EU Cookbook

Post on 18-Dec-2014

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School partnership learn to eat healthy.

Transcript of EU Cookbook



We made a survey about 10 most popular

foods in five countries who are in Comenius. These are







Ice cream




Tarator Таратор

It is best enjoyed in the summertime when the sun is hot and blazing. But you can eat it any other time too. It’s tasty and delicious!


1 cucumber (better peeled) 1-2 garlic cloves 750 gof yoghurt 2 cups of coldwater 1 teaspoon salt (we like it saltier) 1 tablespoon dill, finely chopped 2-3 tbsp olive oil (or other oil) ½ cupcrushed walnuts Preparation

Dice or grate the cucumber. Mince or smash the garlic. Mix the yoghurt withcold water and stir well. Put all ingredients together and mix well. Then garnish with olive oil (or other favourite oil). Put crushed walnuts on top. Sprinkle with the dill. Best when chilled!

Продукти: 1 краставица

1-2склидки чесън

750 г кисело мляко

2 ч.ч. студена вода

2 с.л. копър (ситно нарязан)

сол на вкус (ние го обичаме по-солен)

2-3 с.л. зехтин (олио)

1/2 ч.ч. орехи, ситно смлени

Начин на приготвяне:

Краставицата се измива, обелва и се нарязва

на ситни кубчета. Млякото се разбива

добресъсстудена вода, добавя се краставицата,

ситно нарязания копър, смлените орехи, 2с.л.

зехтин(олио), счукания чесън и сол на вкус.

Всичко се смесва добре.

Супер е когато е изстуден!

Яйца по Панагюрски

Panagyurski-style Eggs

This dish is named after Panagyurishte, a small town full of

history, one of them - this great recipe. In fact it is poached eggs with yoghurt.

Ingredients 3 eggs

1 cup strained yoghurt

1 tbsp of butter

a pinch of paprika

salt to taste

2 tbsp of vinegar

1 clove crushed garlic, (optional)

1 litre of water

Preparation Add the vinegar and a pinch of salt to about 1 litre

of boiling water. Break the eggs directly into the

water. Boil for 3 to 5 minutes.

Mix the yoghurt together with the crushed garlic

and very little salt.

Put the eggs on top of that mixture. Heat the oil

and add the paprika very carefully not to burn it.

Then immediately pour it over the eggs and the

yogurt mixture and serve.

Продукти: 3 яйца

1 чаша цедено кисело мляко

1 ч.л. масло

щипка червен пипер, сол на вкус

2 супени лъжици оцет

1 скилидка счукан чесън(по желание)

1литър вода

Начин на приготвяне:

Добавете оцета и щипка солв около 1 литър

вряща вода.

Счупете яйцата директно във водата. Варете 3

до 5 минути.

Разбъркайте киселото мляко със счукания

чесън и много малко сол. Поставете яйцата

върху тази смес. Загрейте маслото и прибавете

червения пипер много внимателно да не

загори. След това веднага излейте върху

яйцата и сместа от кисело мляко и сервирайте



That famous traditional dish is eaten at any meal. It is usually

served with plain yogurt. It can be eaten hot or cold.

Ingredients 1 pack of filo sheets

3 eggs

400 gr cheese (or feta cheese)

3 tablespoons butter

1 cup of milk or yoghurt

Preparation Mix the crumbled cheese, milk and eggs together -

cheese should be lumpy. Melt the butter in a cup.

Butter the bottom of a casserole pan. Lay 3-4 filo

sheets, one after another (not together) spreading

some butter in between. Spread some of the cheese

mixture on top. Repeat that until all mixture is

used. Lay the last 3-4 sheets on the top with no

butter in between. Spread the rest of the butter on

top. Cut in portion sized squares and bake in the

oven until golden (about 30 minutes on 250 C).

Продукти: Една опаковка кори за баница

3 яйца

400 гр. сирене

3 супени лъжици масло

1 чаша прясно или кис. мляко

Начин на приготвяне:

Смесете заедно натрошеното сирене, мляко и

яйца - сиренето трябва да бъде на бучки.

Разтопете маслото. Намажете дъното на

тавата. Положете 3-4 кори, една след друга (не

заедно), като намажете всяка с малко масло.

Поръсете отгоре от сместа. И така, докато

употребите цялата смес. Поставете

последните 3-4 листа отгоре, без масло между

тях. Посипете останалото масло отгоре.

Нарежете на квадрати и печете във фурната до

златисто (около 30 минути на 250 C).

Sarmi Сарми

Cabbage leaves stuffed with beans or rice is one of the traditional dishes for

Christmas Eve table


1 pickled head of cabbage

1 tea cup of rice

1 stick of leeks

½ mug of oil ½ teaspoonful of cumin – crushed

1 bay-leaf – dry and crushed ½ teaspoonful of black pepper savory and basil – to taste



Use wine or cabbage leaves (fresh and blanched, or pickled). Fry all the ingredientsa little. Then put two

spoonfuls on the leaf. Put the stuffing in the Mid-dleton make a roll. Arrange them in a deep pan and stew until therice

is soft. You can also roast them.

Продукти: 1 малка кисела зелка

1 ч.ч.ориз

1 стрък праз

1/2 ч.ч. олио

1/2 ч.л. счукан кимион

1 сух и натрошен дафинов лист

1/2 ч.л.черен пипер

чубрица, босилек (сушени) – на вкус


Начин на приготвяне:

Листата са лозови, от прясно зеле

(бланширани) или от кисело зеле. Плънката се

запържва леко и се слага на листата.

Количеството не покрива цялото листо, за да

може то да бъде навито на руло.

Навитите сарми се нареждат в тенджера и се

варят до омекване на ориза.

Milk with rice

Мляко с ориз

It is one of the most frequently served desserts in Bulgaria . Children adore it!

Ingredients 1 l of milk

2 cups of rice

1 mug of water

1 cup of sugar


Preparation Boil the rice. Then add sugar and milk,and stir


After the milk with rice comes to boil add vanilla.

Stir for a few minutes and take it away from the


Leave it to cool. Putcinnamon on top before you


Продукти: 1 л. прясно мляко

2 кафени чаши ориз

1 чаена чашавода

1 чаша захар

ванилия, канела

Начин на приготвяне:

Сварете ориза. След това добавете захарта и

млякото, като непрекъснато разбърквате.

Върнете ориза отново на котлона. След като

млякото с ориз заври отново добавяте

ванилията и го сваляте от огъня. Оставяте да

се охлади и поръсвате с канела.

Kartoffel - Lauchcreme-


Potatoesleekscreme soup The starter : potatoes-leekscreme-soup, is a typical German meal. It is

eaten right often and it tastes wonderful.

Ingredients: 4 columnar asparagus, 6 potatoes, 1 carrots

6 basil leaves, 1 coraway

¾ vegetable stock

1 ham/bacon

tablespoon oil

salt and pepper


How to prepare: At first we wash the potatoes, peal and cut them

like dice. The asparagus is cutten,too like dice.

The next step is to put the butter in the pot and let

it brown.. And now we are going to put the stock

into pot let it brown for 15-20 min. you can mix

all ingredients in your choise. Cut the asparagus

like roulettes. And give them into the soup. You

shoulnd’t forget to put inside salt and pepper.

Zutaten: 4 Stangen Lauch, 6 Kartoffeln, 1 Moehren,

6 Blaetter Basilikum, Kuemmel

¾ Gemuesebruehe


Oel, Salz und Pfeffer, Curry, Kardamon, Anis

Zubereitung: Kartoffeln waschen, schälen und würfeln. Lauch

in Ringe schneiden und ebenfalls waschen.

Danach den Lauch im Topf mit der Butter leicht

anbraten. Nun die Brühe und die Kartoffeln

dazugeben und in etwa 15-20 min bei schwacher

Hitze garen. Alle Zutaten zusammen nach Wahl

zusammen purieren. Den Schnittlauch waschen

und in Röllchen schneiden und zur Suppe

hinzugeben. Noch kurz mit Pfeffer und Salz

abschmecken und fertig ist eine hervorragende


Vorspeise: Kürbissuppe

Starter: Pumpkin soup


4 tbsp olive oil, 2 onions, finely chopped

1kg pumpkins, peeled, deseeded and chopped into


700ml vegetable stock or chicken stock

142ml pot double cream


handful pumpkin seed from a packet

How to prepare:

Heat 2 tbsp olive oil in a large saucepan, then gently

cook 2 finely chopped onions for 5 mins, until soft but

not coloured. Add 1kg peeled, deseeded and chopped

pumpkin to the pan, then carry on cooking for 8-10

mins, stirring occasionally until it starts to soften and

turn golden.

Pour 700ml vegetable stock into the pan, then season

with salt and pepper. Bring to the boil, then simmer for

10 mins until the squash is very soft. Pour the 142ml

pot of double cream into the pan, bring back to the

boil, then purée with a hand blender. For an extra-

velvety consistency you can now push the soup through

a fine sieve into another pan. The soup can now be fro-

zen for up to 2 months.

Serve scattered with croutons, seeds and drizzled with

more olive oil, if you want.


4 ELOlivenöl, 2 Zwiebeln, feingehackt

1kg Kürbis, geschält, entkerntundin kleinere Stücke


700ml Gemüsebrühe

150ml SchmantoderSahne




Olivenöl in einer sehr großen Pfanne erhitzen, dann

die beiden fein gehackten Zwiebeln für 5 Minuten

darin rösten, bis sie weich aber noch nicht braun sind.

Anschließendden geschälten, entkernten und in

kleinere Stücke geschnittenen Kürbis in die Pfanne

geben und für weitere 8 bis 10 Minuten unter

gelegentlichem Rühren kochen, bis er weich und leicht

golden ist.

700ml Gemüsebrühe in die Pfanne geben und mit

Salz und Pfeffer würzen. Zum Kochen bringen und

dann für 10 Minuten köcheln lassen, bis der Kürbis

sehr weich ist. 150ml Schmant hinzufügen und erneut

aufkochen lassen. Anschließend mit einem Stabmixer

pürieren. Um eine noch feinere Konsistenz zu

erreichen, kann die Suppe gesiebt werden. Mit

Croutons und Kürbiskernen garniert servieren.


Ginger chicken


1kg pack boneless skinless chicken


1 thumb-size piece of fresh ginger, peeled and very finely


4 garlic cloves, finely chopped

1 tsp mild chilli powder

15g pack fresh coriander, chopped

juice of 1 lime

2 tbsp sunflower oil

2 medium onions

400ml can reduced-fat coconut milk

1 fresh red chilli, deseeded and sliced

1 chicken stock cube

How to prepare:

Slice each chicken thigh into 2 or 3 large chunks, then put in a

bowl with the ginger, garlic, chilli powder, half the coriander,

lime juice and 1 tbsp of the oil. Stir well, then cover and leave

in the fridge to marinate until ready to cook. For the best flavour,

do this in the morning or, better still, the night before.

Peel and quarter the onions, then very finely chop them in a food

processor; for a curry you want the onion really fine. Heat the

remaining oil in a wok or large frying pan, then add the onion

and stir-fry for about 8 mins until soft. Stir well and cook for 1

min more.

Tip in the chicken mixture with the marinade and cook over a

high heat until the chicken changes colour. Pour in the coconut

milk, add the chilli and stock, then cover and simmer for 20

mins until the chicken is tender. Stir in the remaining coriander,

then serve with rice.


1kg Hähnchenschenkel/ oder -filet

1 fingergroße Knolle Ingwer, schälen und sehr fein hacken

4 Knoblauchzehen, sehrfeinschneiden

1 TLmildesChillipulver

15g frischerKoriander, feingeschnitten

Saft 1 Zitrone

2 ELSonnenblumenöl

2 mittelgroßeZwiebeln

400ml Kokosnussmilch (aus der Konservendose)

1 frische rote Chilischote, entkerntundfein gehackt

1 Geflügelbrühe-Würfel


JedenHähnchenschenkel in 2 oder 3 Stücke schneiden und

mit dem Inger, Knoblauch,Chili, der Hälfte des Korianders,

Zitronensaft und einem EL Öl in eine Schüssel geben. Alle

Zutaten gut vermengen, dann die Schüssel bedecken und im

Kühlschrank die Marinade über Nacht einwirken lassen.

Die Zwiebeln schälen und sehr, sehr fein schneiden. Nun

etwas Öl in einem Wok oder einer Bratpfanne erhitzen. Die

Zwiebeln darin unter ständigem Rühren mindestens 8 Minuten

anbraten, bis sie weich sind.

Das marinierte Hähnchenin den Wok geben und auf hoher

Stufe kochen, bis es leicht braun wird. Dann die Kokosmilch,

Chili und die Geflügelbrühe hinzugeben, den Wok abdecken

und für 20 Minuten köcheln lassen, bis das Hähnchen zart ist.

Abschließend mit dem restlichen Koriander garnieren und auf

Reis servieren.



In south of Germany this meal is even more

popular as boiled potatos

Ingredients: 6 big potatos

200g potatoesflour

2ts grits


How to prepare: First you need to peel the potatos and cook them.

Cool them and press them.

Give the potatoemass into a pot and divide the

mass with a fork.

Put in an egg and the potatoesflour, and mix it

with a little bit salt to a mass.

Form little balls.

Put them into a boiling water and cool them down

in a gals with cold water.

Zutaten: 6 grosse Kartoffeln

200g Kartoffelmehl

2El Gries


Zubereitung: Kartoffeln schälen und weich kochen,

abkühlen lassen, durch eine Kartoffelpresse


Kartoffelmasse in eine breite Schüssel geben und

mit einer Gabel ein Kreuz in die Mitte schneiden


Ei und kartoffelmehl dazugeben, mit etwas Salz

wuerzen, und gut vermischen bis eine

einheitliche Masse entsteht.

Mittelgrosse Klösse formen.

5 Min. ins kochende Wasser, dann mit einem

Glas kalten Wasser im Topf abkühlen - fertig


Apple & Vanilla tart


375g pack puff pastry, prefera-

bly all-butter

5 large eating apples - Cox's, russets or Elstar

juice of 1 lemon

25g butter, cut into small pieces

3 tsp vanilla sugar or 1 tsp vanilla extract

1 tbsp caster sugar

3 rounded tbsp apricot conserve

How to prepare:

Heat oven to 220C/fan 200C/gas. Roll out the pastry

and trim to a round about 35cm across. Transfer to a

baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

Peel, core and thinly slice the apples and toss in the

lemon juice. Spread over the pastry to within 2cm of

the edges. Curl up the edges slightly to stop the juices

running off.

Dot the top with the butter and sprinkle with vanilla

and caster sugar. Bake for 15-20 mins until the apples

are tender and the pastry crisp.

Warm the conserve and brush over the apples and pas-

try edge. Serve hot with vanilla ice cream or crème



375g Blätterteig

5 große Äpfel – Cox oder Elstar

Saft 1 Zitrone

25g zerlassene Butter

3 TL Vanillazucker

1 EL Zucker


Ofen auf 220C°/Umluft vorheizen. Backblech mit

Backpapier auslegen. Blätterteig darauf ausrollenund

in eine runde Form von ca. 35 cm Durchmesser


Die 5 Äpfel schälen, entkernen und in dünne Streifen

schneiden. Anschließend kurz in Zitronensaft

einlegen. Nun auf dem Blätterteig verteilen. Dabei 2

cm Abstand zum Rand halten. Nun den Rand des

Teigs vorsichtig aufrollen, damit der Saft nicht

heraustropfen kann.

Die Oberfläche des Kuchens mit Butter bestreichen

und mit Vanilleund Zucker besprenkeln. 15 bis 20

Minuten backen, bis die Äpfel weich und der Teig

knusprig ist.

Heiß mit Vanilleeis oder Crème fraîche servieren.



In south of Germany this meal is even more

popular as boiled potatos

Ingredients: 3 st sugar

1 skoch salt

200ml cream

300ml water

30g starch

How to prepare: Cut the vanillebean and skratch out vanille. Put in

the bean with the vanille, the sugar, the salt, the

cream and 200ml water in a pot. Warm it up and

let it stand for 15 min. . Then took out the

vanillebean. Mix up the starch till it is ready and

put it into the pot. Now mix it until ist thick.

Tacke the pot from the cooker and cool it out.


3 El Zucker

1 priese Salz

200ml Sahne

300ml Wasser

30g Speisestaerke


Die Vanilleschote aufschlitzen und das Mark

herauskratzen. Schote und Mark mit dem Zucker,

dem Salz, der Sahne und 200 ml Wasser in einen

Topf geben. Gut erwärmen und etwa 15 Minuten

ziehen lassen. Die Vanilleschote herausnehmen.

Das restliche Wasser mit der Speisestärke gut

verrühren. Dann in den Topf geben und unter

ständigem Rühren aufkochen, bis die

Speisestärke andickt. Von der Herdplatte nehmen,

kurz abkühlen lassen und genießen.

Sviestmaizes ar šprotēm

Sandwich with sprats

Sandwiches are traditional latvian starter.

Ingredients: Bread


You can put on bread :

Sprats, Tomatoes,


Liver pate or something else. How to prepare: Take a bread

Put butter on bread

And than you can put on: sprats, tomatoes,

cucamber, liver pate




Uz maizes var likt :

šprotes, tomātus,

aknu pastēti, gurķus u.c


Paņem maizi.

Uzsmērē sviestu

Pēc izvēles uz maizes uzlikt : šprotes, gurķus,

tomātus, aknu pastēti u.c.

Var pievienot dažādus garšaugus un zaļumus.


Bacon Rolls

The bread is traditionaly the part of meals for latvian traditional

celebration:Līgo, Ziemassvētki.


1 l milk, 1 dessert spoon salt, ½ glass sugar

1 pack yeast, ~ 1kg flour, 100-150 g butter

Cardamom, 1 egg to put over bacon rolls, bacon

How to prepare:

In a big bowl we put in salt, sugar, yeast, milk and cardamon.

Yeast need to be crushed in to pieces and added one spoon

of sugar. Mix till yeast is melted. Yeast is ready. The bowl

where is milk with other components you need to warm it up

and mix it. Milk has to be warm but not hot. In the you add

yeast. Then margarine need to be cut in pieces and melted. In

the milk you add little bit less than 1kg flour. With your

hands you stump it. Slowly add margarine and stump it.

Add flour and stump the dough till the dough dosen’t stick

to your hands cause then it’s ready. Cover the dough and put

it in warm place till dough is ready. When dough is bigger

two times you make it in pieces. And every piece you stump.

In the middle you put other components. You close the bacon

roll put the sides together put it on pan and then you cover

bacon rolls with egg and put in oven and cook it in 200 *C.


1 l piena , 1 deserta karote sāls, ½ glāze cukurs

1 paciņa rauga, ~ 1kg miltu, 100-150 g sviests

Kardamons, 1 ola pārziešanai, speķis


Lielā bļodā ieber sāli, cukuru, raugu , pienu un kardemonu.

Raugs jāsadrupina gabaliņos un jāuzber vienu ēdamkaroti

cukura. Jāmaisa līdz raugs ir izkusis. Bļoda kurā ir piena

maisījums jāliek sildīties un jāmaisa, pienam jābut

siltam ,bet ne karstam. Siltajā pienā iemaisa raugu un

noņem no uguns. sviestu sagriež gabaliņos un

izkausē,mazliet atdzesē. Pienā ieber mazliet mazāk par 1kg

miltu. Un ar rokām izmīca. Lēnām pielej sviestu un iemīca.

Pieber miltus un mīca līdz mīkla atlec no rokas, jo tad

mīkla ir gatava. Mīklu apsedz un liek siltā vietā rūgt. Kad

mīkla palielinājusies vismaz 2x. Mīklu sadala porcijās. Un

katru gabaliņu izmīca. Pa vidu liek speķi vai

šķinķi ,sīpolus, melnos piparus. Pīrāgu aiztaisa un malas

saliek kopā. Liek uz pannas un pārklāj ar olu un ieliek

krāsnī. Cep 200 *C.

Kartupeļu pankūkas

Potatoe pancakes

In autumn, when potatoes are collected, one of the most popular dish in Latvia is

potatoe pancakes. This dish is cheap and it takes short amount of time to prepare

it. We can eat pancakes all year long, because potatoes are collected in

basements. We eat it with cranberry jam and sour cream.


6 potatoes


2 eggs


How to prepare:

In the begining you peel the potatoes, then

wash and grind them. When potatoes are

grinded you need to add 2 eggs, salt and

flour. After you do that, put all on frying-

pan and cook it like pancakes


6 kartupeļi


2 olas

sāls Pagatavošana:

No sākuma ir jānomizo kartupeļi,

jānomazgā, tad tie jāsarīvē. Tad pie

izveidotās masas jāpiejauc divas olas un

jāpieliek viena ēdamkarote miltu, sāls un

vel viena ēdamkarote kartupeļu cietes.

Tad ar karoti uz pannas jāuzliek maza

pika ar masu, ko izveidoji un nedaudz

saplacini piciņu.

Skābeņu zupa

Sorrel soup


4 potatoes

400 g beef with bone


Pearl barley

2 carrots

2 onions

2 bouillon cubes

3 boiled eggs

Sour cream

Pepper and salt

How to prepare:

Boil water in pot and then put in meat with bouillon

cubes. When meat is ready take it out, then cut it into

pieces and put them back in pot. Grade carrots and cut

onions and put them on frying-pan. Peel potatoes and

cut them in cubes and then put in pot with meat. Then

you add peppers, salt and baked onions and carrots.

After few minutes add sorrel. When it’s ready add

egg that is cut into pieces and cream. In summers we

use fresh sorrel from our gardens or nettles. That’s it –

easy, fast and delicious


4 lieli kartupeļi

400 g liellopu gaļa ar kauliņu



2 burkāni

2 sīpoli

2 buljona kubiņi

3 vārītas olas


Garšvielas – sāls, pipari, lauru lapas

Katliņā ieliek gaļu


Katliņā liek vārīt gaļu, pievieno sāli un buljona kubi-

ņus. Kad gaļa ir izvārījusies, izņem no kalta, sagriež

gabaliņos un liek atpakaļ katlā esošajā buljonā. Bur-

kānu sīki sagriež vai sarīvē, sīpolu sagriež un abus

kopā liek uz pannas cpties. Kartupeļus nomizo,

sagriež kubiciņos un liek katlā pie gaļas. Tam visam

pievieno piparus, apcepto burkānu un sīpolu. Vēl

nedaudz pavāra un pievieno skābenes no burciņas.

Kad zupa gatava, pievieno gabaliņos sagrieztas olas

un krējumu. Tas arī viss – pavisam vienkārši, ātri un


Maizes zupa

Latvian bread soup


Rye bread – 500 g

Water – 1.5 litres

Sugar – 150 g

Dry fruits (raisins, apples, plums) – 100 g

Whipped cream – 120 g


How to prepare: Rye bread cut in pieces then pour hot water over

the bread and then hold it in closed dish for 30

minutes. After that you have to blen the bread.

Then you have to put ingredient in another dish

and add sugar, dry fruits, cinnamon and boil until

fruits are tender.

Serve cold with blended whipped cream with


This dessert is very popular in Latvia because we

love rye bread. If bread is dry then you can use it

to make latvian bread soup. Because it is

unacceptable for latvians to trow bread away. If

bread falls down on the floor – latvians pick it up

and give kiss to it and keep eating.


Rupjmaize - 500 g

Ūdens - 1,5 litri

Cukurs - 150 g

Žāvēti augļi (rozīnes, āboli, plūmes) - 100 g

Saldais krējums - 120 g



Rupjmaizi (var pakaltēt cepeškrāsnī) sagriež

šķēlēs, pārlej ar verdošu ūdeni un slēgtā traukā

patur apmēram 30 min. Pēc tam maizi kopā ar

šķidrumu sablenderē vai izberž caur sietu, lej

katlā, pievieno cukuru, žāvētos augļus, kanēli,

un vāra, līdz augļi ir mīksti.

Pasniedz atdzesētu kopā ar saputotu saldo

krējumu, kuram vēl klāt ir pievienots cukurs.

Šis deserts ir latviešu iecienīts, jo latviešu tautai

ļoti garšo rupjmaize. Ja maize ir sakaltusi, tad to

izmanto lai pagatavotu maizes zupu. Jo maizi

izmest miskastē ir nedabiski latviešu tautai. Ja

maize nokrīt zemē, tad to paceļ, nobučo un

turpina ēst.


Chicken soup



Vegetables: carrot, celery, pore, onion, parsley

spices: salt, peper, herbs,



How to prepare:

We pour water to a pot . Then we put tothe pot

meat, vegetables and spices.We boil it for 3h.

Serve with noodles.

Skladniki :

4 kurczak

warzywa: -marchewka, -seler, -por, -cebula, -


rzyprawy: -sol, -pieprz, -ziele angielskie




Wlewamy wode do garczka. Wkladamy mieso ,

warzywa i przyprawy Gotujemy ok. 3 godz.

Podajemy z makaroniem.

Kotlet schabowy

Beff chop


meat (pork)


salat ( carrot and apple)

egg, crumbs, oil

How to prepare:

We sticks egg to a bowl. We put platter with

crumbs near that. Coat the chop in egg, next

crumbs and put them on a heated frying pan. We

serve them with potatos and salat.


Skladniki :

mieso (wieprzowina)


salakta (jablko i marchewka)

jajka, bulka tarta, olej


Wbijamy jajko do miski. Obok kladziemy talerz

z bulka tarta. Obtaczmy kotleta w jajku

nastepnie w bulce tartej i wkladamy na

rozgrzana patelnie. Do kotleta podajemy

ziemniaki i surowke


Apple cake






baking powder



How to prepare:

For chopped apples, we add sugar and fry on a

frying pan. To new pan we add sugar, butter and

an egg, next knead this. Then we put half of the

cake to a baking form. Next we add cinnamon and

put half of dough on top of it. Bake for 1 h.

Skladniki :





proszek do pieczenia




Do pokrojonych jablek dodajemy cukier i

podsmazamy na patelni. Do nowej miski

dodajemy cukier, maslo i jako i zagniatamy to.

Nastepnie wkladamy polowe ciasta do formy i

polozyc na nie jablka. Posypac cynamonem i

nalozyc druga czesc ciasta. Piec ok. 1 godz.

Kartoffel pores suppe

Potato Leek soup


8 cups chicken stock

6 potatoes(peeled and cut into large pieces)

4 leeks (washed and sliced)

1 bay leaf

1 1/2 teaspoons chopped fresh thyme

1 cup cream

Salt and pepper

How to prepare:

Pour the chicken stock and potatoes, leeks, bay leaf

and thyme into a large pot and season with salt and

pepper. Boil the soup until the potatoes are soft.

Remove the bay leaf and blend the soup until it is

smooth. Add the cream and let it simmer until the

soup has thickened.

Now the soup is ready to be served.

Det skal du bruge:

19 dl kyllingebouillon

6 kartofler (Pillede og skåret i store stykker)

4 porre (vaskede og skåret ud)

1 laurbærblad

1 1/2 teske frisk hakket timian

2,4 dl fløde

Salt og peber


Put kyllingebouillonen, kartoflerne, porrerne,

laurbærbladet og timianen ned i en stor gryde og

tilsæt salt og peber. Kog nu suppen indtil

kartoflerne er bløde.

Fjern laurbærbladet og blend suppen indtil den

jævn, tilsæt fløden og lad suppen simre indtil

den tyknet.

Og nu er suppen klar til servering.


“Shooting Star”


2 slices of toastbread


2-4 breaded fish fillets

2 handfuls of shrimps


White Asparagus


Lemon-cucumber-dill –tomato slice

Thousand Island dressing

Oil for frying

How to prepare:

Fry the fish fillet in oil until they are done. They

should be crisp and golden.

Toast the bread and butter them with a thin layer.

Place a lettuce leaf onthe bread and put the fish

fillet on top of that. Pour a little thousand island

dressing on the fish fillet, and top with shrimp, as-

paragus and caviar. Garnish with a tomato slice, a

slice of cucumber and lemon twisted together.

Serve warm.

Det skal du bruge: 2 skiver toastbrød


2-4 panerede fiskefileter

2 gode håndfulde rejer




Citron - agurk - dild - kaviar–tomatbåd

Thousand island dressing

Olie til stegning


Steg fiskefileterne i olie så de bliver sprøde og


Rist toastbrødene, og smør dem med lidt smør.

Læg et salatblad på brødet og fisken ovenpå.

Hæld lidt Thousand Island dressing på, og slut

af med rejer, asparges og caviar. Pynt med en

tomatbåd, en skive agurk og citron drejet

sammen. Serveres lune.

”Stjerneskud” Red Berry Pudding


300 g Rhubarb

500 g Strawberries

4 dl Water

150 g Sugar

2tbsp Potato Flour

1 dl Cold Water

Milk or Cream

How to prepare:

Wash the rhubarb stems and cut them into pieces. Put

aside 100 g of rhubarbs. Wash the strawberries and cut

them into pieces. Put aside 100 g of strawberries. Boil

the berries and rhubarbs tender in 4 dl of water for 5-10

min. Press this mixture through a sieve into a large


Pour the berry juice into the pot again and let it boil.

Add sugar together with the rest of the rhubarbs and

strawberries. Boil for 3-4 minutes. Add some more

sugar according to your taste.

Stir potato flour into 1 dl of water and add it to the berry

juice. Immediately take away the pot from the stove -

the pudding is not allowed to boil.

Pour the pudding into a bowl and sprinkle with sugar.

Cool down the pudding and serve it with milk or cream.

Det skal du bruge:

300 g rabarber i skiver

500 g jordbær

4 dl vand

150 g sukker

2 spsk. kartoffelmel

1 dl koldt vand

mælk eller fløde


Skyl rabarberstilkene og skær dem i 1 cm brede

skiver, tag 100 g fra og gem dem. Skyl jordbærrene

og skær dem i kvarte, tag 100 g fra og gem dem. Kog

bær og rabarberskiver møre i vandet 5-10 min. Pres

blandingen gennem en sigte.

Kom saften i en gryde, og bring det i kog. Tilsæt

sukkeret, og kom resten af rabarberne og jordbærrene

i. Kog dem med 3-4 min. Smag evt. til med lidt

ekstra sukker efter smag. Udrør kartoffelmelet i 1 dl

vand, og rør det i grøden. Tag straks gryden fra

varmen, grøden må nemlig ikke koge, når først

kartoffelmelet er tilsat, for så bliver den ”lang”.

Kom grøden i en skål, og drys overfladen med

sukker. Afkøl grøden, og server den med fløde eller

mælk til.

Kermainen sienikeitto

Creamy mushroomsoup


(for four)

-2-4 dl mushrooms (funnel chantarelles and


-1 l water

-1 onion

-100 g butter cheese

-2 dl double cream

For flavour:

-black or white pepper


-cutted parsley


How to prepare:

Sweat onion and mushrooms soft in butter until extra

liquid comes out. Add water and butter cheese. Finally

add cream and let the soup stew.

After that add pepper and saffron.

Decorate the soup with cutted parsley and serve it with

warm toast.


(n. 4 hengelle)

2-4 dl sieniä (suppilovahveroita ja kanttarelleja)

1 l vettä

1 sipuli

100 g sulatejuustoa

2 dl kuohukermaa


- musta- tai valkopippuria




Tee näin:

Kuullota sipuli ja sienet voissa pehmeiksi, kunnes

ylimääräinen neste poistuu. Lisää sekaan vesi ja

sulatejuusto. Lisää lopuksi kerma ja anna keiton

hautua. Lisää joukkoon pippuri ja sahrami. Koristele

keitto hienonnetulla persiljalla ja tarjoile lämpimän

paahtoleivän kera.


Karelian Hot Pot


(for four)

-500g round beef

-2 carrots

-1 onion

-2 bay leaves

-20 allspices


How to prepare:

Brown the beef. Cut carrots and onion into pieces. Put

every ingredients in hot pot and cover with water. Cook

200 degrees in the oven about three hours or more.

Add more water if you needed it.

Serve with potatoes.


(n.4 hengelle)

-500g karjalanpaistia

-2 porkkanaa

-1 sipuli

-2 laakerinlehteä

-20 maustepippuria


Tee näin:

Ruskista liha. Paloittele porkkana ja sipuli. Laita

kaikki ainekset pataan ja peitä vedellä. Kypsennä

uunissa 200 asteessa noin 3 tuntia. Lisää vettä


Tarjoile perunoiden kanssa.


Cinnamon rolls


-2,5 dl milk

-25 g yeast

-3/4 tee spoon salt

-1 dl sugar

-1 tee spoon cardamom

-about 7dl wheat flour

-100g margarine or butter


-50g margarine or butter

-about ½ dl cinnamon sugar

For brushing: -egg

On top:

-pearl sugar

How to prepare:

Mix yeast with warm milk. Add salt, sugar and cardamom. Add flours

all the time kneading but don´t put all flours at the same time. After that

add soft butter or soft margarine and add flours if needed. Knead dough

until smooth. Cover and set in a warm spot to rise until doubled. Roll

into about 30x60cm rectangle. Spread soft butter onto the dough and

sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon. Roll up the dough. Cut sideways the

roll into pieces that are about 3cm wide on the wider side and about 1 ½

cm wide on the narrower side.Place the pieces on the table with the

narrower side up. Press with both thumbs on top of the bun all the way

to the bottom. Let them rise on a baking sheet covered in a warm spot.

Brush the buns with egg and sprinkle pearl sugar on top of them. Bake

them in the middle of the oven in a 225 degrees celcius for 10- 15



-2,5 dl maitoa

-25g hiivaa

-¾ tl suolaa

-1dl sokeria

-1tl hienonnettua kardemummaa

-n. 7dl vehnäjauhoja

-100g margariinia tai voita


-50 g margariinia tai voita

- n. 1/2dl kanelisokeria



Pinnalle: -raesokeria


Liuota tuorehiiva kädenlämpöiseen maitoon. Lisää

taikinanesteeseen suola,sokeri ja kardemumma. Lisää jauhoja koko

ajan alustaen,älä kuitenkaan koko jauhomäärää kerralla.Lisää

loppuvaiheessa pehmeä rasva ja lisää vielä tarvittaessa

jauhoja.Alusta taikina tasaiseksi ja kimmoisaksi.Anna kohota

lämpimässä paikassa hyvin peitettynä kooltaan noin

kaksinkertaiseksi.Kauli taikina noin 30x60 cm:n suuruiseksi

levyksi.Levitä levylle pehmeä rasva ja ripottele päälle sokeria ja

kanelia.Kääri levy rullaksi. Leikkaa rullasta vinottain paloja,jotka

ovat leveämmältä puolelta noin 3 cm ja kapeammalta puolelta noin

1 ½ cm.Nosta palat leivinpöydällä pystyyn niin,että kapeampi puoli

tulee ylöspäin.Paina molemmilla peukaloilla pullan päältä aivan

pohjaan asti.Anna kohota pellillä leivinpaperin päällä hyvin

peitettynä lämpimässä paikassa.Voitele leivonnaiset munalla ja

ripottele päälle raesokeria.Paista 225 asteessa uunin keskitasossa 10

-15 minuuttia.

COMENIUS Multilateral school partnerships


Smiltenes Centra vidusskola (Latvia)

Tibberupskolen (Denmark)

Kaukajärven koulu (Finland)

Kurt-Tucholsky-Gesamtschule, Krefeld (Germany)

Gimnazjum nr 1 im. gen. A. Hedy „Szarego” w Starachowicach (Poland)

Основно училище "Иван Вазов" (Bulgaria)