Evaluation question1 final

Post on 28-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Evaluation question1 final

Evaluation QuestionQUESTION 1

How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issue?

I used a number of generic forms and conventions related to our genere biography , comedy and mystery and I was inspired by a variety of films used in my opening sequence. Media codes and conventions are incredibly important for media practitioners and media audiences. They are important as they allow media practitioners to give audiences what they want and expect. It is important to follow codes and conventions as audiences like familiarity and be able to predict what is ‘coming next’, thus enabling the joy of getting it right or the surprise factor when those predictions are not fulfilled. However it is accepted and essential to sometimes change and challenge conventions, to intrigue and excite the target audience.

Film OpeningsTo begin the project, I research film opening example ; skyfall in order to gain a good understanding of the conventions to create an operative and precise media product. Following this research it became clear to me what these conventions were and how I was going to apply then to my own production.

One of the main conventions that I discussed in my group was the type of footage and shot types I was going to use in my opening sequence. This is so the film can be promoted while it is still in production or to create a back story.

To ensure the film opening was very good I followed the conventions of real current films that are running as closely as possible so it fit with the convention and that our target audience will not be confused meaning that our fim opening product fully serve its purpose. Research was also conducted into the mystery , comedy genre, including a investigation of killers, location, costume and props as well as titles. My intention was to create a 2 minutes opening sequence that created enigma and a sense of mystery..

My media product represent the teenage group. You can see in the video and from all the props and stuff you’ll get o know that what kind of group have I targeted. Social group were represented in a variety of ways, using a combination of editing, mise en scene, sound and camera shots and angles.In my opening sequence I have casted a teenage boy who lives alone and is very lazy. He has to wake up for school in the morning and takes a lot of time, closes his alarm and sleeps again. He takes so much time doing all this that makes him late for school and he misses it. It is his everyday routine.I have used a very untidy room for my shooting in which there are clothes all around , there is a lot of stuff lying around , the room isn’t clean and this gives the audience an idea about the film and what’re they going to watch.I have casted a young boy as my main cast which shows and gives a clear idea that it is targeting the youth.I have used a variety of different camera shots/ angles, however I feel that the most successful shots were where the young boy dominated the screen, as the audience were able to connect with the boy's character . I also used some shaky shots. The shots I used included

• Establishing Shot• Mid shot• Low angle shot• High angle shot• Close up • Extreme close up• Full shot

Screenshots of the camera angle and techniques used in my video.

High angle shot Close up

There was slow background music till the end. I used a guitar tune as my background music which targets the teenagers and they like that kind of music. I tried to target a group of teenagers.