Evaluation question 2

Post on 14-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Evaluation question 2

Evaluation Question 2:How does your media product represent particular

social groups?



What social group does your main character represent and why?

Our main character ‘Ojo’ represents teenagers and young adults who have psychological problems such as obsession.We decided to choose this social group because psychological horrors normally have a protagonist with an obsessive disorder, therefore we wanted to conform to the conventions of a psychological horror.

How do you represent your character through Mise-en-scene?

Costume, lighting makeup and props:

Costume- coat- Ojo wears a big hooded coat to hide her identity and isolate herself from the world. It symbolises that she is hiding her psychological problems. She also wears black clothes to symbolise death and her darkened mind.

Lighting- there is dark bluish lighting throughout, blue is a symbol of depression and links to the psychological problems of Ojo.

Prop-scrapbook- Ojo has a scrapbook full of images of eyes from magazines and drawings. This scrapbook symbolises her obsession with eyes and she clutches to symbolises that its her secret possession that she holds dear.

Costume- she wears black clothes to symbolise death and her dark personality which helps establish that she has psychological problems.

This character is a school child on her way to school-this shows that Ojo seeks out for the vulnerable people to kill.

Prop-rope- this symbolises that Ojo likes to trap her characters and make sure that they cannot escape.

Facial Expression and Body Language

Ojo’s body language suggests that she is very secretive as she holds herself and grabs onto herself or her possessions (the scrapbook). This shows that she is a mysterious character who blocks out the outside world.

Victim 2’s face is confused and worried presenting them as vulnerable and scared.

Victim 1 has a scrutinising facial expression which symbolises that she is a judgemental character who Ojo wants to punish.


Inside of the main characters bedroom is really dark so it is not visibly a bedroom, this adds to their mysterious character as the audience will guess where they are. This also conforms to the stereotype that those with psychological issues are often isolated is a room.

We also filmed in a park to challenge the stereotype that those with psychological problems stay inside. We also did this to show that people with psychological problems could be anywhere.

We filmed in a tight alleyway as the walls almost seem to close up on you which symbolises Ojo’s isolation, which also links in with psychological problems.

How do you represent your character through the camera shots and editing?

Through camera shots our main character is represented as mysterious as the over the shoulder shot means that you can’t see what they’re doing and the long shot means that you cant see their identity and it shows that Ojo is very secretive as she holds her hands up to cover her face.

The eye line match of victim 2 presents her as confused and worried about what Ojo has dropped which presents Ojo as a weird and suspicious character.

How do you represent your character through the music?

Through the music our main character is represented as a mysterious gloomy teenager at the beginning of the scene, as the non diegetic music sounds eerie and ghoulish. When victim 2 appears in the alleyway more sounds are introduced (such as a windy sound that sounds like whispering), to indicate that danger is approaching (Ojo) and the whispering symbolises the ghosts of the people that Ojo has killed in the past, warning the victim.