Evaluation question 1

Post on 14-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Evaluation question 1

Evaluation Question 1



I stuck to the form of a masthead in a front cover by placing mine on the top of the page in large fonts. However I challenged the convention of most magazine covers by placing it behind the key image and not a primary colour such as red and yellow.

Price and Barcode

I placed my barcode at the bottom of my page just like a typical magazine cover, I also placed the price of the magazine right next to the magazine in small font like a typical magazine cover.

Key Image

My main image is of a human just like most magazine covers. I developed the convention of a magazine cover by making my model sit down and pose in a full shot unlike most covers which are close-ups.My model isn’t directly looking at the camera which challenges the convention of typical magazine covers.

By-lines and Cover lines

Layout of my by-lines are similar to the form of a media product because they are spread around the page which makes the page look full of information. Another thing that I used from a media is the convention of different colours for the text because it makes my by-lines stand out and look readable as well as the fact the colours compliment each other creating a nice blend for my front cover. I haven’t challenged the form or conventions of a magazine cover through my by-lines.

Contents Page

I used the form of a content page by using the title ‘Contents page’ and also having short sentences to explain what articles consists on which pages. I also used page numbers beside each sentence like a normal magazine. I added small images on my content page in order to give an idea of what will be featured in the magazine which is just like a typical contents page of a magazine. I challenged the conventions of a contents page by not including the website details on the page in small print unlike a normal contents page. I also haven’t used a large image of a model and written a lot of text such like the magazine contents page examples.

Double SpreadJust like a normal magazine cover, have written the writer of the article underneath a the title of the story. I have the page numbers of the paper located at the bottom of the page like a typical double spread. However I challenged the conventions of a double spread by using small images instead of a large close up shot of the people involved in the article. Another thing that differs in the layout of my double spread and the ones that I used as examples is that I used both pages to place the text of the article.