Evaluation 3 what have you learned from

Post on 18-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Evaluation 3 what have you learned from



To collect audience feedback I created an online survey via survey monkey. I had 11 responses.

For the first question I wanted to find out if I had managed to succeed in creating a music video that correspondent with the codes and conventions of my chosen genre. I had positive feedback and found that all the people who had taken my survey thought that my music video contained the right codes and conventions of a heavy rock/metal video.

I also wanted to find out which were peoples favourite locations because I was interested it which were the most effective. This would also let me know which scene fitted the song and genre best. The results I had were as followed:27.27% preferred the opening scene18.18% preferred the jeep scene9.09% preferred the outdoors scene36.36% preferred the devils lair9.09% preferred the abandoned house

The results were surprising but after asking people why their least favourites were the outdoors and abandoned house scenes I discovered that the lighting did not fit the mood of the song and that rather than shooting those scenes during the day in the sun light it would have been more effective to film them when it was dark.

81.82% said that the camera shots and angles were effective in the video while only 18.18% disagreed. After asking people why they chose their answers I found that although the camera shots I used were good I could have benefited more by included more animated shots and a bigger variety of angles.

I decided to include a question about the lip sync to find out if I was successful when editing my footage to the lyrics of the song. Thankfully I received 100% positive feedback from people saying that they thought the footage was lip synced properly.

Obviously the mis en scene was an important part of my planning and I put a lot of effort into designing costumes and locations. Unfortunately I was unable to film in one of my original locations which is a shame as I feel it would have changed the atmosphere of my video and improved it greatly. I feel like this set back led to 18.18% of people saying that the costumes and set design didn’t fit to the music genre. This was disheartening however I know that if I had been able to shoot the murder scene in it’s original location it would have improved my video and ultimately my audience feedback.

When editing a music video it is important to match the clips to the tempo of the song. To my surprise I had 100% positive feedback from people agreeing I had succeeded in matching my editing to the tempo of my song.

For my intertextuality I decided to use the 7 deadly sins and I thought it suited the genre and I wanted to get peoples opinions on whether they thought they were represented well. Only 18.18% disagreed and after reading the comments in the feedback the only criticisms were that each sin should have been included in the video and that they should have been more evident. Originally I was going to have each sin represented by a person however due to a lack of willing participants I had to change that last minute.

I was keen to find out what people thought of the lighting effects I used in my video and found the only criticism was that some of the footage filmed outside in the sun light was too ‘happy’ for my chosen genre.

In the online survey I created a comment box allowing people to say how they thought my video could have been improved. Most of it was positive and constructive feedback

For the last question I asked people to rate the video out of 5 and got an overall score of 4.5

Overall I feel as though I had some very constructive feedback and I am sure that if I had been given more time and didn’t have a limited budget I could have created a video that would have met my audiences standards.

The strengths of my video included:-good set design -good costume-good editing-a video that fit the codes and conventions-good lip sync

My weaknesses were:-not enough locations-little evidence of the intertextuality-needed better lighting to set the mood-limited camera work