Evaluation question 3

Post on 08-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Evaluation question 3

. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

As the magazine first starts of, I will want to be signed to a publishing house with similar types of magazines much like in the music industry, the record labels will often try to have a target audience for their artists. That means that the publishing house will know the most effective ways to market your type of magazine. This will allow fan base to expand and then become a mainstream source for information.

I think that the most appropriate publishing house would be IPC media, they are one of the largest publishing houses in U.K and publish magazines such as NME or Uncut. Joining this publishing house is the most sensible because it is one of few publishing houses that already make music magazines that relate to hip hop.

It will be sold in newsagent and big grocery stores as well as music stores and petrol stations much like any other magazine. A good way to promote it would be to give out some free copies around concerts and clubs because those people might have interest music and are more likely to buy it.

If the magazine is successful it can be later developed into an electronic online version which would also mean that the magazine could be read through an app. This would encourage the readers to subscribe to the magazine so that they can always be the first to read about it

Due to the amount of content, the magazine will have a monthly release. Hip hop magazines is a niche category because not many people who are interested in hip hop read magazines don’t read magazines very often. This can be seen in the market research I’ve done one of the most popular hip hop magazines from USA is called “Vibe” the total circulation for this magazine since 2011 is 301,408 , whereas “The Rolling Stones” total circulation since 2012 is 1,464,943 which is over 4 times larger than vibes.