European Enterprise Promotion Awards Compendium 2015 in English

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Transcript of European Enterprise Promotion Awards Compendium 2015 in English

  • 7/23/2019 European Enterprise Promotion Awards Compendium 2015 in English



    Enterprise Promotion Awards


    ISSN 2363-1937

    Internal Market, Industry,

    Entrepreneurship and



  • 7/23/2019 European Enterprise Promotion Awards Compendium 2015 in English



    3. Foreword

    4. Facts & Figures

    5. Small Business Act

    6. The Jury

    7. Understanding the Judging Process

    8. Grand Jury Prize Winner

    10. Promoting the Entrepreneurial Spirit

    11. Investing in Entrepreneurial Skills

    12. Improving the Business Environment

    13. Supporting the Internationalisation o Business

    14. Supporting the Development o Green Markets and Resource Efficiency

    15. Responsible and Inclusive Entrepreneurship

    16. Special Mentions17. 2016 European Enterprise Promotion Awards

    18. 2015 National Winners

    21. Past Grand Jury Prize Winners

    22. Promoters Network

    23. The European Commission, DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs

    Legal notice:Neither the European Commission nor any person acting on its behal may be heldresponsible or the use to which inormation contained in this publication may be put, nor or anyerrors which, despite careul preparation and check ing, may appear. This publication does notnecessarily reflect the view or the position o the European Commission.

    Luxembourg:Publications Office o the European Union, 2015

    ISBN 978-92-79-47715-7

    European Union, 2015Reproduction is authorised, provided the source is acknowledged, save where otherwise stated.

    For use/reproduction o third-party copyright material, specified as such, permission must be obtainedrom the copyright holder(s).

    This report is financed under the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme which aimsto encourage the competitiveness o European enterprises.

    The European Enterprise Promotion Awards are organised by the European CommissionsDirectorate-General or Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs.

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    ForewordSince 2006 the European Enterprise Promotion Awards (EEPA) have

    been recognising efforts to promote SMEs and entrepreneurship inEurope. Already over 3,100 projects have participated in national

    competitions or the chance to compete in the Awards, with 49 o

    these projects being awarded the prize. This year alone, a total o

    31 countries submitted entries to the EEPAs, including 27 EU

    Member States, as well as Iceland, Norway, Serbia and Turkey.

    The Awards pay tribute to, and celebrate the projects drivingentrepreneurship orward rom within various industries, age groupsand countries. And these projects have tangible results: they help tocreate new companies and new jobs. This is a significant point - and onewhich I am particularly passionate about and so, we must commend

    those creative and innovative initiatives. They are both a joy to learnabout each year, and a vital component o the regeneration o Europeseconomy in that they encourage small business to continue to grow.

    Prior to sharing the winners or this years awards with you, I wouldlike to personally thank all participating organisations and in particular,the National Co-ordinators who help to execute and manage thecompetitions nationally. I recognise the important role you play inmaking the EEPAs possible, as well as in raising awareness aboutthe way in which public bodies and public/private sector partnershipssupport small business and enterprise throughout Europe.

    This year, 52 projects were selected by their countries to compete at

    European level, with the seven winners, 12 runners-up and 4 specialmentions representing the outstanding effort across Europe. I amoptimistic that their enthusiasm and vision or entrepreneurship willact as a stimulus or other organisations and individuals to do moreor entrepreneurs and small businesses, who currently lead the way inpowering European economic growth and job creation orward.

    Elbieta Biekowska

    Commissioner or Internal Market,Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs


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    Small businesses drivingEuropean growth

    SMEs are independent companies with

    ewer than 250 employees.

    They provide two out o threeprivate sector jobsand are

    responsible or 85% o new jobscreated.SMEs account or 67% ototal employmentand 58% ogross value added(GVA).

    Latest research shows that SMEs continue

    to orm the bedrock o the European

    economy, with some 22.2 millioncompanies employing 90million people;and accountingor more than 99.8% o allenterprises.

    The biggest shareo enterprise isrepresented by micro companieswith ewer than ten employees

    - 93%.


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    Putting Small Business First:the Small Business Act orEuropeAdopted in June 2008, the Small Business Act or Europe (SBA)reflects the Commissions recognition o the central role that SMEsplay in the EU economy. It sets out a comprehensive SME policyramework or the EU and its Member States.

    The aim o the Act is to improve the overall approach toentrepreneurship and permanently embed the Think Small Firstprinciple in policy-making rom regulation to public service. TheAct promotes SME growth by helping them tackle problems whichhamper their development, particularly ocusing on initiatives thathelp small businesses by:

    Cutting red tape Providing access to finance Increasing access to markets

    Finally, the Act aims to deliver a longer-term shif in attitudes creating a greater awareness o the role entrepreneurs play in

    society and encouraging and inspiring potential new entrepreneurs.

    These our key areas o the SBA continue to be priorities or thecoming years. In addition, the need to address the shortage oskilled workers will become a fifh priority.

    A spin-off:The European EnterprisePromotion Awards

    The European Enterprise Promotion Awards support the aims o theSmall Business Act by recognising innovation and rewarding thesuccess o public bodies and public-private partnerships in promotingenterprise & entrepreneurship at a national, regional and local level.

    SME Envoys

    As part o the review o the SBA, the Commission invited MemberStates to nominate a national SME Envoy to complement the role othe European Commissions SME Envoy. The current EU SME Envoyis Ms Elbieta Biekowska, Member o the European Commission orInternal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, who chairsthe network. The group o SME Envoys makes up an advisory groupthat promotes SME riendly regulation and policy making in all EUcountries.

    To find out more about SME Envoys, visit:


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    The Jury

    Each year, an independent high-level European Jury takes on thedifficult task o selecting the best entries in each category. Thisyears Jury includes representatives rom government, business andacademia as well as Latvia and Luxembourg as part o their EUpresidencies during 2015.

    There are also two permanent representatives, one rom DGInternal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs and one romthe Committee o the Regions. The winner o the previous yearsGrand Jury Prize is also invited to sit on the Jury. The 2015 Jury iscomposed o:

    Joanna DrakeChair o the EEPA Jury

    Principal Advisor, Task Force

    on Collaborative Economy,

    New Business Models and

    SMEs, European Commission,

    DG Internal Market, Industry,

    Entrepreneurship and SMEs

    Joanna has been leading a Task

    Force on Collaborative Economy,New Business Models and SMEsat the Directorate-Generalor Internal Market, Industry,Entrepreneurship and SMEs sinceJune 2015. Beore this, Joannawas Director responsible or thepromotion o entrepreneurshipand SMEs at the Directorate-General or Enterprise andIndustry o the EuropeanCommission. Previously Head othe EC Representation in Malta

    and prior to that Head o theLegal & Regulatory Departmento Vodaone Malta Ltd, Joannahas also taught and researchedlaw at the University o Maltaand studied at the College oEurope, Bruges.

    Prof. Thomas M.Cooney

    Professor in Entrepreneurship,

    Dublin Institute of Technology

    Thomas is Proessor oEntrepreneurship at the DublinInstitute o Technology (Ireland)and Visiting Proessor at the

    University o Turku (Finland).He is also Academic Directoro the Institute or MinorityEntrepreneurship, a BoardMember o Startup Ireland andworks in a supportive capacitywith a number o businesses.As an Expert in EntrepreneurshipPolicy, he has worked with theIrish Government, the EuropeanCommission, OECD, theEuropean Training Foundationand other internationalorganisations. He has published

    widely on the topic oentrepreneurship and ull detailso his career can be ound

    gnes VidaFounder and CEO o


    gnes Vida is a psychologistand an online marketingexpert. She started her smallbusiness as a psychologist in2006 in Hungary. During herwork she experienced that the

    mothers in Hungary have abig problem in returning to thelabour market and started herblog Gazdagmami to shareher business experiences andknowledge with others. Since2008 she has helped morethan 2500 mothers in Hungaryto start their own businesswith her books, online training,ree ebooks, newsletter, blog,conerences and presentations.


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    Understanding thejudging process

    Individual countries were invited to conduct national competitions to determine the best projects to represent their nation.

    Hundreds o projects competed in these national competitions in 2015 or a chance to enter the European Enterprise PromotionAwards. Countries were allowed to nominate a maximum o two entries (in different categories) to the European competition.

    Each Jury member reads and assesses every entry against defined criteria covering: originality & easibility, impact on the economy,improvement o stakeholder relations and transerability.

    The Jury then meets to discuss their top entries in each category, beore agreeing on winners, runners up and any special mentions.The shortlist is published shortly afer the jury meeting and the winners are announced during the Awards Ceremony at the SMEAssembly.

    Laurent SolazziSME Envoy or Luxembourg

    In his role o Conseiller deDirection or the LuxembourgMinistry o the Economy, whichhe has held since 2005, Laurentis in charge o coordinatingprojects and initiativesdealing with entrepreneurship

    promotion in Luxembourg. Thisincludes, most notably, thenational enterprise creationand development days andthe national events or SMEWeek. Since he re-joined theDirectorate o SMEs in 2014,he has been assisting with thework o Luxembourgs HighCommittee or SMEs in settingup the 4th National Action Planor SMEs.

    Kristaps SomsDirector o Competitiveness

    Entrepreneurship Department,

    Ministry o Economics

    Kristaps has a 10 year workingexperience in public sector. Hestarted his work in the Ministryo Economics in 2011 as aDeputy Director o Department.

    Beore that Kristaps workedin State Chancellery wherehis duties included policymaking and strategic planningsystem development orPublic administration in Latvia,institutional and unctionalanalysis o public institutions atcentral level o administration.He has also worked in theMinistry o Finance. In theMinistry o Economics Kristapsis responsible or industrial

    policy, oreign investmentattraction, tourism and exportpromotion, innovation policyand business environmentimprovement.

    Patricia E.H.Hoogstraaten RAEGeneral Manager, Vakcentrum

    Board member, MKB-Nederland

    Vice President, EuroCommerce

    Member o the Netherlands

    Social & Economic Council (SER)

    Being Association Manager o

    the Vakcentrum, the proessionalorganisation or SME retailersin the Netherlands, Patricia isworking actively on all subjectsrelated to SME entrepreneurshipand retailing. She is boardmember o various nationaland European organisationsand committees dealing withthe interests o retailers andSME entrepreneurs.On behal o Dutch employers,she is member o the NetherlandsSocial and Economic Council (SER).

    As an advisory and consultativebody, SER aims to contribute topublic prosperity by helping togenerate social consensus onnational and international socio-economic issues.

    Thomas WobbenCommittee o the Regions

    Afer studying Economics andPolitics, Thomas worked orvoluntary sector organisations.In 1993 he joined the Europeanpolicy services o the LandSaxony- Anhalt and in 1995 hebegan working in the Liaison

    Office o Saxony- Anhalt inBrussels taking over as Directorin 2000. Since March 2012 hehas been Director or HorizontalPolicies and Networks and lateron or legislative works at theCommittee o the Regions.


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    WinnerLisbon Micro-Entrepreneurship

    Lisbon Municipal Council, Portugal

    Lisbon Micro-Entrepreneurship works to support responsible andinclusive entrepreneurship by providing a number o servicesincluding helping to develop business plans and advising on howto obtain unding.

    It was set up in 2013 with the aim o stimulating the cityseconomy and supporting company and job creation. The initiative isthereore a part o Lisbon Municipal Councils (LMC) global strategyto support entrepreneurship, bringing together public, private andlocal and national bodies with a local ocus, enabling anyone to getsupport or projects in a range o fields, rom the planning phasethrough to the first years o activity.

    The programme is open to all, however its main ocus is on theunemployed, people at risk o social exclusion or those withdifficulty in accessing finance but remain interested in startinga business in Lisbon.

    Support is offered to applicants to help structure their ideas,develop business plans, implement their projects, and obtainunding using micro-credit through partnerships with the AntnioSrgio Cooperative or Social Economy (CASES), the bank MontepioGeral, Millennium BCP and the FINICIA Municipal Fund via thestartup Lisboa Loans.

    Over 50 companies have been set up, 27 o which have beenunded, over 100 jobs have been created and over 550 meetingshave been held with entrepreneurs.

    Grand Jury PrizeA special prize awarded to theentrepreneurial initiative considered the

    most creative and inspiring in Europe.


    Ana Margarida Figueiredo



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    Promoting theEntrepreneurial SpiritRecognises initiatives at national, regional or local levelthat promote an entrepreneurial mindset especiallyamong young people and women.


    The New Entrepreneur Foundation, Netherlands

    ZomerOndernemer allows young people to start their own companies

    and experience entrepreneurship during their summer holidays.

    By turning young people into proud business owners, the initiative

    helps them develop crucial skills as well as stimulating the spirit o

    entrepreneurship. Launched in 2010, the project has already attracted

    265 young people and helped create 82 companies.

    Youth Awareness Week or Female EntrepreneurshipThe 100,000 Entrepreneurs Association, France

    Youth Awareness Week or Female Entrepreneurship sees emale

    entrepreneurs go into schools to host presentations, talks or orums

    about emale entrepreneurship and how women can start a successul

    business. The initiative, or 13-25 year olds, aims to increase young

    peoples awareness o emale entrepreneurship. Over the past three years

    816 woman entrepreneurs, 18,000 young participants and more than

    250 educational establishments colleges, secondary schools and higher

    education institutions have been involved.

    The John Cracknell Youth Enterprise BankHull City Council, UK

    The John Cracknell Youth Enterprise Bank supports the development o an

    entrepreneurial culture within the City o Hull by engaging young people rom

    the age o 5, allowing them to gain sof skills and entrepreneurial experience.

    The initiative raises awareness o the sel-employed option as a pathway post

    education. It has supported over 350 young people interested in business rom

    across Hull and the East Riding area.

    Contact:Charles Cracknell



    Contact:P. Filius


    Contact:Batrice Viannay-Galvani



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    Paula Fitzsimons


    The Mobile FabLabFabLab Danmark c/o Vksthus Sjlland, Denmark

    The Mobile FabLab is entrepreneurship on wheels. It is designed to raise

    awareness o new prototyping technologies and entrepreneurial skills by

    visiting and acilitating a large number o events, workshops and meet-ups

    all over Denmark or pre-entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs and SMEs. They have

    initiated the first mobile FabLab acility o its kind worldwide, put on more

    than 60 events reaching almost 28,000 people, 232 SMEs have been through

    FabLab counselling and competence development courses and they have

    acilitated workshops or 1600 students in FabSchool.

    Contact:Mads Vczy Kragh


    Alternating Work & School ExperienceChamber o Commerce and Industry, Crafs and Agriculture o Macerata, Italy

    Alternating Work & School Experience provides students in secondary education

    with the proessional skills required by businesses today, through a range

    o programmes and work experience opportunities. Some o the skills being

    developed through the initiative are centred on business innovation, the

    corporate culture, the development o relevant statistical data, problem solving,

    marketing and business plan development. Since the initiative was implemented,

    there has been a marked improvement or the schools and businesses involved,

    particularly in terms o skills and knowledge acquired.

    Contact:Lorenza Natali




    WinnerGoing or Growth

    Fitzsimons Consulting in association with the Gender Equality Division,

    Department o Justice and Equality, Ireland

    Going or Growth ocuses on encouraging emale entrepreneurs to

    be ambitious and supports them to achieve their growth aspirations.

    Based on annual cycles, the initiative leverages the volunteer efforts o

    successul emale entrepreneurs. The impact is measured in increased

    revenues, employment created and first time exporters, as well as in

    greater ambition, confidence and a heightened strategic perspective

    among the participants. To date, over 400 ambitious owner managers

    have been supported.

    Investing inEntrepreneurialSkillsRecognises initiatives at national, regional or locallevel to improve entrepreneurial and managerial skills.


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    Improving theBusiness EnvironmentRecognises innovative policies at national, regionalor local level which promote enterprise start up and

    growth, simplified legislative and administrativeprocedures or businesses and implementing the ThinkSmall First principle in avour o small and mediumsized enterprises.

    The Town o Jastrebarsko Your Business Friendly TownGrad Jastrebarsko, Croatia

    Your Business Friendly Town is an accessible and practical example o

    how new and established entrepreneurs have the opportunity to succeed,

    by strengthening the capacity o local government. It has opened the

    doors o domestic and oreign investment to create new jobs, promote

    entrepreneurship in the local area, and to overcome administrative hurdles

    by adopting local government as business partners. The initiative has

    successully increased the number o investors, entrepreneurs and jobs in the

    economic zone o Jalevac, doubling the number o jobs to over 850.

    Contact:Danijela Buar Trivievi



    Strengthening the Business Environment through Active Social DialogueMalta Employers Association, Malta

    Strengthening the Business Environment through Active Social Dialogue ocuses

    on providing proessional management support to SMEs, as well as working

    to educate the general public on employment-related issues. From a series o

    specialised and ocused activities, at least 14% o the SMEs in Malta have been

    empowered to become increasingly active participants in social dialogue in Malta.

    Contact:Joseph Farrugia



    Contact:Kathy McArdle


    WinnerCreative Quarter

    Creative Quarter Nottingham Ltd, UK

    Creative Quarter describes itsel as an incubator without walls, which

    aims to support creative SMEs to generate prosperity and create jobs.

    It develops a highly-skilled local workorce who are ready to compete

    with one another to transorm The Creative Quarter area in the city tomake it a great business location. The initiative has supported over 700

    businesses and has created more than 600 jobs. It has also contributed

    to the development o over 7,500 sq metres o new workspace or SMEs,

    entrepreneurs and creative businesses.


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    Supporting theInternationalisation

    o BusinessRecognises policies and initiatives at national, regionalor local level that encourage enterprises, particularlysmall and medium-sized businesses, to benefit morerom the opportunities offered by markets both insideand outside o the European Union.

    TechHub RigaFoundation TechHub Riga, Latvia

    TechHub Riga is a major technology and IT co-working space or start-up

    companies. The space was created with a view to bring together like-minded

    start-ups that can help each other to successully develop their projects.

    The initiative has provided office space or more than 30 technology start-

    ups since its creation. More recently, over the past 2 years, 50 businesses

    have been incubated as well as several international and local conerences,

    meetings and experience sharing events being organised and held each year.

    Contact:Egita Poanska



    Temporary Export ManagerUnioncamere Emilia-Romagna, Italy

    The Temporary Export Manager project provides businesses with an opportunity

    to employ a junior/trainee member who works in close co-operation with

    company management in an international marketing position. The project aims

    to spread a culture o internationalisation among micro businesses and SMEs in

    the region, thus responding to the need or technical skills required by companies

    to possess and consolidate their business with those companies located

    overseas. Throughout the our years, over 150 new university graduates have

    been inserted in as many companies in the region.

    Contact:Maily Anna Maria Nguyen



    Contact:Kadri Ugand



    GameFounders O, Estonia

    GameFounders is a global gaming industry accelerator that aims to

    support technically strong teams with developing a business model andgives guidance on product development. Since its launch, the accelerator

    has implemented our cycles and has worked with 28 teams rom 16

    countries. GameFounders has contributed to the increase o Estonian

    gaming industry start-up numbers.


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    Supporting theDevelopmento Green Markets andResource EfficiencyRecognises policies and initiatives at national, regional

    or local level that support SME access to green marketsand help to improve their resource efficiency through, orexample, green skills development and matchmaking aswell as unding.

    Area Management: Resource Efficient Industrial Park LiesingVienna Chamber o Commerce, Austria

    Resource Efficient Industrial Park Liesing works to help co-ordinate the

    management o the neighbourhood in the ormer industrial park o

    Liesing, ultimately creating a positive identity or the area. Research

    and advisory activities ocus on resource-saving and resource-efficient

    economies. The initiative has successully raised awareness o the issue

    o conserving resources - both with businesses and the local population -

    who have committed to the preservation o the industrial park as a site or

    manuacturing companies.

    Contact:DI Peter Hger



    SuperDrecksKschtEnvironmental Administration/Ministry or Sustainable Development and

    Inrastructures, Luxembourg

    SuperDrecksKscht works to certiy waste management concepts o acilities

    and plants, promotes the consumption o sustainable products and supports the

    urther development o resource-efficient recovery operations. It aims to develop

    the classical waste management process or the recycling/de-manuacturing

    industry, and thus expand and provide support to environmental technology and

    services. The initiative has recorded an increase in the number o participating

    plants implementing ecological waste management and has contributed to an

    increase in sales o sustainable products.

    Contact:Thomas Hoffmann



    Contact:Silvia Fernndez-Campa de Luis


    WinnerGreen Business Network

    Biodiversity Foundation o the Ministry o Agriculture,

    Food and the Environment, Spain

    Green Business Network is the first networking platorm in Spain to

    specialise in green business. Targeting entrepreneurs and investors, theproject seeks to promote entrepreneurship in the environment sector

    and to encourage sustainable business development. The initiative has

    already attracted over 7,000 members, including 100 investors and



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    Responsible andInclusive EntrepreneurshipRecognises national, regional or local initiativesby authorities or public/private partnerships whichpromote corporate social responsibility among small

    and medium-sized enterprises including efforts topromote entrepreneurship among disadvantagedgroups such as the unemployed, especially long termunemployed, legal migrants, disabled people or peoplerom ethnic minorities.

    Business Start-Up Programme or the UnemployedPublic Employment Service, Austria

    Via the Business Start-up Programme or the Unemployed, the Austrian

    Public Employment Service provides start-up advice, company specific

    qualifications and livelihood security or the unemployed. Their aim is to

    support unemployed people in taking up successul and sustainable sel-

    employment. They have achieved a high number o start-ups (in 2014: 5,169

    UGP start-ups, o which women accounted or around 40%), very good labour

    market success and a 64% survival rate afer 5 years. In addition, 25% o

    company ounders now employ staff.

    Contact:Brigitte Kreinjobst


    Vocational Training & Certification o the Unemployed Workersin the Ship Repair Industry in Piraeus

    Piraeus Chamber o Commerce & Industry, Greece

    Vocational Training & Certification o the Unemployed Workers in the Ship Repair

    Industry in the Piraeus area is a programme to enhance entrepreneurship and

    minimise unemployment through the creation o specialised, certified work

    dynamics which respond to the specific demands o the labour market, as well

    as enhancing the effectiveness o the Coupling o Labour Supply and Demand.

    The programme aims to reduce unemployment by involving those that are

    unemployed. O the 1,500 participants in the Vocational Training Programme,

    867 obtained certification and 150 gained employment.

    Contact:Savva Adamantia



    Contact:Manred Radermacher



    Social Impact GmbH, Germany

    Enterability is a management consultancy or people with disabilities

    that provides help beore and afer starting a business. The overarching

    goal is to enable people with disabilities to participate in the labourmarket through targeted counselling and training or sel-employment.

    They provide peer counselling, advice, seminars with specific contents

    and methods, sign language interpreters and inormation on accessing

    loans specifically or disabled people.


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    The Mobile FabLab

    FabLab Danmark c/o Vksthus Sjlland, Denmark

    This simple but highly effective roadshow project, the Mobile FabLab, isentrepreneurship on wheels. It is designed to raise awareness on newprototyping technologies by visiting and acilitating a large number o events,workshops and meet-ups all over Denmark or pre-entrepreneurs, entrepreneursand SMEs. The Jury agreed the concept is good value and easy to replicate. It hasengaged 28.000 people in Denmark with 233 entrepreneurs trained.

    Strengthening the Business Environment through Active Social DialogueMalta Employers Association, Malta

    This project has a well-defined ocus on the specific issues surroundingequipping SMEs to deal with employment issues (labour market developments,HR, employment law, fiscal issues etc.). With 4% o SMEs reached through theinitiative in Malta so ar, the Jury agreed that this project has substantial uturepotential both nationally and internationally i replicated in other countries.

    Vocational Training & Certification o the Unemployed Workers

    in the Ship Repair Industry in Piraeus

    Piraeus Chamber o Commerce & Industry, Greece

    An ambitious project with a budget o 7.7 million EUR (100% EU unds)addressing a difficult and urgent challenge in an area that was once a strongholdo Greek Industry and where 90% o workers are now unemployed. The Juryagreed that this project shows good partnership working between Chambero Commerce, municipal authorities, Bank o Greece, Piraeus port, privatecompanies, TV Hellas, associations and trade unions.

    Connecting Micro Enterprises in the Historic City o Koper

    Chamber o Commerce and Industry o Slovenia, Slovenia

    Connecting Micro Enterprises in the city centre o Koper is an initiative tocounter the negative impact o big shopping centres on small businesses andattract clients rom cruise ships. The Jury elt the project demonstrates asuccessul partnership approach; co-operation between the national Chamber oCommerce and the municipality; a highly integrated approach providing advice,co-ordination/organisation and public tenders; an interesting ocus on attractingcruise ship tourists (up to 100,000 per year) to local shops; plus good long termsustainability. The project also showed resilience and the ability to operate with a

    limited budget.

    Special Mentions

    Contact:Vida Koar, M.A.


    Contact:Mads Vczy Kragh


    Contact:Joseph Farrugia



    Contact:Savva Adamantia

    Further inormation:inormation:


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    The 2016 European EnterprisePromotion Awards will be

    launched in early 2016.The awards ceremony will take place during the 2016 SME Assemblyin Slovakia under the Slovakian Presidency o the Council o theEuropean Union.

    Please check the EEPA website, Facebook page and Twitter ormore details.


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    Promoting theEntrepreneurial Spirit

    BelgiumSchool-Business Partnerships in Luxembourg

    CroatiaEncouraging the Launch o Start-up Companies in

    Czech RepublicDigital Storytelling and Pitching Methods or

    FranceYouth Awareness Week or Female

    GermanyHans Lindner


    Engineering an Undergraduate Innovation




    SpainCreating Innovative Start-up Companies at theUniversity o the Basque

    UKThe John Cracknell Youth Enterprise

    Investing inEntrepreneurial Skills

    BelgiumArtevelde University College Centre or Creativity,

    Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ACCIO)

    BulgariaEleven Start-up

    DenmarkThe Mobile

    FranceFor an Occupational Health o Small BusinessOwners and Entrepreneurswww.observatoire-amarok.r

    IrelandGoing or


    Alternating Work & School

    2015 National Winners

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    LithuaniaYoung Innovators

    PolandBest in

    PortugalTechnology Commercialisation

    SerbiaStart Up or Your

    Improving theBusiness Environment

    BulgariaLocal Take-Off National

    CroatiaYour Business Friendly


    Games or Health Finland: Supporting Development oInnovative Solutions to the Health and Wellbeing

    GreeceGreek Foods rom the Farm to the

    MaltaStrengthening the Business Environmentthrough Active Social Dialogue



    Supporting theInternationalisationo Business


    HungaryYourTurn! Complex and Innovative

    ItalyTemporary Export


    SloveniaConnecting Micro-Entrepreneurs in theHistoric City Centre o

    2015 National Winners


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    Supporting theDevelopment o GreenMarkets and ResourceEfficiency


    Resource-Efficient Industrial Park


    SpainGreen Business

    TurkeySpecification o the Usage Criteria o RecoveredProducts rom Construction and Demolition

    Responsible andInclusive Entrepreneurship

    AustriaBusiness Start-up Programme or the

    GreeceVocational Training & Certification o the UnemployedWorkers o the Ship Repair Industry in the Piraeus

    HungarySocial Enterprise


    PolandCreation o the Association or Proessional Activity in

    PortugalLisboa Municipal

    RomaniaResponsible Entrepreneurship and

    SlovakiaCargo Bike Delivery in the City

    SwedenThe Micro Fund West o



    2015 National Winners


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    Past Grand Jury Prize Winners

    The European Enterprise Promotion Awards were launched in 2006.Since that time, there have been 63 winning entries including oneGrand Jury Prize Winner in each competition. Past Grand Jury Prizewinners include:

    2014Encouraging Business Start-ups

    by Mothers with Young ChildrenGazdagmami Kf.Gyl, Hungary

    Encouraging Business Start-ups by Mothers with Young Childrenhelps mothers to acquire the entrepreneurial skills and mindsetto start a business and make it profitable. The project deliversonline resources including a blog, Facebook page, e-learningtraining programmes and a weekly newsletter, as well as theEntrepreneurial Womens Roundtable meeting to help mothersnavigate the world o business and network with each other.The project also hosts the annual Mother Company o the Yearcompetition and the Business Mums Conerence.


    YTKOCambridgeshire,United Kingdom

    Outset is designed to showthe unemployed that sel-employment and enterpriseis a realistic alternative tounemployment. In the last3 years, the Outset servicehas engaged with more than16,000 individuals, supportingthe creation o 3,200 new

    businesses and 3,500 new jobs.

    2013Think Small First

    Latvian Chamber oCommerce and IndustryRiga, Latvia

    Think Small First was developedhelp micro-enterprises bypromoting the creation o aspecial tax rate and simplifiedtax accounting system, byintroducing a micro-creditprogram and by makinginormation about launching abusiness available in one place.


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    The Promoterso theEuropean Enterprise Promotion Awards

    The Committee o the Regions (CoR) in Brussels was establishedby the Maastricht Treaty in 1994 as a consultative body to provide

    representatives o local and regional government with a voice at theheart o the European Union.

    EUROCITIES is the political platorm or major European citiestowards the EU institutions. We network the local governmentso over 130 o Europes largest cities and 40 partner cities that

    between them govern some 130 million citizens across 35 countries.

    Union Europenne de lArtisanat et des Petites et MoyennesEntreprises (UEAPME) is the employers organisation representing

    the interests o European crafs, trades and SMEs at EU level.UEAPME is a recognised European Social Partner. UEAPME

    incorporates 84 member organisations rom 36 countries. Itrepresents more than 12 million enterprises, which employ around

    55 million people across Europe.

    The Assembly o European Regions ( is the largestindependent network o regions in wider Europe. Bringing togethermore than 270 regions rom 33 countries and 16 inter-regional

    organisations, AER is the political voice o its members and a orumor inter-regional co-operation.

    The European Association o Economic Development Agencies(EURADA) is a Europe-wide network o people working on economic

    development. EURADA has given a lead on a policy agenda including,amongst others, regional policy, small business finance (EURADA set

    up the European Business Angels Network), entrepreneurshipand innovation.

    EUROCHAMBRES is the Association o European Chambers oCommerce and Industry. It represents over 20 million enterprises

    in Europe and a European network o 1700 regional and localChambers in 43 countries. More than 98% o these enterprises are

    small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs).


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    TheEuropean Commission DG Internal Market,Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG Growth)

    Within the European Commission, the Directorate-General or Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, works to provide a moreavourable environment or European business. It ensures that European Union policies contribute to the competitiveness o EU enterprisesby encouraging entrepreneurship and innovation, maintaining and reinorcing a strong and high-perorming industrial base, by stimulatinginvestment in new technologies and easing access to markets and to finance.

    At the core o these policies are small and medium sized enterprises, as they are the principal providers o jobs and growth in Europe.

    DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, works with the business community to help develop innovative, competitive andresponsible enterprise and with Member States to implement the Small Business Act or Europe.

    Your EuropeBusiness PortalWant to find out what the EU does to boost small businesses inEurope and on the global market, and what it can do or yourbusiness?

    Your Europe Business is a multilingual single gateway to practicalinormation on how to do business in the Single Market. It offers helpto businesses and entrepreneurs who want to expand their activitiesto other EU or EEA countries. It provides practical inormation andlinks to national rules, authorities, helpdesks, and support services.

    European Enterprise

    Promotion AwardsFor urther inormation:European Enterprise Awards SecretariatE-mail:

    Tel: +44 20 74 00 89 95

    Fax: +44 20 74 00 44 81

    Follow the European Enterprise Promotion Awards on

    Social Media: /@eepa_en (or English)


  • 7/23/2019 European Enterprise Promotion Awards Compendium 2015 in English


    ISBN 978-92-79-47715-7doi:10.2873/3024

    version EN
