ETUI Catalogue of Publications 2011-2014

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Transcript of ETUI Catalogue of Publications 2011-2014

EuropeanTrade Union Institute Publications2011 – 2014

1 Foreword

3 Crisis, austerity, alternatives12 Occupational health and safety19 Social Europe /

Industrial relations28 Worker participation /

Union renewal34 Trade union training38 Periodicals41 List of books 2011-201443 List of Reports 2011-201445 List of Working Papers 2011-201448 List of Policy Briefs 2011-201450 List of guides 2011-201451 E-newsletters

2 Préface

3 Crise, austérité, alternatives12 Santé et sécurité au travail19 Europe sociale /

Relations professionnelles28 Participation des travailleurs /

Renouveau syndical34 Formation syndicale38 Périodiques41 Liste des livres 2011-201443 Liste des rapports 2011-201445 Liste des Working Papers 2011-201448 Liste des Policy Briefs 2011-201450 Liste des guides 2011-201451 Newsletters électroniques

Contents Sommaire


Welcome to our catalogue of publications for the period 2011-2014. This catalogue presents all ETUI publications produced in the last four years, including some compiled by ETUI researchers but published elsewhere.

During this period, these publications have dealt with a wide range of topics (economic and finan-cial crisis, European governance, Europeanisa-tion of industrial relations, and many more). The readership for our work is very diverse. Trade unionists, social scientists and European policy-makers use our publications to learn about the latest developments on social issues at EU level or to find scientific support for policy positions.

The ETUI’s publications fall into different series:— Policy Briefs introduce a line of argument or

key issue in a policy-oriented manner. They are read by a large non-specialised audience, as well as by decisionmakers and members of European think-tanks, and are mainly distrib-uted electronically.

— Working Papers present research that is either still ongoing or recently concluded. These papers are aimed at academics, think-tanks, European institutions, trade unions and non-governmental organisations.

— Books are intended, depending on topic and goal, for a specialised audience or a larger reading public. The content of books may be the findings of internal ETUI research pro-jects, the results of external research network projects, or annual publications on specific issues, e.g. Benchmarking Working Europe.

— Reports are more technical documents aimed at an audience already in possession of spe-cialised knowledge of the area in question. In some cases, they are used to outline the results of conferences.

— Guides cover documents that are designed for trainers to support their work or that aim to outline a question or issue in a clear and simple manner.

— Background analysis is intended to explain and supply background information about recent EU policies. This series is only avail-able online.

— Periodicals: HesaMag, a twice-yearly journal on occupational health and safety; Transfer, a quarterly publication focusing on industrial relations, employment, and economic and social policies; and SEER, a journal covering labour and social developments in eastern Europe.

— Audiovisual products and infographics: the ETUI has started producing video recordings of its events. These are published on YouTube and on our web site. Increasingly, we also use infographics to visualise in an attractive way statistical data from ETUI research.

— E-newsletters: the monthly ETUI newsletter alerts ten thousand contacts to our latest pub-lications, events, and training courses. Other thematic newsletters, which are circulated to a more specialised and clearly identified audience, cover the following topics: collective bargaining; health and safety at work; worker participation.

Most publications are available free of charge from the ETUI website. Others can be ordered directly either from the ETUI or from the pub-lisher concerned.

We hope that our publications will be of interest to you and of help in your own work.

Philippe Pochet,General Director ETUI



Bienvenue dans notre catalogue de publications pour la période 2011-2014. Ce catalogue présente toutes les publications de l’ETUI produites durant les quatre dernières années, y compris certaines publications compilées par les chercheurs de l’ETUI mais publiées par d’autres éditeurs. Pendant cette période, ces publications ont porté sur un large éventail de sujets (crise économique et financière, gouvernance européenne, euro-péanisation des relations professionnelles, etc.). Les lecteurs de nos publications ont des profils très variés. Les syndicalistes, les chercheurs en sciences sociales et les décideurs politiques euro-péens utilisent nos publications pour connaître l’évolution récente des questions sociales au niveau de l’Union européenne ou pour trouver un support scientifique aux positions politiques.

Les publications de l’ETUI ont été regroupées dans les catégories suivantes :— les Policy Briefs ont pour but de présenter une

note argumentée ou un thème clé dans une optique de recommandations politiques. Ils visent le grand public non spécialisé, mais aussi les décideurs et les groupes de réflexion euro-péens. Ils sont distribués par voie électronique ;

— les Working Papers font état des recherches en cours ou finalisées. Ils s’adressent à un public académique, aux groupes de réflexion, aux institutions européennes, aux organi-sations syndicales et aux organisations non gouvernementales ;

— les livres sont destinés à un public spécialisé ou à un public plus large en fonction des sujets et de l’objectif. Ils sont consacrés soit aux résul-tats de projets de recherche internes à l’ETUI et de projets de réseaux de recherche externes, soit à des publications annuelles sur des sujets spécifiques, comme le Benchmarking Working Europe ;

— les rapports sont des documents plus tech-niques destinés à un public spécialisé dans le domaine de recherche concerné. Ils pré-sentent aussi dans certains cas les résultats de conférences ;

— les guides recouvrent les documents conçus pour soutenir les formateurs dans leur travail ou pour traiter d’une question ou d’un sujet précis, de façon claire et simple ;

— les Background analysis entendent expliquer et fournir une information de fond sur les poli-tiques européennes récentes. Il s’agit de publi-cations en ligne qui peuvent être téléchargées à partir du site internet de l’ETUI ;

— les périodiques : HesaMag, un semestriel consa-cré à la santé et à la sécurité au travail ; Transfer, un trimestriel centré sur les relations profession-nelles, l’emploi et les politiques économiques et sociales ; et SEER consacré aux évolutions so-ciales et du monde du travail en Europe de l’Est ;

— les supports audiovisuels et infographiques : l’ETUI a commencé à produire des enregistre-ments vidéo de ses événements. Ceux-ci sont publiés sur YouTube et sur le site internet. L’ETUI utilise aussi de plus en plus d’infogra-phies pour visualiser d’une manière attrayante les données statistiques liées à ses activités de recherche ;

— les newsletters : le bulletin d’information men-suel de l’ETUI fournit régulièrement des alertes sur les événements, les publications et les cours de formation à plus de 10 000 contacts. Des bulletins d’information spécifiques distribués à un public plus spécialisé et précis couvrent actuellement les thèmes suivants : négociation collective, santé et sécurité au travail, participa-tion des travailleurs.

De nombreuses publications sont disponibles gratuitement et peuvent être téléchargées à partir du site internet de l’ETUI. D’autres publications peuvent être commandées directement à l’ETUI ou à la maison d’édition concernée.

Nous espérons que vous trouverez nos publica-tions intéressantes et utiles, et qu’elles contribue-ront à vous aider dans votre travail.

Philippe Pochet, Directeur général de l’ETUI



A triumph of failed ideas. European models of capitalism in the crisisEdited by Steffen Lehndorff,University of Duisburg-EssenETUI 2012, ISBN 978-2-87452-246-8, 284 pages, 20 €

The current crisis in Europe is being labelled, in mainstream media and politics, as a ‘public debt crisis’. The present book draws a markedly different picture. What is hap-pening now is rooted, in a variety of different ways, in the destabilisation of national mod-els of capitalism due to the predominance of neoliberalism since the demise of the post-war ‘golden age’. Ten country analyses provide insights into national ways of coping – or failing to cope – with the ongoing crisis. They reveal the extent to which the respec-tive socio-economic development models are unsustainable, either for the country in question, or for other countries.The bottom-line of the book is twofold. First, there will be no European reform agenda at all unless each country does its

own homework. Second, and equally urgent, is a new European reform agenda without which alternative approaches in individual countries will inevitably be suffocated. This message, delivered by the country chapters, is underscored by more general chapters on the prospects of trade union policy in Europe and on current austerity policies and how they interact with the new approaches to economic governance at the EU level. These insights are aimed at providing a better understanding across borders at a time when European rhetoric is being used as a smoke-screen for national egoism.

Authors:Dominique Anxo, Linnaeus University and CAFO | Josep Banyuls, Valencia University | Jörg Flecker, FORBA and University of Vienna | Damian Grimshaw, Manchester Business School and EWERC | Christoph Hermann, FORBA and University of Vienna | Hortenzia Hosszú, Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Institute of Political Science, Budapest | Florence Jany-Catrice, University Lille 1 and CNRS | Maria Karamessini, Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Athens | Michel Lallement, CNAM and CNRS | Steffen Lehndorff, IAQ, University of Duisburg-Essen | Janine Leschke, ETUI | László Neumann, Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Institute of Political Science, Budapest | Albert Recio, Autonomous University of Barcelona and IET | Jill Rubery, Manchester Business School and EWERC | Annamaria Simonazzi, Sapienza University of

Crisis, austerity,alternativesCrise, austérité,alternatives


Rome and Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini | Sotiria Theodoropoulou, ETUI | András Tóth, Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Institute of Political Science, Budapest | Hans-Jürgen Urban, IG Metall | Andrew Watt, ETUI | James Wickham, Employment Research Centre at Trinity College Dublin

Greening industries and creating jobsEdited by Béla Galgóczi, ETUIETUI 2012, ISBN 978-2-87452-249-9, 223 pages, 20 €

How the objective of a resource-efficient low car-bon economy is to be reached and how the tran-sition is managed are the key issues addressed by this publication. The two main focuses are industrial policy and employment prospects on the road to a green economy that retains its industrial base.Any lasting recovery of the real economy will necessarily take the shape of a more resource-efficient production model. While we argue that only a more ambitious and compre-hensive European climate policy framework would have a chance of delivering the broader 2050 climate targets, this does not mean that Europe has to give up its industrial base and its related competences. Several chapters of this book argue that the option of attaining a low-carbon economy through ‘deindustrialisa-tion’ would prevent Europe from preserving its competitiveness and knowledge base, which are also essential for exploiting the potential of the emerging eco-industry. While decoupling eco-nomic growth from resource use is also possible with an industrial base that is more energy-and resource-efficient, this does require a funda-mental shift in terms of how the economy is managed and how business decisions are made. Sustainable industrial and structural policies are needed also in order to ensure that this revolutionary process takes place in a socially balanced manner.

Authors:Béla Galgóczi, ETUI | Éloi Laurent, OFCE | Alain Mestre, Syndex | Philippe Morvannou, Syndex | Guido Nelissen, ACV-CSC METEA | Tommaso Rondinella, Istat’s Secretariat to the Presidency | Philipp Schepelmann, Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy in Wuppertal | Marco Torregrossa, independent consultant and EU legal advisor | Peter Wilke, Wilke, Maack and Partner, Hamburg | Annika Wolff, Wilke, Maack und Partner, Hamburg

Macroeconomic imbalances and comparative advantages in the Euro AreaStefan Collignon, Sant’Anna School of Advanced StudiesETUI 2012, ISBN 978-2-87452-274-1, 139 pages, 15 €

The emergence of macroeconomic imbalances among EU member states is often seen as a major underlying factor of the recent European debt crisis. In order to identify and tackle these imbal-ances, the European authorities established, in 2011, a new surveillance tool incorporating rules to prevent future imbalances and labelled the Excessive Imbalance Procedure (EIP).Stefan Collignon argues that the premises of the Excessive Imbalance Procedure are in fact wrong, and its implementation therefore mis-guided, in that they take for granted the policy framework of the nation state whereas the Euro Area economy is, in reality, integrated into a single market with a single currency, such that so-called ‘foreign’ debt is, effectively, debt to other residents in the Euro Area.The author demonstrates, furthermore, that strict adherence to the EIP could, in conjunction with other new economic governance instru-ments, entail devastating consequences for peripheral countries in the European Union.Following his observation that current indicators used by the Commission fail to provide a correct or accurate assessment of imbalances in the Euro Area, the author devises a new ‘Competi-tive Index’, calculated as the difference between actual and equilibrium unit labour costs, which


he recommends as an alternative and better indicator in the context of the Alert Mechanism Reports to be issued by the European Commis-sion in the future.

Exiting from the crisis: towards a model of more equitable and sustainable growthEdited by David Coats, The Smith InstituteIETUI 2011, ISBN 978-2-87452-218-5, 278 pages, 20 €

Also available in French, Italian and Russian

The global economy is still struggling to emerge from the worst financial crisis and global recession since the Second World War. In this context, TUAC, ETUI, GURN and ITUC created a Task Force to define the parameters of a new growth model. This publication which is the initial result of its work, takes up the challenge of developing progressive alternatives to the failed neo-liberal model that has dominated eco-nomic policy for over three decades. It consists of contributions by more than 30 authors, all with links to the global labour movement, and a preface by Nobel Prize laureate Joseph Stiglitz. The different chapters analyse the causes and implications of the crisis and propose alternative ways toward more equitable and sustainable models of growth. A comprehensive approach is taken and the topics addressed include: the need for a new approach to macroeconomic policy to promote strong and stable growth and high employment; developing alternative welfare measures to GDP; how to re-regulate financial markets so that they serve the real economy; a development model for the global South; a new approach to labour markets that ensures that they deliver decent jobs and promote greater equality; the need for a comprehensive set of policies to make economic activity ecologically sustainable.

Authors:Jim Baker, Council of Global Unions | Peter Bakvis, TUC — Ron Blackwell, AFLCIO | Sharan Burrow, ITUC |

Esther Busser, ITUC | Thomas Carlen, LO Sweden | David Coats, The Smith Institute | Claire Courteille, ITUC | Sébastien Dupuch, FO | John Evans, TUAC | Béla Galgóczi, ETUI | Pierre Habbard, TUAC | Frank Hoffer, ILO-ACTRAV | James Howard, ITUC | Andrew Jackson, Canadian Labour Congress | Anousheh Karvar, CFDT | Robert Kuttner, The American Prospect | Adhemar Mineiro, TUCA | John Monks, ETUC | Rory O’Farrell, ETUI | Kwabena Otoo, Ghana TUC | Tim Page, TUC | Thomas Palley, New America Foundation | Anabella Rosemberg, ITUC/TUAC | Patuan Samosir, ITUC | Roland Schneider, TUAC | Joseph Stiglitz, Columbia University | Raymond Torres, ILO IILS | Lora Verheecke, TUAC | Sigurt Vitols, WZB and ETUI | Andrew Watt, ETUI

ReportsVocational education and training and the Great Recession: supporting young people in a time of crisisReport 131

Jason Heyes, University of SheffieldETUI 2014, ISBN 978-2-87452-317-5, 62 pages, 15 €

This report examines developments in Voca-tional Education and Training (VET) since the start of the recent economic crisis. It focuses on initial VET and labour market measures aimed primarily at young people. The report inves-tigates the extent to which participation rates in VET and employer support for apprentice-ships in EU member states have changed since 2008. It also examines the content of recent government policies and changes relating to the administration and organisation of vocational training provision, comparing and evaluating developments in a variety of EU countries. The report assesses the implications of policies and actions at national and European levels for the achievement of EU social policy goals and the labour market transitions of young people.

Public funding for green energy in a context of crisisReport 130

Mike Scott, freelance journalistETUI 2013, ISBN 978-2-87452-301-4, 32 pages, 15 €

This summary report looks at how the financial and economic crisis has affected financial sup-port by public authorities for renewable energy in six EU countries (Germany, Spain, Italy, UK,


Sweden and Bulgaria). The report examines the policy and regulatory framework, the current situation for renewable energy in Europe and the jobs impact the sector has had and could have in future, against the background of the continuing need to combat climate change and move to a low-carbon economy. The different types of funding instruments are explored, with a focus on those that encourage innovation.

Working PapersLabour law reforms in Europe: adjusting employment protection legislation for the worseWorking Paper 2014.02

Isabelle Schömann, ETUIETUI 2014, ISSN 1994-4446, 58 pages


This Working Paper is intended to map reforms of employment protection law in the member states with the aim of addressing these legal changes in the context of the crisis, but also in the context of the deregulation agenda of the European Commission.The report critically addresses the large-scale de-regulation of employment protection law in the EU member states, which basically started under the umbrella of flexicurity, in particular the EU’s so-called ‘better regulation agenda’, its follow-up ‘smart regulation agenda’ and, finally, the Com-mission’s annual country-specific recommenda-tions and the memoranda of understanding with programme countries within the framework of so-called anti-crisis measures. The report shows that the EU Commission’s deregulation doctrine not only contradicts primary and secondary European hard law on employment protection, but it also helped to exacerbate precariousness in the workplace and, in combination with other reforms, the pauperisation of workers, thus vio-lating the fundamental rights of workers, as laid down in the Treaty.

The Euro crisis and its impact on national and European social policiesWorking Paper 2013.05

Christophe Degryse, Maria Jepsen and Philippe Pochet, ETUIETUI 2013, ISSN 1994-4446, 44 pages

This critical Working Paper looks at the series of political choices, circumstances and windows of

opportunity that have enabled one particular vi-sion of the model of EU monetary union to gain acceptance. In the context of this model, political union is not considered an accessible way to manage the crisis, for the rescue of the euro is regarded as feasible only in a more competitive economy. The social dimension, accordingly, becomes the adjustment variable. In this regard, the state-ments made by the President of the European Central Bank announcing the death of the European Social Model, are merely the anticipa-tion of a reality that is the outcome of a political choice, based on a set of economic prescriptions and which takes for granted the impossibility of attaining true political union.

Working time reforms in times of crisisWorking Paper 2013.04

Carole Lang, Isabelle Schömann and Stefan Clauwaert, ETUIETUI 2013, ISSN 1994-4446, 29 pages


This Working Paper extends and complements the analysis of pre-2012 anti-crisis measures published in the earlier ETUI Working Paper ‘The crisis and national labour law reforms: a mapping exercise’ which dealt with anti-crisis measures on working time taken before Febru-ary 2012. Using a country-by-country analysis of reforms in the area of working time, the authors of this paper confirm that most of the working time reforms adopted by EU Member States during the crisis leveraged the crisis as a – false – ex-cuse to legitimate the introduction of legislation detrimental to workers.

Atypical forms of employment contracts in times of crisisWorking Paper 2013.03

Carole Lang, Isabelle Schömann and Stefan Clauwaert, ETUIETUI 2013, ISSN 1994-4446, 27 pages


This Working Paper builds on previous research undertaken by the ETUI on the impact of the economic and financial crisis on labour law reforms in EU Member States. It maps the landscape and evolutions in the regulation of atypical employment contracts, analysing how some of these evolutions can


be related to the context of the economic and financial crisis. The paper uses a country-by-country analysis, pinpointing the main trends and tendencies regarding atypical employment and how the crisis has been used to push through reforms in this area.

European enlargement and the economic crisis: impact and lasting effectsWorking Paper 2013.01

Rebecca Zahn, University of StirlingETUI 2010, ISBN 1994-4446, 53 pages

This Working Paper looks at the effects of the economic crisis on the enlarged European Union and the European Social Model. Starting from an analysis of the well-known Viking and Laval decisions of the European Court of Justice from 2007 and 2008, the author of the report sees increasing tensions between EU member states over ‘social dumping’, austerity packages and growing inequality between workers. This development results in citizens questioning the benefits of further European integration and threatens the very existence of the European social model.

The new European economic governanceWorking Paper 2012.14

Christophe Degryse, ETUIETUI 2012, ISSN 1994-4454, 84 pages


For more than two years, the European Union has been endeavouring to cope with an un-precedented public debt crisis. Under pressure from the financial markets, the EU and its member states have put in place a new set of regulations, procedures and institutions that have come to be known as the ‘new European economic governance’. This Working Paper provides a thorough historical overview of how this new European economic governance came about and what the new structures for surveillance, coordination and sanctions (Euro-Plus Pact, Fiscal Compact, European Stability Mechanism, and so on) mean for the European project.

Intra-EU labour migration after Eastern enlargement and during the crisisWorking Paper 2012.13

Béla Galgóczi and Janine Leschke, ETUIETUI 2012, ISSN 1994-4446, 27 pages

This Working Paper looks at recent trends in labour migration from new EU member states to the EU15, with a focus on the impact of the crisis on intra-EU labour mobility. Based on data from the European Labour Force Survey, the findings of the study contradict expectations, previously expressed in the literature, according to which deep recessions will result in a slowdown in migration flows. When looking at the direct im-pact of the crisis, the authors find that, in terms of both employment and unemployment rates, EU10 migrants in the majority of EU15 countries were harder hit by the crisis than were nationals and thus appear to have served, at least partially, as labour market buffers. Other important issues addressed in the paper include the use of posted workers and (bogus) self-employment to cir-cumvent restrictions on labour mobility imposed by transitional measures, and the mismatch between the skills of EU10 migrants and the jobs they take in the EU15.

See also:

EU Labour Migration in Troubled Times. Skills Mismatch, Return and Policy ResponsesEdited by Béla Galgóczi, ETUI, Janine Leschke, ETUI, and Andrew Watt (IMK - Hans-Böckler Foundation)Ashgate 2012, ISBN 978-1-4094-3450-4, 308 pages, 54 £

European labour market policies in (the) crisisWorking Paper 2012.12

Jochen Clasen, University of Edinburgh, Daniel Clegg, University of Edinburgh, and Jon Kvist, University of Southern DenmarkETUI 2012, ISSN 1994-4446, 30 pages

This Working Paper examines the nature of im-pact of the economic and political challenges en-gendered by the ‘Great Recession’ on labour mar-ket policy reforms in Europe. The authors thus consider the question of whether the economic crisis has also brought a labour market policy reform crisis in its wake. The three research-ers studied six EU member states (the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Spain and the United Kingdom) and observed different re-sponse patterns depending on the interpretative framing – or ‘narrative’ – of the crisis.


What did they expect? Lessons for Europe from a retrospective ex-ante evaluation of the first Greek bail-out programmeWorking Paper 2012.10

Sotiria Theodoropoulou, ETUI, and Andrew Watt, ETUIETUI 2012, ISSN 1994-4446, 41 pages

The original Greek adjustment programme, as spelled out in the Memorandum of Understand-ing signed in May 2010, contained, from the outset, the seeds of its own failure. This is the conclusion of the authors of the present Working Paper which assesses, on its own premises, the original adjustment programme that was agreed for the Greek bail-out. This analysis provides valuable lessons for the adjustment programmes of other bailed out member states (Ireland or Portugal) or those currently in ‘the shadow of a bail-out’ (Spain or Italy).

Work less to pollute less? What contribution can or must working time reduction play in reducing carbon emissions?Working Paper 2012.08

Andrew Watt, ETUIETUI 2012, ISSN 1994-4446, 28 pages

This Working Paper asks whether we can, and whether we must, work less to pollute less. After examining different scenarios, the only strategy that appears commensurate with the normative views set out in the paper, i.e. meeting emissions targets while maintaining employment – seems to be a combination of radical efforts to acceler-ate the decoupling of emissions from economic growth and considerably more substantial reductions in average working hours than have been the norm in recent decades. The author argues that only if the required decoupling acceleration can be achieved, our children and grandchildren can enjoy decent living standards and high levels of employment, along with con-siderably greater free time, while dramatically reducing Europe’s carbon emissions.

Job quality in the crisis - an update of the Job Quality Index (JQI)Working Paper 2012.07

Janine Leschke, ETUI, Andrew Watt, ETUI and Mairéad Finn, The Economic and Social Research Institute in DublinETUI 2012, ISSN 1994-4446, 51 pages

This Working Paper is an update of the synthetic job quality index (JQI) for the EU27 countries which has been created in 2008 (see ETUI Working Paper 2008.03 and 2008.07) in an attempt to shed light on the question of how Eu-ropean countries compare with each other and how they are developing over time in terms of job quality. The results point out that the crisis seems to have affected different dimensions of job quality in different ways. Overall, there is a decline in measured job quality and job quality levels in Europe remain highly diverse. There is a clear increase in the use of part-time and fixed-term contracts and/or in the extent to which workers reported that they were working in such jobs involuntarily. Moreover, the numbers of workers who are afraid to lose their job have increased markedly which are clear signs of the declining bargaining power of labour brought on by the crisis.

The crisis and national labour law reforms: a mapping exerciseWorking Paper 2012.04

Stefan Clauwaert and Isabelle Schömann, ETUIETUI 2012, ISSN 1994-4446, 19 pages / EN, FR, DE, IT, ES

This Working Paper maps the labour law reforms in various European countries either triggered by the crisis or introduced using the crisis – falsely – as an excuse. Such reforms generally render existing labour law provisions more flexible and loosen minimum standards, shifting the emphasis to soft law (deregulation).In some countries it consists only of piecemeal although significant deregulatory measures, while in others it involves far-reaching overhauls of the whole labour code. Furthermore, in several countries fundamental changes are be-ing made to industrial relations structures and processes which might jeopardise social dialogue and collective bargaining there.

La crise et les réformes nationales du droit du travail : bilanWorking Paper 2012.04

Stefan Clauwaert et Isabelle Schömann, ETUIETUI 2012, ISSN 1994-4446, 22 pages / FR, EN, DE, IT, ES

Ce Working Paper dresse le relevé des réformes du droit du travail dans différents pays euro-péens, provoquées par la crise ou introduites en invoquant à tort la crise comme excuse. De manière générale, ces réformes rendent les


dispositions du droit du travail plus flexibles et entraînent un assouplissement des normes minimales, en mettant l’accent sur le soft law (dérégulation). Dans certains pays, il ne s’agit que de mesures progressives, mais significatives, de dérégulation alors que dans d’autres, la réforme entraîne une remise en question profonde de l’ensemble du droit du travail. En outre, dans plusieurs pays, des changements fondamentaux ont également été apportés aux structures et aux processus des relations industrielles, qui sont susceptibles de remettre en cause le dialogue social et la négo-ciation collective.

Has the economic crisis contributed to more segmentation in labour market and welfare outcomes?Working Paper 2012.02

Janine Leschke, ETUIETUI 2012, ISSN 1994-4446, 49 pages

This Working Paper analyses whether develop-ments on the labour market and in the welfare system during the economic crisis can be seen as perpetuating the trend towards labour market segmentation or whether the crisis may actually have contributed to containing some of the divi-sions forged in recent decades. The emphasis is placed on (involuntary) part-time and temporary employment. With regard to labour market de-velopments, the author demonstrates a further segmentation during the crisis, in particular for youth and people with low educational levels who have been disproportionately affected by unemployment.

The impact of the crisis on earnings and income distribution in the EUWorking Paper 2012.01

Paul de Beer, AIASETUI 2012, ISSN 1994-4446, 37 pages

Although the economic crisis that started in 2008 hit all EU member states hard, the impact of the crisis on employment, unemployment, earnings and inequality varied considerably. This Working Paper analyses the variation in the consequences of the crisis among the member states of the EU. First, it discusses some theoretical views on the impact of the crisis on earnings and income distribution. Next, it gives a concise overview of empirical studies, based on data from previous business cycles.

Pensions after the financial and economic crisis: a comparative analysis of recent reforms in EuropeWorking Paper 2011.07

David Natali, OSE and University of Bologna-ForlíETUI 2011, ISSN 1994-4446, 32 pages

This Working Paper sheds light on the initial impact of the economic and financial crisis on pensions policy across Europe, and assesses the first measures proposed and/or introduced in four EU countries. The author argues that while the impact on different pension models naturally varies, some common trends can be identified: short-term measures to grant additional protec-tion for the elderly at risk of poverty, raising of the statutory retirement age, incentives for active ageing. The role of private pension funds has been at the core of a renewed and intense debate, with opposite strategies having been pursued in the four countries.

The economic crisis – challenge or opportunity for gender equality in social policy outcomes? A comparison of Denmark, Germany and the UKWorking Paper 2011.04

Janine Leschke and Maria Jepsen, ETUIETUI 2011, ISSN 1994-4446, 67 pages

This new Working Paper aims to assess the im-pact of the current financial and economic crisis on gender equality in terms of labour market and welfare outcomes. The authors undertake an in-depth examina-tion of three European countries with differing welfare state configurations and different prevailing gender regimes: Denmark (universal bread-winner model), Germany and the United Kingdom (dual earner/female part-time career).

Why trade unions seek to coordinate wages and collective bargaining in the Eurozone: past developments and future prospectsWorking Paper 2011.03

Vera Glassner and Philippe Pochet, ETUIETUI 2011, 1994-4446, 32 pages

In the run-up to European Monetary Union (EMU) trade unions across Europe began to coordinate their bargaining policies transnation-ally. This paper provides an overview of the efforts made by European and national trade unions to coordinate collective bargaining and wage forma-tion at the sectoral and intersectoral levels to date, embedding them in the broader framework of a


European industrial relations system. It concludes with a brief discussion of the likely implications for the trade unions’ transnational bargaining coordination policies of the plans to further cen-tralise economic policies in the Eurozone.

Withdrawal symptoms: an assessment of the austerity packages in EuropeWorking Paper 2011.02

Sotiria Theodoropoulou and Andrew Watt, ETUIETUI 2011, ISSN 1994-4446, 40 pages

Based on a survey of national experts, this Working Paper evaluates from a European and national comparative perspective the austerity packages that the governments of EU member states have announced and implemented fol-lowing the recent financial crisis and the Great Recession. The study raises serious doubts about the drive for austerity being embarked upon by EU countries. It is widely believed in policymaking circles that austerity is necessary for consolidation, and consolidation necessary for growth and jobs. In contrast, the authors believe that Europe needs to grow out of its public-sector deficits and debts, which resulted from the spectacular failings of an unregulated private sector, especially in finance. To do that it needs to invest. And it should embark on that course without delay.

Background analysisYouth Guarantees and recent developments on measures against youth unemployment. A mapping exerciseBackground analysis 2013.04

Margherita Bussi and Leonard GeyerETUI 2013, 49 pages

In April 2013, the Council adopted a Recommen-dation for a European Youth Guarantee (EYG). This Background analysis outlines the EYG and discusses possible challenges to its success. Further, it provides an overview of the imple-mentation of the EYG and the existence of recent labour market policies targeting young people in the 28 member states until mid-November 2013. Wherever possible, the perspectives of national trade unions are included.

The two pack on economic governance: an initial analysisBackground analysis 2013.03

Sergio De la ParraETUI 2013, 29 pages

This Background analysis provides a first critical assessment of the two regulations on European economic governance (known as the ‘two pack’) which were adopted in May 2013. The two pack aims to further strengthen EU-level surveillance of national budgets. The analysis looks at the legislative process that led to the adoption of the two pack and tries to answer questions about the impact on austerity policies and growth and on the room for manoeuvre for member states to define their budgetary policies.

The country-specific recommendations (CSRs) in the social field. An overview, comparison and update including the CSRs 2014-2015Background analysis 2014

Stefan ClauwaertETUI 2014

This Background analysis provides an update of the Background analysis 2013.02 providing overview of specific recommendations to the EU Member States in the field of employment and social policies. It includes a brief ‘statistical’ comparison between the CSRs for 2014 and those presented by the Commission and adopted by the European Council in 2011, 2012 and 2013.

The country-specific recommendations (CSRs) in the social field. An overview and initial comparisonBackground analysis 2013.02

Stefan ClauwaertETUI 2013, 40 pages

As part of the European Semester, the main pillar of Europe’s new economic governance, the Commission puts forward every year the ‘country-specific recommendations’ (CSRs). This Background analysis provides an overview of specific recommendations to the EU member states in the field of employment and social policies. It also includes a brief ‘statistical’ com-parison between the CSRs for 2013-14 and those presented by the Commission and adopted by the European Council in 2011 and 2012.


See also:

Social developments in the European Union 2012Edited by David Natali and Bart Vanhercke, OSEETUI 2013, ISBN, 299 pages, 20 € /EN, FR

Social developments in the European Union 2011Edited by David Natali and Bart Vanhercke, OSEETUI 2012, ISBN 978-2-87452-270-3, 285 pages, 20 € / EN, FR

Benchmarking Working Europe 2014 Edited by the ETUC and ETUIETUI 2014, ISBN 978-2-87452-307-6, 132 pages, 25 €

Benchmarking Working Europe 2013Edited by the ETUC and ETUIETUI 2013, ISBN 978-2-87452-284-0, 116 pages, 20 €

Benchmarking Working Europe 2012Edited by the ETUC and ETUIETUI 2012, ISBN 978-2-87452-262-8, 132 pages, 20 €

The country-specific recommendations (CSRs) in the field of health and safety at work and labour inspection services. An overviewBackground analysis 2013.01

Stefan ClauwaertETUI 2013, 44 pages

Austerity, rights and democracy: a guide for trade unionsAlina Caia, CNSLR-FRATIA, Isabelle Ourny, ÖGB, Christos Triantafillou, INE-GSEE, Antoine CochetETUI 2014, 82 pages, EN, FR, ES, FI, IT, PT, RO

Trade unions and the fight against poverty and social exclusionETUI 2011, ISBN 978-2-87452-188-1 (pdf), 128 pages / EN, FR


Occupationalhealth and safetySanté et sécuritéau travail

The asbestos lie. The past and present of an industrial catastropheMaria RoselliETUI 2014, ISBN 978-2-87452-313-7, 180 pages, 20 €

On 3 June 2013 the Swiss billionaire Stephan Schmidheiny was sentenced by an Italian appeal court to 18 years’ imprisonment for causing the death of more than 3000 people, employees of, or people living close to, the Eternit factories in Italy. For hundreds of thousands of asbestos victims the world over, this is an extremely important judgment, for it signifies an end to the impunity enjoyed by the magnates of the asbestos industry. Yet how is it that this highly lucrative business was able to prosper unimpeded in Europe throughout the 20th century? This book re-traces the history of one of the most powerful families of Swiss industrialists who, starting out from a modest roof-tiling production plant, grew to become one of the most important groups worldwide in the building materials sector.

Preventing work cancers. A workplace health priorityMarie-Anne Mengeot, with Tony Musu and Laurent VogelETUI 2014, ISBN 978-2-87452-311-3, 80 pages, 10 € / EN, FR

Cancers are the main cause of death by poor working conditions in Europe, but have re-ceived scant regard from Community policies of the past decade. The political context is against effective prevention of long-term fac-tors that do not put a direct cost on business. This brochure shows how the fight against work cancers can be won if trade unions and public authorities adopt coherent strategies. It takes a solid look at the history and causes of work-induced cancers and provides tools for collective prevention. It is aimed at trade unionists, scientists, public health practition-ers and policy-makers.


Prévenir les cancers professionnels. Une priorité pour la santé au travailMarie-Anne Mengeot, avec Tony Musu et Laurent VogelETUI 2014, ISBN 978-2-87452-309-0, 84 pages, 10 € / FR, EN

Les cancers constituent la première cause de mortalité provoquée par de mauvaises condi-tions de travail en Europe. Ils ont été négligés par les politiques communautaires au cours de ces dix dernières années. Le contexte politique est défavorable à une prévention efficace des facteurs à long terme qui n’impliquent pas de coût direct pour les entreprises. Cette brochure montre que la bataille contre les cancers pro-fessionnels peut être gagnée si les syndicats et les autorités publiques adoptent des stratégies cohérentes. Elle analyse l’histoire et les causes des cancers provoqués par le travail et fournit des outils pour une prévention collective. Elle s’adresse aux syndicalistes, scientifiques, acteurs de la santé publique et responsables politiques.

(Se) Former pour transformer le travail. Dynamique de constructions d’une analyse critique du travailSous la direction de Catherine Teiger, CNRS, France et Marianne Lacomblez, Universidade do Porto, PortugalETUI et Presses de l’Université Laval, Québec 2013,

ISBN 978-2-7637-1641-1, 764 pages, 43 €

Ce livre expose les multiples facettes de la formation à l’analyse critique du travail depuis une cinquantaine d’années dans plusieurs pays : en Europe, au Québec et en Amérique latine. La circulation de savoirs et d’outils est le fil rouge de cet ouvrage qui offre, dans un DVD joint, la version originale de nombreux documents (vidéo, audio et textes). Les auteurs sont syndi-calistes, préventeurs, responsables en entreprise, chercheurs en ergonomie, en psychologie du travail, en sociologie, etc.

Nanomaterials and workplace health & safety. What are the issues for workers?Aída Maria Ponce Del Castillo, ETUIETUI 2013, ISBN 978-2-87452-288-8, 44 pages, 10 € / EN, FR

The ETUI has published a body of information on nanotechnologies over the years. This booklet on the production and use of nanomaterials in workplaces is a new addition. Nanomaterials are coming onto the market in a widening range of uses at a dizzying pace, but the impact on society is going largely undiscussed and the European regulatory framework is arguably ill-suited to these microscopic-scale materials. What we know of the risks involved for those who make or use them is scant and very patchy. Animal stud-ies are sending out warning signals about the toxicity of some of them.

Les nanomatériaux sur le lieu de travail. Quels enjeux pour la santé des travailleurs ?Aída Maria Ponce Del Castillo, ETUIETUI 2013, ISBN 978-2-87452-287-1, 48 pages, 10 € / FR, EN

L’ETUI mène depuis plusieurs années un travail d’information sur les nanotechnologies. Une contribution supplémentaire est apportée avec cette brochure qui traite de la production et de l’utilisation de nanomatériaux sur les lieux de travail. La mise sur le marché et la diversifica-tion des usages des nanomatériaux se font à un rythme effréné, alors que l’impact sociétal est loin d’avoir été suffisamment débattu et que le cadre réglementaire européen paraît peu adapté à ces matériaux de taille microscopique. Les données actuelles quant aux risques qu’ils impliquent pour ceux qui les fabriquent ou les utilisent sont éparses et peu systématiques. Des études sur l’animal nous envoient des signaux d’alarme quant à la toxicité de certains d’entre eux.

Relations industrielles

Dynamiques de constructions d’une analyse critique du travail

Ouvrage coordonné parCatherine Teiger et Marianne Lacomblez

(Se) Former pour transformer le travail

La formation en santé et sécurité au travail revient sur le devant de la scène. Ce livre rédigé par un collectif international et interdisciplinaire expose les multiples facettes du projet d’une formation pour les acteurs des milieux de travail et ses évolutions depuis une cinquantaine d’années dans plusieurs pays : en Europe, au Québec et en Amérique latine.

Les principes et les pratiques de cette « formation à/par l’analyse critique du travail, pour/par l’action » fondent un processus formatif réciproque (entre « formateurs » et « formés ») visant le partage des savoirs et la construction conjointe de connaissances utiles aux changements du travail. Des réflexions et des expériences inédites valorisant le rôle dynamique de l’analyse du travail montrent qu’une telle démarche concerne également la formation profession-nelle. Diverses pistes d’évaluation de ces interventions articulant formation, action et recherche sont discutées.

Émergent alors des suggestions pour une formation renouvelée des futurs ergonomes et autres spécialistes de la santé au travail.

La circulation, historique et géographique, de savoirs et d’outils est un autre fil rouge de cet ouvrage qui offre, dans un DVD joint, la version originale de nombreux documents (vidéo, audio et textes).

Le livre est introduit par Laurent Vogel (ETUI-CES, Bruxelles) et préfacé par Sylvie Montreuil (Université Laval, Québec).

Les auteurs sont syndicalistes, délégués en santé, sécurité et conditions de travail, préventeurs, responsables en entreprise, chercheurs et intervenants en ergonomie, en psychologie du travail, en sociologie, en sciences de la gestion et en philosophie.

Catherine Teiger est chercheuse en ergonomie au Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) et au laboratoire d’ergonomie du Conservatoire national des arts et métiers (CNAM), à Paris, en France.

Marianne Lacomblez est professeure de psychologie du travail à l’Universi-dade do Porto et chercheuse au Centro de Psicologia da Universidade do Porto (CPUP), au Portugal.

Toutes deux participent au développement du réseau international « Analyse du travail, formations et transformations » depuis le début des années 1990.

Illustration de la couverture : Giovanni Buzi (1961-2010), Frammento, 1997, acrylique sur toile.

Collection Santé et sécurité du travaildirigée par Sylvie Montreuil





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The daily dice with death. The perils workers face from nuclear technologyMarie-Anne Mengeot, journalist; advisory contributor: Jean-Claude Zerbib, radiation protection engineerETUI 2013, ISBN 978-2-87452-221-5, 108 pages, 15 € / EN, FR

In the collective memory, the nuclear threat is still identified with the bombing of Hiroshima and the Chernobyl disaster. Such high-profile horrors tend to overshadow the risks of exposure to ionizing radiation for workers in sectors like health, aviation, mining, metals recycling and, obviously, power generation. This book puts these occupational health issues in a historical perspective, starting with the discovery of X-rays up to the debates on extending the life or restart-ing nuclear power plants which the Fukushima disaster will play heavily into.

L’atome, au jour le jour. Les travailleurs faceaux risques de la technologie nucléaireMarie-Anne Mengeot, journalisteavec la collaboration de Jean-Claude Zerbib,ingénieur en radioprotectionETUI 2012, ISBN 978-2-87452-215-4, 114 pages, 15 € / FR, EN

Le danger nucléaire reste dans la mémoire col-lective associé au bombardement d’Hiroshima et à l’accident de Tchernobyl. Ces catastrophes ont tendance à oblitérer les risques que fait pe-ser l’exposition des travailleurs aux radiations ionisantes dans des secteurs tels que ceux de la santé, de l’aviation, des mines, du recyclage des métaux et, bien entendu, de l’électricité. Ce livre replace ces enjeux de santé au travail dans une perspective historique, commençant par la découverte des rayons X jusqu’aux débats sur la prolongation ou la relance des centrales nucléaires sur lesquels les événements de Fukushima vont lourdement peser.

Firefighters: feeling the heatFabienne Scandella, ETUIETUI 2012, ISBN 978-2-87452-222-2, 56 pages, 10 € / EN, FR

Physical, chemical, heat, psychological and other risks are the daily fare of professional and volun-teer firefighters faced with countless situations that threaten their health and safety alike. This booklet, informed by the discussions at two seminars held for the European public services Union firefight-ers network, reviews the most common risks and highlights what can be done to lessen the harm.

La santé et la sécurité des hommes du feuFabienne Scandella, ETUIETUI 2012, ISBN 978-2-87452-217-8, 60 pages, 10 € / FR, EN

Risques physiques, chimiques, thermiques, psychologiques… Au quotidien, les pompiers professionnels et volontaires sont confrontés à une multitude de situations menaçant leur sécurité autant que leur santé. Cette brochure, alimentée par les échanges développés lors de deux séminaires réunissant le réseau des pom-piers de la Fédération syndicale européenne des services publics, propose un examen des risques les plus courants et met en exergue les mesures qui peuvent être mises en œuvre pour en amoin-drir les effets néfastes.

The REACH Book. The REACH regulation No. 1907/2006. Consolidated version 05/06/2012ETUI 2012, ISBN 978-2-87452-276-5, 218 pages, 15 €


The REACH regulation has been in effect since June 2007. To help get it better known, the ETUI has published the full English version with annexes (barring annex XVII). Since its entry into force, the REACH legal text has been amended several times, mainly in its annexes. With this consolidated version, the ETUC and ETUI seek, once again, to be of assistance in widening access to the new European rules on chemicals – one of the most far-reaching legisla-tive reforms of the last twenty years.

A classification of methods for assessing and/or preventing the risks of musculoskeletal disordersJacques Malchaire, Catholic University of Louvain, in association with Roland Gauthy, ETUI, Alain Piette, Department of Employment and Labour, Belgium and Fabio Strambi, Siena Local Health UnitETUI 2011, ISBN 978-2-87452-223-9, 48 pages, 15 €/ EN, FR

This booklet presents 15 methods for assessing and/or preventing musculoskeletal disorder risks (MSDs) in the workplace. The methods are classified into three categories based on the abilities required to use them: screening – analysis – expertise. The ETUI’s aim with this publication is to help get workers and workers’ reps involved in detecting and preventing MSDs.

Classification de méthodes d’évaluation et/ou de prévention des risques de troubles musculosquelettiquesJacques Malchaire, Université catholique de Louvain, avec la collaboration de Roland Gauthy, ETUI, Alain Piette, Ministère de l’Emploi et du Travail de Belgique, and Fabio Strambi, Unité de santé locale de SienneETUI 2011, ISBN 978-2-87452-228-4, 48 pages, 15 €/ FR, EN

Cette brochure présente 15 méthodes d’évalua-tion et/ou de prévention des risques de troubles musculosquelettiques (TMS) sur le lieu de tra-vail. Les méthodes sont classées en trois catégo-ries en fonction des compétences requises pour leur utilisation : dépistage – analyse – expertise.

Par le biais de cette publication, l’ETUI souhaite encourager la participation des travailleurs et de leurs représentants au dépistage et à la préven-tion des TMS.

ReportsYoung people at risk. How changes in work are affecting young Italians’ health and safetyReport 129

Daniele Di Nunzio, Istituto di Ricerche Economiche e Sociali – IRESETUI 2013, ISBN 978-2-87452-295-6, 68 pages, 15 €/ EN, FR

This report looks at the problems young people have getting a job in Italy, and the particularly poor employment and working conditions of those who do manage to get one. It is not a recent problem in Italy, but the crisis has made matters worse according to the figures collected by the report authors. The report includes the findings from a survey of 1000 workers aged 15 to 34, principally on their working conditions. The plight of younger workers is not one to be envied: higher work accident rates, unsocial hours, excessively fast work paces, low job discretion, etc. While the problem cuts across all categories of young workers, young people from the lowest socioeconomic groups seem more permanently beset by insecurity than those from more well-to-do backgrounds.

Nouvelles générations à risque : évolution du travail et impact sur la santé en ItalieRapport 129

Daniele Di Nunzio, Istituto di Ricerche Economiche e Sociali – IRESETUI 2013, ISBN 978-2-87452-293-2, 15 € / FR, EN

Ce rapport traite des difficultés d’accès des jeunes au marché du travail en Italie, et des conditions d’emploi et de travail particulière-ment défavorables pour ceux qui parviennent à décrocher un travail. Le problème n’est pas neuf en Italie, mais la crise a encore aggravé la situa-tion. Une partie du rapport présente les résultats d’une enquête menée auprès de 1000 travail-leurs âgés de 15 à 34 ans. Les questions portaient principalement sur leurs conditions de travail. La situation des travailleurs les plus jeunes est peu enviable : taux d’accident plus élevé, horaires atypiques, rythme de travail excessif, faible autonomie, etc. Si le phénomène touche


toutes les catégories de jeunes travailleurs, les jeunes venant de milieux modestes semblent plus durablement confrontés à la précarité que les jeunes de milieux plus favorisés.

Women and occupational diseases. The case of BelgiumReport 122

Laurent Vogel, ETUIETUI 2011, ISBN 978-2-87452-244-4, 68 pages, 15 € / EN, FR, NL

This report highlights the discriminatory impact on women of the system for the declaration and recognition of occupational diseases in Belgium. There is one striking statistic: women represent less than 10% of recognised cases of occupa-tional diseases. ‘The list of diseases recognised corresponds more to male jobs in the traditional industries than to the reality of contemporary work’, according to Laurent Vogel, the report’s author. Very widespread health problems in jobs where women are strongly represented – clean-ing, maintenance, storage, etc. – are generally ignored.

Femmes et maladies professionnelles. Le cas de la BelgiqueRapport 122

Laurent Vogel, ETUIETUI 2011, ISBN 978-2-87452-240-6, 80 pages, 15 €/ FR, EN, NL

Ce rapport met au jour le caractère discrimina-toire à l’égard des femmes du système de décla-ration et de reconnaissance des maladies pro-fessionnelles en Belgique. Un chiffre interpelle : les femmes représentent moins de 10% des cas reconnus de maladies professionnelles. « La liste des maladies reconnues correspond plus à des emplois masculins dans des industries tradition-nelles qu’à la réalité du travail contemporain », constate Laurent Vogel, l’auteur du rapport. Des problèmes de santé très répandus dans des mé-tiers où les femmes sont fortement représentées – secteurs du nettoyage, de la maintenance, du stockage, etc. – sont généralement ignorés.

Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems — When are they good for your health?Report 119

Kaj Frick, Mälardalen University, and Viktor Kempa, ETUIETUI 2011, ISBN 978-2-87452-206-2, 32 pages, 15 €/ EN, FR (also

available in Hungarian)

In the course of trade union debates, occupa-tional health and safety management systems elicit extremely varied responses, running from indignant rejection to enthusiasm. The report surveys this booming ‘market’, distinguishing management systems devised by private firms from those promoted by national authorities, the best known and most controversial being the US Voluntary Protection Program. The authors nevertheless stress that the type of management system is less important than how it is interpreted and put into practice in workplaces. Specifically, they demolish the argument that mandatory (public) management systems are inherently good and optional (usually private) management systems are automatically bad.

Les systèmes de gestion de la sécurité et de la santé au travail. Quand sont-ils bons pour votre santé ?Rapport 119

Kaj Frick, Université Mälardalen et Viktor Kempa, ETUIETUI 2011, ISBN 978-2-87452-210-9, 36 pages, 15 € / FR, EN

(également disponible en hongrois)

Dans les débats syndicaux, les systèmes de gestion de la santé et de la sécurité suscitent immanquablement des réactions extrêmement variées allant du rejet indigné à l’enthousiasme. Ce rapport dresse un bilan de ce “marché” en ex-pansion, en distinguant les systèmes de gestion de la sécurité et santé au travail imaginés par les firmes privées de ceux promus par les autorités nationales, dont les plus connus et controversés sont les programmes de protection volontaire des États-Unis (US Voluntary Protection Pro-gram). Les auteurs estiment cependant que c’est moins le type de système de gestion qui compte que l’approche adoptée pour sa mise en œuvre sur les lieux de travail. Ils démontent en particu-lier l’idée selon laquelle les systèmes de gestion obligatoires (publics) sont intrinsèquement bons alors que les systèmes volontaires (en général privés) seraient automatiquement mauvais.


of boundaries between work and private life, burn-outs and overtiredness, safety risks and ergonomic problems. The paper analyses the European legislation on safe and healthy working conditions and how it can be applied to this new way of working. Last, but not least, it underlines the importance of this new societal issue for workers’ representatives.

Technostress et autres revers du travail nomadeWorking Paper 2013.07

Jan Popma, Université d’AmsterdamETUI 2013, ISSN 1994-4446, 49 pages / FR, EN

L’Internet et l’utilisation des ordinateurs por-tables, des téléphones mobiles et des tablettes ont accru l’importance du « travail nomade ». Ce type de travail, sans contrainte de lieu ni de temps, peut entraîner, d’après ce Working Paper, une plus grande autonomie et une plus grande flexibilité pour les travailleurs, mais il comporte néanmoins de sérieux risques aussi bien physiques que psychosociaux. L’auteur de ce rapport met l’accent sur les dan-gers cachés du travail nomade : technostress, techno-dépendance, estompement de la fron-tière entre travail et vie privée, épuisement et burn out, risques liés à la sécurité et problèmes ergonomiques. Le rapport analyse la réglementation euro-péenne relative aux conditions de travail et à la sécurité des travailleurs et la manière dont elle peut être appliquée à cette nouvelle façon de travailler. Dernier point, mais non le moindre, il souligne l’importance de ce nouveau problème sociétal pour les représentants des travailleurs.

Occupations and ageing at work. An analysis of the findings of the fifth European Working Conditions SurveyWorking Paper 2012.09

Patricia Vendramin and Gérard Valenduc, Fondation Travail-Université, BelgiumETUI 2012, ISSN 1994-4446, 47 pages / EN, FR

This Working Paper analyzes the data collected by the fifth European Working Conditions Survey done in 2010 to examine how working conditions are changing for different ages and occupation types. It brings insights into the quality of work and employment amongst ageing workers that help to inform the debate on how “sustainable” work is according to one’s age and occupation.The authors conclude that the

Working papersA gender perspective on older workers’ employment and working conditionsWorking Paper 2014.03

Patricia Vendramin and Gérard Valenduc, Fondation Travail-UniversitéETUI 2014, ISSN 1994-4446, 72 pages

While working conditions and terms of employ-ment are increasingly seen to represent a key factor in relation to ageing workforces, the disparities between men and women are rarely taken into account. On the basis of wide-ranging graphs and tables, the authors of this Working Paper draw attention to the gender dimension in the whole problematic of working conditions for the over-50s.

Perspective de genre sur l’emploi et les conditions de travail des seniorsWorking Paper 2014.03

Patricia Vendramin et Gérard Valenduc, Fondation Travail-Université ETUI 2014, ISSN 1994-4446 , 76 pages

Les conditions de travail et d’emploi appa-raissent de plus en plus comme un enjeu clé dans le vieillissement au travail, mais les disparités entre les femmes et les hommes sont rarement prises en considération. En s’appuyant sur de nombreux graphiques et tableaux, les auteurs de ce Working Paper mettent au jour la dimension du genre dans la problématique des conditions de travail et d’emploi des travailleurs de plus de 50 ans.

The Janus face of the ‘New ways of Work’: rise, risks and regulation of nomadic workWorking Paper 2013.07

Jan Popma, University of AmsterdamETUI 2013, ISSN 1994-4446, 44 pages / EN, FR

The Internet and the use of portable computers, mobile phones and tablets have increased the importance of ‘new ways of work’. This work, which is place- and time-independent, can lead to more autonomy and greater flexibility for workers, but it also carries serious physical as well as psychosocial risks according to this Working Paper. The author of this report focuses on the hid-den dangers of these new ways of working: techno-stress, techno-addiction, the blurring


wide range of situations and challenges faced by different occupations demand extreme caution as regards policies to extend working life for all older workers without distinction.

Métiers et vieillissement au travail. Une analyse des résultats de la cinquième enquête européenne sur les conditions de travailWorking Paper 2012.09

Patricia Vendramin et Gérard Valenduc, Fondation Travail-Université, BelgiqueETUI 2012, ISSN 1994-4446, 47 pages / FR, EN

Ce document analyse les données recueillies lors de la cinquième enquête européenne sur les conditions de travail, qui datent de 2010. Il exa-mine les changements des conditions de travail en fonction des différentes catégories d’âge et de profession. Il livre des informations sur la quali-té de travail et d’emploi des travailleurs âgés qui enrichissent la discussion sur la « soutenabilité » du travail selon l’âge et la profession.Les auteurs concluent que la large gamme de situations et de défis rencontrés dans différentes professions requiert une prudence extrême vis-à-vis des politiques visant à étendre de manière uniforme la durée des carrières des travailleurs âgés.

The country-specific recommendations (CSRs) in the field of health and safety at work and labour inspection services. An overviewBackground analysis 2013.01

Stefan ClauwaertETUI 2013, 44 pages

As part of the European Semester, the main pillar of Europe’s new economic governance, the Commission puts forward every year the ‘country-specific recommendations’ (CSRs). This Background analysis provides an overview of CSRs and identifies how those adopted in 2011, 2012 and 2013 impact directly or indirectly on measures and/or policies in the field of health and safety at work and labour inspection services.


Social Europe /Industrial relationsEurope sociale /Relations professionnelles

Benchmarking Working Europe 2014Edited by the ETUC and ETUIETUI 2014, ISBN 978-2-87452-307-6, 132 pages, 25 €

The report Benchmarking Working Europe 2014 reviews the crisis and EU austerity poli-cies in the last five years from the point of view of Europe’s social agenda. The publication, written by the research team of the ETUI, offers an overview of the most important statistics on the EU’s macroeconomic situation, labour market developments, inequality and poverty, de-regulation of labour law, wages and collective bargaining, health and safety at work, worker participation rights and the impact of auster-ity on the green agenda. The Benchmarking Working Europe report comprises a critical, fact-based diagnosis of the first five years of the EU’s crisis management policies in view of the Europe 2020 agenda. It suggests that Europe finds itself ‘half-way through a lost decade’ and provides the scientific underpinning of the

ETUC’s political roadmap for a ‘new path for Europe’. The publication demonstrates that the European Union is in need of a fundamental change of course.

Authors:Bernadette Ségol, ETUC | Maria Jepsen, ETUI | Philippe Pochet, ETUI | Christophe Degryse, ETUI | Martin Myant, ETUI | Agnieszka Piasna, ETUI | Viktor Kempa, ETUI | Aída María Ponce Del Castillo, ETUI | Sotiria Theodoropoulou, ETUI | Jan Drahokoupil, ETUI | Béla Gálgoczi, ETUI | Magdalena Bernaciak, ETUI | Torsten Müller, ETUI | Margherita Bussi, ETUI | Stefan Clauwaert, ETUI | Aline Hoffmann, ETUI | Romuald Jagodzinski, ETUI | Isabelle Schömann, ETUI | Michael Stollt, ETUI and Kurt Vandaele, ETUI

Social developments in the European Union 2013Annual publication

Edited by David Natali, OSE and University of Bologna-ForlíETUI 2014, ISBN 978-2-87452-321-2, 264 pages, 20 €/ EN, FR


This new edition of Social developments in the European Union – covering trends and events in 2013 – provides key insights from analysts and scholars. On the basis of a critical assess-ment of EU economic governance as it has been conducted over the last few years, contributors have come up with a set of guidelines for a reinforced EU social protection and investment plan. The proposals for a pan-European unem-ployment insurance scheme and an EU mini-mum income scheme are analysed alongside a renewed focus on the gender dimension of European social policies. Beyond economic and social governance, this volume critically reviews national reforms of labour market policies. While the condition of the European economy continues to look gloomy, the institutional and policy reforms proposed here represent an opportunity to open up a new way forward for Europe.

Bilan social de l’Union européenne 2013Publication annuelle

Sous la direction de David Natali, OSE et Université de Bologna-ForlíETUI 2014, ISBN 978-2-87452-319-9, 280 pages, 20 € / FR, EN

Cette édition 2013 du Bilan social de l’Union européenne dresse les enseignements majeurs dégagés par des analystes et des chercheurs. À partir d’une évaluation critique des dernières années de gouvernance économique euro-péenne, les contributeurs esquissent les lignes directrices d’un renforcement de la protection sociale de l’UE et d’un plan d’investissement. Les propositions de régime pan-européen d’as-surance-chômage et de revenu minimum sont analysées de manière conjointe, en mettant un accent nouveau sur la dimension « genre » des politiques sociales européennes. Au-delà de la gouvernance économique et sociale, le présent volume offre un examen critique des réformes nationales des politiques du marché du travail. Si l’économie européenne demeure morose, les réformes institutionnelles et politiques propo-sées ici offrent l’occasion d’ouvrir une nouvelle voie pour l’Europe.

Authors/auteurs:Cécile Barbier, OSE | Denis Bouget | Stefan Clauwaert, ETUI | Christophe Degryse, ETUI | Ferdinand Fichtner | Dalila Ghailani, OSE | Anton Hemerijck | Maria Jepsen, OSE | Carole Lang | John Morley | David Natali, OSE

and University of Bologna-Forlí | Ramón Peña-Casas, OSE Philippe Pochet, ETUI | Isabelle Schömann, ETUI | Frank Vandenbroucke | Bart Vanhercke, OSE

The European Convention on Human Rights and the Employment RelationEdited by Filip Dorssemont, Klaus Lörcher and Isabelle SchömannHart Publishing, Oxford 2013, ISBN 9781849463386, 482 pages, 60 £

This publication of the Transnational Trade Union Rights Working Group focuses on the EU and the interplay between the Strasbourg case law and the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), ana-lysing the relevance of the ECHR for the pro-tection of workers’ rights and for the effective enjoyment of civil and political rights in the employment relation. Each chapter is writ-ten by a prominent European human rights expert and analyses the case law of the Euro-pean Court of Human Rights (ECtHR), and also looks at the equivalent international la-bour standards within the Council of Europe (in particular the (Revised) European Social Charter), the International Labour Organiza-tion (ILO) (in particular the fundamental rights conventions) and the UN Covenants (in particular the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights) and the interpretation of these instruments by competent organs.


Transnational collective bargaining at company level. A new component of European industrial relations?Isabelle Schömann, ETUI, Romuald Jagodzinski, ETUI, Guido Boni, University of London, Stefan Clauwaert, ETUI, Vera Glassner, Johannes Kepler Universität, and Teun Jaspers, Utrecht UniversityETUI 2012, ISBN 978-2-87452-277-2, 273 pages, 20 €

Transnational collective bargaining (TCB) has become a ‘hot’ topic of European industrial relations. As well as collective bargaining be-tween workers and employers conducted at the sectoral or national level, negotiations on em-ployee rights and working conditions now also take place at the supranational level, within multinational companies. It is a development that poses major challenges for trade unions, as well as for employers and lawmakers. This book takes stock of the particular challenges faced by trade union representatives, works councils and employer organisations; it reviews the existing literature on this topic and examines contrast-ing views of the prospects for subsequent devel-opment of this new practice; it also offers some practical suggestions for policymakers who find themselves having to deal with this new component of the Europeanisation of industrial relations.One of the key questions tackled in the book is whether a regulatory framework for TCB is feasi-ble, necessary and/or useful. Perhaps even more importantly: can we, given the proliferation of instances of TCB, actually manage without such a legal system, and what should be the main elements of such a framework? By providing a better understanding and a critical analysis of the emergence and development of transnational collective bargaining, the authors of this book offer valuable help to trade unionists and prac-titioners in preparing for – and being prepared for – this next stage in the internationalisation of industrial relations.

Trade unions for a change of course in Europe. The end of a cosy relationshipEdited by Wolfgang Kowalsky, ETUC, and Peter Scherrer, EMFETUI 2011, ISBN 978-2-87452-229-1, 195 pages, 15 €

In the wake of the financial and economic crisis, the trade unions face unprecedented challenges. While the European powers that be are blatantly coordinating the advent of national and Eu-ropean austerity policies, entailing drastic conse-quences for workers and the weaker members of society, the trade unions are set to mobilize their forces. The authors describe and illustrate various facets of this new situation. What role is played by economic governance? Does co-deter-mination still have a chance? Is belief in market forces already firmly entrenched or can ways still be found of strengthening social rights? Do the European umbrella organisations pay obeisance to the official European bodies or are they mobi-lizing to bring about a serious change of course, to find the road to an alternative Europe?

Authors:Reiner Hoffmann, IG BCE, North Rhine | Dr. Wolfgang Kowalsky, ETUC | Dr. Norbert Kluge, ThyssenKrupp, Essen | Peter Scherrer, EMF


Mélanges à la mémoire de Yota Kravaritou:a trilingual tributeEdited by Isabelle Schömann, ETUIETUI 2011, ISBN 978-2-87452-212-3, 450 pages, 29 €

In October 2008 Yota Kravaritou died aged 64. This volume represents an expression of heartfelt gratitude for her unrelenting commitment to the cause of women’s and workers’ rights in demo-cratic societies. With wide-ranging contributions in three languages (English, French and Italian), the Mélanges constitute a rich and ambitious forum on the role of law, especially labour law, in society and the impact of Yota Kravaritou’s think-ing and writings on developments in Europe in the fields of labour law and beyond. The volume, far from being a farewell, constitutes a dialogue with future generations on her legacy for a better, fairer, gender-balanced world.

Yota Kravaritou est décédée en octobre 2008 à l’âge de 64 ans. La présente publication traduit la plus profonde gratitude envers Yota Kravaritou pour son engagement constant en faveur des droits des femmes et des travailleuses et travailleurs dans les sociétés démocratiques. Mélanges, titre de cette compilation, recueille un large éventail de contributions en trois langues (anglais, français et italien), constituant ainsi un forum à la fois riche et ambitieux sur le rôle du droit dans la société, et en particulier le droit du travail, et sur l’impact de la pensée et des écrits de Yota Kravaritou sur les développements en Europe dans le domaine, mais aussi au-delà, du droit du travail. Ce volume, loin d’être un mes-sage d’adieu, constitue plutôt un dialogue avec les générations futures sur l’héritage qu’elle a laissé pour un monde meilleur, plus équitable et plus équilibré entre les femmes et les hommes.

Authors:Thèrese Aubert-Monpeyssen, University of Toulouse I | Wolfgang Däubler, University of Bremen | Simon

Deakin, University of Cambridge | Christina Deliyanni Dimitrakou, Hellenic Institute of International and Foreign Law | Antonio Monteiro Fernandes, ISCTE | Eliane Vogel-Polsky, ULB | Athanasia A. Stathopoulou, DEA Droits de l’Homme | Umberto Carabelli, University of Bari | René de Quenaudon, University of Strasbourg | Filip Dorssemont, UCL | Anne Dufresne, UCL | Mario Giovanni Garofalo, University of Bari | Antoine Jacobs, University of Tilburg | George S. Katrougalos, Demokritos University of Greece | Henryk Lewandowski, University of Lódz | Klaus Lörcher | Niklas Bruun, University of Helsinki | Ulrich Mückenberger, University of Hamburg | Barbara Palli, University Paul Verlaine | Corinne Sachs-Durand, University of Strasbourg | Bruno Veneziani, University of Bari | Manfred Weiss, Wolfgang Goethe University | Nikitas Aliprantis, University of Strasbourg | Alessandro Anastasi, University Paris I | Thomas Blanke, University of Oldenburg | Costas Douzinas, University of London | Massimo La Torre, University of Hull | Alain Supiot, UMR-CNRS | Lothar Zechlin, University of Duisburg-Essen

ReportsMinimum wages in Europe: does the diversity of systems lead to a diversity of outcomes?Report 128

Stephan Kampelmann, Andrea Garnero and François Rycx, ULBETUI 2013, ISBN 978-2-87452-299-4, 113 pages, 15 €

Since the mid-2000s, academics, trade unionists and policymakers have been involved in contro-versial debates about the need for a harmonised European minimum wage policy. This report by three academic experts leaves the beaten track of minimum wage analysis by focussing on the institutional diversity of minimum wage systems within the EU. The central message of the report is that both the academic and the policymaking community could render the European minimum wage debate more relevant if they framed the current discussion as a choice between alternative sys-tems rather than a choice of any particular rate for Europe as a whole.


Who earns minimum wages in Europe? New evidence based on household surveysReport 124

François Rycx and Stephan Kampelmann, ULB/DULBEAETUI 2012, ISBN 978-2-87452-271-0, 64 pages, 15 €

Minimum wages continue to stir controversial policy debates. This study contributes to a better understanding of minimum wages by providing a solid empirical assessment of minimum wage policies and their socio-economic consequences for a range of European countries. In addition to qualitative differences between minimum wage systems, the report documents international variations in the (absolute and relative) levels of minimum wages. An important contribution of the study is to provide a statistical panorama of the population of minimum wage earners.

See also:

Mind the gap: net incomes of minimum wage workers in the EU and the USWorking Paper 2012.05

Ive Marx, University of Antwerp, Sarah Marchal, University of Antwerp and Brian Nolan, University College DublinETUI 2012, ISSN 1994-4446, 34 pages

German and British labour law in a European context following European Union enlargementReport 126

Rebecca Zahn, University of StirlingETUI 2013, ISBN 978-2-87452-281-9, 60 pages, 15 €

This report examines and compares German and British trade union responses, in a European context, to the European Union enlargements in 2004 and 2007. The author argues that given that their different responses to the similar problems they face such as declining member-ship and losing influence in collective relations produced different outcomes, they could learn from each other’s experiences and would benefit from a comparison. The report examines how trade unions are responding within their legal systems to the challenges of European enlarge-ment and determines how trade unions can use law and the opportunities that law has to offer them to better respond to changing regulatory and opportunity structures existing at a national and European level in order to successfully inte-grate migrants into their host labour markets.

Temporary agency work in the European Union. Implementation of Directive 2008/104/EC in the Member StatesReport 125

Isabelle Schömann, ETUI, and Coralie Guedes, University of LyonETUI 2013, ISBN 978-2-87452-279-6, 70 pages, 15 €

Starting with a general overview on domestic transposition measures of Directive 2008/104/CE on temporary agency work, the report then looks at the state of transposition in more detail, article by article. As the rules regarding the scope of the Directive did not seem to be a controversial issue, the focus of the report is on the following: definition of the main notions, restrictions and prohibitions; the principle of equal treatment from day one of the assignment; access to collective rights; implementation of the more favourable clause and the nonregres-sion clause; and implementation of effective, proportionate and dissuasive sanctions. Finally, the report ends with a critical assessment of the transposition measures of the Directives in the domestic legislation of the Member States, revealing worrying trends witnessed in various member states, in which, for example, the trans-position measures are unsatisfactory or non-existent, or where Member States have adopted a minimal interpretation of the provisions of the Directive.

Temporary agency work – guide for transposition at national levelReport 117

Wiebke Warneck, ETUIETUI 2011, ISBN 978-2-87452-204-8, 30 pages, 15 €

This interpretation guide is intended to provide help in the implementation process of the Temporary Agency Work Directive (2008/104/EC) at the national level. It is a tool designed to assist an understanding of the context of certain articles and which seeks to raise awareness of key points for consideration in transposing the Directive. Further, it sets out to highlight likely problems and pitfalls, focusing on a number of relevant national examples. The overall aim is to further the efforts to achieve the best possible transposition from a trade union point of view.


Working papersReforming pensions in Europe: a comparative country analysisWorking Paper 2013.08

David Natali and Furio Stamati, OSEETUI 2013, ISSN 1994-4446, 68 pages

This Working Paper assesses the impact of the economic crisis on European pension systems and provides a comparative overview of the measures imposed on European pension sys-tems, together with their effects. Focussing on eight countries (representative of different pension models) the study shows that these countries applied a similar two-step strat-egy in response to the crisis. That said, these countries implemented different sets of measures to tackle their pension chal-lenges. These differences were very much related to the institutional pension system inherited from the past and the magnitude and nature of the financial crisis hitting these countries. Finally, the Working Paper also looks at the role of social partners in pension reforms in these countries and concludes that there is a broad trend towards a deterioration of the dialogue between governments and social partners.

Political economy of labour market segmentation: agency work in the automotive industryWorking Paper 2013.06

Chiara Benassi, LSEETUI 2013, ISSN 1994-4446, 38 pages

This paper investigates cross-company vari-ation in the core-periphery configuration of the workforce. The empirical focus is on four automotive plants in Germany, which differ in terms of their organisation of agency work. The comparison reveals that there is no automatic relationship between skills, products and company workforce structure. As traditional employer-driven explanations such as pro-duction requirements and skills fail to make sense of the variations encountered, the main argument of the paper is based on the power-resource approach.

The reform of the EU’s public procurement directives: a missed opportunity?Working Paper 2012.11

Éric Van den Abeele, University of Mons-HainautETUI 2012, ISSN 1994-4446, 48 pages / EN, FR

This Working Paper provides a critical analysis of the EU Commission’s proposals to modernise and simplify its rules on public procurement. The author of the paper looks at the political background and reasons behind the EU’s revi-sion of its public procurement directives. The reform aims at making the rules simpler and more flexible, providing better access to the pub-lic procurement market by SME’s and fostering a better qualitative use of public procurement through the introduction of social and environ-mental criteria. On all these accounts, the Commission’s pro-posal is mediocre and disappointing, argues the author of this Working Paper providing extensive arguments for his critique. His analy-sis shows that the proposed reforms do neither enhance the EU’s competitiveness nor promote sustainable development.

La réforme des directives de l’Union européenne relatives aux marchés publics : une occasion manquée ?Working Paper 2012.11

Éric Van den Abeele, université de Mons-HainautETUI 2012, ISSN 1994-4446, 51 pages / FR, EN

Ce Working Paper offre une analyse critique des propositions de la Commission européenne visant à moderniser et simplifier ses règles en matière de marchés publics. L’auteur analyse la trame politique et les raisons qui ont mené à la révision des directives sur les marchés publics. La réforme vise à rendre les règles plus flexibles et plus simples, à faciliter l’accès des PME aux marchés publics et à encourager une meilleure utilisation qualitative des marchés publics par l’introduction de critères sociaux et environnementaux. Par rapport à tous ces objectifs, la proposition de la Commission est médiocre et décevante, estime l’auteur qui recourt à de multiples arguments pour étayer ses critiques. Son analyse montre que les réformes proposées n’améliorent pas la compétitivité de l’UE, ni ne promeuvent le déve-loppement durable.


Social dumping: political catchphrase or threat to labour standards?Working Paper 2012.06

Magdalena Bernaciak, ETUIETUI 2012, ISSN 1994-4446, 38 pages

Despite its widespread use in popular dis-course, the term ‘social dumping’ remains poorly defined and thus subject to misconcep-tions or conscious abuse. This Working Paper reviews recent public debates and academic studies on real or perceived social dumping threats, drawing attention to the simplistic understanding of the mechanism underlying such practices as well as to enduring operation-alization problems. It goes on to offer a refined conceptualisation of the notion by constructing an analogy between trade and social dumping. Finally, using examples from the EU context, it outlines key characteristics of social dump-ing practices pursued in the areas of labour / services and capital mobility.

Mind the gap: net incomes of minimum wage workers in the EU and the USWorking Paper 2012.05

Ive Marx, University of Antwerp, Sarah Marchal, University of Antwerp and Brian Nolan, University College DublinETUI 2012, ISSN 1994-4446, 34 pages

This Working Paper focuses on the role of mini-mum wages, in conjunction with tax and benefit policies, in protecting workers against financial poverty. It covers 20 European countries with a national minimum wage and three US States (New Jersey, Nebraska and Texas). It is shown that only for single persons and only in certain countries do net income packages at minimum wage level reach or exceed the EU’s at-risk-of poverty threshold, which is set at 60% of median equivalent household income in each country. The authors also argue that there appear to be limits to what minimum wage policies alone can achieve in the fight against in-work poverty. In order to fight in-work poverty new policy routes need to be explored. The paper offers a brief discussion of possible alternatives and cautions against ‘one size fits all’ policy solutions.

The governance of economic uncertainty: beyond the “new social risks” analysisWorking Paper 2012.03

Maarten Keune, AIAS and Colin Crouch, Warwick Business SchoolETUI 2012, ISSN 1994-4446, 28 pages

Since the early 2000s, the ‘new social risks’ ap-proach has shifted the focus in welfare analysis from so-called old social risks to the so-called new social risks related to recent changes in the labour market and family structures. This ap-proach captures a number of important changes in contemporary societies. However, it fails to capture fully the fact that European economies confront a wide range of contradictory pressures to cope with increased levels of uncertainty, while also responding to their populations’ demands for security and social cohesion. Industrial relations, employment laws and poli-cies and social policies are confronted with new challenges and brought into a new relationship to each other. In the present Working Paper the authors present a new framework to examine these changing relationships. They argue that uncertainty is governed by the way in which public and private policy-makers redistribute uncertainty through various modes of govern-ance across time, place and categories of person.

Financing social security – business as usual?Working Paper 2011.09

Norman Wagner, Austrian Federal Chamber of LabourETUI 2011, ISSN 1994-4446, 24 pages

This Working Paper assesses the impact on, and challenges to, the ability of welfare systems with different financing mechanisms to cope with the crisis. Additionally, it analyses how the crisis (stimulus measures, austerity packages) contributes to changing the structure of financ-ing systems. It shows that social systems that rely primarily on contribution-based financing are more conducive to the achievement of stable public finances throughout a recession than tax-based systems, insofar as the former focus on keeping employment stable because it is their main source of public revenue.


Changes in political discourse from the Lisbon Strategy to Europe 2020: tracing the fate of ‘social policy’?Working Paper 2011.01

Jean-Claude Barbier, CNRSETUI 2011, ISSN 1994-4446, 24 pages

The aim of this Working Paper is to identify the changes and enduring features of EU political/policy discourse and to seek to explain them by tentatively relating them to factors regarded as their determinants. In the first section, a theory of EU discourse is presented, in the context of its relationships to law and the funding of poli-cies. Subsequently essential elements of official discourse as manifested both before and after the crisis are identified and it is explained how changes can be interpreted after the introduc-tion of a new ‘governance system’. While hard facts remain to be checked out in the future, some significant turnings are nevertheless al-ready apparent and clearly identifiable.

See also:

1973-2013 : 40 years of history of the European Trade Union ConfederationChristophe Degryse, ETUI, with Pierre TillyETUI - ETUC 2013, Brussels, ISBN 978-2-87452-304-5, 252 pages,

25 € / EN, FR

The Lisbon Treaty and Social EuropeEdited by Niklas Bruun, University of Helsinki, Klaus Lörcher, former Legal Adviser to the ETUC, and Isabelle Schömann, ETUIHart Publishing 2012, ISBN 978-1-84946-253-2, 338 pages, 42 £

EU Labour Migration in Troubled Times. Skills Mismatch, Return and Policy ResponsesEdited by Béla Galgóczi, ETUI, Janine Leschke, ETUI, and Andrew Watt (IMK - Hans-Böckler Foundation)Ashgate 2012, ISBN 978-1-4094-3450-4, 308 pages, 54 £

A triumph of failed ideas. European models of capitalism in the crisisEdited by Steffen Lehndorff, University of Duisburg-EssenETUI 2012, ISBN 978-2-87452-246-8, 284 pages, 20 €

The interpretation by the European Court of JusticeReconciling Fundamental Social Rights and Economic Freedoms after Viking, Laval and RüffertProf. Dr. Andreas Bücker, Wiebke WarneckNomos 2011, ISBN 978-3-8329-5987-6, 385 pages, 89 €

Labour law reforms in Europe: adjusting employment protection legislation for the worseWorking Paper 2014.02

Isabelle Schömann, ETUIETUI 2014, ISSN 1994-4446, 58 pages


Working time reforms in times of crisisWorking Paper 2013.04

Carole Lang, Isabelle Schömann and Stefan Clauwaert, ETUIETUI 2013, ISSN 1994-4446, 29 pages


Atypical forms of employment contracts in times of crisisWorking Paper 2013.03

Carole Lang, Isabelle Schömann and Stefan Clauwaert, ETUIETUI 2013, ISSN 1994-4446, 27 pages


Intra-EU labour migration after Eastern enlargement and during the crisisWorking Paper 2012.13

Béla Galgóczi and Janine Leschke, ETUIETUI 2012, ISSN 1994-4446, 27 pages

European labour market policies in (the) crisisWorking Paper 2012.12

Jochen Clasen, University of Edinburgh, Daniel Clegg, University of Edinburgh, and Jon Kvist, University of Southern DenmarkETUI 2012, ISSN 1994-4446, 30 pages

Occupations and ageing at work. An analysis of the findings of the fifth European Working Conditions SurveyWorking Paper 2012.09

Patricia Vendramin and Gérard Valenduc, Fondation Travail-Université, BelgiumETUI 2012, ISSN 1994-4446, 47 pages / EN, FR

Job quality in the crisis – an update of the Job Quality Index (JQI)Working Paper 2012.07

Janine Leschke, ETUI, Andrew Watt, ETUI and Mairéad Finn, The Economic and Social Research Institute in DublinETUI 2012, ISSN 1994-4446, 51 pages


The crisis and national labour law reforms: a mapping exerciseWorking Paper 2012.04

Stefan Clauwaert and Isabelle Schömann, ETUIETUI 2012, ISSN 1994-4446, 19 pages / EN, FR, GE, IT, ES

Has the economic crisis contributed to more segmentation in labour market and welfare outcomes?Working Paper 2012.02

Janine Leschke, ETUIETUI 2012, ISSN 1994-4446, 49 pages

The impact of the crisis on earnings and income distribution in the EUWorking Paper 2012.01

Paul de Beer, AIASETUI 2012, ISSN 1994-4446, 37 pages

Pensions after the financial and economic crisis: a comparative analysis of recent reforms in EuropeWorking Paper 2011.07

David Natali, OSE and University of Bologna-ForlíETUI 2011, ISSN 1994-4446, 32 pages

The economic crisis – challenge or opportunity for gender equality in social policy outcomes? A comparison of Denmark, Germany and the UKWorking Paper 2011.04

Janine Leschke and Maria Jepsen, ETUIETUI 2011, ISSN 1994-4446, 67 pages

Why trade unions seek to coordinatewages and collective bargaining in the Eurozone:past developments and future prospectsWorking Paper 2011.03

Vera Glassner and Philippe Pochet, ETUI

Withdrawal symptoms: an assessmentof the austerity packages in EuropeWorking Paper 2011.02

Sotiria Theodoropoulou and Andrew Watt, ETUI

Changes in political discourse fromthe Lisbon strategy to EU 2020: tracing the fateof ‘social policy’?Working Paper 2011.01

Jean-Claude Barbier, CNRS


Worker participation /Union renewalParticipation des travailleurs /Renouveau syndical

1973-2013. 40 years of history of the European Trade Union ConfederationChristophe Degryse, ETUI, with Pierre TillyETUI and ETUC 2013, Brussels, ISBN 978-2-87452-304-5,

252 pages, 25 € / EN, FR

This joint ETUI-ETUC publication takes stock of the 40-years history of the European Trade Union Confederation. On the basis of numerous unpublished documents, this book tells the story of the challenges, successes and failures of the ETUC over these fourty years. It combines a scientific and historical approach with a political one, the aim being to ‘reveal a rationale for action, a sense of coherence, and to identify the guiding prin-ciple that has characterised the – sometimes fraught – history of the ETUC’.

1973-2013. 40 ans d’histoire de la Confédération européenne des syndicatsChristophe Degryse, ETUI, avec Pierre Tilly ETUI et CES 2013, Bruxelles, ISBN 978-2-87452-303-8,

252 pages, 25 € / FR, EN

Cette publication conjointe ETUI-CES dresse le bilan des 40 ans de l’histoire de la Confédération européenne des syndicats. Sur la base de nombreux documents inédits, ce livre raconte l’histoire des défis, des succès et des échecs de la CES au cours de ces qua-rante années. L’approche scientifique est ici combinée à l’approche politique ; l’objectif est de « dévoiler une logique d’action, une cohérence, le fil conducteur de l’histoire – parfois difficile – de la CES ».

Field manual. Scenario buildingSascha Meinert, Institute for Prospective AnalysesETUI 2014, ISBN 978-2-87452-316-8, 28 pages / EN, FR, DE

This guide builds on the ETUI’s Worker Participation 2030 project which looked at the future of worker participation under four different scenarios. It is a manual for people who want to know more about scenario-building and are considering setting up their own scenario project. It has been designed as a compact

Field manualScenario building–Sascha Meinert


and easily accessible overview of the method of scenario building and the different steps entailed in the process.

La participation des travailleurs à l’horizon 2030. Quatre scénariosSous la direction de Michael Stollt, ETUI et Sascha Meinert, Institute for Prospective AnalysesETUI 2014, ISBN 978-2-87452-314-4, 70 pages, 15 € / FR, EN, DE

Cette publication s’inscrit dans le cadre d’un exercice ambitieux : se projeter dans le futur, plus précisément en l’an 2030. Quatre scénarios alternatifs explorent les perspectives à long terme et l’évolution du contexte de la partici-pation des travailleurs sous divers angles en Europe. Les scénarios intègrent les grandes évolutions de la société, ainsi que les stratégies et les actions des personnes et des organisations, à commencer par les acteurs impliqués dans la participation des travailleurs.

Worker participation 2030. Four scenariosEdited by Michael Stollt, ETUI and Sascha Meinert, Institute for Prospective AnalysesETUI 2010, ISBN 978-2-87452-185-0, 72 pages, 15 € / EN, FR, DE

This publication sets itself an audacious task: casting a long look forward into the future, namely the year 2030. Four alternative scenarios explore the long-term prospects and changing contexts of worker participation, in its various forms, in Eu-rope. The stories incorporate broad developments in society, as well as the strategies and actions of people and organisations, first and foremost the actors involved in worker participation.

A decade of experience with the European CompanyEdited by Jan Cremers, University of Amsterdam, Michael Stollt, ETUI, and Sigurt Vitols, WZBETUI 2013, ISBN 978-2-87452-283-3, 313 pages, 25 €

This publication of the SEEurope network provides a comprehensive overview of the legis-lation on the European company (SE – Societas Europaea) and its history and development. It assesses the overall significance and impact of the SE on the business sector and on worker involvement in Europe and provides an outlook for the future of the SE. The publication also makes specific recommendations for policymak-ers regarding the future revision of the SE legis-lation specifically as well as European company law and corporate governance generally. Key questions addressed in the book are: How has the SE been implemented in practice? How great has the uptake of the European Company by the business community been? Are there significant differences between countries and sectors? What impact has the European Company had on busi-ness practice? Has it improved company mobility and flexibility? What impact has it had on national industrial relations systems and Social Europe? To what extent has it inspired other legislative initia-tives by the EU Commission? What will the likely future development of the European Company be?

Authors:Anders Carlson, Unionen Sweden | Aline Conchon, ETUI | Jan Cremers, AIAS | Lionel Fulton, LRD | Michael Gold, Royal Holloway University of London | Romuald Jagodzinski, ETUI | Robbert van het Kaar, AIAS | Melinda Kelemen, independent researcher | Roland Köstler, HBS | Udo Rehfeldt, IRES France | Edgar Rose, University of Oldenburg | Sophie Rosenbohm, Ruhr University Bochum | Sandra Schwimbersky | Sebastian Sick, HBS | Michael Stollt, ETUI | Patrick Thill, Public Research Institute CEPS/INSTEAD | Sigurt Vitols, WZB

La participationdes travailleursà l’horizon 2030Quatre scénarios

Sous la direction deMichael Stollt et Sascha Meinert

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Worker involvementin the European Company (SE) A handbook for practitioners —Michael Stolltand Elwin Wolters

Worker involvement in the European Company (SE). A handbook for practitionersMichael Stollt and Elwin Wolters, ETUIETUI 2011, ISBN 978-2-87452-234-5, 149 pages, 15 €

In October 2001, the EU formally adopted the legislation on the European Company, also known by its Latin name Societas Europaea (SE). This handbook aims to ensure that the new op-portunities for employee representation at Euro-pean level which these new SE rules provide, are seized. It has been designed first and foremost to help practitioners to prepare and conduct nego-tiations on agreements on employee involvement in SEs. The handbook introduces the SE and its mechanism of employee involvement. It explains the negotiation procedures and provides ‘tips and tricks’ for a decent preparation of negotiations. Based on the experience of several experts, it gives an overview of key aspects of an SE agree-ment and includes an extensive set of overviews, graphics and comparative tables.

Implication des travailleurs dans la Société européenne (SE). Guide pour les acteurs de terrainMichael Stollt et Elwin Wolters, ETUIETUI 2013, ISBN 978-2-87452-271-0, 156 pages, 15 €

En octobre 2001, l’UE a officiellement adopté la législation sur la Société européenne, également connue sous son nom latin Societas Europaea (SE). Ce guide vise à garantir que les opportu-nités offertes par la législation sur la SE soient exploitées. Il a d’abord et avant tout été conçu pour aider les acteurs de terrain à préparer et à conduire les négociations portant sur les accords relatifs à l’implication des travailleurs dans les SE. Il présente la SE et le mécanisme de l’impli-cation des travailleurs. Il explique les procédures de négociation et livre des astuces et bonnes pratiques en vue d’une préparation efficace des négociations. S’appuyant sur l’expérience de plusieurs experts, il dresse un panorama des

principaux aspects d’un accord constitutif d’une SE et propose un grand nombre de synthèses, graphiques et tableaux comparatifs.

European company law and the Sustainable Company: a stakeholder approach. Vol. IIEdited by Sigurt Vitols, WZB Berlin Social Research Center, and Johannes Heuschmid, Hugo Sinzheimer Institut für Arbeitsrecht (HSI)ETUI 2013, ISBN 978-2-87452-277-2, 338 pages, 25 €

Should companies primarily serve the interests of shareholders, or are they responsible to a broader set of stakeholders, including their own workers? The financial crisis has exposed the deficits of the current regulatory framework for companies, as it prioritizes short-term share-holder value at the expense of the long-term interests of stakeholders. In this book, members of the GOODCORP net-work of researchers and trade unionists present their proposals for European company law which would encourage companies to follow sustainable, stakeholder-oriented strategies. Key proposals in-clude: revising our understanding of the firm and its key stakeholders; strengthening stakeholder ‘voice’ in companies; increasing the transparency of companies through binding requirements for social and environmental reporting; and negotiat-ing employee-friendly agreements with investors through collective bargaining.

Authors:Niklas Bruun, University of Helsinki | Aline Conchon, ETUI | Jan Cremers, AIAS | Wolfgang Däubler, University of Bremen | Inger Marie Hagen, Fafo | Ingemar Hamskär, senior legal advisor to the TCO president | Carsten Herzberg, Potsdam University | Johannes Heuschmid, Hugo Sinzheimer Institut für Arbeitsrecht (HSI) | Janja Hojnik, University of Maribor | Andrew Johnston, University of Queensland | Wolfgang Kowalsky, ETUC | Jonas Malmberg, Uppsala University | Claudia Menne, ETUC | Bernard Johann Mulder, University of Oslo | Isabelle Schömann, ETUI |

European company law and the Sustainable Company:a stakeholder approach

Edited by Sigurt Vitols and Johannes Heuschmid

Should companies primarily serve the interests of shareholders, or are they responsible to a broader set of stakeholders, including their own workers? The financial crisis has exposed the deficits of the current regulatory framework for companies, as it prioritizes short-term shareholder value at the expense of the long-term interests of stakeholders.

In this book, members of the GOODCORP network of researchers and trade unionists present their proposals for European company law which would encourage companies to follow sustainable, stakeholder-oriented strate-gies. Key proposals include: revising our understanding of the firm and its key stake holders; strengthening stakeholder ‘voice’ in companies; increasing the transparency of companies through binding requirements for social and environ mental reporting; and negotiating employee-friendly agreements with investors through collective bargaining. This book follows up on The Sustainable Company: a new approach to corporate governance (published by the ETUI in 2011 and edited by Vitols and Kluge), which outlined GOODCORP’s vision of an alternative to the shareholder value orientation of the current system of corporate governance.

EuropeanTrade Union Institute

Bd du Roi Albert II, 51210 BrusselsBelgium

Tel.: +32 (0)2 224 04 70Fax: +32 (0)2 224 05

Price: € 25D/2012/10.574/42ISBN: 978-2-87452-277-2













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European company law andthe Sustainable Company:a stakeholder approachVol. II

—Edited by Sigurt Vitols and Johannes Heuschmid


Marie Seyboth, DGB | Erik Sjödin, Uppsala University | Beate Sjåfjell, University of Oslo | Sigurt Vitols, WZB | Janet Williamson, TUC

The Sustainable Company:a new approach to corporate governanceEdited by Sigurt Vitols and Norbert Kluge, ETUIETUI 2011, ISBN 978-2-87452-219-2, 265 pages, 25 €

For the past two decades corporate governance reform in Europe has been guided by the ‘share-holder value’ model of the firm. That model is now discredited as one of the major causes of the financial and economic crisis. In this book an alternative approach to corporate governance is presented by members of the GOODCORP network of researchers and trade unionists. This new approach, entitled the Sustainable Com-pany, draws on both traditional ‘stakeholder’ models of the firm and newer concerns with sustainability. The main elements of the Sus-tainable Company and the institutions needed to support it are presented. Key themes in the book are the need for worker ‘voice’ in corporate governance and for a binding legislative frame-work to promote sustainability.

Authors:Sigurt Vitols, ETUI | Norbert Kluge, ETUI | Laura Horn, Free University of Amsterdam | Howard Gospel, King’s College, University of London | Jan Cremers, ETUI | Aline Conchon, ETUI | Jeremy Waddington, ETUI and Manchester Business School | Andrew Pendleton, University of York | Rainald Thannisch, DGB | Ulrich Mückenberger, University of Hamburg | Isabelle Schömann, ETUI | Peter Wilke, Maak and Partner | Katrin Vitols, IÖW | Gregory Jackson, University of Bath | Anastasia Petraki, University of Bath | Andreas Botsch, ETUI | Andrew Watt, ETUI

ReportsTransnational company agreements and the role of European Works Councils in negotiations. A quantitative analysis in the metalworking sectorReport 127

Torsten Müller, ETUI, Hans-Wolfgang Platzer, University of Fulda, and Stefan Rüb University of FuldaETUI 2013, ISBN 978-2-87452-286-4, 98 pages, 15 €

As a rule, the competences of European Works Councils (EWCs) are limited to information and consultation. Nonetheless, the number of Europe-an company-level framework agreements negoti-ated by EWCs and/or trade unions has increased steadily since the early 2000s. By the end of 2011, 119 such agreements had been concluded. Based on telephone interviews with EWC mem-bers from 82 companies in the metalworking industry, this study investigates the emergence and dynamics of both formal agreements and in-formal arrangements. The study for the first time reveals the existence of informal arrangements between EWCs and transnational management which are documented in the minutes of meet-ings or in some cases are agreed only verbally. Like formal agreements, they serve to harmonise company policy on a wide range of issues such as transnational restructuring, remuneration issues, health and safety policies and shaping industrial relations arrangements within the company. They are therefore an important alternative tool of regulation at European company level.

Trade unions in PolandReport 123

Juliusz Gardawski, Warsaw School of Economics, Adam Mrozowicki, Univ. Wrocław, and Jan Czarzasty, Warsaw School of EconomicsETUI 2012, ISBN 978-2-87452-247-5, 98 pages, 15 €

This report on the trade union landscape in Poland forms part of a wide-ranging project, initiated and coordinated by the ETUI, which aims to map changes in unionisation and the varying organisational structures of unions in the ‘new member states’ of the European Union. The current report on the trade union movement in Poland is a real tour de force, especially given the vast number of union organisations entailed. The fruit of this tremendous effort on the part of the country experts is a report that is simul-taneously comprehensive and extremely rich in


detail. In mapping the full broad gamut of Polish trade unions, they compellingly expose how much the trade union movement in this country is handicapped by its excessively decentralised structures; its chronic fragmentation and rivalry at the company level and above; and the dra-matic decline in membership levels, particularly in absolute terms.

Board-level employee representation rights in Europe. Facts and trendsReport 121

Aline Conchon, ETUIETUI 2011, ISBN 978-2-87452-236-9, 70 pages, 15 €/ EN, DE

17 European Member States and Norway have enacted legal provisions allowing for employee representation, with voting rights, on the super-visory board and/or board of directors of com-panies headquartered on their national territory. Additional provisions regulating Board-level employee representation (BLER) are to be found in several pieces of European company law. Even so, BLER remains a hotly debated topic at both national and European levels.This report presents the ins-and-outs of BLER, describing the current situation, potential future developments, and the issues at stake. It aims to provide an overview of BLER rights as well as of the major trends to have emerged in recent years. In this way, information gleaned through the SEEurope network helps to answer a key question, namely, is BLER in Europe under pressure?

EU and national company law – fixation on attractivenessReport 120

Jan Cremers and Elwin Wolters, ETUIETUI 2011, ISBN 978-2-87452-224-6, 60 pages, 15 €

This report, based on research done by ETUI’s SEEurope network, investigates the introduction of more simplified national company legislation and the instigation of more competition between Member States. Besides that, the European Commission, with the Better Regulation agenda, is promoting more competitiveness and attrac-tiveness within and between the Member States. The authors argue that EU legislation should not encourage regime-shopping but contribute to a more sustainable legal setting.

Working papersNon-financial reporting beyond the strict minimum: is the workforce a well-informed stakeholder?Working Paper 2013.02

Jan Cremers, University of AmsterdamETUI 2013, ISSN 1994-4446, 40 pages

This Working Paper summarises the results of an inquiry by the SEEurope network on the current legal framework and practices in 28 European countries regarding non-financial and sustainability-related reporting by European companies and the role and involvement of trade union representatives in this form of reporting. In view of recent efforts at EU level to stimulate companies to go beyond the traditional financial and economic reporting, the results of the study are rather patchy and disappointing. Even in the best countries there is little evidence that non-financial reporting practices of companies go beyond traditional items. Moreover, workforce and workplace conditions are not seen as a key part of sustainability concerns and workers’ representatives are not sufficiently involved in the long-term sustainability policy of their companies.

Employee representation in corporate governance: part of the economic or the social sphere?Working Paper 2011.08

Aline Conchon, ETUIETUI 2011, ISSN 1994-4446, 46 pages

This ETUI Working Paper proposes to adopt a new analytical framework that will help give better insight into what is at stake in the drafting of European legal rules on corporate governance and worker participation, such as the pending European Private Company Statute. It argues that the regulatory game at European level is revealed by the competition between the players’ two different world views: (1) one in which the economic and social spheres are viewed as being independent and disembedded, like the fields of company law and labour law; and (2) another in which, on the contrary, the two spheres are seen as being embedded in such a way that a com-prehensive regulation should encompass both legal fields. Applying this analytical framework to an examination of the positions of the ETUC and the European Commission on regulating


board-level employee representation at transna-tional level reveals the extent of the competition, hence explaining recent legislative difficulties.

Sustaining or abandoning ‘social peace’? Strike development and trends in Europe since the 1990sWorking Paper 2011.05

Kurt Vandaele, ETUIETUI 2011, ISSN 1994-4446, 52 pages

Providing a simple quantitative overview and a short macro-comparative analysis of strike activity in Europe since the 1990s, this Work-ing Paper assesses whether three strike trends observed in the 1990s continued in the next decade. First of all, there was a continued drop in strike activity measured by days not worked due to strikes. Secondly, the rank order in the European ‘strike league table’ shows remarkable stability over a 20-year period. Finally, political-ly motivated mass strikes and demonstrations, especially in the public sector, directed against (planned) government action and legislation to alter employment law were on the increase in the 2000s, with noteworthy effects due to the current socioeconomic crisis. However, it remains to be seen whether an increase in public sector strikes, commonly defensive in nature and seeking to maintain existing employment regulations, will change the continued prolifera-tion of neoliberal policies or stimulate trade union revitalisation.

See also:

Manual for European Workers’ Representatives. How to make your meetings more successfulBruno Demaître and Romuald Jagodzinski, ETUIETUI 2012, ISBN 978-2-87452-250-5, 12 pages / EN, FR, ES, DE, PL,


Trade unions for a change of course in Europe. The end of a cosy relationshipEdited by Wolfgang Kowalsky, ETUC, and Peter Scherrer, EMFETUI 2011, ISBN 978-2-87452-229-1, 195 pages, 15 €


Trade union trainingFormation syndicale

Austerity, rights and democracy: a guide for trade unionsAlina Caia, CNSLR-FRATIA, Isabelle Ourny, ÖGB, Christos Triantafillou, INE-GSEE, Antoine CochetETUI 2014, 82 pages, EN, FR, ES, FI, IT, PT, RO

In societies subjected to austerity and exceptional rules, changes in the labour law and the rights of workers, without social dialogue, are endangering democracy and threatening the European project. Against this background, the Education Department intends to develop an educational tool with this training kit for trade unionists at nation-al level vested with permanent responsibili-ties in their organisations – an educational structure to be implemented at European level by the member organisations. The purpose of this training initiative is to analyse the current situation of the countries, the consequences of austerity policies on the rights of workers and the European trade un-ion discourse in relation to European values.

Austérité, droits et démocratie : guide destiné aux organisations syndicalesAlina Caia, CNSLR-FRATIA, Isabelle Ourny, ÖGB, Christos Triantafillou, INE-GSEE, Antoine CochetETUI 2014, 82 pages, EN, FR, ES, FI, IT, PT, RO

Dans les sociétés soumises à l’austérité et aux régimes exceptionnels, les changements du droit du travail et des droits des travailleurs, sans dialogue social, mettent en danger la démocratie et menace le projet européen. Dans ce contexte, le département formation se propose de développer, par ce kit de formation, un outil pédagogique à l’intention des syndicalistes au niveau national ayant des responsabilités permanentes dans leurs organisations, contenant une structure pédagogique à mettre en oeuvre au niveau européen par les organisations membres.L’objectif de cette initiative de formation est d’analyser la situation actuelle des pays, les conséquences des politiques d’austérité sur les droits des travailleurs et le discours syndical européen par rapport aux valeurs européennes.

Austerity, rights and democracy

Austerity, rights and democracy

A guide for trade unions


Challenges, actors and practices of non-formal and informal learning and its validation in EuropeRenaud Damesin, Jacky Fayolle, Nicolas Fleury, Mathieu Malaquin and Nicolas RodeETUI 2014, ISBN 978-2-87452-305-2, 268 pages, 20 €

This book presents, in a European perspective, a comprehensive survey of practices and issues arising in the area of validation of non-formal and informal learning (NFIL). In a context where the dynamic management of vocational pathways and transitions has been attracting increasing attention, NFIL recognition can ben-efit a wide range of social groups, in particular the most vulnerable. After a survey of the main NFIL issues and diverse national experiences as regards validation, the book describes these issues in the context of European challenges and policies on education and training, drawing attention to common problems encountered in implementing NFIL validation frameworks and processes, as well as to specific instances of successful implementation programmes. Also broached are the issues of collective bargain-ing and tripartite dialogue on NFIL validation. Detailed national surveys on the challenges and initiatives of NFIL validation cover a total of ten European countries.

How to monitor and influence the EU decision-making process from a trade union perspectiveSilvana Pennella, ETUIETUI 2013, 128 pages 

This training manual aims to provide trade union representatives with the necessary information and guidelines to enable them to influence the decision-making process of the European Union. Its objective is to help trade union representatives monitor and influence the EU decision-making process. Its content is based on an exchange of lobbying experiences from different stakeholders, among others, Members of the European Parliament, European Commis-sion officials, representatives of European Trade Union Federations and NGOs.

Comment suivre et influencer le processus de prise de décision de l’UE d’un point de vue syndicalSilvana Pennella, ETUIETUI 2013, 128 pages

Ce manuel a pour but de fournir aux représen-tants syndicaux les conseils et les informations nécessaires leur permettant d’influencer le processus de prise de décision de l’Union eu-ropéenne. Son but est d’aider les représentants syndicaux à suivre et influencer le processus de prise de décision de l’Union européenne. Son contenu repose sur un échange d’expériences de lobbying vécues par différentes parties inté-ressées telles que des membres du Parlement européen, des fonctionnaires de la Commission européenne, des représentants des fédérations syndicales européennes et des ONG.

Toolkit Trade Union Training for Project WorkSilvana Pennella, ETUIETUI 2012, 185 pages / FR, EL, IT, ES, PT, SV, BG, SL, DE

The new toolkit Trade Union Training for Project Work produced by the Education De-partment of the European Trade Union Institute aims to support its programme of certified train-ing in project work and project management for trade unions.

How to monitor and influence the EU decision-making process from a trade union perspective

How to monitor and influence the EU decision-making process from a trade union perspectiveA guide for trade unions

Trainers CourseSupport Pack

Trade Union Training for Project Work


Manuel de formation syndicale en conduite de projetSilvana Pennella, ETUIETUI 2012, 185 pages / FR, EL, IT, ES, PT, SV, BG, SL, DE

Un nouvel ensemble de quatre manuels de for-mation syndicale en conduite de projet créé par le département Formation de l’Institut syndical européen pour soutenir son programme de for-mations certifiées en conduite et en gestion de projet pour les responsables syndicaux.

Trade unions and transnational projects - 8th Edition Derek Stubbs, The Lyndhurst Partnership, Roberto Pettenello and Frank Vaughan, ICTU, edited by Silvana PennellaETUI 2012, 260 pages / EN, previous versions available in FR, SL, SK,


The aim of this publication is to explore the ben-efits of collaborating on projects with partners in other European countries; to introduce some basic skills for managing transnational projects; to demonstrate the need for fresh approaches in education and training; and to understand the role of the European Commission in support-ing transnational initiatives in education and training. This seventh edition of the handbook has been revised to take account of the principal changes that have recently taken place in the European Union and of the ever-evolving experi-ence of trade unions in working together on European projects. This edition of the handbook is downloadable and will be available initially in English and French. Thanks to assistance from national confederations, older editions are also available in Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, English, French, Hungarian Italian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Spanish and Swedish (paper version only). This publication is regularly updated.

Manual for European Workers’ Representatives. How to make your meetings more successfulBruno Demaître and Romuald Jagodzinski, ETUIETUI 2012, ISBN 978-2-87452-250-5, 12 pages /


This practical and helpfully illustrated booklet was developed for workers’ representatives in transnational information and consultation bod-ies. It offers some practical tips on how to make meetings of European bodies (also as EWC or SE works councils) more useful, more efficient and more successful.

Manuel pour les représentants des travailleurs européens. Comment rendre vos réunions plus efficacesBruno Demaître et Romuald Jagodzinski, ETUIETUI 2012, ISBN 978-2-87452-250-5, 12 pages / EN, FR, ES, DE,


Ce manuel, pratique et illustré, est destiné aux représentants des travailleurs au sein des organes transnationaux d’information et de consultation. Il propose des conseils pratiques pour rendre les réunions européennes (Comités d’entreprise européens ou organes de représen-tation des SE) plus utiles, plus efficaces et leur assurer une plus grande réussite.

Trade Unions and Transnational Projects— A guide to managing European projects8th edition


Trade unions and the fight against poverty and social exclusionETUI 2011, ISBN 978-2-87452-188-1 (pdf), 128 pages / EN, FR

The topic covered by this training guide is pov-erty and social exclusion in Europe. Carrying further the impetus provided by the ‘European year against poverty’ (2010), it seeks to focus the trade union practice conducted by the ETUC-affiliated organisations on the search for progress in five specific areas. The book aims to be, above all else, an activist tool in the hands of activists. It is in two parts: one ‘theoretical’ part containing ideas and arguments on each of these topics, compiled with the assistance of trade union ‘experts’ on social protection; and a ‘practical’ part consisting of ‘activity sheets’. The topics covered are income; access to quality services; the development of quality social pro-tection systems on a basis of solidarity; and, of course, access to quality jobs and wages for all.

Les syndicats et la lutte contre la pauvreté et l’exclusion socialeETUI 2011, ISBN 978-2-87452-188-1 (pdf), 128 pages / FR, EN

Ce guide pédagogique porte sur le thème de la pauvreté et de l’exclusion sociale en Europe. Il se propose, au-delà de l’impulsion donnée par l’année européenne de 2010 contre la pauvreté, d’inscrire la pratique syndicale des organisations affiliées à la CES dans une dynamique d’action permanente autour de cinq thèmes spécifiques. Ce manuel se veut tout d’abord un outil militant aux mains des militant(e)s. Il comporte deux parties : une partie « théorique » de réflexion et d’argumentation sur chacun de ces thèmes, réalisée avec le concours des « experts » syndicaux de la protection sociale, et une partie « pratique » comportant des « fiches d’activités ». Les thèmes appréhendés sont les revenus ; l’accès aux services sociaux de qualité ; le développement de systèmes de protection sociale de qualité, fondés sur la so-lidarité et bien évidemment, l’accès à des emplois et des salaires de qualité pour toutes et tous.




Transfer, the European Review of Labour and Research, is published for the ETUI by Sage Publications.

Transfer stimulates dialogue between the European trade union movement and the academic and research community. It contributes research findings on issues of strategic relevance for trade unions, in particular with regard to developments at the European level.

Transfer publishes original peer-reviewed research on issues such as new developments in industrial relations, social policy and labour market developments.

Transfer contains original contributions from a wide range of disciplines, including sociology, economics, political science, law and history.

Transfer in 2014— February: Labour markets and social

policy after the crisis— May: Multinational companies: political,

economic and social influence in societies— August: Austerity and public sector rest-

ructuring: local government in focus— November: Open issue

Transfer in 2013— February: The economic consequences of

the European monetary union: social and democratic?

— May: Central and eastern European industrial relations in the crisis: the rise of neoliberalism?

— August: European youth in an age of aus-terity: challenges and responses

— November: Open issue

Transfer in 2012— February: Individual working lives viewed

through the lens of the capability ap-proach. An overview across Europe

— May: Trade union cultures— August: EU social and employment policy

under the Europe 2020 strategy— November: Open issue

Visit to find out more about Transfer, where you can subscribe online, browse abstracts, download articles and sign up to journal alerts.


Special reportWaste and recycling: workers at riskDossier spécialDéchets et recyclage : des travailleurs en danger

Special reportChemical hazards: state of play 6 years into REACHDossier spécialRisques chimiques : inventaire après six ans de règne REACH

Special reportStandardization: what roles for the unions?Dossier spécialNormalisation : quels rôles pour les syndicats ?

Forthcoming, à paraître:

HesaMag # 10, 2014Occupational medicine in EuropeLa médecine du travail en EuropeHesaMag # 11, 2015Nurses’ working conditionsLes conditions de travail des infirmières

HesaMag#09Waste and recycling:workers at risk

The European Trade Union Institute’s (ETUI)health and safety at work magazinespring-summer 2014





HesaMag#08Risques chimiques : inventaire aprèssix ans de règneREACH

Le magazine de l'Institut syndical européen(European Trade Union Institute, ETUI) en santé et sécurité au travail2e semestre 2013





HesaMag#07Standardization:what roles for the unions?

The European Trade Union Institute’s (ETUI)health and safety at work magazinespring-summer 2013





HesaMagHesaMag is a magazine all about health and safety at work, published in English and French. It is profusely illustrated, printed in full color, and designed to appeal to a wide readership. HesaMag is published twice a year, and sets out to show that occupational health is not just something for specialists but both a big political issue and a daily concern for millions of workers.To do that, HesaMag offers a wide range of con-tent, much of it articles, reports and interviews written with the non-specialist reader in mind. Each issue includes a special report on a topic with practical implications for workers’ health. But it also includes articles on issues that are high on the EU’s health and safety policy agen-da, an International section, reports on trade union initiatives and book reviews. The ETUI’s aim is for the information put out via HesaMag to support the trade union movement’s struggle to improve working conditions and reduce social inequalities.

HesaMag est un magazine consacré à la santé et à la sécurité au travail, il est publié en français et en anglais. Richement illustré et imprimé en quadrichromie, HesaMag s’adresse à un large public. Ce semestriel veut montrer que la santé au travail ne concerne pas les seuls spécialistes et qu’il s’agit à la fois d’un enjeu politique impor-tant et d’une préoccupation quotidienne pour des millions de travailleurs.Pour y parvenir, HesaMag propose un contenu varié faisant la part belle aux articles de vulga-risation, aux reportages et interviews. Chaque numéro comprend un dossier spécial consacré à une problématique ayant des implications concrètes pour la santé des travailleurs. Le lec-teur peut également y découvrir des articles sur les dossiers chauds de la politique européenne en santé et sécurité au travail, une rubrique internationale, des reportages sur des initiatives syndicales et des critiques de livres. Par le biais du HesaMag, l’ETUI espère, par l’information, accompagner le mouvement syndical dans son combat pour l’amélioration des conditions de travail et la réduction des inégalités sociales.

Free subscription / Abonnement gratuitContact :



SEER, the Journal for Labour and Social Affairs in Eastern Europe, is published for the ETUI by Nomos, Germany.SEER aims to stimulate an exchange of informa-tion between researchers, trade unionists and people who have a special interest in the politi-cal, social and economic development of the region of eastern Europe.It seeks to draw attention to new research results and the latest analysis about the ongoing process of political and social changes in the broader eastern European region, and tries to create deeper understanding of the importance of the elaboration of democratic structures within industrial relations.SEER combines contributions from different disciplines and schools of thought into an in-formation package intended to be of interest to policy-makers, researchers, academics and trade unionists from various backgrounds.

SEER in 2014 — No 1 EU integration perspectives— No 2 Labour and social developments

SEER in 2013 — No 1 Democracy and labour relations in

south-east Europe— No 2 The role of the state in the economy— No 3 Economic and social developments in

south-east Europe— No 4 Labour migration and trade unions

SEER in 2012— No 1 The EU and the Balkans: drifting apart?— No 2 Employment policies in south-east

Europe— No 3 Trade union weakness and the political

role of unions in south-east Europe— No 4 Labour markets and trade unions

SEER in 2011— No 1 The crisis from a microeconomic

perspective— No 2 Inequality in south-east Europe— No 3 Developments and Prospects in the

Metal and Textile Industry in SEE countries— No 4 South-east Europe: between crises and

EU accession

Visit to find out more about SEER, where you can subscribe online and download a free trial article.

Quarterly of theEuropean Trade Union Institute

4 2013Volume 16pages 375 – 504ISSN 1435-2869

Labour migration and trade unionsK Trade unions and the fall of Yugoslavia – the potential

and the limitations (Peter Seideneck)

K Freedom of movement of workers as a condition for implementing the Europe 2020 strategy for employment and growth (Biljana Čavkoska)

K Emigration and immigration: Bulgarian dilemmas (Evelina Staikova)

K Do remittances alter labour market participation? (Ermira Kalaj)

K Serbia – The challenges of new industrial conflicts (Darko Marinković)

K Realisation of the right to health and safety at work in the Republic of Macedonia (Temelko Risteski and Vesna Sijić)

K Socio-economic cohesion and the future of the region of south-east Europe (Ela Golemi)

K New trends in employee education and training: the learning organisation (Milica Mikuljević)

K Economic thought in the capitalist system as a determinant of social, economic and technological development (Tatjana Dragičević-Radičević and Milica Gavrilović)

K Why Ukraine, Romania and Kazakhstan have been outperformed by Russia and Poland (Fabian Teichmann)


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List of books2011-2014Liste des livres2011-2014

Benchmarking Working Europe 2014Edited by the ETUC and ETUIETUI 2014, ISBN 978-2-87452-307-6, 132 pages, 25 €

Social developments in the European Union 2013Edited by David Natali, OSE and University of Bologna-ForlíETUI 2014, ISBN 978-2-87452-321-2, 264 pages, 20 €/ EN, FR

Challenges, actors and practices of non-formal and informal learning and its validation in EuropeRenaud Damesin, Jacky Fayolle, Nicolas Fleury, Mathieu Malaquin and Nicolas RodeETUI 2014, ISBN 978-2-87452-305-2, 268 pages, 20 €

The asbestos lie. The past and present of an industrial catastropheMaria RoselliETUI 2014, ISBN 978-2-87452-313-7, 180 pages, 20 €

1973-2013: 40 years of history of the European Trade Union ConfederationChristophe Degryse, ETUI, with Pierre TillyETUI - ETUC 2013, Brussels, ISBN 978-2-87452-304-5,

252 pages, 25 € / EN, FR

A decade of experience with the European CompanyEdited by Jan Cremers, University of Amsterdam, Michael Stollt, ETUI, and Sigurt Vitols, ETUIETUI 2013, ISBN 978-2-87452-283-3, 313 pages, 25 €

European company law and the Sustainable Company: a stakeholder approach. Vol. IIEdited by Sigurt Vitols, WZB Berlin Social Research Center, and Johannes Heuschmid, Hugo Sinzheimer Institut für Arbeitsrecht (HSI)ETUI 2013, ISBN 978-2-87452-277-2, 338 pages, 25 €

The daily dice with death. The perils workers face from nuclear technologyMarie-Anne Mengeot, journalist; advisory contributor: Jean-Claude Zerbib, radiation protection engineerETUI 2013, ISBN 978-2-87452-221-5, 106 pages, 15 €/ EN, FR

Transnational collective bargaining at company level. A new component of European industrial relations?Isabelle Schömann, ETUI, Romuald Jagodzinski, ETUI, Guido Boni, University of London, Stefan Clauwaert, ETUI, Vera Glassner, Johannes Kepler Universität, and Teun Jaspers, Utrecht UniversityETUI 2012, ISBN 978-2-87452-277-2, 273 pages, 20 €

Macroeconomic imbalances and comparative advantages in the Euro AreaStefan Collignon, Sant’Anna School of Advanced StudiesETUI 2012, ISBN 978-2-87452-274-1, 139 pages, 15 €

Greening industries and creating jobsEdited by Béla Galgóczi, ETUIETUI 2012, ISBN 978-2-87452-249-9, 223 pages, 20 €


A triumph of failed ideas. European models of capitalism in the crisisEdited by Steffen Lehndorff, University of Duisburg-EssenETUI 2012, ISBN 978-2-87452-246-8, 284 pages, 20 €

Trade unions for a change of course in Europe. The end of a cosy relationshipEdited by Wolfgang Kowalsky, ETUC, and Peter Scherrer, EMFETUI 2011, ISBN 978-2-87452-229-1, 195 pages, 15 €

Worker involvement in the European Company (SE). A handbook for practitionersMichael Stollt and Elwin Wolters, ETUIETUI 2011, ISBN 978-2-87452-234-5, 149 pages, 15 € / EN, FR

Exiting from the crisis: towards a model of more equitable and sustainable growthEdited by David Coats, The Smith InstituteETUI 2011, ISBN 978-2-87452-218-5, 278 pages, 20 €

Forthcoming in French, Italian and Russian

Social developments in the European Union 2010Annual publication

Edited by Christophe Degryse, ETUI, and David Natali, OSE and University of Bologna-Forlí ETUI 2011, ISBN 978-2-87452-213-0, 246 pages, 20 € / EN, FR

Benchmarking Working Europe 2011Edited by the ETUI and ETUCETUI 2011, ISBN 978-2-87452-208-6, 112 pages, 20 €

Mélanges à la mémoire de Yota Kravaritou:a trilingual tributeEdited by Isabelle Schömann, ETUIETUI 2011, ISBN 978-2-87452-212-3, 450 pages, 29 €

The Sustainable Company: a new approachto corporate governanceEdited by Sigurt Vitols and Norbert Kluge, ETUIETUI 2011, ISBN 978-2-87452-219-2, 325 pages, 25 €

ETUI books published elsewhereLivres publiés chez d’autres éditeursThe European Convention on Human Rights and the Employment RelationEdited by Filip Dorssemont, Klaus Lörcher and Isabelle SchömannHart Publishing, Oxford 2013, ISBN 9781849463386, 482 pages, 60 £

The Lisbon Treaty and Social EuropeNiklas Bruun, University of Helsinki, Klaus Lörcher, former Legal Adviser to the ETUC and Isabelle Schömann ,ETUIHart Publishing, Oxford, 2012, ISBN 978-1-84946-253-2, 338 pages

EU Labour Migration in Troubled Times. Skills Mismatch, Return and Policy ResponsesBéla Galgóczi (ETUI), Janine Leschke (ETUI) and Andrew Watt (Head of the department Macroeconomic Policy Institute - Hans-Böckler Foundation)Ashgate, 2012, ISBN 978-1-4094-3450-4, 308 pages

The interpretation by the European Court of JusticeReconciling Fundamental Social Rights and Economic Freedoms after Viking, Laval and RüffertProf. Dr. Andreas Bücker, Wiebke WarneckNomos 2011, ISBN 978-3-8329-5987-6, 385 pages


List of Reports2011-2014Liste des rapports2011-2014

European trade unionism – from crisis to renewal?Report 133

Magdalena Bernaciak, Rebecca Gumbrell-McCormick, Richard HymanETUI 2014, ISBN 978-2-87452-322-9, 15 €

The Nordic labour market models in open markets – challenges and perspectivesReport 132

Søren Kaj Andersen, Jon Erik Dølvik and Christian Lyhne IbsenETUI 2014, ISBN 978-2-87452-322-9, 15 €

Vocational education and training and the Great Recession: supporting young people in a time of crisisReport 131

Jason Heyes, University of Sheffield ETUI 2014, ISBN 978-2-87452-317-5, 60 pages, 15 €

Public funding for green energy in a context of crisisReport 130

Mike Scott, freelance journalistETUI 2013, ISBN 978-2-87452-301-4, 32 pages, 15 €

Young people at risk. How changes in work are affecting young Italians’ health and safetyReport 129

Daniele Di Nunzio, Istituto di Ricerche Economiche e Sociali – IRESETUI 2013, ISBN 978-2-87452-295-6, 68 pages, 15 € / EN, FR

Minimum wages in Europe: does the diversity of systems lead to a diversity of outcomes?Report 128

Stephan Kampelmann, Andrea Garnero and François Rycx, ULBETUI 2013, ISBN 978-2-87452-299-4, 113 pages, 15 €

Transnational company agreements and the role of European Works Councils in negotiations. A quantitative analysis in the metalworking sectorReport 127

Torsten Müller, ETUI, Hans-Wolfgang Platzer, University of Fulda, and Stefan Rüb University of FuldaETUI 2013, ISBN 978-2-87452-286-4, 98 pages, 15 €

German and British labour law in a European context following European Union enlargementReport 126

Rebecca Zahn, University of StirlingETUI 2013, ISBN 978-2-87452-281-9, 60 pages, 15 €

Temporary agency work in the European Union. Implementation of Directive 2008/104/EC in the Member StatesReport 125

Isabelle Schömann, ETUI, and Coralie Guedes, University of LyonETUI 2013, ISBN 978-2-87452-279-6, 70 pages, 15 €


Who earns minimum wages in Europe? New evidence based on household surveysReport 124

François Rycx and Stephan Kampelmann, ULB/DULBEAETUI 2012, ISBN 978-2-87452-271-0, 64 pages, 15 €

Trade unions in PolandReport 123

Juliusz Gardawski, Warsaw School of Economics, Adam Mrozowicki, Univ. Wrocław, and Jan Czarzasty, Warsaw School of EconomicsETUI 2012, ISBN 978-2-87452-247-5, 98 pages, 15 €

Women and occupational diseases. The case of BelgiumReport 122

Laurent Vogel, ETUIETUI 2011, ISBN 978-2-87452-244-4, 67 pages, 15 € / EN, FR, NL

Board-level employee representation rights in Europe. Facts and trendsReport 121

Aline Conchon, ETUIETUI 2011, ISBN 978-2-87452-236-9, 70 pages, 15 €/ EN, DE

Temporary agency work— guide for transposition at national levelReport 117

Wiebke Warneck, ETUI ETUI 2011, ISBN 978-2-87452-204-8, 30 pages, 15 €

Women and occupational diseasesin the European UnionReport 118

Daniela Tieves, guest researcher, ETUIETUI 2011, ISBN 978-2-87452-198-0, 60 pages, 15 €/ EN

Occupational Health & Safety ManagementSystems – When are they good for your health?Report 119

Kaj Frick, Mälardalen University and Viktor Kempa, ETUIETUI 2011, ISBN 978-2-87452-206-2, 32 pages, 15 €/ EN, FR

EU and national company law— fixation on attractivenessReport 120

Jan Cremers, Elwin Wolters, AIAS ETUI 2011, ISBN 978-2-87452-224-6, 60 pages


List of Working Papers2011-2014Liste des Working Papers2011-2014

Why have some countries become more unemployed than others? An investigation of changes in unemployment in EU member states since 2008Working Paper 2014.07

Martin Myant, Agnieszka Piasna, ETUIETUI 2014, ISSN 1994-4446, 32 pages

Social dumping and the EU integration processWorking Paper 2014.06

Magdalena Bernaciak, ETUIETUI 2014, ISSN 1994-4446, 32 pages

The EU’s REFIT strategy: a new bureaucracy for competitiveness?Working Paper 2014.05

Eric Van den Abeele, OSE, université de Mons-HainautETUI 2014, ISSN 1994-4446, 24 pages


Has the EU become more intrusive in shaping national welfare state reforms? Evidence from Greece and PortugalWorking Paper 2014.04

Sotiria Theodoropoulou, ETUIETUI 2014, ISSN 1994-4446, 40 pages

A gender perspective on older workers’ employment and working conditionsWorking Paper 2014.03

Patricia Vendramin, Gérard Valenduc, Fondation Travail-Université

ETUI 2014, ISSN 1994-4446, 72 pages


Labour law reforms in Europe: adjusting employment protection legislation for the worseWorking Paper 2014.02

Isabelle Schömann, ETUIETUI 2014, ISSN 1994-4446, 58 pages


Reforming pensions in Europe: a comparative country analysisWorking Paper 2013.08

David Natali and Furio Stamati, OSEETUI 2013, ISSN 1994-4446, 68 pages

The Janus face of the ‘New ways of Work’: rise, risks and regulation of nomadic workWorking Paper 2013.07

Jan Popma, University of AmsterdamETUI 2013, ISSN 1994-4446, 44 pages


Political economy of labour market segmentation: agency work in the automotive industryWorking Paper 2013.06

Chiara Benassi, LSEETUI 2013, ISSN 1994-4446, 38 pages

The Euro crisis and its impact on national and European social policiesWorking Paper 2013.05

Christophe Degryse, Maria Jepsen and Philippe Pochet, ETUIETUI 2013, ISSN 1994-4446, 44 pages

Working time reforms in times of crisisWorking Paper 2013.04

Carole Lang, Isabelle Schömann and Stefan Clauwaert, ETUIETUI 2013, ISSN 1994-4446, 29 pages


Atypical forms of employment contracts in times of crisisWorking Paper 2013.03

Carole Lang, Isabelle Schömann and Stefan Clauwaert, ETUIETUI 2013, ISSN 1994-4446, 27 pages


Non-financial reporting beyond the strict minimum: is the workforce a well-informed stakeholder?Working Paper 2013.02

Jan Cremers, University of AmsterdamETUI 2013, ISSN 1994-4446, 40 pages

European enlargement and the economic crisis: impact and lasting effectsWorking Paper 2013.01

Rebecca Zahn, University of StirlingETUI 2013, ISSN 1994-4446, 26 pages

The new European economic governanceWorking Paper 2012.14

Christophe Degryse, ETUIETUI 2012, ISSN 1994-4446, 84 pages


Intra-EU labour migration after Eastern enlargement and during the crisisWorking Paper 2012.13

Béla Galgóczi and Janine Leschke, ETUIETUI 2012, ISSN 1994-4446, 27 pages

European labour market policies in (the) crisisWorking Paper 2012.12

Jochen Clasen, University of Edinburgh, Daniel Clegg, University of Edinburgh, and Jon Kvist, University of Southern DenmarkETUI 2012, ISSN 1994-4446, 30 pages

The reform of the EU’s public procurement directives: a missed opportunity?Working Paper 2012.11

Éric Van den Abeele, University of Mons-HainautETUI 2012, ISSN 1994-4446, 48 pages / EN, FR

What did they expect? Lessons for Europe from a retrospective ex-ante evaluation of the first Greek bail-out programmeWorking Paper 2012.10

Sotiria Theodoropoulou, ETUI, and Andrew Watt, ETUIETUI 2012, ISSN 1994-4446, 41 pages

Occupations and ageing at work. An analysis of the findings of the fifth European Working Conditions SurveyWorking Paper 2012.09

Patricia Vendramin and Gérard Valenduc, Fondation Travail-Université, BelgiumETUI 2012, ISSN 1994-4446, 47 pages / EN, FR

Work less to pollute less? What contribution can or must working time reduction play in reducing carbon emissions?Working Paper 2012.08

Andrew Watt, ETUIETUI 2012, ISSN 1994-4446, 28 pages

Job quality in the crisis - an update of the Job Quality Index (JQI)Working Paper 2012.07

Janine Leschke, ETUI, Andrew Watt, ETUI and Mairéad Finn, The Economic and Social Research Institute in DublinETUI 2012, ISSN 1994-4446, 51 pages

Social dumping: political catchphrase or threat to labour standards?Working Paper 2012.06

Magdalena Bernaciak, ETUIETUI 2012, ISSN 1994-4446, 38 pages


Mind the gap: net incomes of minimum wage workers in the EU and the USWorking Paper 2012.05

Ive Marx, University of Antwerp, Sarah Marchal, University of Antwerp and Brian Nolan, University College DublinETUI 2012, ISSN 1994-4446, 34 pages

The crisis and national labour law reforms: a mapping exerciseWorking Paper 2012.04

Stefan Clauwaert and Isabelle Schömann, ETUIETUI 2012, ISSN 1994-4446, 19 pages / EN, FR, GE, IT, ES

The governance of economic uncertainty: beyond the ‘new social risks’ analysisWorking Paper 2012.03

Maarten Keune, AIAS, Colin Crouch, Warwick Business SchoolETUI 2012, ISSN 1994-4446, 28 pages

Has the economic crisis contributed to more segmentation in labour market and welfare outcomes?Working Paper 2012.02

Janine Leschke, ETUIETUI 2012, ISSN 1994-4446, 49 pages

The impact of the crisis on earnings and income distribution in the EUWorking Paper 2012.01

Paul de Beer, AIASETUI 2012, ISSN 1994-4446, 37 pages

Financing social security – business as usual?Working Paper 2011.09

Norman Wagner, Austrian Federal Chamber of LabourETUI 2011, ISSN 1994-4446, 24 pages

Employee representation in corporate governance: part of the economic or the social sphere?Working Paper 2011.08

Aline Conchon, ETUIETUI 2011, ISSN 1994-4446, 46 pages

Pensions after the financial and economic crisis: a comparative analysis of recent reforms in EuropeWorking Paper 2011.07

David Natali, OSE and University of Bologna-ForlíETUI 2011, ISSN 1994-4446, 32 pages

Sustaining or abandoning ‘social peace’? Strike development and trends in Europe since the 1990sWorking Paper 2011.05

Kurt Vandaele, ETUIETUI 2011, ISSN 1994-4446, 52 pages

The economic crisis – challenge or opportunity for gender equality in social policy outcomes? A comparison of Denmark, Germany and the UKWorking Paper 2011.04

Janine Leschke and Maria Jepsen, ETUIETUI 2011, ISSN 1994-4446, 67 pages

Why trade unions seek to coordinatewages and collective bargaining in the Eurozone:past developments and future prospectsWorking Paper 2011.03

Vera Glassner and Philippe Pochet, ETUI

Withdrawal symptoms: an assessmentof the austerity packages in EuropeWorking Paper 2011.02

Sotiria Theodoropoulou and Andrew Watt, ETUI

Changes in political discoursefrom the Lisbon strategy to EU 2020:tracing the fate of ‘social policy’?Working Paper 2011.01

Jean-Claude Barbier, CNRS


List of Policy Briefs2011-2014Liste des Policy Briefs2011-2014

European Economic, Employmentand Social Policy

Collective labour law under attack: how anti-crisis measures dismantle workers’ collective rights2/2014 Isabelle Schömann, ETUI

Negotiating flexibility and security in multinationals in Europe: the case for extending European Framework Agreements1/2014 Valeria Pulignano, KU Leuven

Reforming pensions: the limits of diversification3/2013 Jan Drahokoupil, University of Mannheim and ETUI, and Stefan Domonkos, University of Mannheim

The European governance of education: progresses and challenges2/2013 Chiara Agostini, University of Milan and David Natali, OSE and University of Bologna

Working in multinationals and domestic firms compared - myths and realities1/2013 Maarten van Klaveren and Kea Tijdens, AIAS, Denis Gregory, TURU

Does austerity work after all? The case of Latvia9/2012 Ronald Janssen, ETUC

Financial transaction taxes in the EU8/2012 Andreas Botsch, ETUI

Are employee participation rights under pressure? Trends at national and EU level7/2012 Aline Conchon, ETUI

Sustainable development: twofold solidarity in the world of today and tomorrow6/2012 Nadine Gouzée , Belgian Federal Planning Bureau(also available in French)

Minimum wages in Europe under austerity. WSI Minimum Wage Report 20125/2012 Thorsten Schulten (WSI)

Critical assessment of the proposed Monti II regulation – more courage and strength needed to remedy the social imbalances4/2012 Niklas Bruun, University of Helsinki and Andreas Bücker, University of Wismar

‘Green growth’ is called into question3/2012 Thomas Coutrot, Attac France, and Jean Gadrey, University Lille 1(also available in French)

How has the crisis affected social legislation in Europe?2/2012 Sylvaine Laulom and Emmanuelle Mazuyer, ERDS-CERCRID, Christophe Teissier and Claude Emmanuel Triomphe , ASTREES, Pascale Vielle, UC Louvain(also available in French)


ISO 26000: The new face of corporate social responsibility?1/2012 Isabelle Schömann, ETUI(also available in French)

European Social Policy

Monetary Union, economic coordination and democratic legitimacy5/2011 Christophe Degryse and Philippe Pochet, ETUI(also available in French)

What role can the unions play in Europe’s industrial policy? REACH shows the way3/2011 Tony Musu, ETUI(also available in French)

European social dialogue and transnationalframework agreements as a response to thecrisis?4/2011 Stefan Clauwaert and Isabelle Schömann, ETUI

Nano governance: how should the EU implement nanomaterial traceability?2/2011 Aída María Ponce Del Castillo, ETUI(also available in French)

New skills for new jobs: scope for trade unionintervention and sectoral dialogue1/2011 Jacky Fayolle, Alpha Group’s Centre for Studies and Forecasting(also available in French)

European Economic and Employment Policy

Inequality, poverty and the crisis in Greece5/2011 Manos Matsaganis and Chrysa Leventi, Athens University of Economics and Business

Dependency ratios and demographic change. The labour market as a key element4/2011 Josef Wöss and Erik Türk, Austrian Chamber of Labour(also available in French and German)

Taxation in the EU: facts and policy issues3/2011 Christian Valenduc, Belgian Federal Ministry of Finance, and Universities of Mons (FUCAM) and Louvain

Inequality and the crisis2/2011 Rory O’Farrell, ETUI

From tiger to bailout: the Irish crisis1/2011 Paula Clancy and Tom McDonnell, TASC


List of guides2011-2014Liste des guides2011-2014

Field manual - Scenario buildingSascha Meinert, Institute for Prospective Analyses (IPA), Berlin ETUI 2014, ISBN 978-2-87452-314-4, 32 pages, 15 €

La participation des travailleurs à l’horizon 2030. Quatre scénariosSous la direction de Michael Stollt, ETUI et Sascha Meinert, Institute for Prospective AnalysesETUI 2014, ISBN 978-2-87452-314-4, 70 pages, 15 € / FR, EN,


Preventing work cancers. A workplace health priorityMarie-Anne Mengeot, with Tony Musu and Laurent VogelETUI 2014, ISBN 978-2-87452-311-3, 80 pages, 10 € / EN, FR

How to monitor and influence the EU decision-making process from a trade union perspectiveSilvana Pennella, ETUIETUI 2013, 128 pages / also available in FR

Nanomaterials and workplace health & safety. What are the issues for workers?Aída Maria Ponce Del Castillo, ETUIETUI 2013, ISBN 978-2-87452-288-8, 44 pages, 10 €/ EN, FR

Toolkit Trade Union Training for Project Work Silvana Pennella, ETUIETUI 2012, 185 pages / also available in FR, EL, IT, ES, PT, SV, BG,

SL and DE

Trade unions and transnational projects - 8th Edition Derek Stubbs, The Lyndhurst Partnership, Roberto Pettenello and Frank Vaughan, ICTU, edited by Silvana PennellaETUI 2012, 260 pages / EN, previous versions available in FR, SL,


Firefighters: feeling the heatFabienne Scandella, ETUIETUI 2012, ISBN 978-2-87452-222-2, 54 pages, 10 € / EN, FR

Manual for European Workers’ Representatives. How to make your meetings more successfulBruno Demaître and Romuald Jagodzinski, ETUIETUI 2012, ISBN 978-2-87452-250-5, 12 pages / EN, FR, ES, DE,

PL, NL, SV and EL

The REACH Book. The REACH regulation No. 1907/2006. Consolidated version 05/06/2012ETUI 2012, ISBN 978-2-87452-276-5, 218 pages, 15 €

Trade unions and the fight against poverty and social exclusionETUI 2011, ISBN 978-2-87452-188-1 (pdf), 128 pages / EN, FR

A classification of methods for assessing and/or preventing the risks of musculoskeletal disordersJacques Malchaire, Catholic University of Louvain, in association with Roland Gauthy, ETUI, Alain Piette, Department of Employment and Labour, Belgium and Fabio Strambi, Siena Local Health UnitETUI 2011, ISBN 978-2-87452-223-9, 48 pages, 15 €/ EN, FR

(also available in ES and PT)


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Labourline est le catalogue en ligne du centre de documentation de l’ETUI. Il propose plus de 60.000 références en relation avec le monde du travail.Le centre de documentation de l’ETUI est une importante source d’information sur le mouvement syndical européen et international, les questions économiques et sociales, les relations professionnelles et la santé-sécurité au travail. Plus de 25.000 publications, dont celles éditées par l’ETUI, et une centaine de périodiques spécialisés peuvent être consultés sur place.

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