Eval 6

Post on 03-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Eval 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

I watched many different genres of film opening sequences, to help me decide the type

of genre which I wanted to do. From that research I realised horror films are the my best

choice to do as I am familiar with many films and know how to use these for mine

• so I thought I should choose this genre because then I would enjoy filming and planning the opening sequence. The films I looked at most carefully were Insidious, Sinister and Paranormal activity, I studied intensely the different types of camera shots, the music and the characters behaviour, and I made sure I understood how they all work together to make a good opening sequence.

• I went on websites such as http://www.bbfc.co.uk/ which gives me information on film classifications, this information would help me when planning my opening sequence. When choosing my music that i wanted to use i had to make sure i used copyright free but i had to make sure it went with the genre of my film, to do this i used http://freeplaymusic.com

• The main website which I used when researching was www.youtube.com this gave me chance to looks at lots of different film opening sequences, and i could also watch responses from audience members to get their own feedback.

We filmed using my own camera the Nikon D3100 DSLR which is of a very high quality video to film with using both my 18-55mm and 70-300mm lens.

We then edited with josh’s editing software Sony Vegas which josh was familiar with and quickly got me up to speed so I could edit myself.

The main tool for this was the tripod as this held the camera steady to film but we did use shots that didn’t require a tripod.