Evaluation question 3 media

Post on 06-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Evaluation question 3 media

What have you learned from your audience

feedback?Richard Jones

Could you tell it was a trailer?



As you can see from these results my work is clearly recognizable as a trailer. This is due to following the codes and conventions of similar trailers that I researched which include; the certificate slide at the beginning, the montage of clips throughout the trailer and the soundtrack I chose.

Did the music fit the trailer?



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Most people agreed that the music fitted the trailer. I used a track that would build tension and fit the genre of social realism. Unfortunately the music isn't to everyone's taste as it is a specific genre.

Could you understand the storyline?



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I am happy that most people understood the story line as I spent a lot of time editing the dialogue to make it flow well. However there are still more things I could of done to make the storyline more understandable. If I had a bigger budget I would of recreated the actual car crash and maybe a funeral to follow after. I also would of got more actors in to the club scene to make it look more realistic. These things would all help I making the storyline clearer.

Did it give too much of the storyline away?



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Most people said that the trailer didn’t give to much of the storyline. I am happy about this as the most important role of a trailer is to make the audience want to see more and I believe I did this.

Did you enjoy watching it?



I am very pleased to see that everyone who watched my trailer enjoyed it. I am happy that all my hard work has paid off and has seen positive results.


Here are just a few comment that people made about my trailer.

“It was very well made and had a good story”

“it was interesting and edited well”

“the characters seemed realistic” “intense”

“very clear storyline and professional”

“camera angles were really good”

“something a lot of people my age would watch”

What could I have done to make it better?

“show him partying more in clubs” “ there were too many shot of the car at the start” “ made it a little longer” “make the characters voices louder”

From the feedback there are 3 main things that were apparent

1) 5 people said make it longer. I feel if I had the time I would of filmed more for each scene but because of my limits I spent a lot of time on each bit to make it the best I could.

2) the voices of the characters voices should be louder. When I look back on it now I feel I should of more carefully matched the characters voices as some get drowned out by the music.

3) less shots of the car. Although this was only one persons comment I feel I could of taken one out to keep the suspense throughout the trailer.

Out of 10, what would you mark my film trailer at?





From these results you can see my lowest mark was 7 and 50% of the audience that watched my trailer gave it 10/10. From reading my improvement comments if I repeated the process of making this trailer I feel I could get 75% of the audience to give full marks.