Ethics Case Study – 15 _ INSIGHTS

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  • 8/10/2019 Ethics Case Study 15 _ INSIGHTS


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  • 8/10/2019 Ethics Case Study 15 _ INSIGHTS


    2/27/2014 Ethics Case Study 15 | INSIGHTS 2

    49 responses to Ethics Case Study 15

    How To Prepare UPSC Civil

    Services Mains Paper - V (GS - 4 -

    Ethics, Aptitude and Integrity))

    Ethics Case Study - 23

    Rishabh SrivastavaOctober 11, 201 3 at 12 :45 pm

    firstly i will sav e the boy t hen try to conv ence the owner of tea shop not to hire children below 1 4 y ears of is criminal

    offence..if he is not agr ee..then put h im behind th e bars..


    Amod AnkitOctober 11, 201 3 at 12 :45 pm

    It is v ery mu ch importan t to acknowledge own m istakes comm itted either by default or design ,especially in ca ses when it h urt


    Firstly,i would have a ccepted my mistake and help the boy rid free of the blame lev eled by his master.Here,as a hum an being,i

    wou ld h av e stopped t he sh op owner fr om i nfl ict ing v iolen ce on t he sma ll child a nd pa id the ent ire compensa tion of th e loss

    incurr ed by h im.A s a responsible would-be IAS officer, i would ha v e made efforts to free tha t child from stra nglehold of the shop

    owner by h anding over t he boy to a responsible NGO working for the welfar e of children so tha t he does not get entang led in the

    v ici ous cir cle of povert y in fut ur e due to lac k of edu cation .

    Moreover,i would hav e appealed to the shopkeeper to desist from resorting to child la bour as it is a cognizable offence and

    punishable under la w.

    Initiating a ny legal a ction is out of question as it is better to resort to cajoling rath er tha n forceful abiding of norm s.


    PrasadOctober 14, 2013 at 1:42 pm

    super like


    Amod Ankit

    October 19, 201 3 at 4:35 pm

    Than ks for the complim ents!


    NitishOctober 1 1, 2 013 at 12:51 pm

    As t hi s is clea r c ut v iolati ons of ru le of la w.

    Though constitution has abolished child labour in ha zardous activ ities. SC has giv en a v erdict that a ny child below the ag e of 14

    y ears ca nt be em ploy ed in an y kin d of employ em ent ac tiv it ies. Moreover wh oev er eng ag es in it is lia ble t o be pun ished un der

    Child labour prohibition A ct, 1 986.

    Steps :-

    1) Warning to the shopkeeper to stop beating him as he has always violated CLP act and has committed one crime already.

    2) Thr eaten him and ma ke him a war e of the consequences if he didnt oblige the la w and free the ch ild with proper

    compensation he has to pay .

    3) Console the boys an d may be talk t o him about h is studies ov er some food.

    4) If boy hav e a family , then we m ay go to them a nd make them aware of RTE which giv es provision for free education under 1

    y ears.

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  • 8/10/2019 Ethics Case Study 15 _ INSIGHTS


    2/27/2014 Ethics Case Study 15 | INSIGHTS 3

    5 Ha v e con v er sa tion w it oca im p em en ta in g a gen cy o RTE A ct a n g et t e c i a m it te t o n eig ou r oo sc oo .


    Asha Gou dOctober 11, 201 3 at 1:04 pm

    Wha t w ould be y our rea cti on as a h um an bein g a nd a s a w ould be IAS offic er i f y ou w ere in An il s place? ( 250 Wor ds)

    A: T he tea sta ll owner i s responsib le for tw o cri mes, fir st is pr ac ti cin g ch ild l abor an d second t he inh um an tr eat ment he subj ect s

    the child to. As a hum an being I should imm ediately stop the owner from beating the child an d rush the child to a near est

    hospital for treatment.

    I should then conta ct his parent s and request and adv ise them to send the child to school. If they a re real ly poor and cannot

    afford to send him to school, as an officer it is my duty to inform them about th e low cost schooling prov ided by governm ent to

    all chil dren. If they are not employed, th ey should be assisted in enrolling in to governm ent funded skill development

    programm es or self employm ent low interest credit facility av ailable for poor. They ca n be reffered to local NGO for further


    On the other hand if they are not ready t o cooperate an d are willfully sending the child to work, they should be inform ed sternly

    that it is illegal and they action would be taken against them .

    The police should then be informed about t he incident an d a complaint should be registered. They should be asked to act

    immediately against the tea stall owner. As a would be officer I should then interact with the police regarding the problem and

    how it went unnoticed in their area and what steps they would take in futur e to curb the practice.


    V.K. SahilOctober 11, 2 013 a t 2:28 pm

    good answer shortcoming i noticed

    low cost schooling?RTE brought right to education free for every child .cost is not an issue.


    raghusharmagOctober 11, 201 3 at 6:22 pm

    1 . 1st para u r on tar get but in 2n d u r ov eracting on it, its role of child commission tha t comes.also their ignorance

    2. w ill u directly take him to hospital? y

    3.wha t abt publics ignorance


    dr VineetOctober 11, 201 3 at 6:44 pm


    though the an swer reflects your concern doesnt it sound too idealistic?


    Asha Gou dOctober 12 , 2013 at 11 :19 am

    Hey every one.

    @ Sahil , y ou are right. RTE prov ides free educat ion. My m istake.

    @ Raghu, the boy is beaten to pulp it says so i thought he should be taken t o hospital,

    The ques also mentions i am a t o be officer, so shouldnt we be proactiv e.?

    @Vineet, i dont think its too idealistic, if i take lenient a pproach i am only ensurin g it wont stop here.


    V.K. SahilOctober 11, 201 3 at 2:21 pm
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    , .

    I will th orough ly en quire about the th e situa tion like is he only child employed there or there are more child.wh ere is his

    residence ?how he cam e to that shop?is this first incident of violence aga inst the boy or its a r egular affair.If that boy is not

    v ict im of an y orga nize ra cket best t hi ng to com mun ica te w ith hi s par ent an d expl ai n a bout th e r igh t of ch ild eg free an d

    compulsory education. i will explain his parent tha t employing child below 14 is crime.

    wi ll expl ai n c lea rl y to shop owner abou t n at ur e of cr im e as th ese people a re n ot a lw ay s aw ar e about law.

    in case child is orphan will consult NGO to take care him furth er. IF tea shop owner n ot allowing him to leave w ill inform police

    and r egister a FIR for t his.

    In case of organize racket of child trafficking FIR should be registered and furth er enquir y should be done.


    V.K. SahilOctober 11 , 2013 at 11 :40 pm

    friends plz rev iew.


    jagmoh an 2603October 1 1, 2 013 at 2:37 pm

    As a hu man bein g I fir st stop the shop owner an d th en a sk hi m to ca lm down , a nd t hen qui ckly see whet her th e boy is hu rt form

    spilling of tea an d breaking of glasses. If the boy is hurt t hen quickly ask for a first a id help or get help from near by doctor. When

    I satisfy th at boy is fine now then giv es him some wa ter and al lows him to settle. Th en I told the shop owner t hat it was not the

    mistake of boy it was m y fault, I was not aware of the boy standing behind me and accidentally touch the plates carrying the

    tea. I hav e apology for that. Th en I inquired about the boys age, and ask the owner a bout awar eness of the law s that a child

    below 1 4 y ear ag e ca nt be forc e to w ork a ccord ing to SC or ders.

    Ever y one has a social responsibility t o awa re people about th e laws and misconduct done by them m istakenly or knowingly . Its

    my duty to awar e them a bout the consequences of hiring a ch ild as it is illegal. A t ea shopkeeper is also from a v ulnera ble group

    it would be good if we can awa re them about their social responsibilities and to help children by n ot hiring th em an d conv ince

    their parents and relatives to allow th en to study and which m ake his future.

    It would be good to just war n them and strictly order him to nev er commit t his ty pe of mistakes. Approach t o the parents of the

    child or approach t o NGO who could help the ch ildren to tak e care of its studies.


    neerajOctober 11, 2 013 a t 2:40 pm

    Child labour is a punishable offence and has been bann ed. Physical a buse is also an offence.

    Firstly, I will stop the owner from beatin g the kid and tell him tha t he can not and shouldnot beat the kid. Then, I will enquire

    about the child, his parents and his whereabouts. Then I will tell him that child labour is against the law and he should not

    employ a m inor. Then I will leav e as creating a scene would not matter much.

    Then I will lodge FIR against th e shop and contact ch ild care serv ices to rescue the chil d. I will a lso giv e the police and child care

    services the w hereabouts of his parent s and ask them to prov ide foster care if need be.


    raghusharmagOctober 11, 2 013 a t 3:08 pm

    Case study day 1 5:

    The IAS officer or any public officer gather th e streng th by abiding to law & ethics not only in adv ersary situation but also in

    casual & normal one.

    In present th e issue ar e a boy i w orking in tea h op, by accident tea is spilled on y ou causing lo to you & hop owner and hop

    owner beating boy for this.

    The situ ation t ests law abidingness, coura ge & compassion from IAS officers side.

    Firstly, the boy w as being beaten. I will im mediately approach to shop owner to stop beating of boy . I will pay for loss to

    shopowner & a lso will ignore mine considering it w as an a ccident & I was also on fau lt side.
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    Secondly , the la rge issue is the boy working on tea shop. This is in conflict with child labor law , as such job comes in ha zardous

    category , and Right to education act under wh ich 6-14 y ear child enjoy free education. The greater concern was also public

    had rem ained ignorant of this. I will im mediately contact state or National ch ild right protection commission to look in to this

    and also will question their credibility by complaint redressal mechanism . I will also highlight ig norance of public to themselve

    sighting justice only strength en when public itself follows it. By th eir coura ge such crim inal activ ity ca n be completely



    vipu lOctober 11, 201 3 at 4:23 pm

    Wha t w ould be y our rea cti on as a h um an bein g a nd a s a w ould be IAS offic er i f y ou w ere in An il s place ? ( 25 0 Wor ds)

    An il c ould n ot n otice th e boy sta ndin g ju st beh ind hi m as h e was on c al l. Whole inc iden ts occu red d ue t o th e neg lig enc e on pa rt o

    An il & sma ll boy . If I am at An il s place, bein g a ma tu red person, I wil l a dmit my neg lig enc e to the own er of shop. I wi ll offer h im

    the am ount for broken glasses and prev ent him from beat ing the kid. I will also warn th e owner to inv olve in such abusiv e

    beh av ior i n fu tu re.

    Being an IAS officer, it is my duty to monitor the child la bor cases.

    I will enquir e the kid about the owner behav ior. In case, he mentions frequent v erbal/phy sical abuse, I will lodge complain

    aga inst him in local police station.

    Though current laws allow for children employment in nonhazardous occupation but India is already moving towards complete

    prohibition of child labor. Under RTE man date, children between 6-1 4 y ears old should get free education.

    I will get t he details of child parents /guar dians and request them t o send their child for education. I will inform t hem t hat their

    child has basic right t o get free education and th ey a re duty bound to admit t heir kid in schools. I will ask th em to contact local

    authority/me in case local school refuses to admit their ward.


    sapthagiriOctober 12, 2013 at 1:53 am

    The Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Amendment Bill, 2012

    In light of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2 009, t he Bill seeks to prohibit employmen t of

    children below 14 y ears in all occupations except wh ere the child helps his family after school hours.


    Vijay PateriyaOctober 11, 2 013 a t 4:54 pm

    For any huma n being to let other become the scapegoat w ithout accepting other fault is moral imm aturity and cowardice and a

    a would-be IAS officer law demands action and expla nation to any body trespassing th e laws.

    First of all tea spilling is not the fau lt of the boy so its demanded to respond as the boy sav iour accepting m y own fault a nd make

    the shopowner kn ow it.Furth er I would ask him to add the fine to the bill so that ill ma ke his losses.I will also make th e boy feel

    confident and not hum iliated and embar rassed by t alking some frank topic to him.His sensitive m ind must not get even th e hin

    of embar rassment a s it will suppress his personalit y .

    Now being an IAS officer its mu st for m e to make th e shopowner awa re of the legal consequences of employing a childlabour,tr eating him ca relessly a nd detail him of Child Labour laws,RTE,MDM and other gov ernm ental scheme regar ding the

    children welfa re so tha t he can h imself act upon it and will fur ther spread the m essage to his other peers.Furth er if I Will contac

    any Social welfare agency to take care of these type of law v iolations regularly ,repoting th e mat ter.So that th ey could proceed

    wi th th eir effort s in t he c ase.


    Vijay PateriyaOctober 11, 2 013 a t 5:06 pm



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    raghusharmagOctober 11 , 2013 at 6:13 pm

    I felt ur answer on surface. It lacks mat urity .maturity of presenting with clarity.(Just m y opinion)

    It is v ery good that finally u hv began to use small sentence.

    I felt u lost steam in end eg: MDM was out of context.

    Try to 1st know problem involved in separate or integrating in answer by this u will clear the hotch potch of ur answer.


    seemaOctober 11, 2 013 a t 6:04 pm

    The issue was ver y serious as child do not hav e power t o protect him self.

    Firstly stop the shopman from beat ing the ch ild and scold him for his harsh act ion and wron him for his illegal child labouring .

    An d took t he c hi ld t o good ngo or an y associa ti on worki ng for ch ild empower ment .

    An d aft er i t, if n ecessary ta ke a ct ion a ga inst th e shopm an ..


    seemaOctober 11, 2 013 a t 6:05 pm

    Insights plz rev iew my ans.


    raghusharmagOctober 11, 2 013 a t 6:15 pm

    pls hv a look at above answerthese will help u in answer writing.


    dr VineetOctober 11, 2 013 a t 6:59 pm

    There ar e three issues here

    1. Gross v iolation of Child Labour Act

    2. Inhuman tr eatment of child

    3. socioeconomic cir cum stances of childs family (which seems to be major cau se for child la bour)

    Aft er st opping shopkeeper fr om scolding child, Ar un shoul d im media tel y inform police an d ask th em to ca rr y out inv esti ga tion s

    and act a ccordingly.

    To hav e real im pact, Parents of child should be contacted and th e real r eason for child labour should be found out. Th ey should

    be cou ncelled rega rdi ng fac ilit y of free education an d new const istu tion al prov isions r ega rdin g ch ild l abou r.

    Meanwhile conta ct should be ma intained w ith SHO of concerned Police stat ion and stress for fair inv estiogation a nd justice.

    Regular follow up with parents and SHO should be mainta ined and possible help and guidanace n eeds to be offered. The time a nd

    efforts are w orth as it would help improve lot of a family and decrease the child labour to some extent.


    dryogeshdOctober 11 , 2013 at 8:11 pm

    You h av e not consider ed th e cogn izable offen ce bei ng perpetr at ed by th e own er rig ht in f ront of y our ey es, ph y sica l a buse of

    any one is a cognizable offence, first, stop the m an from beating the boy , assess the condition of the boy , see if the boy n eeds

    first aid, call for an am bulance if requ ired, call th e police and file an official complaint, a s per the sections on phy sical abuse,

    and child labor, pay the shop owner for tea an d the broken glasses. Once these are done, you mu st rehabilita te the chil d by

    inv olving t he social an d child welfare organizations, gov ernm ent or otherwise. There no necessity for apologizing or cajoling

    or pleading with a a n indiv idual wh o has violated the law to such degree. You need to be strong and strict and enforce the law

    wh en i t m at ter s, and a buse of c hi ldr en i s one suc h c ase w her e y ou ca n n ot negoti at e.
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    Adeeb PathanOctober 31, 201 3 at 4:22 pm

    I fully agree with this view. Child physical abuse isnt something that we should try to address by cajoling or pleading

    wi th th e per petr at or. I w as w ill ing to add to m y an swer th at I should hig hl igh t t hi s case i n m edia (with a dequat e

    protection to the victim s identity ) so tha t it ma y serv e as a warning t o people who employ ch ild labour and abuse them.


    dr VineetOctober 11, 2 013 a t 7:00 pm

    friends please assess and reply


    Abh inavOctober 1 1, 2 013 at 7:49 pm

    Firstly, i w ill stop the shop owner from t hra shing the boy a nd make him know that i my self is responsible for the spill-ov er and

    break ag e. Then i w ill look at boy s condi tion to see w het her h e r eceiv ed any inj ur ies and a ccor ding ly giv e hi m some fi rst ai d.

    Later i will tell him that his employing a child itself a crim e and physically abusing him,for wh atever reason it is, a biggercrim e indeed.And i will war n him not to repeat this, else face serious consequences.I will then settle h im t he money for

    break ag e.Then i will find th e wher eab outs an d detai ls of th at boy . I wi ll ta lk t o his pa ren ts a nd i nform th em th at its a cr im e

    employing their children below 1 4 y ears and they hav e a responsible duty on them to prov ide education to their wa rd.I will

    provide awa reness to them a bout compulsory and free education prov ided by g ovt for their ch ild. If needed i will tell t hem a bou

    v ar ious w elfa re a nd dev elopm ent al measu re by gov t for th em to substa nt iate t hei r i ncom es etc . t her eby desist t hem from

    resorting to child labor.

    If at all t he boy is a orphan , i will take him t o a relev ant NGO and ensure that he receive adequat e basic facilities including good

    education from thereon.


    sekharkothuruOctober 11, 2 013 a t 7:58 pm

    In the given situa tion, if I were Anil, fir stly, I stop the owner of the shop from beating t he serva nt boy an d admit th at th e it was

    an accident and It was actually not the boys fault a nd pay the money for th e broken glass.

    Secondly , I enquire about th e boy who is working and got beaten; from h ow long hav e you been working in th e shop, about his

    education, parent s and his whereabouts. Then, I come to th e shop owner and m ake him awa re of the Child Labour (prohibition

    and regu lation) Act, 1 986 and consequences for v iolation of the aforementioned law like penalizing and liable for further

    prosecution. As it is cognizable offence and blat ant v iolation of law, th e shop owner can be ch arge-sheeted.

    However, for ever y person wh o is not awar e of laws and consequences for v iolation of the law ca n be giv en an opportu nity to

    mend th eir way s and to tread upon right path. Th e shop-owner should be sternly war ned and also caut ioned tha t if this gets

    repeated again, y ou will be in the soup.


    sekharkothuruOctober 11, 2 013 a t 8:06 pm

    Hi frenzpls. review my answer and lemme know the areas of improvement.


    dryogeshdOctober 11, 201 3 at 8:13 pm

    You c an rea d m y response t o Dr. V ineet

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    dryogeshdOctober 11, 201 3 at 8:16 pm

    Hi all, read m y response to dr. v ineet to understand the m istakes.


    SonalOctober 11, 2 013 a t 8:26 pm

    The child labour law explicitly bars children from working at dhaba s, restau ran ts and tea stalls. But poor enforcement in most

    of the cities means tha t chh otu rema ins almost ubiquitous at r oadside eateries. As a hum an being a nd as a citizen of India one

    should work towar ds curbing it. More so when I am a civil serv ent. In this case the very first reaction should be to immediatly

    stop the shop owner from beat ing him and exam ine the child if he is hurt ( bur ns) and arra nge first aid(burnol, ice, cold wat er)

    based upon sev eri ty an d av ail abi lit y .

    Thereafter, I shall tell the shop owner tha t it w as my fault and pay for th e damage. Then dial 1 00 and report the incident (of

    child labour) to local police. Meanwhile, I will councel the child tha t he should not fear a nd even rev el my professional identity

    in case I feel it will imbibe faith a nd confidence in him. I shall discuss with the ch ild and try to fetch the nam es of other ch ildren

    wh o ar e workin g sim ila rly in th e loca lit y . Fu rt her , I sha ll prov ide t he inform at ion so collected to the polic e an d request them to

    take it further.

    Child labour is not by choice, its deep rooted to the vicious circle imbibed by poverty . I will tr y to meet his parents and ma ke

    them understand th at its not only illega l to do so, but al so leads to lack of educat ion which cur tails any futur e prospect of

    economic stablity to come. I will educate th em wh ich th e ongoing govern ment schem es of RTE, Child Labour r ehabilita tionfund, National Ch ild Labour Project and about local NGOs who provide volunt ary support. I will also encoura ge them to

    motivate others againt child labour in th eir locality and educate other with the legalality and punishment inv olved. Finally I

    shall provide them toll free numbers of government and v oluntary organizations who can help them with transition.


    SonalOctober 11 , 2013 at 11 :23 pm

    Friends, Please review my answer.


    AshishOctober 12 , 2013 at 7:37 am

    Good one


    VinodOctober 11, 2 013 a t 8:48 pm

    the situa tion checks officers emotional intelligence a nd his courage , knowledge and presence of mind.

    first of all, i will tell the tea staller immediately to stop the child beating ,and then i will inquire him from where he got the

    child. if he is hesitating t o give response properly then i w ould ask the child about w here he belongs.

    if the child tells that he wa s compelled and forced by someone to work on this tea stall , then definitely it would be a crimina l

    case as probably any child racket is involv ed in selling the child or forcing him to work to work at this tea stall or at any other

    place. In this situa tion i will call th e police and inform them about the situa tion.

    In case child tells he is sent here at th is tea stall by h is parent s for some earn ing as they are v ery poor or ha v ing some other

    serious family problem , then i will call a Child Care Agency working in tha t ar ea and ask them to take care of the child, his

    rehabilitation and education.

    Mean wh ile i will sternly w arn t hat tea staller also about hiring any child below 14 years for work is a criminal offence which

    wi ll resu lt in closin g down h is tea st al l a nd a jai l pu nish ment for sev era l y ear s.Bein g t hr eat ened wi th th is wa rn ing he wi ll nev e

    dare to hire a child aga in. As we know a tea staller h ire a child for work only to cut and reduce th e labour cost.

    Re l
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    aspirantOctober 11, 201 3 at 11 :05 pm

    Wha t w ould be y our rea cti on as a h um an bein g a nd a s a w ould be IAS offic er i f y ou w ere in An il s place? ( 250 Wor ds)

    A: Chi ld labou r r em ain s a m ajor issue for indi a despite of th e ex isit ing la ws l ike Chi ld Labour (Prohibit ion a nd Reg ul at ion)

    Ac t, 1 98 6. Its poor im plem ent at ion h as led to ali ena tin g ch ildr en fr om r egu la r sch ooling an d al so frequ ent subj ect ion t o

    inhu ma n treat ment a t workplaces.In this case,the stall owner is responsible for not only v iolating child labour law s but also

    subjecting a child to physical torture.

    In the first place,it is my moral dut y to sav e the child from the phy sical abuse of shopowner a nd ensure that he is okay .If not,illarr ange for the medical aid according to the severit y of the situation.

    Thereafter,ill warn the shopkeeper not to repeat such behav iour w ith any child and pay h im th e dues admitting m y mistake.

    As a would be IAS officer, il l en quire abou t t he c ondit ion of the child a nd h is family an d to the rea sons wh y is he inv olv ed in such

    wor k in stea d of at ten ding school a nd lear nin g . Ill t al k to his fa mily ,t ell th em abou t RTE a nd other serv ices pr ov ided t o them by

    govern ment to ensure holistic dev elopment of their child.Ill persuade th em t o send their ch ildren to school

    and that failing to do this may bring them legal proceedings.

    Also,ill logde a compla int ag ain st t he sh opkeeper an d discu ss the ca se wi th

    the local officer as to why such practice is still prev ailing in th eir area.

    Being, a citizen of this country we ought t o behav e responsibly regar ding such issues and make our fellow citizens aware of their

    rights and to ensure that such practices no longer prevails.


    aspirantOctober 11 , 2013 at 11 :19 pm

    plz review.


    Naveen ShekharOctober 11 , 2013 at 11 :49 pm

    Good s best,though the search for complete an swer still continues


    Rahul AgarwalOctober 12, 201 3 at 4:11 pm

    This case shows the a ppaling condition of child labor preval ent in our count ry . Since, Mosr of the ch ild laborers are taken fr om

    the poor ru ral areas wh ere parents ar e in dire need of source of income, thu s this practice is going on una bated.

    If i would be at Anils place, i will first try to stop the shop-owner from phy sically pu nishing the y oung boy. I will also remin d

    him t hat , employing a 1 0 yea r old boy is aga inst the legal provisions.Since there ma y be economic dependencies attach ed to the

    boy , i w ill not t ry to disr upt hi s employ ment , bu t w ill ask th e own er to m ak e sur e th at he i s enr olled i n a nea rby gov ern ment

    school, so that h e can al so pursue education in betw een his daily work. I will also ask the owner to refrain from using phy sical

    force for punishment an d will check wh ether th e proprtionate w ages has been given to him or not. I will al so enquire boy about

    the foodind and lodging prov ided by the owner.

    I will giv e my num ber to the young boy and ask him to inform me in case of any a ssistance or adverse situa tion, so that i may

    help him in th e possible way .


    Agam GoyalOctober 13, 201 3 at 12 :25 pm

    The situa tion here r eflects a gra v e sense of apathy , loss of compassion an d non compliance of laws such a s Prohibition of Child

    Labour, RTE provisions which ar e still not being implement ed fully in India.

    An il fi rst ly ha s to stop t he shop own er from beatin g t he child, ta ke t he c hi ld for medica l a tt ent ion a nd a t t he sam e t im e tak e

    action aga inst the shop keeper for illegal em ployment of child below the age of 14.
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    2/27/2014 Ethics Case Study 15 | INSIGHTS 10

    An il sh ould a lso ask th e ch ild, not only sy mpat hetic al ly but w ith em pat hy abou t h is fami ly , h is schooling an d nu tr iti on needs

    and should full all his needs by conta cting th e local implementing aut hority of v arious schemes such a s ICDS, RTE etc. Anil

    should monitor childs progress personally from ther eon as it creates a sense of security for that child.

    As a n IAS offi cer , A nil needs t o refl ect upon th e pr ac ti ca l pr oblem s an d la cuna e of th e im plem ent at ion of t he a cts a nd t hi nk of

    innova tiv e solutions example being he could ask his local group of fellow aspirants to take start a program me like Each one,

    Teach one, which doesnt require much efforts and infrastructure.

    The other issue here reflects loss of societal eth ics and morality as seen in th e behav ior of the shop owner. Anil should try and

    form a commu nity based monitoring system inv olving gov ernm ent agencies, local civil society orga nisations and citizens for

    effective implement ation, awa reness generat ion and sym bolic tra nsform ation of the society at lar ge.

    As a prec edenc e for st ri ct complia nce of leg al prov isions, he sh ould press for str ong a nd r eform ist pu nish ment for the shopkeep er


    Agam GoyalOctober 14, 201 3 at 5:33 pm

    Please review guy s


    NBOctober 13 , 2013 at 11 :41 pm

    As a hu man bein g fi rst of al l I wou ld im mediatel y stop th e shopkeeper an d scold him wh y he is bea tin g t he y oun g boy for n o fau l

    of his. I should clearly war n him tha t he should stop putting child as employee on his stall. I should imm ediately console child.

    Since now I hav e lot of confidence as I am , IAS officer. My whole life aspiration is to dedicate t o people and rem ove th e sufferings

    of them. Ch ild is so innocent, he n eeds proper envir onment a nd care to become good citizen. For this child I will find out how he

    can go to school and convince h is parent s not to make him work for little money . I will ensure th at h e is properly rehabilit ated. I

    required I will become mentor of him.


    csOctober 1 4, 2013 at 9:07 am

    as a human being it is my moral duty to save the hapless child from the lashing.the child is being beaten because he has caused

    loss for th e stall owner.i w ould offer to pay for the dam ages as i too was inv olved in th e accident and th is would protect th e boy

    from furt her beating.

    as an officer tra inee and a responsible citizen it is my duty to explain the tea

    stall owner th at employing children below 1 4 a nd beating them is in contrav ention of th e same time i w ould also

    compalin about the same to the relev ant au thorities so tha t the boy can be rescued from child labour.

    i would intera ct wit h th e boy to know whet her h e is enrolled in a school or not .if he is out of school i would meet his parents and

    enlight en them about the rig ht t o education and persuade them t o send him to school.


    Varu n Chau daryOctober 16 , 2013 at 12 :42 am

    First as a Common citizen who broke glasses he has to pay for th e Shopkeeper and Now as an a dministrat or he has to inform tothe respective authorities regarding Child Labour in that area and take legal action on the shopkeeper after Making Necessary

    arr angem ents for th e boy to get his Right to Education.It is his Moral du ty to provide some sort of income to boys family so tha t

    they will not send their ch ild to work.


    MohitOctober 1 8, 2013 at 1:26 am

    Aft er a y ear of int ense t ra ini ng at LBSNA A , An il h as c ome t o Mukh erj ee Na ga r t o meet h is close fr ien d Par ul wh o is prepa ri ng

    for civil serv ices. Anil is wearing squeaky clean w hite shirt and a costly pant a nd shoes. Instead of going to a posh h otel, out of

    nostalg ia Anil v isits a roadside tea shop to hav e a cup of tea wit h his friend who is comfortable wit h it.
  • 8/10/2019 Ethics Case Study 15 _ INSIGHTS


    2/27/2014 Ethics Case Study 15 | INSIGHTS

    A 1 0 y ear old boy , w ho w as c lea nin g dish es un ti l their ar riv al , br ing s both of th em tw o gla sses of tea on his m ast ers order . A nil

    wh o is on a phone ca ll, un aw ar e of boy sta ndin g behi nd h im , a ccid ent al ly touches th e pla te c ar ry ing tea glasses. Hot tea spills a

    over h is shirt and g lasses are broken int o pieces on th e ground. Th e owner of the shop, seeing th is, beats the boy to a pulp.

    Wha t w ould be y our rea cti on as a h um an bein g a nd a s a w ould be IAS offic er i f y ou w ere in An il s place ? ( 25 0 Wor ds)

    As a hu man bein g, my fir st r eac ti on would be to stop th e own er from bea tin g t he c hi ld. I woul d exp la in to h im th at it wa s my

    mistake a nd the sma ll boy should not be punished for it. I would also pay th e owner for the loss caused due to my n egligence. As

    the sma ll boy would definitely be shaken from th e ordeal of bashings, I would console him a nd buy him a chocolate or a sweet to

    giv e him some happiness.

    As a n IAS offi cer , I wou ld be aw ar e th at it wa s a cl ear case of chi ld labou r a nd t ha t t he tea own er wa s v iolati ng laws. Howev er, it

    is also tru e that there a re lakhs of such ch ildren who work as labourers because they h av e no other option to sustain them selvesand th eir fam ily . So I would talk to the tea owner and find out if the boy w as his own ch ild. If yes, I would sensitise him to the

    need of not makin g him work. If not his own child, I would let him know of the child labour law and th e consequences for th e

    owner if he continued to make the child work.

    I would ask him to immediately free the child from his work duty .

    If the child wa s living w ith h is parent s, I would go with th e child to his house and try to conv ince the parent s to not make h im

    wor k and l et h im dev ote h is ti me to study an d other household wor k if n eed be. If the ch ild di dnt ha v e an y par ent s an d wa s

    liv ing on the streets, I would take him to a protection home in Delhi for his education and reha bilitation.

    To make this a wider reform program me, I would ask the local body or police to surv ey t he area for such child la bourers as there

    are bound to be more such cases, and egg them t o take the required correctiv e actions.


    AlbertNovember 18, 2013 at 9:12 am

    Wha t if th e ch ild i s son of th e tea sh op owner ?


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    Shiji ChanduJanuary 3 0, 2014 at 4 :05 pm

    This is a serious issue because of the boy is a min or.According to Right t o Educat ion act all students under 1 4 y s age giv e free an

    compulsory education.

    Here first ai protect th e boy from his masters beat.Th en i told about this offence.If the m aster is try to understand me i will a lso

    give awareness about child about education otherwise i will put the boy behind the teashop.and will take action against the

