Evaluation Q2

Post on 13-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Evaluation Q2

Evaluation Q2: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary tasks?

How did you create a brand identity for your products?

My main product is a teaser trailer called Underneath The Stones and the ancillary tasks; the film poster and the magazine cover. I created a brand identity for my products by focusing on the prop, which is the box . The reason I chose the box as my brand identity is because it is the main focus of our teaser trailer and the ancillary tasks, as shown on the film poster, magazine cover and screen grab of the video. Making the box as my brand identity is unique because I haven't seen a film where a box has been the main focus of the film due to it having a supernatural spirit inside. Also, as the box is an easy prop to remember, when watching the film the audience are more likely to focus on the box as it is the main reason all of the supernatural incidents are happening, which means it is memorable and would be the first thing mentioned when telling someone else about the film. As well as that, a box connotes that it holds a secret or is hiding something inside, it can also connote that it is a burden to a character, as boxes tend to be heavy. Another way we created brand identity was through the use of the characters feature, which was the eye. The reason we used the eyes was because it was the main feature that came across in the teaser trailer and was placed on the film poster and magazine poster. The eye connotes that there is an antagonist in the film, through the white contacts, the pale make-up to make the image frightening. When the audience sees the eye, they’re more likely to remember the film as they will be relating the eye to the film. The contact lens, which is on the eye is one of the stock props used throughout the three products, which Rick Altman’s theory, called the sematic and syntactic theory would suggest that sematic is used throughout the three products by the use of stock props used in the film, for the audience to identify the genre easier; this also creates a relationship between the stock props and the narrative to create the conventions of a horror teaser trailer.

How has synergy been created between the institutions of film and print?

The synergy between institutions of film and print has been created through the use of similar font which is the title of the film and is used in all of the three products. The colour of the title is white with a grey outline; The white connotes purity, something good, which may relate to the teaser trailer having a protagonist. However, the grey outline of the title may connote a twist in the teaser trailer where a character turns from being good to being the antagonists of the film. The title is one of the main elements that would be focused by the audience because it comes across on all of the products, Teaser Trailer, Film poster and Magazine poster. The font that we used for the title was called ‘’No Fear,’’ which matches the horror convention because the title appearance is old, worn off and signifies that the film is a horror.

Why did you choose your magazine brand? What does it reveal about your films?

The reason we choose this magazine brand was because; firstly, it shows that it is a film magazine which means when the public sees the magazine brand they would straight away know that the magazine would be representing films inside. Secondly, the magazine brand ‘’Empire,’’ is a well known magazine brand that has featured many new films and has had positive reviews, which means having the magazine brand for our own magazine will allow the target public to purchase the magazine and see our film, due to the magazine being popular. Finally, the magazine has featured quite a few horror films such as, Cannibal and it would allow us to advertise and create awareness of our horror film. We kept the font of ‘’Empire’’ magazine the same because all Empire magazine have the same font, apart from the colour; the reason for this is so that the public would be able to extinguish the original magazine and would want to buy it. We didn’t change the colour of the Empire title because we wanted to keep the title original and at the same time it stands out on the film magazine because the colour of the title is red.