Evaluation final final final

Post on 14-May-2015

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Transcript of Evaluation final final final


By Stephanie Yarrow

1. Composition: How have you chosen to set out your designs and why?

The designs we hard to chose from as we had to make the recipe cards have everything that they needed from the ingredients, to pictures not look crowded. We ended up having a big picture and the nutrient table on the back and then everything else on the front including a smaller picture too. There is more text than pictures as when we asked the audience they wanted more instructions than pictures, but they wanted a mixture of text and pictures. We had many different designs that we decided on and made templates that we thought might come in for when we did the proper design. We could have used boxes to put the text in to make it look like there was a bit less text. The design that we chose made the cards look a tad crowded but when we put the whole thing together in the final thing it didn’t look to crowded.

The template we used …

2. Image construction: Discuss the contents of your final images and reflect upon decisions made.Image wise we decided that the recipe would be a mixture of pictures and text. The pictures were some of our own and stock images . We decided that we would make all of the food and take our own pictures, but we had a slit problem as things didn’t go the way we planned it would and so Bea made all of the food and took the photos and sorted out the designs at College. The final images we decided that the pictures we needed were the best and the ones people could actually see what it was. The pictures may have been different but the whole design stayed the same and everything else was in the same place like the vegetarian logo and banner. The colours on the stock images is slightly more brighter than our pictures if you see the last slides then you can compare the differences between our images and the images that you can get off the internet.


Taken image


Same colour order title

Time and serving



Picture in the middle

Other choices


Taken image

Vegetarian logo and information



3. Representation: Discuss the semiotics and connotations created from the content you have includedThe design, had many different designed but we finally decided on a big picture at the front and then a smaller picture on the back. On the back there is the method etc. On the front the colours in the text are purple, pink, blue, green and yellow. There is the green from the vegetarian society and that stands out as the main colour. There is other colours that they use like brown and alternate greens. The symbols are clear and the shapes are clear with all the things you might need to know like the

There is greens and bluey green colours as these are the companies colours.

Green to match the logo

Bright colours in the text so it stands out plus bright picture

Nurturance table

We have used the colour green in the banner and in the coloured letters and it is also in the vegetarian society logo too which is at the bottom of the page.

The colour green can represent the nature, fertility, life and it also means learning, growth and harmony. Green is favoured by well balanced people and it symbolizes self-respect and well being. Green can mean many different things but to veggies it means many thing. Varieties of vegetarians: • “Sattvic diet (also known as yogic diet), a plant based diet which may also include dairy

(not eggs) and honey, but excludes anything from the onion or leek family, red lentils, durian fruit, mushrooms, blue cheeses, fermented foods or sauces, alcoholic drinks and often also excludes coffee, black or green tea, chocolate, nutmeg or any other type of stimulant such as excess sharp spices. Such foods include water, cereal grains, legumes, vegetables, fruits, nuts, unpasteurized and unhomogenized fresh milk and fresh milk derivatives.”

This vegetarianism is basically they only eat things like water, cereal grain, legumes, vegetable, fruit and nuts. They don’t eat anything that involves meat at all. They still drink milk but it has to be unpasteurized and unhomogenized plus the butter, cream, yoghurt, cheese and other things have to include that sort of milk. The green is that they eat loads of green things someone said but others say green represents the nature and they let nature live and not kill them so we can eat them and kill them for no particular reason.


1. Create an audience profile of your chosen demographic ( my ideas)

The audience profile for the cards is for• 16-20 year olds• Student or full-time employment• Male and female• Cooking • Celebrating different holiday like summer• Quick easy meals for people who work long hours.• Main meals • Warm foods after a hard day at work or school

My idea for the recipe cards would be that it was for our age group as it would be easier to design for the age group (16-20 years). Another idea I had was that it would be for students or full time employment people as then the meals could be a mixture of quick meals and meals where they would take just a bit longer. The cards would also be for a mixture of genders so male and females. The harder recipes I thought could be more things like lasagne made fresh so it would take a little longer to make it, but it might be more tasty (depends on your taste buds). The cards may have had a theme like summer or winter and they would be based on main meals and maybe some puddings. Lifestyle would be that they like cooking and they like a challenge. The NRS class would be C2 to D so then people with less money than the upper class etc. can make great meals for a low price. Personality, values, attitudes, interests and lifestyles can be anything that something I’m not that bothered about

Real thing for the card

• Summer theme• Anyone (male or female )• Any social class• Simple meals that people can make after work

or for many people

2. How have you constructed your work to appeal to this audience?

The title is full of colour and bright so it catches the audience ‘s attention . Plus there is pictures so the is bight and people can see the picture and the text. Those would be the first things you see as they are the brightest part of the recipe card.

These appeal to the audience as there is an option box at the bottom so people can decided on whether they have rice or potatoes with them.

Also there is the vegetarian society logo on it so you can have it with or without meat/ quorn. Then you can decide whether you want it with or without meat.

It is great for the audience as well as the bright text and pictures but the recipe cards have everything you need on them from the ingredients to the method. There is also a finish picture which shows you a finish product and how you can set it out and how the presentation can look. There is also a note box and it says what you can serve it with like salad or potatoes.

The title is full of colour and bright so it catches the audience ‘s attention . The picture is big so it catches people eyes.It has the Nutrition table on the bottom left hand corner so people can see what is in this meal and what it contains.

1. What did you use as your design influences and why were they chosen?

The design influences we changed many times but then we decided on the bright text and the green logo in the top left hand corner. We also decided on a big picture in the middle that would attract attention on the customers that are in the shop or looking for it on the website.

In this one we liked the bright colours of the photo and how clear it was which that was when we decided that we would take our own photos and try to get a clear photo like this one. In the photos we took some of them were our own but others were sourced as they hadn’t come out as well as we wanted them to. We also liked the bright colours so we wanted to add that to our recipe cards

The photographic content is of a high standard, and is clear in style. It idealises the food. It is bright and colourful and this makes it an appealing recipe.We like the overall style of this card, as it has a clear and easy to read and understand style and all the space has been utilised on this card. We like how the text has been broken up into different sections. The written content is also very easy to read.We also like the brightly coloured squares on the right hand side and what they contain. We would like to include this information and information like it, into our recipe card design. The nutritional information is very informative but we feel that it takes up too much space for our cards.The written content consists of ingredients needed and a method. There is also a Cook’s Tips section towards the bottom of the card. It also has the nutritional values that each serving contains. It is a clear and easy to read layout.The written content is simple and easy to read, for example the method is broken into numbered stages. This makes it easier for the reader to understand the recipe. The font is clear and easy to read and is Sans Serif in style for the main text.The photographic content is of a high standard, and is clear in style. It idealises the food. It is bright and colourful and this makes it an appealing recipe.

2. Do vegetarian products have a specific design aesthetic and how does your project reflect/contrast this? Why?

The vegetarian products have a design that includes their own colours which is mainly green and maybe some other colours. These colours where on the recipe cards as they are the main colours for the vegetarian society.

Our designChristmas design





Variations / Suggestions
















Nutritional Information






We felt the project went well, and better than we thought. However we had abit of a photography issue and ended up using a mixture of stock photographs as well as original photographs.We felt we didn’t have enough time to make our cards more interesting on the fronts, and if we had more time we would’ve created our own backgrounds for our cards to make them more summery and interesting. We liked the way the fonts we used were easy to read and easy to use and we would use these again

The feedback was very helpful we had 4 people give us feedback and it helped us change our idea so it was a bit more colourful and it wanted to make people stop and have a look at it.

How does the card appeal to its audience? I feel that the card does appeal to its target audience, it is primarily aimed at families and the meals that are shown are primarily made for 4 or more people with only a couple of exceptions. the colour scheme and design is simplistic which I feel is better for a project like this. What is the best aspect of the fonts used?I feel that the fonts that are used are interesting. The font that is used on the front page is a bold 3D font which is easy to read. The font on the back page is completely different which adds a bit of variety to the cards. What areas of font use could be improved? I like the font that is on the front page. The font on the back page is a little difficult to read and I feel that perhaps a font that is easier to read would be more suitable. Is the copy clear and easy to read? The copy is clear and mostly easy to understand however as I said there is an issue with the font on the back page (this may be due to the fact these are print screens I’m not sure :( ) Are there any errors? I could not see any errors in the work. What is the best aspect of the images used? The image used on the front page is a great image it shows the meal in all its glory when it is finished. This is a great image as it will entice the viewer into wanting to make it. What areas of the images could be improved? I don’t feel there are improvements that could be made, I think the image gets the message across. What is the best aspect of the layout used? I feel that the layout is very effective; you can see how it would appeal to a family. Everything is laid out well and is easy to understand. What areas of the layout could be improved? I feel that the layout is good and I can’t really see any errors. The only thing that I could suggest is adding a preparation and cooking time onto the layout (unless it is there and I just couldn’t see it) Do the cards work as a set? Yes the cards follow the same colour scheme and same layout; I feel that this is an effective way to show that the cards are a part of a set.

The feedback we got given was what we expected and there were some bits that we knew would come up as we hadn’t really finished. Most people said that the card appealed to the audience … “I feel that the card does appeal to its target audience, it is primarily aimed at families and the meals that are shown are primarily made for 4 or more people with only a couple of exceptions. the colour scheme and design is simplistic which I feel is better for a project like this.”Areas that could have been improved we got were mostly about the font on the back page as it wasn’t that readable. “I like the font that is on the front page. The font on the back page is a little difficult to read and I feel that perhaps a font that is easier to read would be more suitable.”The best aspect of the recipe cards were the pictures according to the audience “The image used on the front page is a great image it shows the meal in all its glory when it is finished. This is a great image as it will entice the viewer into wanting to make it.”

In the end we changed the text so it was more readable and we add a few things like the nurturance table and the multi-coloured text. If we had more time we would have made the cards even more better than they were as we had a week less than when we planned.


The clients asked for most of our recipe cards we have the image on the front and also the title. We also use a branding strip along the bottom that contains our logo. And we'll get 3,500 of each type printed and see how they go from there.What the client asked for was that they had to be interesting and creative designs and the designs have to be on the front and the back of the cards. There needs to be a clear theme and the audience is aimed at people that are just becoming vegetarian. They also needed the serving number, preparation time, cooking time and vegan suitability at the start of the recipe and List all ingredients separately on a new line, in the order in which they are used in the method. The method points need to be short and understandable.

There is the logo and banner

There is a nurturance table

Bright coloured text and bright picture

There is the logo and banner

Bright coloured text and bright picture

Clear method, ingredients, and equipment

Time and how many people it serves

Short introduction and a idea of what you can serve it with

EVALUATION: We worked together well and had a few issues but we got it sortedThe recipe cards that we created aren’t that creative and I know that if we had more time we could have designed them a lot better and made them a lot neater then they are. We managed our time well, but there was supposed to be 3 weeks so we had planned for that but in the end we had 2 weeks. We had a slight problem with the photography as some of the photos didn’t come out as good as we wanted them too, plus we had a slight illness problem to as my partner's sibling got ill so I couldn’t go round and help her with the recipes.

If we had to repeat the proses then I would work by myself as we have some problems between us, and I would do a different design and a different set of recipes altogether, plus I would take more time in the design and photography section so then the pictures would be high quality and the design would be unique to me and they would be my own set of recipes cards


The skills I have learnt are: • Teamwork• Always have an alternative as if there is a problem then you can go to

plan 2 • critical thinking, • decision making • co-operative working.