Evaluation - Question 2

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Transcript of Evaluation - Question 2

Evaluation - Question

2By Faye Ryder

For this course, the brief was to create 3 media

products that was on multi platforms and was to a

professional standard. We created a 5 Minute Extract of a Documentary, Radio

and Print Advert. To ensure that the 3 media products

were linked, we had to take into account several factors in which I will be

discussing in this question.

Name - 'Split Ends' - Documentary, Radio Advert and Print Advert

At the beginning of the course during the planning and research stages of the course, we created the name of our documentary 'Split Ends'. This name has been used throughout all 3 of our media products and we feel is a suitable and memorable name for a hair related documentary. We included 'Split Ends' in the graphics at the beginning of the documentary during the opening sequence, we also included split ends on the print advert in the bottom left of the screen layered in front of a black box, this is so the white ‘split ends’ text and documentary schedule can be seen clearly and again adds emphasis on the name. At the end of our radio advert, there is a similar kind of theme like the print advert, we followed codes and conventions and radio adverts say the documentary name, day/date, time then channel like on our print advert. By emphasising the name of the documentary, audiences are far more likely to remember the name and be more inclined to recognise the documentaries genre and view it.

Music - ‘5 Colours In Her Hair’ - Documentary and Radio Advert

In the production of our media products we used music, the music had to fit certain criteria and had to be relevant to our genre. Not only this, but we needed the music to fit the tone and vibe of the documentary, we had to have an upbeat song that was fun and appealing to our target audience of both men and women and aged 16+.In the planning stages of our documentary we came to the conclusion to use 5 colours in her hair by McFly. This song is fun, recognisable and iconic when people think about hair and Music. When we were producing the documentary we included this song in the opening sequence of the documentary, as t is upbeat, fun and creates and eyectaching, professional feel to the documentary immediately when watching it. With the jump cuts from person to person, we had to time the beat of the song to the timings of cuts, when we accomplished this, we were very happy with the end result. After producing the documentary, we had to create the radio advert and decided to link the media products together in unison, we used the same song in the radio advert. This link immediately fit the radio adverts style as we cut the main chorus and used this in the advert. By linking the song in with these 2 media products, audiences can associate the documentary with the radio advert when watching our documentary.

Voice Over - Documentary and Radio

AdvertIn the documentary and radio advert, we had to record a voice over. To do this we recorded the voiceover with professional microphones in a radio studio and used a software called audacity to do so. When we had recorded the voiceover, this was then exported as an MP3 file and imported onto our documentary, cut into topic sections and rearranged accordingly to fit the documentary. In the recording process, we also had the voice over woman say the channel name, schedule date, time and tagline which was ‘hair today, gone tomorrow’ which links with the print advert. We made sure that there was sections of the documentary voice over that could be cut and used within our radio advert. It was imperative that the radio advert voice over had all the key parts of information and was informal so that the audience could relate, find it fun and entertaining as well as informative. Therefore i believe that the voice over suits all 3 media products, however the voiceover was only used for the documentary and radio advert. I believe it was a successful outcome and that the documentary and radio advert are interlinked very well and audiences could definitely relate and see that these products are linked.

VOX Pops - Documentary and Radio


In the production of our documentary we needed to include VOX pops. VOX pops allow the documentary to be broken up, allow fluidity of the documentary and allow audiences to connect with the general publics opinions, views of answers to a question. In our documentary we included 2 sets of VOX pops and included VOX pop fragments in our radio advert. We made sure that we included VOX pops in both of these media products so that the audience would be able to relate and see their opinions and answers to questions in the documentary. In the radio advert we wanted fragments of the VOX pops to allow a connection from one media product to another, so audiences would be able to recognise when viewing our documentary the VOX pops that were used in the radio advert and on hearing the advert, they get a sense of the documentaries genre, topics and vibe.

Tagline - ‘Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow’ - Radio and Print Advert

The tag line 'hair today, gone tomorrow' was created during the planning stages of our course. We wanted this tagline to be used in all 3 of our media products. However, once we recorded the voice over, we decided not to use it in our documentary as it had no relevance and would not fit into any context. So we then decided to use it towards the end of the radio advert to conclude it, make audiences be able to remember it and use it on the print advert, so then people would find it eye catching and relate it to the genre and get them thinking of the content that would be involved in our documentary, creating curiosity and an increase in audience views.

Channel Name/ Number - Radio and Print Advert

Continuing to follow codes and conventions of real media products we followed this code and convention in order to make our products the most professional it could be. This code and convention for our radio advert was so state the documentary name, day, time then channel name to allow audiences to remember the most vital information the most, as audiences retain the most information towards the end of a radio advert. We wanted to ensure the channel number was emphasised to make sure audiences knew what channel our documentary was broadcast on.For the print advert, the code and convention was to centrally position the channel 4 logo on the right hand side of the print advert. And the colour of the logo had to contrast from the back ground. By following codes and conventions of real media products, audiences can relate and see how professional our media products are and see they are eye catching.

Schedule - Radio and Print Advert

When scheduling our radio advert in our initial plans, we wanted To make sure that the documentary was shown when our target audience watched TV, we used the data from the first questionnaire we produced.We wanted to follow codes and conventions of real media products, at the end of existing radio adverts for documentaries, the schedule information is at the end of the advert so audiences can retain the information and not be overwhelmed by information that is staggered through the advert. On channel 4 print adverts the schedule information is in the bottom left of the screen so it's eye catching and all the information needed is in one area, not spaced across the page so it is simplistic yet effective.