EU Elementary A2 Progress Test 12

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English Unlimited Elementary A2

Transcript of EU Elementary A2 Progress Test 12

English Unlimited Elementary Teacher’s Pack Photocopiable © Cambridge University Press 2010

Progress test 12 – Are you OK? 1Progress test 12 – Are you OK? 1

VOCABULARY2 The body and health 1

Look at the parts of the body in the diagram and write the names next to the numbers below. (10 marks)

Example: 1 e Answer: ear

GRAMMAR1 Giving advice with if

Write the words and phrases to make sentences giving advice. (10 marks)

Example: a headache / got / if / lie down for / you’ve / fifteen minutes

Answer: If you’ve got a headache, lie down for fifteen minutes.

1 you’ve / a bad cold / off work / got / you should /

take a day


2 bed / very tired / feel / early / you / go to


3 don’t / stomach ache / spicy food / you’ve got / eat


4 paracetamol / you’re / what medicine / be careful /

allergic to / you take


5 your back / lift / heavy objects / shouldn’t / hurts /



6 a temperature / cold bath / have / got / you’ve / a


7 should / hot honey / a sore throat / and lemon

juice / you / you’ve got / drink


8 you don’t / should / feel better / in a few days / a

doctor / see / you


9 hurt / in hot water / them / your feet / put


10 headache / go for / you / a walk / have / a / in the



2 n

3 h

4 t

6 m

5 h

7 t

8 f

11 h

10 s

9 b

3 The body and health 2

Circle two correct options to complete each sentence. (6 marks)

Example: I’ve got a my leg.a) sore in b) pain in c) problem with d) ache on

1 My mother suffers from really bad


a) back b) nose c) ear d) throat

2 Joe’s not too good today. He’s feeling a bit


a) temperature b) sick c) tired d) pain in his back

3 How are you feeling today? How’s your


a) sore throat b) allergic c) cold d) sick

English Unlimited Elementary Teacher’s Pack Photocopiable © Cambridge University Press 2010

Progress test 12 – Are you OK? 2


Circle the correct option to complete each apology. (4 marks)

Example: I I broke your table. a) ’m sorry b) sorry

1 We’re really sorry for to your party.

a) not coming b) not come

2 I’m afraid to post your letter.

a) for forgetting b) I forgot

3 Sorry disappoint you, but I can’t come

to the theatre with you.

a) to b) for

4 I’m very sorry, there’s nothing I can do

to help.

a) but b) for

PRONUNCIATION4 Linking consonants and vowels

Write the two words which link, consonant to vowel. (5 marks)

Example: Joe’s dog is called Suzi. Answer: dog is

1 Can I see your passport please?

2 I had a headache yesterday.

3 I’ve got pains in my neck.

4 Where does Andrew live?

5 What is her first name?

KEYWORD 5 take

Rewrite each sentence, adding the form of take in the correct place. (5 marks)

Example: I the train and then walked from the station. (took)

Answer: I took the train and then walked from the station.

1 a taxi is much quicker than walking. (taking)

2 if Graham phones while I’m out can you a message

for me? (take)

3 it usually me about forty minutes to cycle to work.


4 how long does this recipe to make? (take)

5 did it you long to decorate your house? (take)