
Post on 06-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Evaluation

In what ways does you short film (trailer) use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

On every trailer I have studied and seen, the production company’s logo is always shown before the start of any clips. I have chosen BBC films as it is a well known production company, that has previously released social realism films, such as Bullet boy. Using this convention shows that I have used conventions of real media products (trailers). Films

Stating that our film “unavoidable” was released by the same makers of another prominent film “Destroy Dat” invites and attracts Destroy dat’s fans to watch our film. This anotherr convention that most trailers like to use.

We have used Plan B’s song, “Playing with fire” for our trailer’s soundtrack. I felt that this song corresponds with present day social realism film trailer conventions as most of them use fast paced music, and song was fast paced too.

I challenged forms of existing media products by opting for the instrumental version.

This is another convention that I have used to match other existing trailers as most of them show the date of the film release.

By using this convention, I have yet again used conventions of real media products.

Costumes that we used that particularly conforms to existing social realism film conventions include hoodies, leggings and the messy uniforms.

Our setting in London was a key aspect in our trailer as this too also conformed to present day social realism conventions. Films like bullet boy and kidulthood was also set in London.

Like sweet sixteen we also included a rural area in our trailer, which was near the ending.