Evaluation Question 7

Post on 18-Nov-2015

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Transcript of Evaluation Question 7


Main Cover line

Cover lines




Issue Number & Date


Main Image Theyre both two-person shots one male and female represented the same way as each other. I learnt this is effective in attracting a unisex audience and displaying the green of the magazine. I learnt the importance of costume and makeup looking at the difference between my magazines shades instead of glasses and dark attire transformed the same model form nerdy to cool- representing the genre. They are both medium shots, I acknowledges that from this shot you see the model clearly enough and appreciate their costume and makeup strengthened the genre portrayalCover Lines I had more cover lines on my preliminary task this magazine type is more informative so more cover lines are displayed. There are less cover lines on the music magazine as you want to only give a short glimpse and make it more entertaining than factual The format of the cover lines were more fluid in terms of colour scheme and appearance they look the same whereas in my prelim theres an imbalanceLure The lures differ whereby my preliminary lure was a meal deal voucher and my real product is a poster. I learnt that the are certain appropriate lures depending on genre and target audience I Chose the voucher as it was a college magazine for students and meal deals relate to college In comparison I chose posters for my real one as it is a music magazine theyre posters of artists- I learnt the target audience like form Kerrang.Main Cover line I feel like the main cover line on my final product is more distinct and stand out as a main cover line and therefore I have learnt to isolate the main cover line as it is more effective. I learnt to apply strokes on aspects to make them more established I did this for my final product It is situated in the left sector of the magazine since the preliminary learnt how the left column contains the important features.Barcode/ issue number/date

Both the barcode are in dead sots however the orientation of the prelim is sideways , I learnt it is best and more conventional to have it the right way round. I didnt include the date and issue number on the front cover at this point I failed to see its importance but by the real task I learnt that it is essential to the cover.Slogan

I realised by the time I did my real product a slogan isnt needed, as I couldnt see it on real products. Slogans are less likely on magazines, which I didnt know but now have learnt.


The price is higher on the real piece as I learnt that conventionally magazines of this genre are around that price I determined the newest price by considering the target audience in terms of age and class which I didnt for the preliminary task. They are both positioned in the same place I understood why I did it last time so I replicated this.Skyline:

I made the skyline larger in my real piece I learnt that other magazines have strapline more of this size. In the first one I listed things included in the magazine but I learnt that you should use them to see certain articles

Masthead: College bizz more obvious to the magazines genre and audience, Ebony more hidden and a mystery. I learnt to make good use of drop shadow to suit the genre I included iconography in both I found this effective Included a slogan in the preliminary but not in the music magazine found it wasnt needed Positioned in the same place learnt to follow tis convention I learnt to use dafont for the music magazine found it more flexible and effective

MastheadMain TitlePage NumbersMain image

Supplement imagesSocial Media LinksEditorialGrab QuotesArticle titles

Layout In my music magazines I follows a column system and followed the rule of thirds I learnt this is better than breaking the convention as it looks more organised and is easier to comprehend and you fit more content in which my prelim lackedGrab Quotes I didnt include grab quotes on my prelim task and learn tot apply them in my final product. I learnt that grab quotes are very effective in promoting the article and creating more hype. The inclusion of grab quotes I feel make the contents look more fulfilling and completeSupplement Images There are adult males used in the preliminary contents page which links with the genre as it is college and teachers are a fundamental part. However I learnt that the images should project what the target audience want to see and therefore have models a like them instead which Is what I did in my final magazine. I bordered the supplement images on both magazines although I made the stroke thinner on my real task as I felt a thinner line is more professional looking I felt that I was more adventurous with the image itself as more props were used and the camera angles and shots differed instead of replicated. In addition I separated the images instead of putting them together as this is what other magazines doMain Title

In my real task I abbreviated contents page to contents, which I didnt do in the prelim after looking through other magazines I found contents was more used. I made the font of contents in my final product more different to the other fonts I found that the fonts in the prelim were too repetitive and similar and so I made this change. I prefer the change of moving the main title besides the masthead as their both important to this page - I like how theyre besides each other and both equally in the hot spot.Page numbers

I liked the way I presented the page numbers in the preliminary and so used a similar approach on the real product. I used circles to enclose the page numbers and applied a bold font. I kept this method as the page numbers are clear and stand out and entice the audience to follow the page numbers.Editorial

My preliminary task was bare of a editorial at that point I didnt really understand it and didnt see the importance of one I incorporated an editorial as I saw its significance after researching and seeing that it is essential.

Social Media Links

I didnt include the social media links in my real product; I feel the college genre of the magazine needs the social links whereas this music magazine may not need one on the contents page. I jam packed the contents page m=with more content as opposed to this which I feel compensates as social media links could be used elsewhereMasthead On both the magazines they are positioned at the top, which is conventional I learnt and remembered this form the preliminary task and carried over this concept. The masthead is exactly the same from the front cover in the prelim version whereas I removed the guitar from my real task. I learnt to be more daring and that you alter it minutely from the Uncut magazine. The masthead took up a lot of space on my prelim I learnt that it isnt meant to be so large and so scaled it down.Article Titles The article titles proceed underneath subheading in my real task however this isnt the case in my prelim. I have learnt to structure this better in my real product. The article titles are shorter I on preliminary version than my final product. I found that longer more enthusiastic products are the more pulling and effective. The font size is way smaller in my second attempt and has a lot more article titles as it is more fulfilling Main Image I have defiantly learnt to portray a main image correctly, on the preliminary the main image isnt that clear it is the main one just because it is at the top doesnt signal it is as it is the same size as the others too. Also it is the same image as the front cover main image which breaks conventions it should have been a different picture perhaps of the same people but a different photo.