Evaluation Question 2- Olivia Gracey

Post on 07-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Evaluation Question 2- Olivia Gracey


AS Media Evaluation Question Two: By Olivia Gracey

How does your Media product represent particular social groups?


We have used these particular media products to illustrate the common problems in todays society. Our protagonist Iby is portrayed a a young troubled male around the age of 23, as he discusses in his monologue to begin; he has just reformed himself from prison and has decided to live for just his wife and child. As the beginning of the opening sequence establishes the setting as an urban surrounding, we wanted to link the idea of a young male finding it difficult to break his poverty cycle and escape the gangs that are stereotypically found in inner-city areas. For the audience, some may be able to relate to this idea of reforming themselves for their families- this creates escapism for those who either wish to escape the same life our character lived or who have conformed to the same rehabilitation. We have used a largely built actor to signify his power as well as an actor who is young looking to signify the young ages some boys join the gangs and end up in prison. Iby is a coloured youth who has already been highlighted to be part of a gang, we wanted to keep this stereotype of ethnic youths being involved in crime so the genre can he highlighted clearly.

• Built up area- inner city crime

• Grey tracksuit- ‘Chavs’ and gangs- lower social standards

• Up to date phone- still living with the past of his riches being in the gang

• Smoking cigarette- substance abuse which make be relatable to the audience


Our antagonist Jordan is a large white male in much richer clothing than Iby which may suggest the stereotype of whites being seen as superior. We showed Jordan in many shots with a gun to portray him as a gangster with access to weapons where as Iby is seen with none which gives our antagonist an advantage, we wanted to highlight gun crime as a common problem in inner city areas and that many youths of today can relate to the troubles of weapons to settle disputes. We decided to use darker clothing on Jordan to help differentiate the difference between good and bad.

• Gun held in typical gangster style- accuracy which suggests he knows what he's doing and done previously

• Flash sports car to allow the audience who know gangs to relate to the lavish lifestyle gangsters live

• Darker richer clothing may connote he uses crime to get what he wants

+Iby’s Wife (Female Character)

Our female actor who plays Iby’s wife is seen as the ‘Princess’ according to Todorov’s theory. We wanted to highlight the vulnerability of females being involved with men in gangs, as this is an inner city we wanted to show the danger of this involvement which may be relatable to female audience members who have been placed in danger because of gang crime. We portrayed through extreme close ups and the only high angle shots that she is seen as below and a ‘piece of meat’ hence the title. Shorter skirt is used in costuming to make her a sexual object, a child at a young age with the protagonist again makes the situation relatable to underage pregnancies and audience members who may be able to relate to not having a male figure around as their parent is in prison.


The overall evaluation of my opening sequence represents social groups and how the characters in the sequence represent certain archetypes. We wanted to portray two types of groups, the young males who want to leave the deprived lifestyle they live and conform to the norms of society, the other group is the troubled gang members who are happy to conform to crime. These groups can be relatable to the audience as they have been represented throughout on a large scale from crime to ethnicity. I have also tried to incorporate as many stereotypes as possible such as the vulnerability of a female who needs saving or is used as a ransom. We wanted to highlight also the sexual objectification of females and how short skirts and bondage can degrade females.