfer book to left hand, showing them an empty right hand). And that freed us from our debt of sin so that we could have a relationship with God. The Bible says, “Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God” (1 Peter 3:18a). TRANITION TO FAITH: That’s the Good News of the Bible! That God has a solution to our problem. And the Bible tells us that the ONLY way we can appropriate the forgiveness Jesus provided is to put our Faith in Him. The Bibles says, “Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him” (John 3:36 - ESV).

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FAITH: Well, if faith is the only way we need to know what it means to have faith. Many people have misunderstood faith. I have heard some say that they had faith when they were younger, but that they’ve “lost” their faith. But, true faith is eternal and will lasts forever. You can’t “lose” it. It’s not that fragile. Probably the most common misunderstanding of faith is that it is simply “believing” the right things about God. But true faith is not merely an intellectual belief. In fact, the Bible says that even the demons believe the right things about God, but they are still demons (James 2:19). That “knowledge” does not help them. You see true faith involves all the faculties of man – heart, mind, and soul. It begins with knowledge, but it doesn’t end there. Our hearts must love these truths and our wills must obey them for it to be genuine faith. So true faith is simply a turning away from our sin and turning toward Jesus, trusting Him alone for our salvation. In a sense you can think of faith in Jesus as a relationship with Him. For example, would you believe me if I were to tell you that I knew Michael Jordan? What if I said that I knew where he grew up, where he went to high school, who he’s married to, what team he plays for. I know all of his stats - how many points he averages, how many assists he gets. But, if you were to ask him if he knows me, what would he say? “Joe who?” Because we have no relationship. Many people think they have a relationship with Jesus just because they know His “stats.” They know he was born in Bethlehem, two thousand years ago. They know he was born of a virgin, that he performed many miracles, that he healed the blind, that he died on a cross, even that he was raised from the dead. But, the Bible tells us that in the end there will be many who say to Him, “Lord, Lord – didn’t we do all these things in Your name?” And He will say to them, “I never knew you” (Matthew 7:21-23). So, not everyone who thinks he has faith, truly has a relationship with Jesus. If you truly believe IN Jesus – not just believe facts “about” Him, but believe IN Him and have a relationship with Him – then your faith will result in obedience to Him. CONCLUSION Does this make sense to you? You mentioned earlier that you would tell God that was the reason He should let you into heaven. Does it make sense to you now that God would not accept you into heaven based on those things? Take this time to clarify and elaborate on any point of confusion in the gospel message. Can you think of any reason why you would NOT want to place your trust in Jesus Christ for your salvation at this time?

C. If “yes,” because they have specific issues still, then address their questions.

D. If “no,” ask, “Then, would you like to receive this gift of eternal life right now?”

1) If no, cannot think of a reason, but will NOT put their faith in Jesus, then: a) Exhort them not to delay. b) Warn them of Hell. Inform them that Question #2 is not just a hypothetical question.

One day they WILL die and WILL stand before God. “Just as man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment” (Hebrews 9:27).

c) Call them to count the cost of refusing God’s call. d) Make clear that NOT placing their trust in Jesus right now IS rejecting Him today.

There is no middle ground. They are either for Him or against Him.

2) If yes, they would like to put their faith in Jesus Christ, then: a) Call them to deny themselves, take up the cross, and follow Him. b) Call them to count the cost.

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c) Assure them that what they gain in Christ is well worth the cost. d) Call them to obey Christ and live for Him. If they do, they are bearing fruit consistent

with the marks of true faith. If they cannot, then they are bearing fruit consistent with unbelief.

e) If they are undeterred, then teach them how to pray. If you truly believe and have faith in your heart, express your faith in prayer to God. Prayer is simply speaking to God. You could tell Him that you admit you are a sinner. Tell God that you hate your sin and that you’ve turned from your sinful way of living. Ask God to forgive you for your sins and to give you the strength to live for Him now. Assure Him that you trust ONLY in Jesus to forgive your sins and make you right before God. If these things are on your heart, express them to God in prayer. Remember that if your faith is genuine, you will know it by your life. The Bible says, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come” (2 Corinthians 5:17)! A Christian is a new person. He is not a perfect person, but a new one. And God will make sure the Christian stays that way. So, live for God! He will give you the strength to endure anything.

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Sample Presentation I N T R O D U C T I O N

A. Their secular life B. Their church background C. Our church D. Personal Testimony: We live in very uncertain times. People are looking for something certain. At Cornerstone Bible Church, we have decided to stick to the basic, essential facts of the Bible. It is only through those facts that we can know we have eternal life. Most people do not know for certain what would happen to them if they were to die today.

I would be interested in knowing your opinion.

1. Have you come to a place in your spiritual life where you can say for certain that if you were to die today you would go to heaven?

1 John 5:13

The Bible tells us,

“I write these things to you … that you may know that

you have eternal life.”

May I ask you another question?

2. Suppose you were to die today and stand before God and He were to say to you, “Why should I let you into My heaven?” What would you say?

R E S P O N S E : Then you would answer God by saying that He should let you into His heaven because of … (e.g. your good works). That's interesting. Many people feel the same way you do about the qualifications for heaven. T R A N S I T I O N :

May I share with you what I have learned from the Bible about eternal life? T H E G O S P E L G R A C E : Through my study of the Scriptures I came to realize that according to the Bible, heaven is a free gift. There is no way I can earn my way into heaven. The Bible states, “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 6:23). The Bible also states “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God – not by works, so that no one can boast” (Ephesians 2:8-9). This gift of eternal life cannot be earned by doing good works. Maybe I can illustrate this in this way. If I were to give you my watch as a gift and you paid me for it, would it still be a gift? No, it wouldn't. That's the nature of a gift – you can't pay for it or it is not a gift anymore. It is the same way with God's offer of the free gift of heaven – you can't pay God for it by doing good works or good deeds. It's a free gift! T R A N S I T I O N : This can be seen more clearly when we understand what the Bible says about man. M A N : The Bible points out that man is a sinner.

In your opinion what is sin?

R E S P O N S E : The Bible states, “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). “There is not a righteous man on earth who does what is right and never sins” (Ecclesiastes 7:20). Because man cannot consistently do good, he cannot save himself. A Bible verse that illustrates that is, “There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death” (Proverbs 14:12). Man cannot save himself from spiritual death.

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T R A N S I T I O N : The problem of man trying to save himself comes into sharper focus when we look at what the Bible says about God. G O D : The Bible tells us that God is loving and merciful (1 John 4:8) and that He doesn't want to punish us. But while God is loving, He is also holy and just, and therefore must punish sinners. Scripture says, “[God] will by no means leave the guilty unpunished” (Exodus 34:7b) and that “it is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God” (Hebrews 10:31). This seems to present a problem. How does a loving and merciful God punish sin? The Judge and the Burglar Illustration Suppose someone were to burglarize your home of $5,000 worth of your possessions. The police caught him in the act and, together with other eyewitnesses, identified him as the culprit. When the burglar is brought before the court, the judge asks, “How do you plead?” The burglar is guilty and the evidence is undeniable, so he responds, “I am guilty, Your Honor.” The judge then sentences him to five years in prison for burglary. Suppose the burglar had said to him, “Judge, I am very sorry that I burglarized the home. You have the possessions back and no one was hurt. I promise that I will never rob another home if you will just let me go.” Would the judge be just if he let him go? He has a standard of justice that must be satisfied. If judges let burglars off simply because they said they were sorry and promised not to rob any more homes, there is not a home in the land that would be safe. God's justice is perfect; therefore God is much more just than any human judge! T R A N S I T I O N : God solved this problem in the most amazing way by sending Jesus Christ into the world. “In your opinion, who is Jesus Christ?" R E S P O N S E : The Bible tells us that, “in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us” (John 1:1, 14a). Christ is both

God and Man. What did He come to do? The whole Bible is about one great transaction that Christ performed on our behalf. Imagine that this book contains the record of every sin in our lives. My right hand represents us. All this then is on us. It's like a heavy burden that holds us down so that we cannot enter into a perfect relationship with God. Let my left hand represent Jesus Christ. The Bible says that, “we all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all” (Isaiah 53:6). “God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God” (2 Corinthians 5:21). That makes it possible for us to be free from the load and guilt of our sin. T R A N S I T I O N : By His death, He paid for our sins and purchased a place in heaven for us, which He offers as a gift. That gift is received by faith. F A I T H : Now many people don’t really understand what the Bible means by faith. Some have what I call “temporal faith.” An example of this type is trusting God for a safe plane trip, or for help on an exam – that type of thing. Others believe that Christ died and rose again, and they think that's faith – in other words, believing the facts. But the Bible says the demons believe the facts, and they shudder (James 2:19)! So whatever the Bible means by faith, it is more than just believing the facts. There are two features of true faith that we need to understand. True faith involves trusting in Jesus Christ alone for salvation. So true faith is trusting in Jesus Christ alone for our salvation and the response to true faith is the desire to obey Him. Now it is important that you understand that it is not this commitment that earns you eternal life. Remember, our good deeds cannot earn acceptance before God because we are imperfect and therefore do not live up to His standard of perfection. True faith is simply the hand that received God's free gift of eternal life. T H E C O M M I T M E N T Qualifying Question:

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Does this make sense to you? T R A N S I T I O N : Remember earlier when I asked the question, “What would you say to God if He should ask you why He should let you into His heaven?” You said because of . Do you understand why we cannot enter heaven on the basis of what we have done? If the response is “no” or the person is uncertain, go back to the beginning and quickly review the main points of the gospel. If the prospect is stuck on any one point, slowly and thoroughly go through that point of the outline, using all verses and illustrations. C L A R I F I C A T I O N : 1. Acknowledging Christ as God and Savior. He

would believe that Jesus is God and Man, and that He died on the cross for our sins so that He could have a personal relationship with each one of us.

2. Recognizing Christ as Lord and Master over his

life; realizing that because of Christ’s great love, He will guide our lives better than we are able to do. Christ says in the Bible, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice, and opens the door, I will come in to him, and will dine with him, and he with me” (Revelation 3:20).

3. Turning from his former life of disobedience and

following after Christ. 4. Transferring his trust from himself to Christ. 5. Receiving Christ into our lives. C o m m i t m e n t Q u e s t i o n : Would you like to receive this gift of eternal life now? T R A N S I T I O N :

The Lord is here with us right now. He knows our thoughts and desires. Is there anything you can think of that would prevent you from receiving Christ right now? If it is your desire to receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior, we can pray together with you. P r a y e r o f C o m m i t m e n t : Lord Jesus, I want you to come into my life right now. I am a sinner. I have been trusting myself but now I put my trust in You. Please forgive me for my sins. I believe You died for me and rose again. I receive You as Lord and Master over my life. Help me to turn from my sins and follow You. I accept Your gift of eternal life. In Your name I pray, Amen. Assurance of Salvation: If you have truly believed, the word of God (the Bible) assures you of your salvation. Here are some verses I would like you to read from the Bible. “I tell you the truth, he who believes has everlasting life” (John 6:47). “As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us” (Psalm 103:12). “And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life” (1 John 5:11-12).

Do you have the Son?

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come” (2 Corinthians 5:17)! “But thanks be to God that, though you used to be slaves to sin, you wholeheartedly obeyed the form of teaching to which you were entrusted. You have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness” (Romans 6:17-18).

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Sample Presentation for Professing Christians Introduction A. Their secular life B. Their church background C. Our church D. Personal Testimony “Do you mind if I ask you a question?” 1. “Have you come to a place in your life where you can say for certain that if you were to die today you would go to heaven?” A: Yes. 2. “Suppose you were to die today and stand before God and He were to say to you, ‘Why should I let you into My heaven?’ What would you say?” A: Faith. Transition: You’re right! The Bible says that the only thing necessary to go to heaven is faith in Jesus Christ. But because that is the only thing we need, it’s of the greatest importance that we understand what faith is, wouldn’t you agree? A: Of course! So in your opinion, what is faith? A: Believing that Jesus Christ died for me. Well, certainly that is a part of faith. In fact, the Bible says that there are two components to true faith. Without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him (Hebrews 11:6). So the Bible says that not only must we believe with our minds, but we must also believe that God rewards those who really seek Him. In fact, the Bible also says: You believe that God is one; you do well. Even the demons believe--and shudder (James 2:19)! So an intellectual faith is shared by demons, who clearly do not please God and will not be in heaven. Actually, it is because of their faith that they firmly believe in their fate, and therefore they shudder in terror. So if all we have is belief in our minds, then we simply have the same faith as demons. So what the does the Bible mean when it says that we must believe he rewards those who earnestly seek Him? Well let me illustrate it to you this way. Delayed Compensation Illustration Let’s say that you’re looking for a job and a potential employer would like to hire you. But instead of paying you your wages every week, he proposes that you work for him without pay for the next 5 years. He’ll provide your basic needs and he wants you to give up any other jobs or activities that will distract you from this job, but he will not pay you until the end of the 5 years. However, he promises you that instead of your

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ordinary wages he will multiply it by a thousand at the end of the period. So instead of, say, $150,000 you will be paid $150,000,000. Sounds good, right? Put in 5 years of your life without pay and you will be incredibly wealthy. But notice how the role faith plays here. First, you must believe in your boss. You’d have to trust that he has the ability to pay you what he says he will. You have to trust in your boss’s character: that he will keep his promises. You have to trust that the reward at the end of the 5 years is much better than what you would have earned someplace else. And if you truly believe in these things, what would you say to his offer? A: I’d say, “What an incredible opportunity! Yes, sign me up!” And then you would actually follow through and work without pay for the sure promise of earning much more at the end of the 5 years. In fact, the Bible records this very same thing happening in the Gospels. It tells of a rich, young nobleman who approaches Jesus and asks how he can go to heaven. Jesus tells the man that he had only one requirement: to sell everything he had and follow Him. When he heard this, the rich, young nobleman became sad and walked away. You see, he was sad because he knew and understood the implications of his choice. But he couldn’t give up his riches because he trusted in them more than Christ even though it makes complete sense intellectually that $1 in heaven is worth a great deal more than $1 million on earth. You see faith, is more than just an intellectual belief. It requires trust. Trust Illustration You see, I could say that in my mind I believe in [person’s name]. I believe you exist, you have 2 eyes, a mouth, 2 nostrils, etc. But it’s something completely different for me to say that I truly believe in [person’s name]. That would mean that I trust you with my car, my house, my kids, etc. That would say a lot about our relationship. (End of illustration) That’s exactly how the Bible describes faith: as a relationship with Christ. It says that knowing Christ is the same thing as believing in Christ. Michael Jordan Illustration Let me put it to you this way. I know Michael Jordan. I know his stats, where he was born, where he played, etc. But certainly, I don’t know Michael Jordan. I’ve never met him and spent time with him. And if you were to ask him if he knew [your name], he’d certainly say he has no idea who [your name] is. (End of illustration) Jesus Himself prophesies of the same thing happening at the judgment throne. People will come up to him saying, “Lord, Lord, didn’t we do all these things in your name.” And Christ will reply, “I never knew you. Away from me you evildoers. (Matthew 7:21-23)” These people genuinely thought they knew Christ because they performed works and activities in His name. But they never had a relationship with Him. They never knew Him or loved Him. The Bible says, grace to all who love the Lord Jesus Christ with an undying love (Ephesians 6:24). It also says, cursed is anyone who does not love Christ (1 Corinthians 16:22). Well, how do we know that we genuinely love Christ. The Bible says that there is only one way of knowing.

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Jesus says, “Whoever has my commands and obeys them, He is the one who loves me. (John 14:21)” Loving him is obeying him. It means giving up everything and following him. You must repent of your sins and strive toward righteousness. You see, the Bible makes it clear that simply stating that Jesus Christ is our Savior is not true faith. You must also confess that He is Lord (Romans 10:9). That is not just a title, but it literally means that He is our Master. That means that we must empty ourselves and seek His will for everything in our lives. What do you think? Have you done this? Is this what you meant when you said that the only thing required to go to heaven was faith? If you haven’t done this, is there any reason you wouldn’t do so today? (Don’t delay section) (If it appears that the person does not fully understand any aspect of the gospel, go to that section.)

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Dos and Don'ts Don’t carry a large Bible on your visit! A New Testament in your pocket or purse will furnish all the Scripture you will need. Don’t give the reference when you quote Scripture. You need to know the reference, but giving the location of each verse can interrupt your listener’s train of thought. Do quote just the relevant portion of the verse. People do not get all the meaning in a long verse. Concentrate on the portion of the verse that bears on the discussion at the moment (see Luke 4:18-19). Do anticipate objections and preclude them, if possible. When an objection arises, deal with it in a manner that indicates that you are not threatened by it. Be straightforward, handle it in a matter-of-fact manner and return to the main course of the discussion (see John 4, “the woman at the well”). Do stress the positive benefits of the gospel. Be careful not to give the impression that coming to Christ is one of the greatest disasters in life. This is not the time to discuss trials and spiritual struggles. Don’t use leading questions. Don’t try to manipulate. You need to know how they really think and how they respond to the Word of God. Leading questions may just get you the answer they feel you want to hear. Also, be careful not to ask misleading questions. Do start where the person is. Don’t assume that everyone knows the Bible. Also, be sensitive to people who are familiar with the Bible. Don’t talk down to them as if they are ignorant, but indicate to them that you would like to discuss some scripture with which, perhaps, they are already familiar. Do ask permission to ask questions. That will help you to determine their receptiveness to you. It would be better for them to say no at this point than for you to proceed and cause them to get angry. Do ask your listener’s opinion. That will indicate to him that you are truly interested in him and value his opinion.

Do listen. It is important for you to understand where the person is coming from and be able to refer back to his comments as you continue your presentation. Knowing what you are going to say will help you to be a better listener. Don’t insist on a profession of faith. It is only our responsibility to share the gospel. We cannot do the work of the Holy Spirit. However, we can stress the serious consequences of rejecting God’s free gift of eternal life. Don’t make critical comments about other denominations, ministries or religions. Also, be modest when speaking about your own church. Do smile. Make this a friendly visit. Don’t make him feel like he’s being pinned down or pressed for a decision. Do make your exit courteous. Don’t storm out because the gospel was rejected, but thank your host for his time and hospitality. The seed was planted and perhaps at another time the harvest will be evident. If appropriate, ask for permission to close in prayer. Stress the important issues in the prayer, but don’t preach a sermon. Don’t engage in laughter or conversation after leaving the visitor until you are underway in your car. That is done to avoid the appearance of gossip. Do watch your grooming and manner of dress. Untidy clothes do not speak well of the King you represent. Short skirts or tight-fitting clothes will detract from the message you are bringing. Do ask a friend if you have bad breath. A true friend will tell you. A prospect will be anxious for you to leave. Don’t sit and pray in front of your prospect. Pray before you leave the church or when you return. Do let the warm, loving, sensitive Spirit of Christ radiate from you as you share His gospel! Do ask parents for permission to speak to young children.

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The Two Questions Question #1 If the answer to Question #1 is “I don’t believe in heaven,” either use a personal testimony (“I wondered about it myself once…”) or make it a hypothetical question (“If there were such a place…”). Memorize 1 John 5:13: “These things I have written to you... that you may know that you have eternal life.”

• Use 1 John 5:13 for “yes” or “no” answers to the first question. • If the answer is “yes,” you can say “That’s good because the Bible does say…” (quote 1 John 5:13). • If the answer is “no,” you can say “It is possible to know for certain! The Bible says…” (quote 1 John

5:13). Question #2 The second question is designed to elicit a personal response from the heart. Try to keep the question as personal as possible in order to eliminate a “learned” answer. However, when you get a firm “I don’t know” or need further clarification of a vague answer, rephrasing the second question may be necessary. The following suggested list of ways to get an answer to the second question is in a sequence designed to depersonalize it. This sequence should gently lessen the degree of pressure to the point of getting a response. Four Ways to Get an Answer to Question #2

1. “What do you think you would say?” 2. “What would you tell someone who wanted to go to heaven?” (or “What would you say to a child

who wanted to go to heaven?”) 3. “What would you say most people would say?” 4. “What is the general entrance requirement for heaven?”

Remember, if the answer to Question #2 is not clearly right or wrong, probe until you have a clear answer. Don’t settle for cliché phrases like “Because I’m born again” or “I believe on His name.” Ask him what he means by these statements. In case you receive an answer that is still vague (not clearly right or wrong) even after probing, get a personal testimony by asking “How did you come to know that you have eternal life?” If you still have not received an answer after using the “Four Ways to Get an Answer to Question #2,” proceed by asking “May I share with you what the biblical answer to that question is?”

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Tips on How to Use “Four Ways” 1. “What do you think you would say?”

Always use this question first. Be patient, however! Don’t be too quick to take pressure off by using this question. Give the person a little time to think of his response. If the silence becomes deafening, you can take a little pressure off by saying something like, “That is a tough question, isn’t it?” The fact that you have acknowledged the second question as a “tough question” may put him at ease enough to answer. When the person says “I don’t know,” that is the time to use “What do you think you would say?”

2. “What would you tell someone who wanted to go to heaven?”

Many times this will work in getting an answer. Most parents do not want to admit that they do not know what to tell their children or friends.

3. “What would you say most people would say?”

If you get an answer to “What other people would say,” it is usually what the person being questioned thinks. When the person says something like, “I believe most people would say that you have to obey the Ten Commandments and not sin to get into heaven,” you must say something like, “Do you suppose that this is what you might say to God also?”

4. “What is the general entrance requirement?” This is the least pressure because it is completely depersonalized. Use it after the above attempts, because you may get an intellectual answer instead of a heart response. If this is where you get your answer, be sure to ask for a personal testimony.

Vague answer: “How did you come to know that you have eternal life?”

If an answer is still vague, and you have not received a clear “works” or “grace” answer, ask for his testimony (“How did you come to know you have eternal life?”)

No answer: “May I share the biblical answer to that question?”

When the answer is clearly wrong, repeat it back to the person so he will know that you have properly understood him. Say “Let me see if I understand what you have said. You would say to God, ‘You should let me into heaven because ’ Is that what you would say?” Always do this to let him know that you fully understand what he said so he doesn’t deny his answer later with “You misunderstood me” or it is also possible you did misunderstand and he will restate his answer or give further explanation.

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Personal Testimony Overall Purpose: To present a point of identification between you and your listener.

To establish some common ground on which to build your presentation. To establish the fact that we all have a need for God in our lives and how God can personally meet that need.

Points to Cover: 1. What your life was like before you received eternal life 2. How you received eternal life 3. What having eternal life has meant to you Things to Keep in Mind: 1. Because receiving eternal life is equivalent to receiving Jesus Christ, use the former

statement in your personal testimony to avoid giving them the answer to the second question.

2. Make it personal. Don’t be vague; your listener will identify more with you if he feels

you have had similar struggles.

3. Be specific. Say exactly what you mean; don’t “beat around the bush.” 4. Be honest. Don’t imply that your whole life has been sunshine and lollipops since your

decision for Christ. However, do be positive.

5. Concentrate on who God is and what Christ has done, not on your sin and experience.

6. Keep it up-to-date. What has Christ done in your life recently?

7. Make it live. Use humor, but with discretion. Identify with your listener. Paint a picture.

8. Have a hook. End your testimony with a question like “Have you found something to fill that empty void in your life?”

Remember: God uses people, not presentations, so your testimony could be the most important part of

your presentation. What has God done for you?

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Sample Personal Testimony I. What my life was like before I received eternal life.

Not too many years ago, life was very dull and uninteresting to me. Deep down, I was pretty unhappy – a ho-hum routine that many people fall into. I was very lonely; I found new friendships very hollow and not based on anything meaningful.

I really became concerned about my future. Seeing the world situation and the rapid decaying of old values made me wonder, “What is life all about?” I also had a concern about what would happen to me if I were to die.

II. How I received eternal life.

I knew very little about God – but I wanted to know. God says in the Bible, “You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart” (Jeremiah 29:13). He kept His promise and I received eternal life.

III. What having eternal life has meant to me.

When I received eternal life, my life changed in many exciting ways. He filled my life with true happiness. I now have a real purpose in life.

I know that God has forgiven me for all of the crummy things I’ve done and He has given me a love and a sense of forgiveness for others.

God has given me many real friends and quality, secure relationships, with the Lord as our common bond.

God has given me a peace in my heart – a real super feeling. I know that when I go to bed at night, if I don’t wake up in the morning, that I’ll wake up in heaven with Him – and that’s neat.

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Personal Testimony Worksheet from Tell the Truth by Will Metzger This is your spiritual autobiography. Many Christians are unable to point to a crisis experience, or we do not always know the date when God brought us into his kingdom (perhaps he did so when we were young). This does not mean you have nothing to testify about. Be winsome, honest and wholesome. Never go into detail about sins. After a person has heard your story will they know basic truths about Christ, or only know you better? Use some of the phrases under each heading to help you focus on important things. 1. What I Was Like: My family, friends, interest were…. My security (most important value) was…. My religious background and attitude about Christ was…. 2. What God Used to Begin to Open My Eyes: I was awakened to my need by (people, books, meeting, circumstances)…. What I thought and/or noticed (about myself, God, others) at this point was…. 3. What It Was I Saw/Understood: Those aspects of the gospel that touched me were…. I came to understand that Christ…. I saw my need was…. 4. How Christ Has/Is Affecting My Life: My relationship with…. My attitude toward…. My desires now are…. I’m now doing…. A difficult area of obedience is….

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How to Memorize Scripture Memorize with understanding. Do not attempt to memorize meaningless words by rote. If the meaning is not crystal clear, compare the version you are memorizing with other translations. Read the paragraph or chapter in which the verse is contained so that you understand the meaning of the verse in its context. Memorize one section at a time. If the verse is long, break it into small units at the punctuation marks. Memorize the first phrase, then the second phrase and add it to the first. Repeat this process with each additional phrase until the entire verse can be recited from memory. Memorize with the Scripture reference. Sometime when you quote Scripture, you will be challenged to see if the verse is actually in the Bible. Therefore, it is important to be able to quickly locate the verse in the Bible. Since numbers are usually more difficult to memorize, the full reference (book, chapter number, and verse number) should be recited before and after the verse. Memorize by repetition. Using every one of the five senses possible, go over the verse repeatedly. It is better to recite the verse aloud than silently in your mind. The tongue is trained to speak the words of the verse. Actually hearing the sound of the words impresses them on the mind more than simply thinking them. Writing the verse over and over by hand or with the typewriter helps to impress it on the mind. If there are persons, places, or actions described in the verse, attempt to visualize them. If you are artistic, draw them on paper. Attempt to see, feel, taste, smell, and hear the verse. Memorize with a friend. Two people memorizing Scripture and reciting to each other provide mutual encouragement and can check each other on the accuracy of their recitation of the verse. Use it or lose it. Ask God to give you opportunities to share in a meaningful way with others the verses that you memorize. Each time you give the verse to someone else, more of it will truly become yours. Set a goal. Determine a reasonable but challenging number of verses to memorize each week. Discipline yourself to put in the necessary time and effort to thoroughly absorb the verses that you have determined to memorize. Review! Regularly and periodically review the verses that you have memorized in days and weeks gone by. Use idle time. Memorize while standing in line, driving your car, or between appointments. Utilize every spare minute. Most of us know how to occupy the hours of our day, but most of us waste the minutes of our day. Put the minutes to good use in memorizing God’s word.

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Ways to Effectively Communicate the Gospel 1. Put yourself in the shoes of the prospect. It is so important to find out his church background, where

he is coming from, and tailor the presentation to his background. 2. Allow the speaker to finish (Proverbs 18:13). Don’t argue. 3. Be interested. Concentrate on his needs, not on what you are going to say next. 4. Eliminate distractions such as children, disruptive relatives, noisy surroundings, mental stress of the

prospect, and television. 5. Ask questions to be sure you understand. Give feedback. 6. Explain things to your listener in words he understands. Don’t use technical words such as

“sanctification” or “justification.” 7. Get feedback to make sure you have been understood. Repeat when necessary. 8. Summarize as you proceed through the presentation. 9. Use the prospect’s name frequently. 10. Use eye contact both in speaking and listening. 11. Your perception of yourself will affect your behavior as you communicate the gospel. By knowing

you can do all things through Him who strengthens you (Philippians 4:13), that it’s the Holy Spirit who convicts of sin (John 16:8), and that it is God’s work to save souls, not yours, you can go with confidence, knowing that God has supplied all you need in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19). Your job is to sow the seed. God’s job is to provide the harvest (1 Corinthians 3:7).

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Street Evangelism “Go therefore to the main highways, and as many as you find there, invite to the wedding feast” (Matthew 22:9). One of the first lessons we learn as Christians is that knowledge must always result in action. It never fails that principle without practice leads to pride. We also learn that as we are obedient to put our faith in action, the result is experiencing the full joy of the Christian life. The “Assurance Questionnaire,” developed by Dr. James Kennedy, is a practical tool to help us put our faith in action. Much can be learned from the use of the questionnaire. Listed below are some of the advantages of this tool and some practical tips for beginning your ministry in street evangelism. Having a Right Attitude This questionnaire is not a survey and should not be thought of as a deceptive means of gaining access to sharing Christ. The attitude we have whenever sharing Christ to a lost world should always be an attitude governed by the love of God. Our purpose in using this questionnaire is stated from the start. Notice the opening statement, “I am of Cornerstone Bible Church. We’re trying to determine people’s religious thinking and assist anyone looking for a faith.” It is important to keep in mind that it is God preparing that person’s heart and God who opens and closes doors. Paul said in the opening chapter of Romans, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.” The focus of the questionnaire is for the trainee more so than for the listener. When first learning to communicate the gospel, the trainee needs to focus his attention on learning to communicate clearly. The questionnaire takes the pressure off having to devise an approach to gain entry for the gospel. The trainee can focus all his attention on communicating the gospel. It must be remembered that Evangelism Training is a training ministry, training soul winners. Just as Christ determined the direction of His evangelistic strategy by calling a few men who the multitudes would follow, so the focus of Evangelism Training is to train men and women who will train others (2 Timothy 2:2). Let’s Look at the Questionnaire Notice that the questionnaire follows the introduction to our Gospel outline. Questions II through IV are questions pertaining to their church background and questions V and VI are our two questions. Before beginning the questionnaire, you will also want to use what you have learned in point “A” of our outline under “Secular Life.” The questionnaire outline is simply: A. Their secular life B. Their church background C. Two questions The opening statement indicates the purpose for our visit and should not be modified. If answer to question one is “no,” it might mean a closed door, or that you might need to back up to the secular life.

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I remember one particular call when, after asking the first question, I received a firm “no!” So we stopped and just talked with our listener for awhile and in our conversation we found a point of common interest. Once our listener was assured of our friendship, she asked, “And what did you want to ask me?” Building a trust relationship can make the difference. Familiarize yourself with the remainder of this questionnaire. Also, it is more effective if you don’t memorize these questions, but just read them. After asking the questions, if the prospect is seeking, or at least open, ask permission to share the gospel. “May I have a few more minutes of your time to share with you how I came to know I have eternal life (your personal testimony) and how you can know it, too?” Don’t force somebody to hear the gospel or try to present it to a hostile or argumentative person. John 4:35 says “Look on the fields, that they are white for harvest.” Don’t try to pick up green fruit. The back of the questionnaire can be used as a follow-up record. A Few Practical Suggestions 1. Be Yourself. Romans 5:5 tells us, “the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the

Holy Spirit who was given to us.” Let your light shine. The best witness of the saving power of Jesus Christ is you. You are a letter of Christ “written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God” (2 Corinthians 3:3).

2. Share Yourself. Let them see you. You will be amazed how your listener, when he realizes your

transparency, will open up to you.

A favorite verse of ours is 1 Thessalonians 2:8, which says, “Having thus a fond affection for you, we were well-pleased to impart to you not only the gospel of God but also our own lives, because you had become very dear to us.”

3. Dress Well. Our first impression of someone often determines our attitude toward that person. Our

appearance could make the difference of how our listener will receive us. Dress in a way that gives glory to our Lord Jesus Christ.

What to Avoid As you approach an individual, take notice of their age, sex, and the activity that individual is involved in as you make your approach. Be sensitive. If possible, try to approach an individual near to your age. When approaching women, always try to have a woman as a member of your team in order to avoid a misunderstanding of your intentions. This would also be the case for women team members approaching men. Women should always be accompanied by a man for reasons of safety, as well as communicating our proper intentions. Suggested Areas to Use the Questionnaire:

• Shopping Areas • Town Centers • Local College Campuses • Bus Stops • Laundromats • Parks • Car Washes • Libraries • Arcades • Others

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Listening and Questioning Checklist from Tell the Truth by Will Metzger Listening is hard work. It is active, not passive. Asking questions is an essential part of good listening. To ask good questions is to listen with your whole self-involved. Listening is not something to try to fake; it must come from within. It is the way to give quality attention to others and the way to love them. Evaluate one or two conversations you have had recently in the light of the following ideas about listening and questioning. Poor Listener

□ Assumes the subject is uninteresting. □ Focuses on the person’s manner of

expression (word choice). □ Becomes overstimulated; makes snap

judgments. □ Listens only for the facts. □ Tries to outline the information. □ Fakes attention to the person. □ Is distracted by surroundings. □ Evades grappling with difficult information. □ Is satisfied with only hearing what is first said. □ Lets emotional words or situations block

information flow. □ Thinks about own response to what is being

said. 1. Evaluation of Conversation 1:

Good Listener □ Finds something interesting in what is said

and asks questions. □ Finds the message is always more important

than grammar, sentence structure or wording.

□ Listens rationally; evaluates, but suspends judgment.

□ Listens for the feelings, too. □ Notes patterns, traits, principles and basic

ideas. □ Shows disciplined attention through brief

comments, reactions. □ Concentrates by focusing eyes and mind. □ Welcomes expression of difficult ideas or

problems. □ Probes for the idea, assumption, problem

behind the surface words. □ Maintains emotional control and is

unshockable. □ Thinks about what is being said.

2. Evaluation of Conversation 2:

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Prescription for Good Questions from Tell the Truth by Will Metzger Jesus was a master at asking questions (see how he helped Nicodemus in John 3, the woman at the well in John 4 and the man born blind in John 9). Sometimes, his questions are rhetorical; sometimes, they are to expose the other person; sometimes they are to gain information; sometimes they are to give new insight. Jesus also was constantly listening for the question behind the question. He does not directly answer questions but looks for what is behind them. This is how he handled questions like: “Who’s right when it comes to worshiping God” (John 4:20)? “What do I have to do to be assured of living forever” (Mark 10:17)? “Why was this man born blind” (John 9:2)? “How can the new birth be true” (John 3:9)? We need this same skill in listening. We need to ask ourselves if we have really heard what people are saying when they ask questions or make strong statements. One summer evening, I was in a comfortable living room filled with amiable people engaged in after-dinner chit-chat. Because I am in a Christian ministry, sometimes people react very abruptly to anything I say. This particular night I was cornered and challenged by an intense older woman who kept returning to the same point in her conversation: “How could you believe in a God who would send people to hell?” I started to react with a reasoned statement on the nature of God. Then I caught myself and said, “You seem to react negatively. Has something happened to upset you?” Then I listened. Out came a story about a nonreligious close friend who had just died. Now I saw what was behind her hostile attitude. She didn’t need a discourse on God’s eternal hatred of sin; she was emotionally distraught. As I showed sympathy she became genuinely open to biblical counsel on several points. If we really wish to be friendly and helpful to people, whether we are thinking of group Bible study, personal counseling of Christians, witnessing, or raising our children, we need to learn the art of questioning. Here are some principles to keep in mind:

1) Take every possible chance to ask a searching question, then keep quiet (When we’re talking, we’re not learning anything).

2) One thoughtful question is worth a dozen inquisitive ones. The prod-and-pry approach makes

people clam up.

3) Questions that come close to the other person’s true interest get the best answers, provided we

are interested.

4) Be prepared to wait. Sometimes, a long silence can be more rewarding than another question.

5) In every case, the quality of an answer depends on the quality of attention given by the


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6) Questions must spring from honest inquiry, not from attempts at flattery or efforts to manipulate the other person’s thinking.

7) Questions that deal with a person’s feelings are more provocative than those that deal with facts. Listen for and encourage all expressions of feeling.

8) What is our motive in asking questions? Are we just leading someone on in order to argue or to

trap him or her, or do we really care for the person? Only a listening, loving heart can remove the mask we all wear.

Test Yourself Some questions seem to close more doors than they open, while others lead to true dialog. Check the good questions on the following list, and mark the poor ones zero. 1. What did you do today? 2. Would you explain that to me? 3. How was the game? 4. How do you feel about that? 5. Is something the matter? 6. What would you have done? 7. Do you love me? 8. Why did you say that? 9. Oh, really? 10. For instance? The odd-numbered questions are poor because they are conversation-stoppers, usually answerable in one or two words. The even-numbered questions are good because they call for thought-provoking answers that can send the conversational stone rolling and start others. They call for explanation and description and can lead to revealing a person’s feelings and values.

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Excerpts on Sin Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God by J.I. Packer The gospel is a message about sin. It tells us how we have fallen short of God’s standard; how we have become guilty, filthy, and helpless in sin, and now stand under the wrath of God… Everybody’s life includes things which cause dissatisfaction and shame. Everyone has a bad conscience about some things in his past, matters in which he has fallen short of the standard which he set for himself, or which was expected of him by others. The danger is that in our evangelism we should content ourselves with evoking thoughts of these things and making people feel uncomfortable about them, and then depicting Christ as the One who saves us from these elements of ourselves without even raising the question of our relationship with God. For the very idea of sin in the Bible is of an offense against God, which disrupts a man’s relationship with God. Unless we see our shortcomings in the light of the law and holiness of God, we do not see them as sin at all. For sin is not a social concept; it is a theological concept. Though sin is committed by man and many sins are against society, sin cannot be defined in terms of either man or society. …for the bad conscience of the natural man is not at all the same thing as a conviction of sin. To preach sin means, not to make capital out of people’s felt frailties (the brainwasher’s trick), but to measure their lives by the holy law of God. To be convicted of sin means, not just to feel that one is an all-around flop, but to realize that one has offended God, and flouted His authority, and defied Him, and gone against Him, and put oneself in the wrong with Him. Conviction of sin is essentially an awareness of a wrong relationship with God. Conviction of sin always includes conviction of sins: a sense of guilt for particular wrongs done in the sight of God, from which one needs to turn, and be rid of them, if one is ever to be right with God. Conviction of sin always includes conviction of sinfulness; a sense of one’s complete corruption and perversity in God’s sight, and one’s consequent need of what Ezekiel called a ‘new heart,’ and the Lord a new birth, i.e. a moral re-creation.

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The Deity of Jesus Christ

Isaiah 9:6: 6For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us; And the government will rest on His shoulders; And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace. Zechariah 12:10: 10"I will pour out on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the Spirit of grace and of supplication, so that they will look on Me whom they have pierced; and they will mourn for Him, as one mourns for an only son, and they will weep bitterly over Him like the bitter weeping over a firstborn. Matthew 1:23: 23"BEHOLD, THE VIRGIN SHALL BE WITH CHILD AND SHALL BEAR A SON, AND THEY SHALL CALL HIS NAME IMMANUEL," which translated means, "GOD WITH US." Matthew 9:2: 2And they brought to Him a paralytic lying on a bed. Seeing their faith, Jesus said to the paralytic, "Take courage, son; your sins are forgiven." Matthew 12:8: 8"For the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath." Matthew 21:15-16: 15But when the chief priests and the scribes saw the wonderful things that He had done, and the children who were shouting in the temple, "Hosanna to the Son of David," they became indignant 16and said to Him, "Do You hear what these children are saying?" And Jesus said to them, "Yes; have you never read, 'OUT OF THE MOUTH OF INFANTS AND NURSING BABIES YOU HAVE PREPARED PRAISE FOR YOURSELF'?" Matthew 28:9, 17: 9And behold, Jesus met them and greeted them. And they came up and took hold of His feet and worshiped Him. 17When they saw Him, they worshiped Him; but some were doubtful. John 1:1, 14: 1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 14And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth. John 5: 17-19: 17But He answered them, "My Father is working until now, and I Myself am working." 18For this reason therefore the Jews were seeking all the more to kill Him, because He not only was breaking the Sabbath, but also was calling God His own Father, making Himself equal with God. 19Therefore Jesus answered and was saying to them, "Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, unless it is something He sees the Father doing; for whatever the Father does, these things the Son also does in like manner. John 8:24: 24"Therefore I said to you that you will die in your sins; for unless you believe that I am He, you will die in your sins." John 8:58: 58Jesus said to them, "Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born, I AM." John 10:30: 30"I and the Father are one." John 14:9-11: 9Jesus said to him, "Have I been so long with you, and yet you have not come to know Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father; how can you say, 'Show us the Father'? 10"Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father is in Me? The words that I say to you I do not speak on My own initiative, but the Father abiding in Me does His works. 11"Believe Me that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me; otherwise believe because of the works themselves. John 20:28: 28Thomas answered and said to Him, "My Lord and my God!"

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Colossians 1:15-19: 15He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. 16For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities--all things have been created through Him and for Him. 17He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. 18He is also head of the body, the church; and He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, so that He Himself will come to have first place in everything. 19For it was the Father's good pleasure for all the fullness to dwell in Him,

Isaiah 44:24: 24Thus says the LORD, your Redeemer, and the one who formed you from the womb, "I, the LORD, am the maker of all things, Stretching out the heavens by Myself And spreading out the earth all alone,

Titus 2:11-13: 11For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all men, 12instructing us to deny ungodliness and worldly desires and to live sensibly, righteously and godly in the present age, 13looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus, Hebrews 1:1-4: 1God, after He spoke long ago to the fathers in the prophets in many portions and in many ways, 2in these last days has spoken to us in His Son, whom He appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the world. 3And He is the radiance of His glory and the exact representation of His nature, and upholds all things by the word of His power When He had made purification of sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high, 4having become as much better than the angels, as He has inherited a more excellent name than they. Hebrews 1:8: 8But of the Son He says, "YOUR THRONE, O GOD, IS FOREVER AND EVER, AND THE RIGHTEOUS SCEPTER IS THE SCEPTER OF HIS KINGDOM. 2 Peter 1:1: 1Simon Peter, a bond-servant and apostle of Jesus Christ, To those who have received a faith of the same kind as ours, by the righteousness of our God and Savior, Jesus Christ:

The Deity of the Holy Spirit Psalm 139:7-8: 7Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence? 8If I ascend to heaven, You are there; If I make my bed in Sheol, behold, You are there. Matthew 12:31-32: 31"Therefore I say to you, any sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven people, but blasphemy against the Spirit shall not be forgiven. 32"Whoever speaks a word against the Son of Man, it shall be forgiven him; but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it shall not be forgiven him, either in this age or in the age to come. Matthew 28:19: 19"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Acts 5:3-4: 3But Peter said, "Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit and to keep back some of the price of the land? 4"While it remained unsold, did it not remain your own? And after it was sold, was it not under your control? Why is it that you have conceived this deed in your heart? You have not lied to men but to God." 1Corinthians 2:10-11: 10For to us God revealed them through the Spirit; for the Spirit searches all things, even the depths of God. 11For who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so the thoughts of God no one knows except the Spirit of God. 2 Corinthians 3:2-3: 2You are our letter, written in our hearts, known and read by all men; 3being manifested that you are a letter of Christ, cared for by us, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.

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2 Corinthians 3:17: 17Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. Ephesians 4:4-6: 4There is one body and one Spirit, just as also you were called in one hope of your calling; 5one Lord, one faith, one baptism, 6one God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in all.

ET for Christians A. Their secular life B. Their church background C. Our church D. Personal Testimony “Do you mind if I ask you a question?” 1. “Have you come to a place in your life where you can say for certain that if you were to die today you would go to heaven?” A: Yes. 2. “Suppose you were to die today and stand before God and He were to say to you, ‘Why should I let you into My heaven?’ What would you say?” A: Faith. Transition: You’re right! The Bible says that the only thing necessary to go to heaven is faith in Jesus Christ. But because that is the only thing we need, it’s of the greatest importance that we understand what faith is, wouldn’t you agree? A: Of course! So in your opinion, what is faith? A: Believing that Jesus Christ died for me. Well, certainly that is a part of faith. In fact, the Bible says that there are two components to true faith. (Hebrews 11:6) And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him. So the Bible says that not only must we believe with our minds, but we must also believe that God rewards those who really seek Him. In fact, the Bible also says: (James 2:19) You believe that God is one; you do well. Even the demons believe--and shudder! So an intellectual faith is shared by demons, who clearly do not please God and will not be in heaven. Actually, it is because of their faith that they firmly believe in their fate, and therefore they shudder in terror. So if all we have is belief in our minds, then we simply have the same faith as demons. So what the does the Bible mean when it says that we must believe he rewards those who earnestly seek Him? Well let me illustrate it to you this way.

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Delayed Compensation Illustration Let’s say that you’re looking for a job and a potential employer would like to hire you. But instead of paying you your wages every week, he proposes that you work for him without pay for the next 5 years. He’ll provide your basic needs and he wants you to give up any other jobs or activities that will distract you from this job, but he will not pay you until the end of the 5 years. However, he promises you that instead of your ordinary wages he will multiply it by a thousand at the end of the period. So instead of, say, $150,000 you will be paid $150,000,000. Sounds good, right? Put in 5 years of your life without pay and you will be incredibly wealthy. But notice how the role faith plays here. First, you must believe in your boss. You’d have to trust that he has the ability to pay you what he says he will. You have to trust in your boss’s character: that he will keep his promises. You have to trust that the reward at the end of the 5 years is much better than what you would have earned someplace else. And if you truly believe in these things, what would you say to his offer? A: I’d say, “What an incredible opportunity! Yes, sign me up!” And then you would actually follow through and work without pay for the sure promise of earning much more at the end of the 5 years. (End of illustration) In fact, the Bible records this very same thing happening in the Gospels. It tells of a rich, young nobleman who approaches Jesus and asks how he can go to heaven. Jesus tells the man that he had only one requirement: to sell everything he had and follow Him. When he heard this, the rich, young nobleman became sad and walked away. You see, he was sad because he knew and understood the implications of his choice. But he couldn’t give up his riches because he trusted in them more than Christ even though it makes complete sense intellectually that $1 in heaven is worth a great deal more than $1 million on earth. You see faith, is more than just an intellectual belief. It requires trust. Trust Illustration You see, I could say that in my mind I believe in [person’s name]. I believe you exist, you have 2 eyes, a mouth, 2 nostrils, etc. But it’s something completely different for me to say that I truly believe in [person’s name]. That would mean that I trust you with my car, my house, my kids, etc. That would say a lot about our relationship. (End of illustration) That’s exactly how the Bible describes faith: as a relationship with Christ. It says that knowing Christ is the same thing as believing in Christ. Michael Jordan Illustration Let me put it to you this way. I know Michael Jordan. I know his stats, where he was born, where he played, etc. But certainly, I don’t know Michael Jordan. I’ve never met him and spent time with him. And if you were to ask him if he knew [your name], he’d certainly say he has no idea who [your name] is. (End of illustration) Jesus Himself prophesies of the same thing happening at the judgment throne. People will come up to him saying, “Lord, Lord, didn’t we do all these things in your name.” And Christ will reply, “I never knew you. Away from me you evildoers.” (Matthew 7:21-23)

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These people genuinely thought they knew Christ because they performed works and activities in His name. But they never had a relationship with Him. They never knew Him or loved Him. The Bible says, grace to all who love the Lord Jesus Christ with an undying love. (Ephesians 6:24) It also says, cursed is anyone who does not love Christ. (1 Corinthians 16:22) Well, how do we know that we genuinely love Christ. The Bible says that there is only one way of knowing. (John 14:21) Jesus says, “Whoever has my commands and obeys them, He is the one who loves me.” Loving him is obeying him. It means giving up everything and following him. You must repent of your sins and strive toward righteousness. You see, the Bible makes it clear that simply stating that Jesus Christ is our Savior is not true faith. You must also confess that He is Lord (Romans 10:9). That is not just a title, but it literally means that He is our Master. That means that we must empty ourselves and seek His will for everything in our lives. What do you think? Have you done this? Is this what you meant when you said that the only thing required to go to heaven was faith? If you haven’t done this, is there any reason you wouldn’t do so today? (Don’t delay section) (If it appears that the person does not fully understand any aspect of the gospel, go to that section.)

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What’s Your Worldview? by John MacArthur

Weltanschauung. What is it? Everyone has one. It colors the way all people interpret life. It triggers the decisions one makes, not to mention driving one’s responses. It comes in many varieties. Philosophy, science, culture and/or religion generally make the dominant contributions to it. What is it? It is the personal worldview of each living individual. What is a worldview? A worldview comprises one’s collection of presuppositions, convictions and values from which a person tries to understand and make sense out of the world and life. “A worldview is a conceptual scheme by which we consciously or unconsciously place or fit everything we believe and by which we interpret and judge reality.” “A worldview is, first of all, an explanation and interpretation of the world and second, an application of this view to life.” A Worldview comprises one's collection of presuppositions, convictions and values...How does one form a worldview? Where does one begin? Every worldview starts with presuppositions—i.e., beliefs that one presumes to be true without supporting independent evidence from other sources or systems. Interpreting reality, in part or in whole, requires that one adopt an interpretative stance since there is no “neutral” thought in the universe. This becomes the foundation upon which one builds. What are the presuppositions of a Christian worldview that is solidly rooted and grounded in Scripture? Carl F. H. Henry, an important Christian thinker in the last half of the twentieth century, answers the question very simply: “…evangelical theology dares harbor one and only one presupposition: the living and personal God intelligibly known in His revelation.” Without equivocation, Dr. Henry forthrightly and clearly believes [believed] that “Our theological systems are not infallible, but God’s propositional revelation is.” Ronald Nash approaches the question in a similar manner: “Human beings and the universe in which they reside are the creation of God who has revealed Himself in Scripture.” What is the Christian worldview? The following definition is offered as a working model:

The Christian worldview sees and understands God the Creator and His creation—i.e., man and the world—primarily through the lens of God’s special revelation, the Holy Scriptures, and secondarily through God’s natural revelation in creation as interpreted by human reason and reconciled by and with Scripture, for the purpose of believing and behaving in accord with God’s will and, thereby, glorifying God with one’s mind and life, both now and in eternity.

What essentially distinguishes the Christian worldview from other worldviews? At the heart of the matter, a Christian worldview contrasts with competing worldviews in that it: (1) recognizes that God is the unique source of all truth, and (2) relates all truth back to an understanding of God and His purposes for this life and the next.

Arthur Holmes superbly summarizes the unique implications of a Christian worldview when relating absolute truth to God.

1. To say that truth is absolute rather than relative means that it is unchanging and universally the same.

2. Truth is absolute not in or of itself but because it derives ultimately from the one, eternal God. It is grounded in his “metaphysical objectivity,” and that of his creation.

3. Absolute propositional truth, therefore, depends on the absolute personal truth (or fidelity) of

God, who can be trusted in all he does and says. Are there any common misperceptions about the Christian worldview, especially by Christians? There are at least two mistaken notions. The first is that a Christian view of the world and life will differ on all points from

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other worldviews. While this is not always true (e.g., all worldviews accept the law of gravity), the Christian worldview will differ and will be unique on the most important points, especially as they relate to the character of God, the nature and value of Scripture, and the exclusivity of Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. The second is that the Bible contains all that we need to know. Common sense should put this misdirected thought out of business. However, it is true that the Bible alone contains all that Christians need to know about their spiritual life and godliness through a knowledge of the one true God, which is the highest and most important level of knowledge (2 Peter 1:2–4). Also, while it does not exhaustively address every field, when Scripture speaks in any subject area, it speaks authoritatively. A Christian worldview provides a framework by which (1) to understand the world and all of its reality from God’s perspective and (2) to order one’s life accordingly to God’s will. What should be the ultimate goal of embracing the Christian worldview? Why is the Christian worldview worth recovering? Listen to Jeremiah, who passes along God’s direct answer. Thus says the Lord: “Let not the wise man boast in his wisdom, let not the mighty man boast in his might, let not the rich man boast in his riches, but let him who boasts boast in this, that he understands and knows me, that I am the LORD who practices steadfast love, justice, and righteousness in the earth. For in these things I delight, declares the LORD.” — Jeremiah 9:23–24