
Post on 02-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Evaluation

EvaluationCharlotte Walden

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

The masthead. A large, dominant icon. Making it clear what the title of the magazine is.

The main image. A very sophisticated model. To suit the magazine.

Barcode and price. Shown clearly, so the audience can read it clearly.

Cover stories. Shown in banners, so they stand out at the top and the bottom of the front cover.

In my media work, I have shown the forms and conventions of real media products, mainly on my front cover.

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

This vogue magazine is where I got my inspiration for my front cover. I liked how it wasn’t too colourful and how it was set out like a poster. The bold writing for the main story stood out, so I created something I liked, and knew would stand out.The image inspired me too. The model on this magazine from this front cover is pouting and looks serious and sophisticated. Like my model, she is pouting and looking quite serious. To give the theme of my magazine, I have set my magazine out to be sophisticated, and aimed it at young adults. Young adults don’t want to see immature photos, of a group of friends. They would prefer to see a photo of a women that has a story behind why she is there and how she got there.

My music magazine front cover, is a very sophisticated magazine. Which is how I wanted it to be, a very clear main image, with neutral colours. My pop/fashion magazine is very poster like. I wasn't intending to do it like that at the beginning but how it has turned out I like it, because it looks sophisticated and grown up. Also the bright red lipstick on my models face stands out, because there is just one lot of bold colour throughout the front cover, contents page and double page spread.

The theme stays with the magazine throughout the front cover, contents page and double page spread. Black and white are very plain and very neutral colours but I wanted it to be different from all the other colourful magazines, I wanted to be different with the colour scheme.

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

On the contents page I took the masthead from the front cover and brought it onto the contents page to keep the theme going and to make it look like a real magazine. I used columns to separate the regulars from the features. I got the inspiration for this from magazines I read, most magazines seem to separate the regulars from the features, to make it clearer and easier for the audience to read. With it being separated it is a lot easier for the audience to navigate.

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

This magazine was my inspiration for my contents page, it is similar in many ways but also very different. This magazine has brought the masthead over to the contents page, like how I have with my masthead. Also this contents page is set out in columns, separating features and every month, which is regulars. This contents also has the issue date on the contents page, and that is what I have done with my contents page.

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

My double page spread is also very similar to the theme throughout the magazine, I kept a very clear house style. The colours , the model, the font of my writing. The heading of my double page spread ‘Childerhouse, is very bold and big so it stands out over everything else, to draw the attention of the reader in and then they will read the page and her interview. The stand first helps this happen as well, a short paragraph that is persuasive and

Attention grabbing, to make the reader want to read the interview behind the pull quote and the stand first. The pull quote also matches the theme of the magazine, black and white sophisticated theme.

How does your media product represent particular social groups and what is your intended audience?

My music magazine represents a certain social group, I have made my magazine for teenage/young adult girls. This is represented through the colour of the magazine, and how it is carried out through the whole magazine. Teenage girls and young adult girls are all about their music, all about their fashion and all about life in general. The free giveaways in my magazine appeal to my intended audience because they would love to have free posters of there favourite pop stars and fashion icons.My music magazine is based on music, fashion and life, what girls think about daily. Girls at their teenage years and coming up to being young adults, think about how they could be, they think how things could be different and how they could improve their overall appearance, to match their favourite pop star or favourite fashion icon. Which is one of the reasons there isn’t a lot of images on my magazine because girls feel rubbish about themselves if they do not have the perfect figure or have the perfect makeup. One of my cover lines is ‘true stories: International Adele's heartbreak’ putting a true story into my magazine is showing teenage girls and young adult girls that not everything is perfect with the most famous people. My music magazine most definitely represents teenage girls and young adult girls. With all there problems, and their love of fashion and music.

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

The kind of media institution that might distribute my media product would be Ipc media, I have looked on the Ipc media website and the magazines they distribute are how I wanted my magazine to look. Sophisticated and not too full. I would like Ipc to distribute my magazine because it’s the right institution for my magazine. Ipc look like they distribute sophisticated magazines, which is what I want for my professional magazine.

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Looking back at my preliminary task, I have learnt many things. When I produced my college magazine, I didn't really know how to work Photoshop, it was knew to me and I found it hard to use. Also my images are simple and boring. But as I was working through my preliminary task I kept thinking of things that I could add into my final piece, that I learnt from just having a play with Photoshop. My music magazine is very more mature than my college mazgine, as you can see through the imagery and just overall text. There is also a theme that goes through the music magazine. The college magazine didn't have an overall theme.

The masthead on my music magazine is spread across the top of the page to grab the attention of the audience. I also used a more formal sans serif font, to make it look more sophisticated.

the cover lines on my music magazine are completely different to the ones on my college magazine. On my music magazine I have made my front cover look more like a poster, to show the audience that I wanted it to sophisticated and I don't need loads of cover lines to make it interesting and eye catching.

Audience feedback

I like the fact that most people said the image, and the model. That is what I wanted. The image is meant to stand out. Its a beautiful picture, the model looks very sophisticated, so it sets the theme for the magazine

All the improvements the audience have said are completely understandable. The colour scheme is black and white, becasue i wanted my magazine to be different, most pop magazines are full of colour, but not mine, its different.

Audience feedbackI was happy with what the audience said on this question, on a couple of the questions the contents page has been brought up. The contents page is the one I want to improve if I have the time. The front cover could have a few extra cover lines. I respect what there audience have to say and I will try and improve them as best I can.

Improved contents page

I took into account the audience feedback I received, and what the audience found the biggest fault with my production, and that was my contents page. People said that it looked to cluttered and lacked colour, so I decided to improve it. I added more colour and I spaced the text out a lot more. Which now I feel more happy with it, because it looks more like a professional magazine. But it still keeps the house style and keeps the same colours and the sophisticated theme.

Preliminary task

Preliminary taskAt the start of my preliminary task I didn’t have a clue how to use Photoshop, but during this task I learnt some necessary skills that I would use in my pop magazine. Doing this task it gave me practice on Photoshop and it really was helpful, because if I had gone straight into my pop magazine I wouldn’t have a clue how to produce a professional magazine. But now I have improved on my preliminary task and produced a professional pop magazine. The masthead on my college magazine doesn’t stands out enough to be on a professional magazine, it needs to be bigger and bolder so it stands out to the audience.

The masthead is bold and It stands out to the audience. It is also very easy to read.

The masthead on my college magazine, is not very bold and it isn't as easy to read