Ethics in India vM(2)

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  • 7/29/2019 Ethics in India vM(2)




    Thoughts on Ethics in India and

    the way forward for building

    Indias ethical foundation

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    Ethics in India an


    Ethics is to know the

    difference between what you

    can do and what is right

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    Why did the Greek and Roman civilizations vanish? Asked my Professor

    at Lady Shri Ram College. Even as we grappled with potential answers,

    she gave the enlightening answer,they vanished, because their values

    vanished from them.

    Ethics as a subject has crept into the Indian culture and philosophy

    through generations. While basic values are beautifully captured in the

    Indian epics, there is also a realistic representation of dilemmas. Too

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    many times, in real life, the dilemmas end up with a jugaad solution

    something that finds a path of least resistance to a quick fix solution.

    While traditional perusal of the scriptures built the initial value foundation

    of the Indian society, the current generation of Indians faces challenges

    of a different level. The termite called corruption has hollowed the

    nation; unethical decisions have compromised some of our largest


    It is the premise of this paper that much more than a legal framework

    reform is required to address the crisis in ethics in India and elsewhere.

    To address the issue of corruption, we need to build a moral foundation

    for India. Ethics training is fundamental to the process, discussions and

    case-studies will make a good start for the next generation. However, it

    will need to go far beyond academic training ethics will have to be

    learnt in the school of real life.

    The very process of discussion about the moral propositions can actually

    start a process of self-awareness that distinguishes between right and

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    wrong. However, we can tend to distort the interpretation to suit our

    convenience, limited perhaps by limits of our own conviction of an action.


    Corruption is an extreme outcome of capitulating to the temptation.

    However, ethics by definition is a far larger subject than an isolated

    fraud or corrupt act.

    Many people tend to equate ethics with religion. But one should not

    identify ethics with religion. Most religions, of course, advocate high

    ethical standards. Yet if ethics were confined to religion, then ethics

    would apply only to religious people. But ethics applies as much to the

    behavior of the atheist as to that of the devout religious person. Religion

    can set high ethical standards and can provide intense motivations for

    ethical behavior. Ethics, however, cannot be confined to religion nor is it

    the same as religion (Manuel Velasquez).

    Being ethical is also not the same as following the law. The law often

    incorporates ethical standards to which most citizens subscribe. But laws

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    can deviate from what is ethical. American pre-Civil War slavery laws and

    the old apartheid laws of present-day South Africa are grotesquely

    obvious examples of laws that deviate from what is ethical.

    Finally, being ethical is not necessarily the same as doing "whatever

    society accepts." In any society, most people accept standards that are, in

    fact, ethical. But standards of behavior in society can deviate from what is

    ethical. An entire society can become ethically corrupt. Nazi Germany is a

    good example of a morally corrupt society.

    What, then, is ethics? Ethics is two things. First, ethics refers to well-

    founded standards of right and wrong that prescribe what humans ought

    to do, usually in terms of rights, obligations, benefits to society, fairness,

    or specific virtues. Ethics, for example, refers to those standards that

    impose the reasonable obligations to refrain from rape, stealing, murder,

    assault, slander, and fraud. Ethical standards also include those that

    enjoin virtues of honesty, compassion, and loyalty. And, ethical standards

    include standards relating to rights, such as the right to life, the right to

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    freedom from injury, and the right to privacy. Such standards are

    adequate standards of ethics because they are supported by consistent

    and well-founded reasons.

    Secondly, ethics refers to the study and development of one's ethical

    standards (Manuel Velasquez). As mentioned above, laws and social norms can

    deviate from what is ethical. So it is necessary to constantly examine

    one's standards to ensure that they are reasonable and well-founded.

    Ethics also means, then, the continuous effort of studying our own moral

    beliefs and our moral conduct, and striving to ensure that we, and the

    institutions we help to shape, live up to standards that are reasonable

    and solidly-based.

    In the following pages, we share the learning from the Indian epics and

    the dilemmas faced by the characters. We explore a few select cases from

    the Indian industry and analyze their ethical perspectives to reiterate the

    importance of ethics and the way forward for India in this context.


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    Indias rich cultural heritage has captured the debate of good and bad,

    right and wrong in its epics, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. The

    two great concepts that have a bearing on ethics, contained in the Vedas

    are the Rita, the law of God, or the eternal law Satya, the truth.

    The Ramayana projects the ideal man, the ideal wife, the ideal brother

    and the ideal servant, and Rama himself is held up as the very image of

    Dharma. The Mahabharata is a veritable treasurable of moral maxims

    which characters like Bhishma, Yudhisthira and Vidura expound on


    The Bhagwad Gita details the moral principles and Krishna expounds

    them as the supreme Lord..distinguishing between the virtues and vices.

    Yet, Indian literary history fully embraces the concept of noble ends

    justifying dubious means. (Business vs ethics: The Indian trade-off, 2012) Three texts

    intrinsic to Indian culture and philosophy help to explain the current

    business landscape: the epics Ramayanaand Mahabarataand the

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    economic treatise Arthshastra. The epics explore both sides of the ethical

    coin, developing the dilemmas through short stories or allegories, all part

    of an episode in a compendium spanning several lifetimes of different


    In both the Ramayanaand the Mahabharata, even gods resort to deceit

    and trickery to accomplish their ends. In the latter, Lord Krishna

    repeatedly devises "underhanded" methods to defeat the opposing army

    -- going so far as to encourage the protagonist, Arjuna, to attack and kill

    an unarmed adversary.

    In addition, the Arthshastrais often cited publicly by prominent

    politicians and businessmen as the foundation of their strategic thought.

    Written to advise a king on statecraft, economic policy and military

    strategy, the work advocates the use of deception and sometimes brutal

    measures for the common good. Max Weber described Machiavelli's

    draconian Princeas harmless when compared to Arthshastra, whose

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    topics range from "when a nation should violate a treaty and invade" to

    "when killing domestic opponents is wise."

    The existence of two different perspectives in these scriptures builds the

    conflict between the right, perceived right and wrong! Fact is, the

    scriptures capture a story and time pervasive human dilemmas and to

    some extent have to be understood in the time context they were created



    Gurucharan Dass exploration of Mahabharata (Das, 2009) delivers an

    interesting compendium of ethics in the epics. Specifically, there are

    three threads that evolve in the analysis.

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    Mahabharata explores this role of dharma throughYudhisthira,

    Draupadi and other key characters in their discussions across various

    allegories across the epic:

    Religious reasons a person will go to heaven if he is good

    Law of Karma - human deeds will inevitably have consequences /actions will bear fruit in this or another world

    General benefits of a virtuous society

    Connects being good with character and fulfilling the purpose ofhuman life

    Dharma disciplines the pursuit of pleasure and wealth and thusprovides the balance to a good life

    Pandavas had to give up their kingdom and live

    a life of a recluse in the forest when they could have raised an army and

    fought the (evil) Kauravas for what was rightfully theirs. When challenged

    by Draupadi on this debacle and pensive choice, Yudhisthira replies in a

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    typically modest way. Expressing his instinctive and intrinsic sense of

    duty, he says I act because I must. He does not follow Dharma because

    of any hope of reward that might come. He acts from a sense of what he

    has to do. Dharma or what he has to do is a standard of conduct and a

    society needs standards. He goes on to say that following dharma is its

    own reward. When one acts thus, it is motives and not consequences

    that are important. Krishna will elaborate this idea later of acting

    without thinking of the fruits of ones action.

    As we will explore further, the consequences of a morally right

    action/decision are far reaching. Even if there is an immediate loss

    because of a morally correct decision, the long run impact can be

    dramatically positive as we avoid slipping into an abyss of immoral

    actions, each slowly de-sensitizing our moral sensibilities. And the fact is

    that somewhere down the line there is a negative repercussion of such

    actions which wipes out all perceived gains in a painful manner.

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    Mahabharata as an epic stands out in its approach of realism of

    portraying no individual character as perfect at all times and exploring

    each moral dilemma and its implications along with the story. We explore

    some of the dilemmas that stand out in the story between their

    intentions and consequences, to explore the subtlety of dharma and


    When Drona finds that Eklavya a lowly tribesperson has acquired

    archery skills out of sheer dedication with just his stone image as a

    teacher, he asks Eklavya for his thumb as the Gurudakshina. How

    justified was this action? Why was it not protested by the princes? Or

    by Eklavya himself?

    We all know that Dronas demand was based on his personal desire to

    keep the skill of archery with his royal wards..and his selfish and cruel

    action in taking Eklavyas thumb ensures that the Eklavya is crippled

    and unable to use the skill he acquired through personal dedication.

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    Definitely, the princes were a party to this cruel demand as they stood

    to gain their unique stature as archers undisputed. Perhaps there

    could be some consideration to their age and the fact that they were

    only indirectly responsible for the unfair demand. Yet, they should

    have interceded on behalf of Eklavya and that could have built a

    different moral foundation to the story.

    Why did Eklavya not object to the cruel demand? Fact is,Drona himself

    had refused to teach archery to him. He gained his skills through

    sheer dedication and by learning with just a stone image of the

    famous (but, obviously, selfish) Guru. Perhaps he succumbed to the

    prevailing dharma. However, the fact is that he had a right to protest a

    cruel act instead of being a victim of history.

    When Yaksha gives Yudhisthira the right to revive any one brother, he

    chose Nakula leaving the others. Why would he select the weakest

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    brother, leaving Arjuna- the warrior and Bhishma the mighty? A logic

    of satisfying both the mothers in a balanced choice is given in the

    dilemma and a happy ending gives a part answer to the situation.

    Yet . Imagine if Yudhisthira

    had chosen Nakula because he was weak and would not represent a

    challenge to his stature. Obviously, the reason would be wrong and

    the morality of decision vitiated.

    Likewise, if Yudhisthira had chosen Arjuna or Bhima for their strengths

    as a warrior and for reason of managing the best out of a difficult

    choice, it would be debatable to fault him on moral ground.

    Mahabharata has an anecdote of Saint Kaushik, an ascetic without

    much learning, who is accosted one day by a group of thieving cut-

    throats who are seeking the man who had witnessed their crime.

    Kaushik had seen the witness run into the forest and he knows that if

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    he reveals it, he is issuing a death sentence. He must choose between

    the dharma ofsatya, telling the truth, or ofahimsa, saving a life.

    Faced with option of saying the truth and destroying an innocent life

    and saying nothing, SaintKaushik chose to say the truth. Was he

    justified? What options could he have exercised? Could he not have

    remained silent instead of exposing the innocent to harm?

    Perhaps the silence would have meant that he would be challenged by

    the robbers chasing the innocent man, perhaps he himself would have

    been victimized by the robbers. However, if Saint Kaushik believed in

    protecting Dharma, he should have put himself in line of fire to save

    the life. His misguided and inadequate action cost an innocent man

    his life and definitely leaves us with doubts on the integrity and

    morality of his action.

    Once again motives are key to justifying the morality. If Saint Kaushik

    remained silent or lied to save an innocent man, and under pain of

    death, we do not find the action of a lie to be fundamentally wrong.

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    This dilemma also brings forward the hierarchy of morality as applied

    with motives to action options ranging from being silent, lying and

    truth clearly being truthful here is the lowest in the hierarchy,

    followed by lying to save life and being silent.

    Of course, the biggest dilemma in the epic is when Arjuna hesitates to

    start the war as he sees his close friends on the opposite side.

    Krishna gives the Gita Updesh to explain that he is fighting for the

    greater good and for the just war he must act!

    Time and again during the war, Pandavas have to resort to deceit and

    trickery to win. What conditions justify such acts? Why did the war in

    Mahabharat happen at all? Why did the seniors like Bhishma not

    intervene and arrange a peaceful settlement if for no other reason,

    then to point out that the cost of a war would be much more than cost

    of 5 villages for the Pandavas.

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    Another key dilemma in Mahabharata unfolds as Draupadi is brought into

    the court for shaming by the Kauravas. What should the seniors like

    Bhishma, Dronacharya and the king Dhritrashtra do? Why were they silent

    while the Kaurava Prince Dusshasana and Duryodhana were indulging in

    the shameful act?

    It is obvious that the seniors failed in their duty to protect Draupadi that

    they lacked the moral courage to intervene and change the course of the

    story. By being silent witnesses to the evil, they were as guilty of the act

    as the Kaurava princes.

    King Dhritrashtra emerges as a weak, immoral ruler because he does not

    stop his sons from the shameful deed nor is his reversal of the results of

    the game of vice at the end of the story because of any moral

    considerations. He just hears the sounds of a jackal wailing and is scared

    of the omen his action is thus prompted more by fear than by a sense

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    of propriety. Thus, as before, motives are key to deciding the propriety of

    the actions and Dhritrashtra is found wanting in his act.

    A recent parallel has been in the incidence of gang-rape (& subsequent

    death) of Nirbhaya in Delhi. The government arranged to airlift her to

    Singapore for treatment yet the populace acknowledges that this was

    prompted by populist reasons and to prevent a whip-lash of public

    sentiment in Delhi. Fact is, that all the political leaders failed to respond

    promptly and spontaneously to the incidence and till it was obvious that

    there was a major public resentment on the inaction. Thus, because of

    their immoral silence at first, corrective action in itself had little moral

    substance as the motivations were felt to be weak!

    An obvious learning is to have the moral courage to raise ones voice on

    what is an unethical, immoral action and by opposing to cleanse the



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    Mahabharata addresses the issue of dharma in society on two planes.

    Firstly, through Bhishmas message to Yudhisthira, it emphasizes the role

    ofdanda, the rod of punishment, in ensuring retribution and to keep

    the society aligned on the right principles. Mahabharata also talks of

    proportionality of justice that the king must wield the danda justly

    under the constraints of the law.

    Secondly, and this is where the moral pragmatism of Mahabharata stands

    out, is its message that virtuousness can be taught- a persons

    character is not something one is born with, and one can be educated to

    become more moral- by encouraging repeat virtuous actions.

    A key message is that all matters of public policy should be publicly

    debated before a decision is taken. In Draupadisquestion What is the

    Dharma of the king? are the echoes of public accountability. Healthy

    discussions bringing forth all perspectives can lay the foundation for a

    morally correct decision simply because the basis is transparent and

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    visible. Finally, the fact is that individuals are free to act as they choose

    and are responsible for their decisions!

    Mahabharata gives the impression that ends justify the means when

    Krishna advises Arjuna to win the war through deceit and trickery. Yet, as

    the story unveils, it is obvious that the victory is shallow and Krishna

    himself has a surprising end as one thought shares, as a punishment

    for his human mistakes.

    What if the seniors in Mahabharata had curbed Duryodhanas envy? What

    if the game of dice was pre-empted and Yudhisthira had not staked

    others on to the game of dice? What if the seniors had saved Draupadi

    from the shameful acts of Kauravas? What if they had intervened to

    enable peaceful settlement of Pandavas claims?....

    The answers to all these thoughts are profound. If Duryodhanas envy

    had been curbed, his life-long hatred for Pandavas would have ceased

    and the brothers would have lived in peace and harmony. If the game of

    dice was pre-empted, if Yudhisthirahad exercised sobriety and restraint

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    in his stakes the seeds of hatred that bloomed from Draupadis shame

    would have not realized ground. If the seniors had brought restraint in

    the extreme position of Duryodhana they would have wrought a peaceful

    settlement instead of a war.

    The need is for strong, ethical leadership that takes the ethically correct

    decision and not a jugaad. There may be an immediate cost of such a

    decision but in most cases the overall cost of a quick-fix solution is much

    more and compounds with time.

    Jugaad came because the moral foundations were weakened the

    victory was shallow and, the fact is, led to Kalyug in Mahabharat.

    When we give in to a constable asking for bribe, we are eroding both his

    and our moral foundation. When he takes the bribe, it slowly becomes a

    part of his system, his financial expectation. It is better to lobby and

    arrange the right pay scale for him then to give him a bribe.

    Suresh Rajpal, Hewlett-Packard India Ltd, was confronted with a bribe

    request to resolve a long pending customs case. He refused, booking the

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    loss, and in the process ending all scope of future black mailing and

    unnecessary penalization.

    The consequences of a morally weak decision are inevitable.each slip

    takes one down an abyss, each slip desensitizes us to the ethical risks -

    and it is only much later that one realizes the extent of the fall.and the

    inevitable (and frequently, invisible till too-late) costs!

    Applying these learnings, we shall now explore the prevalence of ethics in

    Indian society and its working in Indian business.


    The Indian culture has been influenced by Jugaad a quick-fix solution,

    that moves ahead by finding the path of least resistance. To some extent,

    the Indian psyche of bowing to the administrator has also got its roots in

    the 200 years of British rule.

    As a result, an unusual liaison built up between the administration and

    the business inspector raj built up in the country. It started with

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    nazarana (token of thanks), grew to shukranama (gratitude fee)and

    now it is Zabarana (Forced bribe)!

    This underscores the reality of ethics. Each compromise, each slip is

    steep even though it may not be obvious at that time.

    The other reality is that each ethical win that we experience as

    individuals, strengthens us decisively and significantly. This is the result

    observed by one of the most prominent practitioners of ethics of the

    recent times Mohan Das Karamchand Gandhi- in his experiments with

    truth (Gandhi). The sheer process of challenging the wrong begins from

    inside and once courage and patience sees a win the resulting steeling

    of character is immeasurable.

    Interestingly, this thought is also captured by the Mahabharata (Das, The Difficulty of

    being Good, 2009) virtuousness can be trained by repeating virtuous actions.

    Upto this point, we have suggested ways of improving human judgment

    and improving organizations, goals that are important components of the

    larger agenda of improving ethics across the society. But structural

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    changes at the societal level are also needed to create a more ethical

    society. Special-interest groups are often strategically exploitative and

    have found ways to use our bounded ethicality against us (Tenbrunsel,

    2011). Along these lines, psychologists and behavioral economists

    recently have begun to develop a novel strategy for coping with the

    imperfections of human judgment. Beginning with the knowledge that

    people act in predictably irrational ways, these theorists structure choices

    to optimally account for biased decision making. The result: better, more

    ethical decisions as ingeniously designed choice environments avoid

    systematic pitfalls in decision making.

    Let us share a few examples to elaborate these points positively.

    It is a well-documented fact that India in the mid-70s was wrought with a

    corrupt bureaucracy and license raj that exploited industry and through

    them the nation. Compare this with the Indian industry today a vibrant,

    high-growth, high GDP emerging market that is vying for a place in the

    global market. What has changed? Fundamentally, as we explore the

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    history we realize that the liberalization process that started in mid 90s

    changed the default options for the industry. The rule was not of getting

    a license, a certificate from a government official but of self-

    certification, subject to occasional audit. A simple change in the default

    option eased the industrys burden and enabled it to race forward into

    the 21st century.

    India has traditionally been a nation where the environment sensitivity

    has been low. When Ministry of Environment and Forest (MOEF) started

    exploring the issue of electronics and electrical waste in India, it found

    that the nation was generating over 400,000 metric tons of waste of

    electronics and electrical equipment (WEEE). Moreover, WEEE laws were

    non-existent (unlike mature markets) and recycling processes were very

    weak in India. As a result, India faced the threat of being rendered a

    dumping ground for foreign WEEE sent into India under various guises as

    2nd hand reusable material or repairable material. Worse, as other peer

    countries implemented their WEEE laws, India would become the dumping

    ground for substandard products. Indian industry was skeptical of the

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    WEEE laws and MNCs operating in India were uncomfortable with the

    impending WEEE legislation that would require (like in their mature

    markets) the manufacturers to own the extended producer responsibility

    to minimize their WEEE (reduce, recycle, reuse). Such a law would impose

    costs for reverse logistics, require a more responsible environment-

    sensitive manufacturing by the producers. Today, India has enacted a

    WEEE legislation after going through a public consultation over several

    quarters. The law was notified in May 11 and starts a voluntary

    compliance process across select product categories. This voluntary

    compliance process will evolve into a mandatory compliance over 2 years

    time period and would also evolve with additional product categories in a

    phased manner. What has been the industry reaction? By providing for a

    future lock-in and a phased introduction of the law, the MOEF has

    effectively lowered resistance and enabled participation from the


    In another example, there has been an increasing concern about the

    energy wastage and of the extensive diesel consumption/ carbon

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    emissions in India. Bureau of energy efficiency (BEE) has driven a number

    of programs that are bringing energy sensitivity to the consumers and

    organizations. BEEs energy star program involves the manufacturers in

    labeling their products basis the energy efficiency. BEE advertises the BEE

    Label and promotes consumer awareness of the subject. Result

    increasingly, the market share of energy efficient devices has increased

    dramatically. Separately, increasing awareness of diesel implications (as

    well as a mounting fiscal deficit) has prompted the government to

    partially deregulate the diesel prices from subsidies and unlike past,

    this pain has been accepted by the more aware nation.

    It is wrong to believe that opposite of self-less is selfish - there is a

    liberal middle ground of self-interest which drives the ordinary human

    beings. Rational self-interest is the correct basis on which to design

    public institutions, especially when they involve large numbers of people

    who do not have day-to-day contact with each other these are

    institutions of democratic capitalization.

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    The use of self-certification, change of default options, exposing value

    trade-offs, future lock-in and phased introductions are some of the

    devices that are now used as instruments of ethical change in the Indian



    Ethical business leadership can have a profound impact on the fabric of

    the nation. We have seen Tata group emerge as one of Indias leading

    corporate house with a well-diversified portfolio. Tata Group has led the

    Corporate Governance initiatives in India. They have also taken moral

    stands and some of these have been costly. Ratan Tata, ex-Chairperson

    Tata Group, has stated that there is a huge cost to being ethical but

    they have borne it whenever required. In the simple decision of shifting

    the Nano project from West Bengal to Gujarat, Tata Group made a

    statement of its concern for its staff and its uncompromising position on

    its values (TATA Nano Wikipedia page).

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    Also, if HP had given a bribe to customs, all their future consignments

    would have been subject to blackmail and bribe. By avoiding it the first

    time, they sent a clear message and built their leadership and market

    presence on a morally sound ground.

    This underscores the key premise of this paper evil (the wrong, the

    corrupt, the vice) has to be confronted it is only in the process of doing

    so can the true strength be arrived at. Each moral victory strengthens the

    individuals character each slip is so steep that the extent of fall is never

    gauged at that instant!

    On the other extreme, India has seen the Satyam scandal. On January 7,

    2009,RamalingamRaju, the then Chairman and Managing Director of

    Satyam Computers Services Ltd stunned the world by disclosing that he

    had manipulated the companys financial statements for several years.

    The total size of manipulation was Rs 70 billion! As an example, in the

    quarter ending September 30, 2008, Satyam reported a revenue of Rs.27

    billion and an operating margin of Rs.6.5 billion (24% of revenue) as

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    against the actual revenue of Rs.21 billion and an operating margin of

    Rs.0.61 billion (3 % of revenue). This resulted in reporting fictitious cash

    of nearly Rs.6 billion in that quarter alone. Significantly, the company was

    listed in the New York stock exchange (besides in India) and audited by a

    member of a big 4 accounting firm and had an impressive looking

    board of directors its independent directors were eminent individuals

    with long experience in government (a retired cabinet secretary), industry

    (the inventor of the pentium chip) and academics (a professor of

    accounting at a top B school in India). Ramalingam Raju stated: It was

    like riding a tiger, not knowing how to get off without being eaten. The

    severity of fraud can be imagined when one realizes that the corporate

    team at Satyam created cash fictitious cash by having fictitious invoices

    to fictitious companies with fictitious receipts from fictitious banks! This

    is the key point in any accounting fraud: it is easy to start a fraud but

    impossible to exit without being caught. A fraud often unravels in the

    wake of an industry downturn, a family dispute, a disgruntled employee

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    blowing the whistle, or a problem with the political

    establishment. (Narayanswamy, 2011, Financial Accounting - a managerial perspective)

    Finally, another example is of a leading multi-national company, where

    the incentives for business were linked to meeting quarterly and 6-

    monthly performance guidelines. A specific business was known to have

    been meeting its business targets for several periods. Then there was a

    change of portfolio and a new manager was assigned this business. He

    discovered that there was an unaccrued expense of $2.2 million on a

    previous period revenue of $20 million. What had happened? The

    previous manager met his profit quota by delaying expense accruals

    quarter after quarter! Apparently, he hoped to correct it in the next

    period. However, the market conditions kept a pressure on that

    expectation. At the same time, a good performance prompted the

    management to assign a higher targetand it created a perpetuating and

    widening gap that eventually led to the debacle! The successor had to

    correct the financials by recording the unaccrued expenses as per the

    GAAP principles, and since the actual revenue as well as profit

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    performance was wrong, the entire 3 year strategic plan for the business

    had to be revised to incorporate the ground reality.

    Was delaying the correction an option for this MNC? Not really! The

    delayed accruals represented discounts to dealers for their sales targets.

    By delaying the accruals, the business heads were also delaying payments

    to the dealers hoping to pay them from the next quarters performance

    and this was building an inevitable dissatisfaction in the channels. Thus,

    what seemed like a simple book correction to a weak management had

    severe long run implications for the company and it required the

    courageous action of the succeeding manager to declare the aberration

    and get it corrected at the root.

    Thus, we once again see that a weakening of the ethical fibre can result

    in a major fall it is only a matter of time. The seeds of the fall are sown

    in that first surrender to the jugaad.

    As the epic of Mahabharata shares, the principles of good leadership (in

    business management), the virtues can be taught- a persons character is

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    not something one is born with (Karnas anxiety, Gurucharan Das, Difficulty of being good)

    and one can be educated to become more moral. To become virtuous

    requires repeating virtuous action.

    Strong ethical corporate governance can be transformational for an

    organization. The corporate governors bring values, vision and visibility

    to the organization. A clear core ideology and direction can synchronize

    the entire management team and channelize their energies on the focus

    areas. Values lay the moral foundation for the organization but then the

    good corporate governance is also recognized by the market which

    eventually gives a higher market capitalization to well governed

    corporates. Visibility means transparency of actions and ensures that

    organization promotes a strong culture of openness and ethical

    accountability in the organization.

    If B Ramalingam Raju had realized his true dharma, he would have

    recognized that he should not have siphoned cash from a public limited

    company to invest in his sons real estate ventures. If his senior

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    managers had recognized their moral responsibilities, they would not

    have participated in creating fictitious entries. If the corporate governors

    would have discharged their responsibilities right, the values and

    transparency would have prevented the situation. If the auditors had

    performed adequate due diligence, the fraud would have been detected

    long back. The values were compromised there. But then, one really

    wonders how and how many of Satyams senior employees chose to sink

    into the immorality of silence when the leaders were compounding one of

    the biggest frauds in Indias corporate history? It was the first slip that

    took everyone down the abyss


    Corruption is a phenomenon that is widely prevalent in the administrative

    system of India and is one of the most nagging problems, impeding

    growth and development. The biggest issue is institutionalized

    corruption. Every aspect of the governance apparatus is marred by this

    problem, with variations only in the level of corruption. It has reached

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    such alarming proportions that the governance structure of India is

    affected by its social, economic and political consequences, leading to

    sub-optimal use of resources.

    Corruption in India not only poses a significant danger to the quality of

    governance; it also threatens in an accelerated manner the very

    foundation of Indias democracy, rule of law and discriminates against

    people it violates the principles of equality and fairness as decisions are

    taken in an arbitrary manner favoring bribe-givers, as opposed to people

    who are legally entitled. (Rajkumar, 2011)

    The criminal system is marred by such a degree of uncertainty and

    inefficiency coupled with corruption that the judicial process of

    corruption cases ending in a conviction seems to be a distant dream.

    Mere reform of law enforcement will be inadequate to tackle the problem

    of corruption in India.

    Moreover, ethics as we introduced at the start of this note is an issue

    that is larger than corruption. How ethical is it for tele-marketing

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    companies to invade the privacies of the individual? How can the private

    data of individuals be made public by data base aggregators without their

    permission? Is it ethical to promote the candidature of a relation or of a

    candidate from ones caste/community vs a deserving candidate obtained

    through a free and fair competition? Is our stated commitment to

    affirmative action compromised in real, on-the-ground implementation?

    How can we strengthen the self to declare a conflict of interest and

    deliver impartiality and justice in the decision?

    Let us take the case of the recent sensational news of the Augusta-

    Westland helicopter deal. Fact of the case is that $35 million was

    apparently provided for bribe money by the officials of the Augusta-

    Westland. It is not known if that money found its way to Indias decision

    makers or was retained by middlemen in the value-chain. However, only

    known link is that cousins of the then Air Vice Marshal SP Tyagi were

    partners in the Indian link and received a sum of approx. $150,000. The

    sum, in itself a small amount, seems possibly fair and above board for

    liaisoning services in India for such a deal. However, even assuming that

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    there were no underhand payments, fact is that the Air Vice Marshal knew

    that his cousins were representing the deal, he met the foreign

    representatives and discussed the deal with them. What was the

    honorable way out for the AVM? He should have declared a conflict of

    interest officially and dissociated himself from the decision making

    process for the deal! His failure to do so casts a shadow on an otherwise

    illustrious lifetime and career.

    Today, a businessman is pressurized by various environmental factors to

    follow a business practice which is ethical from societys point of view,

    irrespective of its impact on business profits. Such a high significance of

    business ethics is attributable to the following reasons:

    Todays businessman firmly believes that business ethics are in

    their own self-interest. That is, if business enterprises follow

    business practices, it will lead to higher profits and prosperity in

    the long run. For example, if a firm maintains quality, refrains from

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    hoarding of goods during scarcity, pay taxes honestly, cares for the

    welfare of employees, and so on, it will find in the long run its sales

    and profits have increased considerably as it earns goodwill in the


    Good corporate governance has an inevitable impact on the firms

    valuation. In fact, having a good, responsible set of managers in

    the board of directors has an immediate positive halo and reaction

    in the stock market and on its market valuation.

    As a part of overall economic system, a business organization is

    pressurized by various environmental factors to act credibly and

    behave ethically. Thus, a business enterprise may have no option

    but to desist from undesirable trade practices like hoarding and

    profiteering due to pressure from consumer forums. Similarly,

    trade unions can put pressure on a business organization to pay

    fair wages, provide for labor welfare, encourage participation, and

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    so on. Besides todays businessman is aware that ethics are a part

    of the social environment and their observance is beneficial to the


    It would not be an exaggeration to say that most business people

    behave ethically because of their moral consciousness. Like any

    other member of the society business people also believe that

    ethical business conduct is good business as well as good

    citizenship. That is the reason why most of the business people

    have been avoiding unethical business practices like adulteration,

    overcharging, black marketing, producing inferior quality or

    spurious goods etc, irrespective of the fact whether the laws were

    enacted to declare such practices as illegal or not.

    In almost all spheres of business activity, laws have been enacted

    which declare certain business practices to be illegal and

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    prohibited. Business enterprises find it obligatory not to resort to

    such business practices. In short, obedience to such laws is ethical.

    Moreover, most corporates now build in checks and balance in the

    corruption sensitive processes like purchase, cash payouts and

    revenue management. This also promotes the build-up of

    transparency and a morally correct organization.


    Resurgence of ethics will be the need of the 21st century India. We

    examine the role of political leadership, business leadership/managers

    and academic leaders in strengthening the moral backbone of India.

    Ethical political leadership can have a profound impact on the fabric of

    the nation. The emerging environment with an active media will foster

    transparency. Increasingly, we are seeing politicians being caught off-

    guard by the media and civil society activists. In sitting silently at

    Rajghat, Anna Hazares simple symbolism sparked a movement that has

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    catalyzed the nation. With a correction of the fundamentals at the top,

    with the inception of a younger generation of educated leadership into

    the governance process, we have an opportunity to build a process of

    change from the top.

    Professional bureaucracy supported by an enlightened political leadership

    is creating an environment which is structured to more ethical decisions

    by easing default options and using innovative devices that have been

    covered earlier in this note.

    Business leadership has to define its value system and it has to relieve

    management of artificial pressures of performance. Management in turn

    has to mature and resist pressures of artificial performance.

    Academic leaders and teachers have a key role in building the moral

    backbone of the young India. This can be done by building ethical

    training as a part of the academic curriculum. Definitely, books and case-

    studies help bring this fascinating subject alive. One can imagine

    Gandhis dilemma before going to the judge with the truthyet, the

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    subject is a practical one. It needs to be taught in the reality of life,

    through real experiences. Each time a person falls and is shown the

    ravine and each time the person resists temptation, the moral backbone

    of the individual and the nation- is formed!

    It is in the sum total of these positive experiences that the ethical moksha

    will be realized. We can argue that the initial ethical base is too little, too

    weak. Yet, the reality is that as we collectively build each positive

    experience, we are driving the ethical momentum to a new extreme. As

    we build more believers for ethics, we are driving the proposition to the

    mainstream. If we take care to build enough opinion leaders, we will build

    our mainstream adopters one day.

    Finally, it will not be an easy journey.

    The nation has to realize that it has to bear the cost of being ethical.

    However, it is better to face the consequences of the truth than to face

    the consequences of a lie!

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