Evaluation question 2

Post on 20-May-2015

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Transcript of Evaluation question 2

Evaluation Question 2By Hassan Elahi

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

My magazine is aimed at mostly young, Male and female teenagers who enjoy listening to pop music. I have used images of my cover star which purposefully is dressed as a Pop Music Artist. Mariam contrasts with the usual stereotype of a woman in some ways as she is represented as quite strong and independent on the front cover .

I think this further shows her as an independent individual who is different from others. However, throughout the rest of the magazine and through the use of props she does represent a typical, Music Lover Artist. I have chosen to stick to this usual stereotype as the readers of this magazine will fall into the same category and therefore can relate to the cover star. It also relates to my article in the double page spread as Mariam comes across very real and true to her music and her fans.

I believe my cover star represents young second generation who no longer live in their native land and so have embraced different cultures. However I believe that through the stories featured on the cover I am also representing a much wider social group of people.