Evaluation 6

Post on 06-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Evaluation 6

What have you learnt about

technologies from the process of

constructing this product?

Throughout the process of editing our title sequence we used the software called Final Cut Pro. Using this software enabled use to transform our individual clips that we had taken and create a professional looking video. We used this software on the Apple Macs and it gave us a real advantage to create a fantastic title sequence. I had never used this software before, so it allowed me to see how professional film editors produce and edit their final piece. It allowed me to discover new elements such as the blade tool, which allows us to cut your clip down so you have what you need. Furthermore, we were able to different transitions and effects, so that it wasn't just one clip after another. We were able to create a much scarier film by being able to add non diegetic sound and typical horror fonts.

We used Blogger to create our blog and to keep updated with what we have been doing during the process. I had never used Blogger before and I thought it was a great way of being able to post about what you have been doing. For example, after filming, I did a post on what I had done during filming. It was very quick and easy to create a new post and you could upload documents from elsewhere onto your blog. Using Blogger enabled me to see what I had done and what I needed to do next. It also allowed me to store information I had gathered. For example, I posted about different fonts I could use within the title sequence. Overall, I learnt how to produce posts as I had never done that before and I was able to look back to see if I needed to add anything else in to make it better.

I used slideshare and Youtube to upload some of my posts on my Blog. Slideshare is a website with lots of different presentations with various information. It also allows you to upload a post from a different type of document onto your Blog. Slideshare enabled me to gain knowledge on different areas of the horror genre before and during the filming and editing process. This was very useful as I was able to further my knowledge and be able to give advice to members within my group. Furthermore, I used Youtube to upload my pitch and my finished title sequence. At the beginning of the process I didnt know how to do that, but with some help I was then able to do this which was very useful. I also used Youtube to upload some sound ideas. For example, on my Blog, I have a post on non diegetic sound.

In terms of hardware I used both the camera and tripod to film our title sequence. I had never used a tripod, however it was really useful as it allowed us to use different camera shots and movements. For example, we were able to pan. The tripod also allowed you to keep the camera more stable. We used a digital camera and sometimes took it off the tripod for shots like the low angle shot from the ground. Using this equipment made it really easy to film our title sequence. The tripod allowed us to be creative as we captured some interesting shot types. We used the tripod to get an aerial shot, however we cut this in editing. We used the camera to get some practise before filming the real thing. On my blog there is a post of us taking some practise shots to perfect our technique of shots such as a pan.

What have I learntFrom this process I have learnt a lot. I know understand how film editors edit their work and what goes into the filming and editing process. In addition, I understand how to produce a Blog and how to upload different documents to it via Slideshare and Youtube. Also, I have learnt different camera shots and gathered lots of research on the horror genre by looking at various websites on the Internet. I have learnt how to edit and different techniques within editing, such as transitions. Finally, I was able to work with my group members and we always knew what needed doing and who was doing each bit. Overall, I have learnt lots of new things to help me in the future.


I think the production of our title sequence was very successful as it allowed to use different software and hardware. I am particularly proud of the high angled shot which then goes straight into a tracking shot. I think this was a creative shot and followed the convention of a shot type you would find in a horror film. It also puts the audience into the shoes of the main character and makes them feel vulnerable. However, I am very pleased with how our title sequence has turned out as we put a lot of work into it. The only limitation was we didn't have a filter to make the action appear a little brighter as we filmed in the dark. However, we were able to alter that slightly when we came to edit it.