Ethics in Advertising in Pakistan

Post on 07-Mar-2016

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WHAT IS ADVERTISING ?Advertisingis a form of communication used to help sell products and services.



The Law Of Ethical Advertisement In PakistanIt is essential to maintain consistently high standards of television advertising. In judging advertisements, the main consideration will be the impression it is likely to create on an average audience, which includes children and young persons of innate judgment and of impressionable age.PTVs Code Of Ethics In Advertisement

PTV's code of ethics includes censoring the following elements from commercials and programs: Female glamour related to their bathingTouching cheeks with handsMaking objectionable gesturesWaiving hair and swayingFemales in jeans and provocative dressVulgar lookswhich are considered contrary to Islamic values and are in clash with the average family atmosphereUNETHICAL ADVERTISEMENTS

Deceptive AdvertisementClaiming that a product can do something that it can not, is a clear-cut case of deception.

Dew Ad

Time Limits In AdvertisementAn area where advertisers and marketersmust decide what is permissible (and therefore justified and ethical) is impression management.Some companies show time limits in the advertisement of their product but in actual sense they are not according to time.

Irrelevant AdvertisementsSome advertisements are nothing to do with the product offered by the company. Massages, created by these types of ad, are baseless and meaningless. Example Ufone Solid Offer

Spoiling Image In AdsSome companies intentionally (competition) or unintentionally spoils the image of other brands through the ad of their product. Example Zong and BlackBerrry.

Full DisclosureSome companies do not disclose all the fact and figures related to that particular product. Disclosure of any fact in ad is considered Unethical. For example product prices.

Seductive AdvertisementIn some cultures, like Pakistan, seductive advertisement is considered as unethical. But some companies use these techniques to sell their product. Example Mango Slice

Mocks-Ups In AdsMock ups are the props instead of the real products in order to simulate the way products work . For Examples Ads of Ice-Cream

Cheap AdvertisementsThere are some advertisements in market which totally against the ethical standards of society. The general message created by these adds are disastrous for norms, values and standards of society. Example Fresh up ads

Is Advertising Condoms and Sex Products Are Ethical?

Misleading AdsThe large grey area that exists between truth and deception contains ads that people often consider misleading. The ads are misleading because they depart from literal truth and fact. For example Colgate

Celebrities In AdsFamous celebrities are hired for advertisements by some companies andby using the product the customers feelthemselves like those celebrities.