European government jeopardy

Post on 17-Dec-2014

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Types of Gov’t

Systems of Gov’t

UK, Russia,& Germany

EuropeanUnion Potluck

A type of government ruled

by one person, such as a dictator…


A type of government

where the people hold the power…


A type of government ruled by a small group

of people…


What are the 3 main forms of Democracies...

Presidential and Parliamentary Democracy & Constitutional


A type of government where

citizens elect leaders to represent them …


System of government where power is shared

between central, regional, and local



System of government where power is held

by one central authority


System of government where

countries/states form an alliance, agreeing to certain restrictions


An example of a country that has a

Unitary government would be…

United Kingdom (Power lies in

Legislative Branch)

An example of a Confederation

would be…

European Union or Switzerland

Russia has this type of government…

Presidential Democracy

United Kingdom and Germany have this

type of government…

Parliamentary Democracy

Germany and Russia have this system of



List the heads of state with the MOST

power in…1.Germany2.Russia3.The UK

1. Chancellor2. President3. Prime Minister

List the heads of state with the LEAST

power in…1.Germany2.Russia3.The UK

1. President2. Prime Minister3. The Queen

The currency of the European Union is

called the…


There are this many member countries in

the European Union…


European Union countries are required

to have this type of government…


Why is Turkey NOT in the European Union?

Turkey has a high Muslim population,

and this bothers many of the European Union


List the benefits of a country being part of

the European Union…

-Same currency (the Euro)- Free trade with other members- Easy movement from one member country to another

The former Soviet Union had what type

of government…

Communism (Oligarchy)

This is the largest European country that isn’t a member of the

European Union…


This is the flag for…

The European Union

What is the main difference between a democracy and an


Hint: TYPES of govt…

Citizen Participation…Democracy – High level of citizen participationOligarchy – Little or no citizen participation

What is the main difference between a

parliamentary democracy and a

presidential democracy?

How the leader is chosen…Pres. Democracy – Citizens choose the leaderPar. Democracy – Parliament chooses the leader